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There are many ways to improve Colitis symptoms one of the most effective that I have found is taking Probiotics regularly Did you know there is more bacteria in your intestinal tract than there are cells in your body?

Benefits of Probiotics -
o They reduce diarrhea
o They are anti-inflammatory
o They Manufacture B complex vitamins
o They help regulate bowel movements
o They create lactic acid that balances intestinal pH levels

There are many other benefits from Probiotic's but these are the main ones we are concerned with in Colitis. Probiotics really work by reducing your diarrhea and lowering inflammation levels in the bowel. When I first took the right type of Probiotics in the right quantity I was amazed at the results, they really improved my stool consistency back to normal in a matter of days.

There are several ways of getting Probiotics into your Diet -

Supplements - There are many many Probiotic supplements for sale out there and it can be confusing knowing which one to take. What you need if you have Colitis is a high powered probiotic with multiple strains of bacteria in it. The best types need to be refrigerated, to keep them fresh and ready for action when they arrive in your intestines. I take one sachet of probiotics containing 450billion live bacteria once a day before bed in a small amount of live goats yogurt. This I find very useful in keeping my bowels regular and my stools well formed. If I feel things are a little bit loose one day then I just take an extra sachet during the day and that gets things back on track.

Kefir - Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your "inner ecosystem." More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins. It really is amazing stuff and the good news is that you can make it at home yourself with very little effort or cost! Kefir provides a virtual Swat team of probiotics which get straight to work cleaning up your intestines. You make Kefir by putting Kefir Grains which look a bit like small bits of cauliflower - and are a living microorganism - into a jar of milk. The Kefir then eats up all the lactose in the milk and as a byproduct produces lots of natural living probiotics which when you drink them help your intestines to function better. I drink a glass of my own home made kefir every morning as part of my breakfast because as well as being an excellent probiotic it is also an excellent nutritious food.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In this day and age mobile phones and smartphones in particular are the new method for communication, research, entertainment, and even shopping. If you're going to remain competitive, you have to start thinking of ways in which to attract the attention of the new aged consumer. While most hospitals have a call center and a website, chances are consumers are already on to the next thing. Mobile websites have become the thing to develop as more and more consumers look to their smartphones for viewing information online. There are about 95 million US citizens that currently use their phones to surf the web and the number will only continue to grow. This is why it is important to keep your website mobile friendly.

You might be wondering what a mobile website is. Simply put it's a traditional website that has been customized just for the use of smartphones and other mobile devices. This allows users to access, read, and navigate through the site on a smaller screen. Mobile websites are also developed using coding such as HTML/CSS, however they are typically under a different domain name. As your potential customers begin looking for your website on their mobile phones they will automatically be directed to your mobile site which is easier for use. Not having a mobile website could cause consumers to deter from visiting your site again, as it can be pretty difficult for them to interact with the large information that is on your site.

Other than the peaked interest of consumers, there are other benefits to having a mobile websites listed below:

  1. With a mobile website there will be no need for your customers to search through a 3rd party app store to access your site. Your site is very simple to find as they only need to type in the link. This makes your site available on demand which means less hassle for your potential consumers.

  2. Having a mobile website gives access to everyone with a mobile device. Your site is not specifically catered to simply one brand of phone or device, which is great for consumers who have more than one device in which they use for internet surfing.

  3. Mobile marketing has become a big thing for many businesses. Having the ability to send information to your current and potential consumers is something that no business owner wants to pass up. Your consumers are able to view your mobile advertising and access information on your website instantly.

  4. You are able to make a one stop shop for your consumers. Your mobile website can be easily linked to other web apps and directories, meaning you can offer your consumers features such as a symptom checker that your healthcare consumes would love..

  5. Many businesses are not aware that it is less expensive to maintain a mobile website than it would be to include apps that will rely on app stores.

  6. Mobile websites are the new innovative thing of the future. As mobile companies continue to create comprehensive phones that allow for people to utilize the internet on the go, companies need to continue to renovate to the next level.

There are some common things that you should remember to keep in mind when creating your mobile websites:

  • Make sure that your content is simple. Less is more, since your mobile consumers will be using their phones you have to accommodate their small screens.

  • Make your calls to action your focal point. Figure out what it is you want your audience to do. Whether that's come to your business for medical attention, or get updated information on healthcare in America, you need to make this the main focus.

  • Make sure you have click to call options for consumers. While they are visiting a mobile website you still want to give them the option to call you if they are in need of help.

It is wise to start building your mobile website now. Everyday that you waste could be another day in which consumers are using other businesses because they are accommodating their needs.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you need help making money quick, then listen up. This short article shows you exactly to make money fast with 3 proven ideas. Sure, you've got to take a little action, but I'm talking about making money quick, like as fast as tonight. So, let's not waste anytime. If you follow along, you can truly get money quick. Here's 3 ideas to make money fast:

Make Quick Money Online

The fastest and easiest way to make some money right now is to look through your attic, garage, and wherever else you (or your spouse) keeps your junk. Find everything you can and list it on eBay. You'd be surprised how many people buy stuff on eBay...stuff that you honestly would rather just throw away.

Selling some of your old collectibles can produce a pretty penny as well. I've seen a friend of mine sell his old coins for thousands of dollars online. Ah, the power of eBay.

Now let's pretend for a second you don't have a garage full of stuff (you know you do!). What can you do then? Here's a supertip for you. Go to sites like freecycle.com and see what people are giving away for FREE. Go pick it up, then sell that on eBay. A little cheezy I know, but hey, you did say you want to be making money quick, right?

If that doesn't product enough money fast enough for you, try this:

Get Quick Money Given To You

Let's face it. We all know someone with money. Heck, in my family I'M the one with money! I can't tell you how many times I've coughed up thousands of dollars for a friend of family member. Sister needs college money? Here ya go. Mom needs knee surgery? Got it. Friend needs a new laptop for his job? Sign me up!

So, sadly you aren't my friend (yet!) or in my family. But odds are you know someone who has a few extra bucks laying around. Make the phone call. Tell them what you need. Make sure you use a REASON WHY. That's what it's all about. I need $1,000 because I want to start an online marketing business and I can get a personal coach to help me setup everything, Uncle Rich. (like that name?;)

If begging and pleading doesn't work, don't worry. There are other alternatives. You can hit up payday loan and cash advance places. There in your town. Google them. They are not the best places usually and I don't really like the practice. I'd only recommend them if it was such a necessity that life and limb were on the line.

Otherwise, I'd keep working on Uncle Rich or check in Granny. But, what if you've got no family with money and time is running out. You've got to make money fast...and I mean quick. Like, yesterday, even. Here's the real secret to making money quick:

Make Money Working Online

OK, so by now you're expecting me to sell you something. But, don't worry. I've got something you can do for free to make quick cash. You might not like it, but it is pretty fast and easy.

Join Elance.com. It's free to join. (yay!) You can setup an account and start doing any odd jobs you possibly can. Companies and people like me put jobs on there that pay anywhere from $50 all the way up to the tens of thousands. I'd start small if I were you. Focus on what you can already do.

Some examples are accounting, copywriting, editing, translation, web design, virtual assistant, and a lot more. If you can't find anything you can do there then try these 2 sites:

Fiverr.com and MTurk.com

They don't pay as much, but the jobs you can do are a lot easier. Actually, the site Fiverr.com is up to you. You post what job you will do for $5.00. It can get a little crazy in there. But hey, $5 is $5 right?

