目前分類:arthritis in knee (150)

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Exercise is usually one of the common prescriptions of doctors for patients who are suffering from arthritis. Although joint pain could be persistent during times of movements, it is still highly recommended so as to increase one's threshold of pain while flexing the bones and muscles to reduce stiffness. It is dangerous to stay stationary when you have arthritis. This will only increase swelling and firmness.

There are various forms of physical exercises that helps ease arthritis symptoms. Tai chi, yoga, and water exercises are the usual alternative physical therapies. But to date, another addition is well liked and advised-belly dancing.

Belly dancing is a traditional Middle Eastern dance that emphasizes the belly through hip movements. Although the focus of the dance is on the hips and pelvic area, this dance involves every part of the body, thus a very good way of exercise for the joints. The head, neck, arms, hands, chest, waist, thighs, legs and feet are all moving while dancing.

Important movements that are involved in belly dancing are the following:

Shimmy - is the shimmering vibration of the hips. This is created by moving the knees past each other at haste. Some dancers also use contractions of the thighs. Shoulders can also be shimmered along.

Hip punches - is the basic move in belly dancing. This is done by alternating the weight on the legs and swinging the pelvis to the right and left like creating punches on the hips.

Undulation - is the rotating movements of the chest forward, up, back and down. This creates an impression of riding a camel.

Aside from these basic movements, there are other actions such as swaying of the arms from the shoulders to the fingers like a snake, bending of the back, rotating movements of the head and turning and pointing of the toes.

Since these movements are non-impact and weight-bearing for many joint parts, belly dancing as an arthritis treatment offers numerous significant benefits such as:

Improves joint flexibility
Increases bone strength
Develops muscle strength
Relieves back pain
Improves cardiovascular conditioning
Improves balance and posture
Prevents osteoporosis
Increase elasticity of knees and ankles

Belly dancing is such a brilliant way of finding alternative treatment against joint pain caused by arthritis. Not only it is a form of exercise that brings a lot of health benefits, but it is also very artistic and enjoyable to do.

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Knee osteoarthritis is complicated by the fact that the knee takes all the load-bearing strain of the full body weight, which in turn makes the condition even more painful. This is a degenerative disease. It often feels worse in the mornings with stiffness that takes time to resolve.

Osteoarthritis, often located in the knee, is the most common form of arthritis to be found in the United States. It differs from rheumatoid arthritis in that, should there be any inflammation present, it is usually not severe.

It is not fully known what causes knee osteoarthritis in the first place. Certainly the cartilage and bone being subjected to mechanical stresses through everyday movements, coupled with the disease being present, make this a particularly difficult and painful form of arthritis.

Knee osteoarthritis can be difficult to treat. One of the characteristics of this condition is the loss of articular cartilage. This has a poor ability to self-heal, which merely exacerbates the problem. People who are overweight or obese naturally have a bigger problem as their increased body weight makes it considerably more difficult for the knee to cope.

Any treatment of the condition must primarily seek to relieve the pain. Sufferers describe the pain as being deep-seated with a prolonged aching that can stay constant for long periods of time, often with little respite. Certain weather conditions, such as increased humidity, can cause the symptoms to worsen.

There are a number of treatments available. These typically reduce the pain and inflammation, but often cause unpleasant side effects. For this reason, many sufferers of knee osteoarthritis prefer to use chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine sulfate in preference to other pain and inflammation relieving drugs.

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Septic arthritis, also sometimes referred to as bacterial arthritis, reactive arthritis, along with several other clinical names, is a type of infection that affects the joint spaces of the body. The infection can be caused by a number of different types of microorganisms, such as bacteria. The most common culprit is the bacteria known as staphylococcus aureus. Of all the joints in the body, the knee joint is the one that is most commonly affected by this type of infection.

There are a number of different ways that organisms can enter the joints, including by means of a consequence from a surgical incision. It is estimated that twenty thousand cases result in the United States every year.

There are three main symptoms of septic arthritis that patients should be aware of. These include: a spike in temperature above one hundred and one degree Fahrenheit, joint swelling, and sharp pain in the joint especially in the days immediately following surgery.

The issue of septic arthritis is most definitely an emergency medical condition that needs to be addressed immediately. Without prompt medical attention, including a proper diagnosis (and in some cases even with prompt medical attention), the infection can become so severe that it damages the articular cartilage and can lead to infections of the blood. When this happens serious injuries and even death can occur.

As soon as septic arthritis is suspected or symptoms are present, the surgeon should arrange to perform an arthrocentesis. This is a type of procedure that removes fluid from the space in the joint. The fluid is then sent to a laboratory so that a culture can be performed. Since joint infections can spread quickly and become so serious, antibiotics are often administered before the culture results are returned. If there is an infection found, the fluid should be drained by means of an incision and all infected tissue should be removed.

As previously mentioned, septic arthritis usually causes severe discomfort in the affected joint, swelling and fever. Other symptoms of note include: poor appetite, tachycardia (otherwise known as a rapid heartbeat), warmth to the area that has been affected, irritability, and malaise.

If you are currently taking other medications to help control arthritis pain and discomfort, the severe pain associated with septic arthritis may not be felt as much because medication often masks the pain as well as the elevated body temperature.

Adults most commonly find their knees are the most affected by the condition of septic arthritis, and in some cases the joints of the arms as well. Children are most often affected in the area of their hips. Septic arthritis in the hip region can cause children to have to hold their hips in a fixed position in order to avoid any type of movement, which causes pain.

More rare cases of septic arthritis can affect the neck, back, and head.

It is critical that treatment for septic arthritis be prompt and make use of the proper antibiotics as well as drainage of the fluid from the joints. This combination often is enough to resolve the infection. That being said, if treatment is put off for any reason, the infection can spread which can cause permanent joint damage and degeneration.

In addition to joint damage and degeneration, other complications of septic arthritis include joint deformity and osteoarthritis. There are even cases that require the joint to be completely reconstructed surgically. In the event that the infection impacts a prosthetic joint, it may be necessary to replace that prosthetic joint.

To help make a definitive and correct septic arthritis diagnosis, a joint fluid analysis (as discussed above) needs to be completed. This will provide medical staff with the information needed to determine the exact bacterium that is causing the infection so that proper treatment can be administered. The fluid around your joints, also known as synovial fluid, typically appears thick and clear. When bacteria have affected this fluid, the color, volume, makeup, and consistency of the synovial fluid will change. In addition to fluid tests, blood tests should also be ordered. This is done to help medical professionals determine if bacteria have made their way to the blood stream. Furthermore, imaging tests are also commonly used. Tests such as x-rays or other forms of imaging are done to determine the extent of damage that may have been done to the joint.

Any time you or someone you know has been injured following a surgical procedure, such as is the case with septic arthritis, it is important that you contact a personal injury attorney as soon as possible. These types of injuries can be avoided, and they should be avoided at all costs. In the event that a complication such as septic arthritis does occur, it is important that the proper medical attention be given in a timely manner. Delaying treatment for any reason, or making an incorrect diagnosis, is another type of medical negligence or malpractice. If this happens, you also need to contact a personal injury attorney promptly to help protect your legal rights.

Personal injury attorneys who specialize in the area of medical negligence and malpractice know the ins and outs of this area of the law extremely well. He or she will work hard to seek the compensation you deserve, and help you to cover past, present, and future medical bills. Compensation can also be obtained for loss of income, loss of use, and pain and suffering. In some cases, punitive damages may also be sought in order to punish those who caused the initial harm.

These cases can be quite complex in nature and should not be handled on your own; professional legal assistance provides your best bet for a positive outcome. Since personal injury attorneys do not typically require any type of payment upfront, you will not have to worry about funding your claim as it progresses through the legal system. This can provide a great deal of comfort, and allow you to focus on your personal health and recovery.

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Tendons are ropes of fibrous tissue that connect muscles to bones. It is this connection that permits joint motion. When muscles contract, they pull on the tendons which cause the bones to move. In order for tendons to glide they move inside a lubricated sheath of tissue that is lined with synovial tissue. This synovial tissue is the same type of tissue that lines the inside of joints. Tendonitis refers to a condition where the sheath through which a tendon glides becomes inflamed. This leads to severe pain. The pain usually gets worse with use of the affected joint. However, when tendonitis becomes severe, there may be pain at rest.

Since muscles and tendons surround most joints, tendonitis is rather common. The diagnosis of tendonitis is relatively simple for the experienced clinician. Generally, the diagnosis is made by history and physical examination. In difficult diagnostic cases, magnetic resonance imaging is helpful in confirming the diagnosis.