If you don't mind putting in a little effort you can setup a blog and find affiliate offers to promote. You can setup a free blog at Blogger.com or WordPress.com. Pick a niche you like. Could be knitting, writing, whatever. Use ClickBank.com and CJ.com to find affiliate offers you can add to your blog. When people click your affiliate links and buy, you get paid.

Through CJ.com you can even promote eBay products. What do you know, we've come full circle. To make even more money off your blog, you can add Google AdSense. These are ads that Google runs on your site and when your visitors click the ads you get paid. Sometimes I get clicks that pay me $2-$4. Isn't that cool?

1 click an hour and you're making decent money everyday.What have we learned about making money quick? So, what have we learned? If you're looking to make money fast you're easiest option is to start with eBay. Go through the garage, the attic, wherever and start listing. Just think, you can make a few bucks AND finally see your garage floor again. After you've exhausted your eBay stash, start calling the friends and family. At least one of them has some money they need to give to somebody. What not you? I heard Uncle Rich is waiting for your phone call. Just remember, after you say how much you need, follow up with the word because and explain why.

And after that...go to elance.com. Find odd jobs, do them. Make money fast and easy. Quickly, even. It's all up to you. Good luck, though with these ideas to make money fast you won't need luck.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you have ever wondered what it would be like to operate on a person's heart or how a doctor may operate on a person's knee, you may not have to wonder for long. One of the many kinds of games you can now find online and play for free is a surgery game. This kind of a game comes in many variants and can be played either as a serious game that educates you on the intricacies and complexities of surgery or as a wacky game that makes you do crazy things with a person's body or organs.

There are a number of free games that focus on surgery online and finding them is pretty easy. You will find that there is a surgery game for the body part you are most interested in learning about or in experimenting on. There are games that make you operate on a person's heart, a person's brain, a knee, a hip and many more. Of course, those who aspire to become surgeons in the future can get their basic operation lessons at a early age and in a fun way with these games that both children and adults can play.

If you are into morbid games that show people operating on others with the use of tools that are not used in regular surgery, then you will be glad to know that there are a lot of those online too. There is a surgery game that gets you to use unconventional surgical tools to operate on your patients and these can include such weird items like a pizza cutter, a stapler, salad tongs, a kitchen knife and even a cigarette lighter. This weird yet fun game can prove to be very addictive and very funny at the same time as you try to work your way into the surgical business with the help of these tools.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Excess amount of fat deposits in the lower region of the abdominal muscles is termed as love handles. Love handles develop due to the accumulation and development of excess amount of fatty tissues in this area. The bulge is further aggravated due to gravitational pulls from the sides. Love handles destroy one's appearance and make an ugly impression when it comes to looks. Therefore people with these unwanted structures strive to lose them at any cost.

Love handles can be got rid of only through a proper diet and exercising. Though there are some ways to burn fat without exercising, they are not recommended as they won't be giving you any toning of the muscles. On the other hand, there are exercises that will raise your metabolic rate and tone your muscles while you lose your love handles. However, you have to follow a healthy diet along with exercising in order to lose your love handles and keep your abs flat forever.

Exercises that focus only on diminishing your love handles are not much effective. Rather those exercises that tone up your entire body are helpful in losing love handles. In order to burn excess fats that are accumulated, your metabolism should be elevated. There are no specific exercises that can reduce love handles, thus those exercises and workouts that aid in toning up the entire body by burning up excess fats accumulated are collectively referred to as "exercises for love handles".

Here are some exercises picked out of the never ending list of exercises for love handles for you to follow in order to get rid of your love handles. Start now with an appropriate diet and a regular exercise scheduled to get that ugly stuff away!

Cardiovascular Exercises for love handles

Cardiovascular exercises for love handles elevate your body's metabolism and aid in getting rid of love handles in an effective manner. Involve in cardiovascular exercises for 20 to 45 minutes per day. There are indoor cardiovascular exercises as well as outdoor ones. Stationary bicycles, treadmill, stair climbers, ladder climbers, elliptical trainers and rowing machines are indoor cardiovascular exercises. Swimming, biking, jogging, treadmill, running, rowing, hiking and walking are outdoor cardiovascular exercises. Cardiovascular exercises should be accompanied with other regular exercises like crunches, pull-ups and push-ups to get rid of your love handles. In the beginning, it will be a few weeks before you realise any positive changes in your abdominal structure. However, prompt positive effects will be realised in the areas of metabolism and mental alertness within a few days.


Crunches are abdominal exercises. They help you to lose love handles by lowering fats in the abdominal region. Here are three different types of crunches that concentrate more on your love handles. To have an effective reduction of love handles, we recommend you to repeat the below given crunches at least 25 times each.

  1. Regular Crunches

  2. Lie back on the ground over a floor mat and keep your feet fixed to the floor with raised knees. Fold both your hands on the back of your head for support. Now slowly lift up your head and try to touch your knees, while keeping your stomach tight. Return back to the initial position now.

  3. Twisted Crunch

  4. Lie back on the floor and keep your hands folded at the back of your head. Now bend your right knee, stretch the left leg and raise your head slowly and flex to touch the left elbow with the right knee. Now repeat this with the left leg.

  5. Reverse Crunch

Lie back on the ground over a floor mat and keep your feet fixed to the floor with raised knees. Fold both your hands on the back of your head for support. Lift up your knees to come in contact with the elbows. During this exercise, your head and your upper body should not move. They should lie flat on the floor.

Trunk Twists

Stand up straight and place your two feet at a distance of one foot from each other. Turn your waist to the right and to the left alternatively, while keeping the legs and knees stationed. When you turn to your right, move around your left arm in that direction; and when you turn to your left, move your right arm in that direction.

Leg Flapping

Lie down on a floor mat such that your abdomen touches the ground. Raise your head slowly while you place your arms firmly at your sides. Now raise your legs and your knees and flutter them to and fro one by one.

Dumbbell exercise

Take two small dumbbells or two small mineral water bottles. Stand straight placing your feet far apart (shoulder width distance). Bend your arms and hold the dumbbells at close proximity to your body. Twist your hip and legs, while keeping your legs straight as you bend sideways.

Lean to your left from your waist and stretch your right hand to your left. Come back to the initial position and return back your arm to your body. Repeat the same with your right side and stretch your left hand to your right.

Stability-Ball Twist

Lie yourself on your back over a stability ball while keeping your feet on the ground. At your chest level, hold a medicine ball and stretch your arms. Place your buttock on the ball, and slowly turn your trunk to the left till your knuckles point towards the wall. Now get back to the centre and do the same with the next side.

Roll and curl

Start with a push-up like posture, keeping your feet rested on a stability ball, and your hands on the ground distanced at shoulder width. Place your abdomen and buttock tight; bend your knees to roll the ball towards the right of your chest. Stretch your legs to rotate the ball back to the initial position. Now do the same with the left.

Medicine-Ball Twist

Lie on the floor while holding a medicine ball with both the hands with your face upwards. Bend your knees at right angle with your feet on the ground. Do an abdominal crunch by twisting your shoulders to your right while pulling the ball to the right side of your thighs; simultaneously, move your knees to the left. Get back to the initial position and do the same with the other side.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Excess amount of fat deposits in the lower region of the abdominal muscles is termed as love handles. Love handles develop due to the accumulation and development of excess amount of fatty tissues in this area. The bulge is further aggravated due to gravitational pulls from the sides. Love handles destroy one's appearance and make an ugly impression when it comes to looks. Therefore people with these unwanted structures strive to lose them at any cost.

Love handles can be got rid of only through a proper diet and exercising. Though there are some ways to burn fat without exercising, they are not recommended as they won't be giving you any toning of the muscles. On the other hand, there are exercises that will raise your metabolic rate and tone your muscles while you lose your love handles. However, you have to follow a healthy diet along with exercising in order to lose your love handles and keep your abs flat forever.

Exercises that focus only on diminishing your love handles are not much effective. Rather those exercises that tone up your entire body are helpful in losing love handles. In order to burn excess fats that are accumulated, your metabolism should be elevated. There are no specific exercises that can reduce love handles, thus those exercises and workouts that aid in toning up the entire body by burning up excess fats accumulated are collectively referred to as "exercises for love handles".

Here are some exercises picked out of the never ending list of exercises for love handles for you to follow in order to get rid of your love handles. Start now with an appropriate diet and a regular exercise scheduled to get that ugly stuff away!

Cardiovascular Exercises for love handles

Cardiovascular exercises for love handles elevate your body's metabolism and aid in getting rid of love handles in an effective manner. Involve in cardiovascular exercises for 20 to 45 minutes per day. There are indoor cardiovascular exercises as well as outdoor ones. Stationary bicycles, treadmill, stair climbers, ladder climbers, elliptical trainers and rowing machines are indoor cardiovascular exercises. Swimming, biking, jogging, treadmill, running, rowing, hiking and walking are outdoor cardiovascular exercises. Cardiovascular exercises should be accompanied with other regular exercises like crunches, pull-ups and push-ups to get rid of your love handles. In the beginning, it will be a few weeks before you realise any positive changes in your abdominal structure. However, prompt positive effects will be realised in the areas of metabolism and mental alertness within a few days.


Crunches are abdominal exercises. They help you to lose love handles by lowering fats in the abdominal region. Here are three different types of crunches that concentrate more on your love handles. To have an effective reduction of love handles, we recommend you to repeat the below given crunches at least 25 times each.

  1. Regular Crunches

  2. Lie back on the ground over a floor mat and keep your feet fixed to the floor with raised knees. Fold both your hands on the back of your head for support. Now slowly lift up your head and try to touch your knees, while keeping your stomach tight. Return back to the initial position now.

  3. Twisted Crunch

  4. Lie back on the floor and keep your hands folded at the back of your head. Now bend your right knee, stretch the left leg and raise your head slowly and flex to touch the left elbow with the right knee. Now repeat this with the left leg.

  5. Reverse Crunch

Lie back on the ground over a floor mat and keep your feet fixed to the floor with raised knees. Fold both your hands on the back of your head for support. Lift up your knees to come in contact with the elbows. During this exercise, your head and your upper body should not move. They should lie flat on the floor.

Trunk Twists

Stand up straight and place your two feet at a distance of one foot from each other. Turn your waist to the right and to the left alternatively, while keeping the legs and knees stationed. When you turn to your right, move around your left arm in that direction; and when you turn to your left, move your right arm in that direction.

Leg Flapping

Lie down on a floor mat such that your abdomen touches the ground. Raise your head slowly while you place your arms firmly at your sides. Now raise your legs and your knees and flutter them to and fro one by one.

Dumbbell exercise

Take two small dumbbells or two small mineral water bottles. Stand straight placing your feet far apart (shoulder width distance). Bend your arms and hold the dumbbells at close proximity to your body. Twist your hip and legs, while keeping your legs straight as you bend sideways.

Lean to your left from your waist and stretch your right hand to your left. Come back to the initial position and return back your arm to your body. Repeat the same with your right side and stretch your left hand to your right.

Stability-Ball Twist

Lie yourself on your back over a stability ball while keeping your feet on the ground. At your chest level, hold a medicine ball and stretch your arms. Place your buttock on the ball, and slowly turn your trunk to the left till your knuckles point towards the wall. Now get back to the centre and do the same with the next side.

Roll and curl

Start with a push-up like posture, keeping your feet rested on a stability ball, and your hands on the ground distanced at shoulder width. Place your abdomen and buttock tight; bend your knees to roll the ball towards the right of your chest. Stretch your legs to rotate the ball back to the initial position. Now do the same with the left.

Medicine-Ball Twist

Lie on the floor while holding a medicine ball with both the hands with your face upwards. Bend your knees at right angle with your feet on the ground. Do an abdominal crunch by twisting your shoulders to your right while pulling the ball to the right side of your thighs; simultaneously, move your knees to the left. Get back to the initial position and do the same with the other side.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you need help making money quick, then listen up. This short article shows you exactly to make money fast with 3 proven ideas. Sure, you've got to take a little action, but I'm talking about making money quick, like as fast as tonight. So, let's not waste anytime. If you follow along, you can truly get money quick. Here's 3 ideas to make money fast:

Make Quick Money Online

The fastest and easiest way to make some money right now is to look through your attic, garage, and wherever else you (or your spouse) keeps your junk. Find everything you can and list it on eBay. You'd be surprised how many people buy stuff on eBay...stuff that you honestly would rather just throw away.

Selling some of your old collectibles can produce a pretty penny as well. I've seen a friend of mine sell his old coins for thousands of dollars online. Ah, the power of eBay.

Now let's pretend for a second you don't have a garage full of stuff (you know you do!). What can you do then? Here's a supertip for you. Go to sites like freecycle.com and see what people are giving away for FREE. Go pick it up, then sell that on eBay. A little cheezy I know, but hey, you did say you want to be making money quick, right?

If that doesn't product enough money fast enough for you, try this:

Get Quick Money Given To You

Let's face it. We all know someone with money. Heck, in my family I'M the one with money! I can't tell you how many times I've coughed up thousands of dollars for a friend of family member. Sister needs college money? Here ya go. Mom needs knee surgery? Got it. Friend needs a new laptop for his job? Sign me up!

So, sadly you aren't my friend (yet!) or in my family. But odds are you know someone who has a few extra bucks laying around. Make the phone call. Tell them what you need. Make sure you use a REASON WHY. That's what it's all about. I need $1,000 because I want to start an online marketing business and I can get a personal coach to help me setup everything, Uncle Rich. (like that name?;)

If begging and pleading doesn't work, don't worry. There are other alternatives. You can hit up payday loan and cash advance places. There in your town. Google them. They are not the best places usually and I don't really like the practice. I'd only recommend them if it was such a necessity that life and limb were on the line.

Otherwise, I'd keep working on Uncle Rich or check in Granny. But, what if you've got no family with money and time is running out. You've got to make money fast...and I mean quick. Like, yesterday, even. Here's the real secret to making money quick:

Make Money Working Online

OK, so by now you're expecting me to sell you something. But, don't worry. I've got something you can do for free to make quick cash. You might not like it, but it is pretty fast and easy.