Some of the more common types of tendonitis are:

Shoulder tendonitis. The tendons in the shoulder that are most often affected are the rotator cuff and the biceps tendon. The rotator cuff consists of four tendons that sit on top of the upper arm bone. The location of these tendons and the muscles they attach to are what give the shoulder such an expansive range of motion. Rotator cuff tendonitis may occur as a result of repetitive activity or tendon degeneration. Pain is felt with most movements and is located on the outside part of the shoulder. The biceps tendon allows the arm to be flexed at the elbow. Biceps tendonitis also occurs due to repetitive activity and pain is felt in the front of the shoulder. Shoulder tendonitis can be treated successfully with anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, and occasionally glucocorticoid injection.

Tendonitis in the elbow is usually located either on the outside and is called lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow. It may also occur along the inside part of the elbow- medial epicondylitis. This is called golfer's elbow. Treatment consists of physical therapy, stretching and strengthening exercises, splints, and injections. Rarely, surgery is required.

Tendonitis in the wrist arises because of repetitive motion. A special type of tendonitis, called Dequervain's tendonitis, is felt on the out side of the thumb. Tendonitis in these areas is managed with glucorticoid injections and immobilization with a splint. Other physical therapy modalities may be helpful. Sometimes surgery is required. Tendonitis in the fingers can lead to catching of the fingers. This is termed "trigger finger." Trigger finger usually responds to injection but may require operative intervention.

Tendonitis in the knee may affect the patellar tendon. This is the tendon that connects the knee cap to the tibia (lower leg bone). Patellar tendonitis usually occurs because of excessive jumping and is actually called "jumpers knee." This is treated with rest, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy.

Tendonitis in the ankle can occur along the outside of the ankle (peroneal tendonitis), the inside of the ankle (posterior tibial tendonitis), or at the back of the ankle (Achilles tendonitis). The tendonitis that occurs along the outside or inside of the ankle can occur because of trauma or because of mechanical instability. Another potential cause is an underlying arthritis condition. Achilles tendonitis often occurs as a result of excessive stress and repetitive trauma. The Achilles tendon is the thick cord at the back of the ankle that connects the heel bone to the calf muscle. Treatment involves rest, elevation of the heel to take the tension off the Achilles tendon, and physical therapy. Glucocorticoid injection should be avoided because of the danger of Achilles tendon rupture. Anti-inflammatory medication may be helpful.

A new treatment approach has made the need for surgery less likely for patients with chronic tendonitis. The procedure is called "percutaneous needle tenotomy". In this procedure, a small gauge needle is introduced using ultrasound guidance. The needle is used to irritate the tendons stimulating the inflammatory response. platelet rich plasma, obtained from the patient's whole is then injected into the area where the tendons have been irritated. Platelets are cells in the blood that contain multiple growth and healing factors. The end result is the formation of new healthy tendon tissue.

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Boswellia is also know as Indian frankincense, salai guggal, and boswellin. The proper botanic label for boswellia is Boswellia serrata. It is derived from the resin of the bark of the Boswellia tree. While it grows in other parts of Southeast Asia, it is found abundantly found in the Indian subcontinent.

Boswellia is available in either pill or capsule form. The dose for most people is generally 300 mg to 400 mg taken three times a day.

For a product to be effective, it should contain at least 60 per cent boswellic acid. It is the boswellic acid that contains the active ingredient. A number of nutritional supplements now contain boswellia. Look for a reputable manufacturer.

The condition for which boaswellia has had the most supporting evidence for a beneficial effect is arthritis.

The most convincing study was published in 2003 (Phytomedicine. 2003 Jan;10(1):3-7) when a research study examined thirty patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Half of the patients received daily supplementation with 333 mgs of Boswellia. The other half received placebo. After the first intervention, washout was given and then the groups were crossed over to receive the opposite intervention for eight weeks. All patients receiving boswellia reported decrease in knee pain, increased knee flexion and increased walking distance. The frequency of swelling in the knee joint was decreased. Radiologically there was no change. The observed differences between drug treated and placebo being statistically significant, are clinically relevant. Boswellia serrata extract was well tolerated by the subjects except for minor gastrointestinal symptoms.

The conclusions were: "Boswellia serrata extract is recommended in the patients of osteoarthritis of the knee with possible therapeutic use in other arthritis."

Other studies have demonstrated anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Diseases that have been studied where good results have been reported include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, and bursitis.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For the majority of gout sufferers, the first time they suffer gout pain it is in the toes, but over time it can begin to spread to other joints, the knee being one of them.

When you get gout in the knee joint, it becomes very inflamed, tight and you can not flex it at all. There will be excessive heat within the inflamed area with red discoloration, tenderness and intense pain.