Join Elance.com. It's free to join. (yay!) You can setup an account and start doing any odd jobs you possibly can. Companies and people like me put jobs on there that pay anywhere from $50 all the way up to the tens of thousands. I'd start small if I were you. Focus on what you can already do.

Some examples are accounting, copywriting, editing, translation, web design, virtual assistant, and a lot more. If you can't find anything you can do there then try these 2 sites:

Fiverr.com and MTurk.com

They don't pay as much, but the jobs you can do are a lot easier. Actually, the site Fiverr.com is up to you. You post what job you will do for $5.00. It can get a little crazy in there. But hey, $5 is $5 right?

If you don't mind putting in a little effort you can setup a blog and find affiliate offers to promote. You can setup a free blog at Blogger.com or WordPress.com. Pick a niche you like. Could be knitting, writing, whatever. Use ClickBank.com and CJ.com to find affiliate offers you can add to your blog. When people click your affiliate links and buy, you get paid.

Through CJ.com you can even promote eBay products. What do you know, we've come full circle. To make even more money off your blog, you can add Google AdSense. These are ads that Google runs on your site and when your visitors click the ads you get paid. Sometimes I get clicks that pay me $2-$4. Isn't that cool?

1 click an hour and you're making decent money everyday.What have we learned about making money quick? So, what have we learned? If you're looking to make money fast you're easiest option is to start with eBay. Go through the garage, the attic, wherever and start listing. Just think, you can make a few bucks AND finally see your garage floor again. After you've exhausted your eBay stash, start calling the friends and family. At least one of them has some money they need to give to somebody. What not you? I heard Uncle Rich is waiting for your phone call. Just remember, after you say how much you need, follow up with the word because and explain why.

And after that...go to elance.com. Find odd jobs, do them. Make money fast and easy. Quickly, even. It's all up to you. Good luck, though with these ideas to make money fast you won't need luck.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Even those who commit to eating well and exercising can find that genetic factors can negate their efforts as age and hormones cause deposits to grow and sag. At this point, cosmetic procedures can be an appealing option. Liposuction can give a perfect shape to the abdomen, the waist area and also to the hips, neck, arms, thighs and back. Here are some details about the various ways the procedure can improve specific areas of the body.


Inner thigh liposuction can reduce the rubbing together of the inner thighs and improve the silhouette of the legs. For women who are bothered by their knee, this will usually be treated at the same time. The best results will be experienced by those who have good skin elasticity. Otherwise, a thigh lift might be needed to accompany the procedure to remove extra skin. Liposuction alone will not improve rippling in the skin.


Because too much liposuction will result in sagging skin, a conservative approach should be taken and no more then 40 percent of flab in the buttocks should be removed. The procedure cannot be expected to lift or elevate the buttocks, although sometimes that can be a positive side effect once the natural elasticity of the skin is regained. Often it is best for this surgery to be performed under local anesthesia with the patient remaining awake but sedated so she can lie comfortably on her stomach providing the surgeon best access to the surgical site.


Liposuction is performed to the chin, cheeks, neck and jowls to remove deposits that are usually the result of genetics and completely resistant to diet and exercise. These deposits can make a person appear chubby, older and less athletic. When combined with laser resurfacing or a chemical peel, the results can be as dramatic as a facelift.


This procedure is almost exclusively performed on women who, as they age, find it more difficult to maintain a toned upper body. Loose some skin in the triceps along with fat pads in front of and behind the arm pit can cause insecurity when wearing sleeveless shirts or evening attire. A patient considering this procedure must have realistic expectations as excessive removal of flab from this area can result in an unappealingly lumpy look which can become even worse with weight gain.

Of course, under all circumstances always consult with your doctor about what method best meets your goals, body type and medical history.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are many ways to improve Colitis symptoms one of the most effective that I have found is taking Probiotics regularly Did you know there is more bacteria in your intestinal tract than there are cells in your body?

Benefits of Probiotics -
o They reduce diarrhea
o They are anti-inflammatory
o They Manufacture B complex vitamins
o They help regulate bowel movements
o They create lactic acid that balances intestinal pH levels

There are many other benefits from Probiotic's but these are the main ones we are concerned with in Colitis. Probiotics really work by reducing your diarrhea and lowering inflammation levels in the bowel. When I first took the right type of Probiotics in the right quantity I was amazed at the results, they really improved my stool consistency back to normal in a matter of days.

There are several ways of getting Probiotics into your Diet -

Supplements - There are many many Probiotic supplements for sale out there and it can be confusing knowing which one to take. What you need if you have Colitis is a high powered probiotic with multiple strains of bacteria in it. The best types need to be refrigerated, to keep them fresh and ready for action when they arrive in your intestines. I take one sachet of probiotics containing 450billion live bacteria once a day before bed in a small amount of live goats yogurt. This I find very useful in keeping my bowels regular and my stools well formed. If I feel things are a little bit loose one day then I just take an extra sachet during the day and that gets things back on track.

Kefir - Kefir is a cultured, enzyme-rich food filled with friendly micro-organisms that help balance your "inner ecosystem." More nutritious and therapeutic than yogurt, it supplies complete protein, essential minerals, and valuable B vitamins. It really is amazing stuff and the good news is that you can make it at home yourself with very little effort or cost! Kefir provides a virtual Swat team of probiotics which get straight to work cleaning up your intestines. You make Kefir by putting Kefir Grains which look a bit like small bits of cauliflower - and are a living microorganism - into a jar of milk. The Kefir then eats up all the lactose in the milk and as a byproduct produces lots of natural living probiotics which when you drink them help your intestines to function better. I drink a glass of my own home made kefir every morning as part of my breakfast because as well as being an excellent probiotic it is also an excellent nutritious food.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So, most of us have seen them - the sad, grimy, down-on-their-luck types - perhaps holding a sign saying, "Will work for food," or "Homeless Vet." (One of my favorites - yes this was an ACTUAL sign and a web search will turn up pictures of it - is "Ninjas killed my family - need money for karate lessons.")

No matter how we feel about begging for money, it happens all around us. And as unbelievable as it may seem, people can actually make a very good living panhandling. A television news crew in Memphis recently reported on several local panhandlers who make $150 a day, just by asking for it. One beggar follows groups of tourists and hits up friendly-looking couples with nothing more than a smile... and averages $200 per night doing it!

In the information age, "virtual panhandling" is slowly becoming known as an option for anyone who needs money for any reason. Examples of cyber-begging, as it's come to be known, can be documented as far back as 1998. During the summer of 2002 it became widely known when a woman in Brooklyn, New York, started her web site asking people to save her from her credit card debt. She wanted to raise $20,000, and in a mere 20 weeks her website received over two million hits and her debt was paid off! 

Since then, there have been countless other examples of cyber-begging - successful and not. People are trying to raise money for everything from plastic surgery to divorce to house payments to vacations - and a significant number of them achieve at least a modest level of success! 

Now, I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to give up their day job and hit the street - physically or virtually! But if you have a financial need, and can present it online in a compelling manner, it may very well be worth it to you to ask for money online! You don't even need any experience creating your own web site. 

If you'd like to capitalize on already existing website traffic and search engine rankings, simply sign up on one (or more) of the available sites that have sprung up to help people ask for online donations. On most of them, you will pay a minimal monthly charge (with a few upcharge options for things like links that are bolded or shown in a different color, or preferred positioning for better visibility), and you are given your own page to tell your story and ask for money in whatever manner you choose. They will also provide you with a personal link straight to your page; this is very helpful if you wish to generate some extra publicity for your cause on an online forum, website classifieds, or even your local newspaper.