Sometimes the discomfort will be mild but usually the gout pain on your knee joint will be unbearable and will put you in severe discomfort. In a very extreme episode, the problems may extend into your lower legs and feet also.

Gout symptoms may be clinically confirmed by testing of fluid extracted from the affected knee joint. The presence of urate sodium crystals in the fluid is a conclusive test for gout pain. In blood tests, hyperuricemia will be evident with high levels of blood urate present.

An X-ray from the knee joint won't reveal anything unusual, as gout does not affect the bone structure of your knee joint.

The uric acid crystals created when uric acid concentration gets too high will deposit into the soft tissues around the joint. The body will react to these as if they were alien bodies, such as bacteria, and this is what causes the swelling and pain.

Remedies for gout are aimed at stopping the agonizing pain and reducing the swelling around the knee joint. Various kinds of treatments are available, ranging from natural cures to prescription medication. While prescription medication can be effective some of them have some potentially quite serious side effects. This is the reason many people look instead to a more natural approach to curing their symptoms.

Diet is the most vital element for practically all gout sufferers. Minimizing foods that are full of purines means that there is less chance of developing hyperuricemia, the precursor to gout.

Water is a critical part of your treatment and you should have a minimum of 12 glasses of water every day. This will assist your system to get rid of the excessive uric acid.

When you're careful with what you eat, drink enough water, and undertake exercises to improve your flexibility, it is possible to steer clear of getting recurring gout.

Even though gout initially only attacks sporadically, if gout symptoms aren't taken care of properly from the early stages it may possibly turn out to be a recurrent problem. Repeated gout pain can ultimately lead to permanent injury.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Working as an Physical therapy Assistant in Southwest Florida, I see my share of arthritic conditions in the lower extremities. Most of the arthritic conditions I see are osteoarthritis of the knees. This is a major cause of knee pain in the United states due to obesity and lack of exercise. There are some cases of traumatic osteoarthritis that for the most part cannot be helped because if a joint has been previously injured the chances of osteoarthritis setting in later on are very good.

When discussing knee pain due to arthritis, generally you find an individual is overweight and, they have lost quadricep strength in the affected leg or legs as well. If you lack the proper strength in your thigh muscles for instance, then your body weight is driven directly through the knee rather then the muscle absorbing your weight with each step you take. Poor muscle strength and atrophy of the legs themselves are one of the biggest problems that older adults will confront. By building a strong pair of legs you place the burden of the workload on the muscles instead of the knee joint itself.

In regards to obesity as you get older, you loose muscle and your metabolism slows down. You in turn start to gain weight which again, in our society we have been lead to believe that is the way it is. That cannot be further from the truth.

By getting resistance exercise started and cleaning up your overall diet, you begin to put on some lean muscle which in turn burns calories. When you burn calories you loose weight. When you loose the weight your knees then do not have to take the pounding every day that they do when you are carrying excess weight.

Though this may seem rather simplistic I can assure you it works. Exercise and diet is your answer in regards to prevention of arthritis. Now if you already have an arthritic joint then range of motion and exercising the muscles around the joint is your main objective to prolong the life of the joint.

Get busy today in defeating this chronic condition that pervades our society. You will be glad you did.

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There are two forms of cartilage in the knee, articular cartilage and the meniscus. Articular cartilage surrounds the surfaces of the bones that make up the knee. The articular cartilage prevents damage when the bones move and rub against one another. Resting on top of the articular cartilage are two wedges of cartilage that make up the meniscus. The meniscus distributes weight evenly throughout the leg. Without the meniscus, weight is applied unevenly to the bones, which results in arthritis of the knee.

Meniscus tears, which are also referred to as cartilage tears, involve pain and swelling in the knee. Sometimes meniscus tears also result in joint locking, which prevents the knee from fully straightening. The meniscus is basically really tough cartilage, which is made up of two menisci that conform to the surfaces of the bones. The menisci can be found on the surface between the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (shin bone).

The two most common causes of meniscus tears are traumatic injury and degeneration. Athletes are prone to traumatic injuries that involve bending and twisting of the knee to result in meniscus tears. Older adults are more prone to degeneration because as people get older, age makes cartilage more susceptible to wear and tear.

Meniscus tears usually involve the following symptoms:

o Pain, swelling and tenderness
o Clicking and popping inside the knee
o Restricted motion

Meniscus Tear Treatment

Many meniscal tears, particularly chronic tears, can be treated non-operatively by physical therapy, strengthening exercises, medications and cortisone injections.