If you choose to go this route, you will want to carefully examine the site you choose to post on and the image it projects. Some sites definitely offer a more professional, caring, and welcoming design, while others offer a more cheesy/sleazy bent. While there is undeniably some room for "cheese" if you are trying to raise money for breast implants, you may want to project a more sympathetic appearance if you need money for medical school tuition.

If you're feeling a bit more adventurous and technically savvy, go ahead and set up your own personal cyber-begging site dedicated just to you! There are several places online that will allow you to set up and host your own site for little or no cost. In most of these cases, you can also choose to purchase your own domain name for your URL, or stick with the subdomain the host assigns to you. However, using this method, you need to be prepared to wait a bit longer for the donations to start rolling in. You will need to submit your new site to the search engines, optimize it for search keywords, and publicize it to drive people to visit it. That's definitely do-able, but will take a great deal more time and effort.

Either way you go, a PayPal account is a must. Using a PayPal account, you can receive donations from your new online friends anonymously - no one needs to send cash to your address, or a check to your name. PayPal makes it anonymous for the giver as well, freeing them from worries that you may contact them later to hit them up again! 

So, next time the money blues hit - whether you lose your job, want to finance your next vacation, or simply need a bit extra for that little pick-me-up - consider asking for money online. Who knows; the rewards could be, well, rewarding!

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Even those who commit to eating well and exercising can find that genetic factors can negate their efforts as age and hormones cause deposits to grow and sag. At this point, cosmetic procedures can be an appealing option. Liposuction can give a perfect shape to the abdomen, the waist area and also to the hips, neck, arms, thighs and back. Here are some details about the various ways the procedure can improve specific areas of the body.


Inner thigh liposuction can reduce the rubbing together of the inner thighs and improve the silhouette of the legs. For women who are bothered by their knee, this will usually be treated at the same time. The best results will be experienced by those who have good skin elasticity. Otherwise, a thigh lift might be needed to accompany the procedure to remove extra skin. Liposuction alone will not improve rippling in the skin.


Because too much liposuction will result in sagging skin, a conservative approach should be taken and no more then 40 percent of flab in the buttocks should be removed. The procedure cannot be expected to lift or elevate the buttocks, although sometimes that can be a positive side effect once the natural elasticity of the skin is regained. Often it is best for this surgery to be performed under local anesthesia with the patient remaining awake but sedated so she can lie comfortably on her stomach providing the surgeon best access to the surgical site.


Liposuction is performed to the chin, cheeks, neck and jowls to remove deposits that are usually the result of genetics and completely resistant to diet and exercise. These deposits can make a person appear chubby, older and less athletic. When combined with laser resurfacing or a chemical peel, the results can be as dramatic as a facelift.


This procedure is almost exclusively performed on women who, as they age, find it more difficult to maintain a toned upper body. Loose some skin in the triceps along with fat pads in front of and behind the arm pit can cause insecurity when wearing sleeveless shirts or evening attire. A patient considering this procedure must have realistic expectations as excessive removal of flab from this area can result in an unappealingly lumpy look which can become even worse with weight gain.

Of course, under all circumstances always consult with your doctor about what method best meets your goals, body type and medical history.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hip replacement surgery has long been used to treat patients whose hips have been damaged by arthritis, fractures, trauma, dysplasia or avascular necrosis. Over the course of past decade, hip resurfacing has been developed as a high-performance surgical alternative to traditional hip replacement surgery used for severe arthritis of the hip joint.

In recent years, Birmingham hip resurfacing has emerged as an exciting new alternative to total hip replacement.

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing System
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing is the first hip resurfacing system approved by the FDA for use in the United States. Approved on May 9, 2006, this innovative system is now widely used in the United Kingdom and 26 other countries.

Its bone-preservation approach, globally proven results and state-of-the-art design together have made this new resurfacing system a huge hit among worldwide patients with end-stage arthritis of the hip. The system has been implanted in 125,000 hip arthritic patients around the world.

Birmingham hip resurfacing is a safe and effective metal on metal resurfacing system, in which an implant is surgically placed to replace an arthritic hip joint. It is a two-part system involving a socket in the shape of a shallow cup that fits into the hip socket (acetabulum), and a cap in the form of a ball head.

In the surgery, the orthopedic surgeon shaves off, instead of cutting of, only the worn surface of the femoral head (ball) and implants a cobalt-chrome metal cap over the resurfaced ball of the femur.

The major difference between resurfacing and a hip replacement is the amount of bone that is preserved or removed during the surgery. The system is designed to conserve more bone than a traditional hip replacement. Essentially, this technologically advanced surgical procedure removes only the diseased surface of the head.

While implanting the resurfacing prosthesis, the surgeon resurfaces just a few centimeters of bone, retaining the healthy bone in the hip joint.

The younger, athletic baby boomers who have worn out their joints too soon can benefit from this system's conservative approach to treatment. What makes the procedure more ideal are the virtual elimination of dislocation and excellent survivorship.

It is not suitable for female, patients of child-bearing age and the adults over 60 who are not so active. However, the elderly who are living non-sedentary lifestyles may also be may be good candidates.

If not taken care of properly, the resurfaced hip joint can wear, which may result in an increase in metal ions in the patient's blood and urine.

Also, femoral neck fracture can occur. The improper prosthetic seating or misalignment of the device can increase the risk of fracture. Risk of hip fracture is twice as high in women as in men.

Femoral component loosening is another complication that may occur due to inadequate fixation of the prosthesis.

The risk of metal hypersensitivity is common in patients who have undergone arthroplasty.

Femoral neck narrowing and higher-grade heterotopic ossification (HO) are the other complications associated with this surgery.

Birmingham hip resurfacing surgery requires special care during the first few months following the operation.

Mentioned below are some precautions you should consider in the first six to 12 months, which are the most vulnerable for the new hip joint.

Avoid heavy lifting.
Do not bend forward to pick up things or reach your feet.
Do not participate in high-impact activities like jogging or jumping.
Do not twist or cross your legs.
Try not to lift your knee higher than your hip.
Avoid extreme movements of the hip.
Keep a pillow between your knees to prevent crossing of the legs while sleeping.
Lastly, strictly follow your surgeon's limitations on activity level for a successful hip resurfacing procedure.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Hip replacement surgery has long been used to treat patients whose hips have been damaged by arthritis, fractures, trauma, dysplasia or avascular necrosis. Over the course of past decade, hip resurfacing has been developed as a high-performance surgical alternative to traditional hip replacement surgery used for severe arthritis of the hip joint.

In recent years, Birmingham hip resurfacing has emerged as an exciting new alternative to total hip replacement.

Birmingham Hip Resurfacing System
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing is the first hip resurfacing system approved by the FDA for use in the United States. Approved on May 9, 2006, this innovative system is now widely used in the United Kingdom and 26 other countries.

Its bone-preservation approach, globally proven results and state-of-the-art design together have made this new resurfacing system a huge hit among worldwide patients with end-stage arthritis of the hip. The system has been implanted in 125,000 hip arthritic patients around the world.

Birmingham hip resurfacing is a safe and effective metal on metal resurfacing system, in which an implant is surgically placed to replace an arthritic hip joint. It is a two-part system involving a socket in the shape of a shallow cup that fits into the hip socket (acetabulum), and a cap in the form of a ball head.

In the surgery, the orthopedic surgeon shaves off, instead of cutting of, only the worn surface of the femoral head (ball) and implants a cobalt-chrome metal cap over the resurfaced ball of the femur.

The major difference between resurfacing and a hip replacement is the amount of bone that is preserved or removed during the surgery. The system is designed to conserve more bone than a traditional hip replacement. Essentially, this technologically advanced surgical procedure removes only the diseased surface of the head.

While implanting the resurfacing prosthesis, the surgeon resurfaces just a few centimeters of bone, retaining the healthy bone in the hip joint.

The younger, athletic baby boomers who have worn out their joints too soon can benefit from this system's conservative approach to treatment. What makes the procedure more ideal are the virtual elimination of dislocation and excellent survivorship.

It is not suitable for female, patients of child-bearing age and the adults over 60 who are not so active. However, the elderly who are living non-sedentary lifestyles may also be may be good candidates.

If not taken care of properly, the resurfaced hip joint can wear, which may result in an increase in metal ions in the patient's blood and urine.

Also, femoral neck fracture can occur. The improper prosthetic seating or misalignment of the device can increase the risk of fracture. Risk of hip fracture is twice as high in women as in men.

Femoral component loosening is another complication that may occur due to inadequate fixation of the prosthesis.

The risk of metal hypersensitivity is common in patients who have undergone arthroplasty.

Femoral neck narrowing and higher-grade heterotopic ossification (HO) are the other complications associated with this surgery.

Birmingham hip resurfacing surgery requires special care during the first few months following the operation.

Mentioned below are some precautions you should consider in the first six to 12 months, which are the most vulnerable for the new hip joint.

Avoid heavy lifting.
Do not bend forward to pick up things or reach your feet.
Do not participate in high-impact activities like jogging or jumping.
Do not twist or cross your legs.
Try not to lift your knee higher than your hip.
Avoid extreme movements of the hip.
Keep a pillow between your knees to prevent crossing of the legs while sleeping.
Lastly, strictly follow your surgeon's limitations on activity level for a successful hip resurfacing procedure.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Online and offline games are a craze these days with kids and adult alike. Some people spend more hours playing games than working for livelihood. Currently, operation and surgery games are the current favorite. In these, the player becomes a virtual surgeon and performs all kinds of surgeries of their choice.

They are played as:

Board Games- This surgery game requires the player to remove objects from the body of the patient without creating any impact on the patient. Sponge bob's Barnacle Brain, Homer Simpson, Cavity Sam, and Patty Pleasure are some of the popular ones.

PC Games- These games show the inner world of Emergency Rooms from a close perspective.

Console Games- This surgery game require the player to perform surgeries to increase game levels.

Below are some descriptions of popular surgery games played online:

1. Open Heart Surgery- The player performs heart by-pass operation and tries to prevent blood vessel blockage.
2. Heart Operation- It means performing heart transplant, fixing heart valves, or doing by-pass surgery. Procedures are length and can scare the faint hearted too.
3. Knee Surgery- Done on sport persons needing knee transplant or installing metal knees. Sometimes, they are accompanied with questions to be answered before progressing. It provides loads of information on knee surgery.
4. Hip Replacement- Like knee surgery, this game provides patients with new hips to athletes. This game is as engrossing as knee surgery and the procedure is as detailed as before.
5. Dental Games- Fighting tooth decay, tooth cavity, extracting molars, or even root canalling are some of the game features.
6. Simple Operation- This game is suitable for beginners. Player has 10 levels to attain and they have to search for objects placed in the patient's body. No particular body part is focused; it is an overall search operation.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Teen obesity is increasing dramatically. The number of dangerously overweight teens is increasing drastically, so do the popularity of weight loss surgery among young population.

Despite the fact that the cost of weight loss surgery is extremely expensive, and insurance companies do not often cover this procedure, more and more men women and teens who have not been able to maintain weight loss through dieting alone are now looking to get rid of their excessive body weight through surgery.

Today, a variety of surgical options to lose weight are available, with many of them offering best possible results. These procedures include lap band, gastric bypass, gastric sleeve and mini gastric bypass.

The Facts for Families data sheet by American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) shows that the number of obese teens in the United States has grown to epidemic proportions in recent years, with 17 percent (or 12.5 million) of all children and adolescents considered obese.

The severely obese teens are at risk for serious medical conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, sleep apnea, and joint problems. The surging teenage obesity rate has contributed to the weight loss surgery trend around the world.

Does It Works for Teens?
Is weight loss surgery right option for teens? Many studies have billed the surgical ways to lose fat in teens as both safe and effective but many doctors still hesitate to recommend surgical intervention for teens.

While some experts caution that surgery isn't an option for most teenagers, suggesting that teens can achieve ideal weight with the help of changes in lifestyle and diet as well as physical activity and medical treatments, some others believe these non-surgical techniques do not work effectively in aiding weight reduction in the morbidly obese teenagers.

Since several studies have shown some of the benefits of bariatric surgery for morbidly obese adolescents, the weight loss surgery has found acceptance as an effective weight reduction strategy for teen population. However, the surgery is still very rare in this group.

A small percentage of teenagers are considering undergoing the surgery to aid them in their battle to lose a significant amount of their extra body fat.

Surgical Options for Obese Teens
For those abnormally overweight teenagers who have just not been able to lose weight with doctor-approved diet and exercise plan alone, there is weight loss surgery to help them in their fight against the dreaded stomach bulge and enhance their lifestyle. However, the teenagers need to be both physically and emotionally mature before undergoing the operation.

Like adult obese patients, teens can opt any of the two types of weight loss surgery- Restrictive or combined Restrictive and Malabsorptive procedures.

Restrictive form of weight loss surgery is less invasive, limiting the intake of food by shrinking the size of the stomach. This type of surgery makes a patient feel full even after consuming very small amount of food. The restrictive weight loss surgery procedures include the gastric band, the gastric balloon, and the gastric sleeve.

The combined restrictive/malabsorptive procedures could be much more complicated weight loss surgery options for teenagers. The operations in this category, including the Roux-en-Y bypass (long limb or distal gastric bypass), reduce a person's food consumption capacity by reducing absorption of nutrients and calories by the digestive system.

Although in several studies weight loss surgery procedures proved safe and effective in treating obese teens, still it is vital that the prospective patients are closely evaluated to ensure suitability for the surgical intervention.

Family support and a strict dietary regimen for the rest of their lives after the surgery are very important to evade their risk of regaining the weight they lost.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

In this day and age mobile phones and smartphones in particular are the new method for communication, research, entertainment, and even shopping. If you're going to remain competitive, you have to start thinking of ways in which to attract the attention of the new aged consumer. While most hospitals have a call center and a website, chances are consumers are already on to the next thing. Mobile websites have become the thing to develop as more and more consumers look to their smartphones for viewing information online. There are about 95 million US citizens that currently use their phones to surf the web and the number will only continue to grow. This is why it is important to keep your website mobile friendly.

You might be wondering what a mobile website is. Simply put it's a traditional website that has been customized just for the use of smartphones and other mobile devices. This allows users to access, read, and navigate through the site on a smaller screen. Mobile websites are also developed using coding such as HTML/CSS, however they are typically under a different domain name. As your potential customers begin looking for your website on their mobile phones they will automatically be directed to your mobile site which is easier for use. Not having a mobile website could cause consumers to deter from visiting your site again, as it can be pretty difficult for them to interact with the large information that is on your site.

Other than the peaked interest of consumers, there are other benefits to having a mobile websites listed below:

  1. With a mobile website there will be no need for your customers to search through a 3rd party app store to access your site. Your site is very simple to find as they only need to type in the link. This makes your site available on demand which means less hassle for your potential consumers.

  2. Having a mobile website gives access to everyone with a mobile device. Your site is not specifically catered to simply one brand of phone or device, which is great for consumers who have more than one device in which they use for internet surfing.

  3. Mobile marketing has become a big thing for many businesses. Having the ability to send information to your current and potential consumers is something that no business owner wants to pass up. Your consumers are able to view your mobile advertising and access information on your website instantly.

  4. You are able to make a one stop shop for your consumers. Your mobile website can be easily linked to other web apps and directories, meaning you can offer your consumers features such as a symptom checker that your healthcare consumes would love..

  5. Many businesses are not aware that it is less expensive to maintain a mobile website than it would be to include apps that will rely on app stores.

  6. Mobile websites are the new innovative thing of the future. As mobile companies continue to create comprehensive phones that allow for people to utilize the internet on the go, companies need to continue to renovate to the next level.

There are some common things that you should remember to keep in mind when creating your mobile websites:

  • Make sure that your content is simple. Less is more, since your mobile consumers will be using their phones you have to accommodate their small screens.

  • Make your calls to action your focal point. Figure out what it is you want your audience to do. Whether that's come to your business for medical attention, or get updated information on healthcare in America, you need to make this the main focus.

  • Make sure you have click to call options for consumers. While they are visiting a mobile website you still want to give them the option to call you if they are in need of help.

It is wise to start building your mobile website now. Everyday that you waste could be another day in which consumers are using other businesses because they are accommodating their needs.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are a huge number of educational computer games for kids. Some are online, some are designed for PC or consoles. This page focuses on some of the games with a science or medical element.

Kids love doctor, nurse and hospital games. As they get older, some will become interested in the science of health care and medicine. Treating sick animals in veterinary simulation games will engage children from a very young age and is another way to encourage an interest in science based learning.

Veterinary Games

Vet games are one of the most popular genres of simulation games on the net with an ever growing number of titles. Some vet games are highly realistic and follow the kinds of procedures a real vet adopts. Other games are aimed at younger children and foster a concern for the welfare of animals.

Legacy Games

Legacy have produced some of the most successful vet games and achieved wide popularity with Zoo Vet and Farm Vet. These games appeal most to young teens. In each game there are a wide range of animals to treat. Emphasis is on patient diagnosis followed by the correct selection and application of treatments.

In Zoo Vet, for example, there are several ways to examine each animal ranging from an ophthalmoscope to an x-ray machine. The animal can be monitored with a blood oxygen meter, a stethoscope and a thermometer. There are blood, urine and bacterial tests to administer. Diagnosis is made in a question and answer format with children entering the results of tests and eventually being led to a diagnosis. After this, treatment can begin. This might be the administration of medication or even surgery. For each successful treatment the player receives rewards like an office upgrade or an accolade.

Farm Vet follows a similar pattern of game play but also includes a large 3D world for the player to explore. There is also more emphasis on playing with the animal between treatments.

Paws and Claws

There are several titles available in the Paws and Claws series from Valusoft (for PC). They involve running a veterinary clinic in a variety of setting. Some settings are town based, some countryside based. Each has a large virtual world. There is less emphasis on strictly scientific investigation of animal illnesses and more on creating and running a clinic. Even so, there are many animals in need of simple treatments. Paws and Claws is suitable for younger children than the Legacy Games but has hooked many parents as well!

Petz Vet

This game is part of the popular Petz series and offers the chance to care for sick animals with problems like a broken leg, sunburn or asthma

Online Vet Games

There is range of games for online players. These are suitable for all ages with the emphasis much more on care, grooming and organizational skills (in a busy clinic, for example). There is a link below for online vet games.

Operation Games

Moving to the world of human medicine, there are many excellent online games available. Some of the best come from the Edheads team and have titles like' Virtual Knee Surgery' and 'Deep brain Stimulation'. These offer realistic operations in a cartoon-like format which are fact packed and engaging. The games come with teacher's notes and supporting material for use in an academic environment but teenagers find the games engrossing and will play them without any encouragement from educators!

There are also a number of heart surgery games from various charities and educational organizations.

A link for operation games can be found at the foot of this article.

PC Games with a Medical Theme

Medical simulation games have titles like 911 Paramedic. Hospital Tycoon, Sarahs's Emergency Room and Theme Hospital. Each has a particular focus. The Paramedic game is from Legacy games and has a diagnose, monitor and treat format. Hospital Tycoon and Theme Hospital are more comic than serious as you try to manage a large hospital and deal with (often difficult) patients and staff. Sarah's Emergency Room follows a nurse as she progresses through her first year in her job.

'The Sims' also offer a hospital game- but only in Sims 2. In 'The Sims 3 Lifetime Wishes' game, you can pursue the life and career (amongst many options) of World Renowned Surgeon!

Will these games encourage Children to be Vets, Doctors or Scientists?

They can certainly help you identify kids who have scientific interests. There is also plenty for kids to learn about important areas of life.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So, most of us have seen them - the sad, grimy, down-on-their-luck types - perhaps holding a sign saying, "Will work for food," or "Homeless Vet." (One of my favorites - yes this was an ACTUAL sign and a web search will turn up pictures of it - is "Ninjas killed my family - need money for karate lessons.")

No matter how we feel about begging for money, it happens all around us. And as unbelievable as it may seem, people can actually make a very good living panhandling. A television news crew in Memphis recently reported on several local panhandlers who make $150 a day, just by asking for it. One beggar follows groups of tourists and hits up friendly-looking couples with nothing more than a smile... and averages $200 per night doing it!

In the information age, "virtual panhandling" is slowly becoming known as an option for anyone who needs money for any reason. Examples of cyber-begging, as it's come to be known, can be documented as far back as 1998. During the summer of 2002 it became widely known when a woman in Brooklyn, New York, started her web site asking people to save her from her credit card debt. She wanted to raise $20,000, and in a mere 20 weeks her website received over two million hits and her debt was paid off! 

Since then, there have been countless other examples of cyber-begging - successful and not. People are trying to raise money for everything from plastic surgery to divorce to house payments to vacations - and a significant number of them achieve at least a modest level of success! 

Now, I'm certainly not encouraging anyone to give up their day job and hit the street - physically or virtually! But if you have a financial need, and can present it online in a compelling manner, it may very well be worth it to you to ask for money online! You don't even need any experience creating your own web site. 

If you'd like to capitalize on already existing website traffic and search engine rankings, simply sign up on one (or more) of the available sites that have sprung up to help people ask for online donations. On most of them, you will pay a minimal monthly charge (with a few upcharge options for things like links that are bolded or shown in a different color, or preferred positioning for better visibility), and you are given your own page to tell your story and ask for money in whatever manner you choose. They will also provide you with a personal link straight to your page; this is very helpful if you wish to generate some extra publicity for your cause on an online forum, website classifieds, or even your local newspaper.

If you choose to go this route, you will want to carefully examine the site you choose to post on and the image it projects. Some sites definitely offer a more professional, caring, and welcoming design, while others offer a more cheesy/sleazy bent. While there is undeniably some room for "cheese" if you are trying to raise money for breast implants, you may want to project a more sympathetic appearance if you need money for medical school tuition.

If you're feeling a bit more adventurous and technically savvy, go ahead and set up your own personal cyber-begging site dedicated just to you! There are several places online that will allow you to set up and host your own site for little or no cost. In most of these cases, you can also choose to purchase your own domain name for your URL, or stick with the subdomain the host assigns to you. However, using this method, you need to be prepared to wait a bit longer for the donations to start rolling in. You will need to submit your new site to the search engines, optimize it for search keywords, and publicize it to drive people to visit it. That's definitely do-able, but will take a great deal more time and effort.

Either way you go, a PayPal account is a must. Using a PayPal account, you can receive donations from your new online friends anonymously - no one needs to send cash to your address, or a check to your name. PayPal makes it anonymous for the giver as well, freeing them from worries that you may contact them later to hit them up again! 

So, next time the money blues hit - whether you lose your job, want to finance your next vacation, or simply need a bit extra for that little pick-me-up - consider asking for money online. Who knows; the rewards could be, well, rewarding!

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you meet new people at a networking event, the question, 'What do you do?' inevitably arises. How do you handle it? Stumble out a few well-worn phrases that you've heard others using? Ferret around in your handbag or briefcase for a set of dog-eared cue cards?

This moment is a golden opportunity - a defining moment in your new networking relationship. Depending on how you project yourself, you will either build interest in your audience or switch them off.

Don't be fooled: first impressions really do count. And if you are new to networking, it can seem quite daunting to speak about your business in a room full of seasoned entrepreneurs. Where do you start? Just how do you set yourself apart from others?

Networking Secrets

The key lies in being prepared, being positive and being yourself:

Be Prepared. If you cannot explain in a few seconds what you do, then you are in the wrong job. You need to draw on facts straight away and be prepared for a variety of questions thrown at you. Ensure you tailor your pitch to the specific audience. Should someone ask, 'What sets you apart from other businesses in your industry?' make sure you have a great answer.

Be Positive. Throw away labels. Remember, you are more than a designer or copywriter, for example. You put businesses on the map. You inject new life into flagging marketing materials. You open doors for small businesses. Just think of the difference you make... and the value you add.

Focus on the results - benefits - rather than the features of what you offer. This way, you succinctly quantify what you do. If you waffle, you'll bore your listener. Keep it clear, concise and compelling.

Be Yourself. Nothing will earn you more business brownie points than being natural, friendly and professional. If your usual behaviour is to tell sexist jokes, swear and thrust your business cards at people before you even know who they are, perhaps it's wise to re-think your networking strategy.

A relaxed, approachable person who takes an interest in their listener, is more likely to get referrals. A warm smile and enthusiastic response initially allows you to build rapport. Behaviour that includes looking over the person's shoulder at who to pounce on next or crossing your arms and texting, isn't likely to make a good impression!

How to craft an elevator pitch that communicates

Have you heard of an elevator pitch? It's a short description, given in less than a minute, about your company and what you do.

Rather than it being a rehearsed, staged sales sermon, it's important to keep your conversation natural. You could start off for example by saying, 'Hello. Good to meet you. I'm Nikki Cooke, Owner of The Word Well. And you are?' Or perhaps use a conversation starter to break the silence such as,' Is this the first time you've been to this meeting?'

I often say something humourous when I first meet someone, as I think being informal is friendlier than a starchy approach. I might say, 'I spend my days giving clients' words a face lift. It's a lot cheaper than plastic surgery!'

If you launch into an all guns blazing sales pitch, without acknowledging the person you are speaking to, you'll fail. Instead of thinking of your listener as a prospect, think about how you can connect with them in a meaningful way. People don't like a hard sell to their face. But, they do like to know what's in it for them.

In general, a good elevator pitch should never make the question 'So what?' possible.

Why not follow this useful formula:

  • Initially introduce who you are, your business name and what you do in a nutshell. Or think of a distinctive way to command attention. Aim to be different, enthused, original. Use humour perhaps. Make an intriguing statement to make your listener want to hear more...

  • A useful tip is to ask a question to hook your listener. (Do you know how... Well, I help business owners become...) Establish who your clients are and what you do for your them. What do you save them in terms of time/money/stress etc? Establish a problem the person can identify with. Focus on benefits - not features - when describing what you do. (Our clients benefit from...) Show how your service or product solves a problem. (We help SMEs to...)

  • Next consider why people choose to work with you. What do you have that your competitors don't? How are you different? (Unlike other Virtual Assistants, we specialise in...) Stay away from platitudes. Be unique. Be real. Establish your best selling points.

  • End with a call to action to develop the conversation and consolidate the relationship. (Who do you know who would benefit from that sort of help?/Tell me more about you. / Here's my business card so we can keep in touch. / May I have one of your business cards? Perhaps I can put you in touch with someone in my network. / Here's my business card. Can I call you next week to discuss...)

If you rehearse a speech and your audience interrupts you with an unexpected question, then you need to think on your feet. Have a case study ready to show how your business made a difference. A successful elevator pitch should grow with you and not remain as a static script gathering dust.

Final thought

Always open your ears, before you open your mouth.

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To show the effect of technology on education, Don Kenzek, CEO of the International Society for Technology in Education uses an analogy of technology in the medical field.

"If in 1970 you had knee surgery, you got a huge scar," he said. "Now, if you have knee surgery you have two little dots."

Advances in technology have allowed teachers to move beyond traditional methods of education, which primarily rely on the use of text-books and verbal instruction. At one time, a student's only exposure to technology was found in a basic computer class. Now, technology has enabled the creation of various teaching and learning tools that can "demonstrate concepts, assign projects, and assess progress."

The drawback with incorporating technology into education, though, is hesitation by U.S. schools to utilize new educational tools and methods. Other nations around the world are looking for ways to integrate technology and education, while we are still questioning whether this merge should take place at all.

Kenzek points out the following 8 ways in which technology has proved effective in instruction and student progress.

1. Improved simulation and models can assist teachers in demonstrating difficult concepts and specifically help students that are visual learners.

2. Global learning exposes students to other cultures and puts them in touch with other people around the world.

3. Virtual manipulatives allow students to experiment with unfamiliar concepts and ideas.

4. Probes and sensors allow students to collect data, compute statistics, and analyze results quickly and efficiently.

5. A more efficient assessment of student progress can be made and monitored with new forms of technology.

6. Storytelling and multimedia encourage teamwork and excites students.

7. E-Books create a level of ease, convenience and visualization that isn't available with standard print textbooks.

8. Epistemic games put students in real-world situations and train them to use innovative thinking.

New technology has helped to make positive changes in education by rapidly advancing instruction methods, which allow for greater student retention and progress.

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