Surgery is not usually necessary to treat meniscus tears. Physical therapy is a more common treatment. Sometimes physical therapy is accompanied by medication and cortisone injections to alleviate pain.

Partial menisectomy surgery is the most common form of surgery for meniscus tears. It involves removal of the torn portion of the meniscus. Usually this is a good option if the tear is small. If the tear is large, surgeons have the option of repairing the meniscus with sutures or tacks instead of moving the torn section of the meniscus entirely.

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Joint pain causes can be divided into several categories.

Infections such as viruses (in particular, parvovirus) can cause a type of arthritis. Bacteria such as gonococcus (the bug that causes gonorrhea) and Borrelia, the organism that causes Lyme disease, are well known infectious causes for joint pain.

Trauma is an obvious cause. This can range from an athletic injury occurring more than 30 years ago leading to osteoarthritis in the knee to a whiplash injury that happened yesterday accounting for total body stiffness and pain today!

Disorders of the blood are an uncommon but important cause of joint pain. Leukemia and lymphoma can present as aches and pains. Often fever, sweats, and weight loss accompany the pains... but not always. Multiple myeloma- a malignancy that affects the plasma cells in the blood- causes ill-defined joint pains. Sickle-cell anemia and hemophilia both are associated with arthritis. A blood disorder due to excess iron in the blood- hemochromatosis- is responsible for causing both cirrhosis of the liver as well as an unusual type of arthritis.

Endocrine problems can cause aches and pains. For example, growth hormone excess is called acromegaly. This is a cause of terrible arthritis. Thyroid hormone deficiency also causes aches and pains that mimic the symptoms of fibromyalgia

Closely related to endocrine causes are the metabolic disease like gout and pseudogout which cause inflammatory types of arthritis.

The largest category of causes of aches and pains is arthritis. Wear and tear arthritis- termed osteoarthritis- is the most common form of arthritis. This arthritis is due to premature wearing away of cartilage, the gristly that protects the end of long bones. Osteoarthritis most often affects weight bearing areas such as the neck, low back, hips, and knees. It also affects the hands and feet. More autoimmune types of arthritis such as systemic lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, polymyalgia rheumatica, psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis can cause severe total body aches and pains in the joints. These autoimmune diseases have more inflammation associated with them. In addition, constitutional symptoms such as low grade fever, weight loss, sweats, and fatigue are common.

Finally soft tissue rheumatism - termed fibromyalgia- is a very common reason for a person to have "total body joint pain". While not a life-threatening disorder, fibromyalgia, which is often accompanied by fatigue, short term memory loss, "fibro fog", and bladder and bowel disturbance is can be debilitating.

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Arthritis pain is nothing to joke about. It makes for miserable lives. While checking into natural remedies, I came across how to relieve arthritis pain with honey and cinnamon. I know it sounds a bit weird - but who cares if it works!

There are a couple of ways to take the honey and cinnamon - as a daily drink or as a tincture to put on painful and swollen joints.

For the drink: For your health, the best quality organic honey would be preferable as well as good quality cinnamon. It seems though there are many 'recipes' out there, so there seems to be no need to obsess about exact measurements. One cup of hot water with two spoons of honey in it and one small teaspoon of cinnamon. This can be taken once or twice during the day (i.e. in the morning and before bed). If this is too sweet, then reduce the honey to one teaspoon. Similarly if the cinnamon taste is too hard to take, then reduce it to half a teaspoon. It seems only important that honey and cinnamon are present in the mix. It really depends on what works for you.
For the tincture: Mix one part honey to two parts of lukewarm water and add a small teaspoon of cinnamon powder until it forms a paste. Massage this paste onto the itching/painful part of your body in a slow circular motion. Many people have found that their pain gets noticeably less within a matter of minutes.

Considering that there are a large number of people being helped every day by taking this concoction of honey and cinnamon to relieve their arthritis pain, I would imagine it's definitely worth a try. If it doesn't work right away (although many people do report an immediate effect), please try it out for a minimum of four weeks. There really is nothing to lose and everything to gain!

It seems that this combination is also helpful for the common cold, coughs and sinus infections, hair loss, bladder infections, stomach aches, high cholesterol and even toothache (where you put the tincture made with honey and cinnamon without any water on the aching tooth up to three times a day. This mixture taken daily also strengthens our immune system, protecting the body from harmful bacteria and viral attacks. Honey itself has various vitamins and iron in large amounts.

To summarize this is definitely something to include in your family's medicine cabinet - even though honey and cinnamon reside in the kitchen!

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Sometimes, it may not always be obvious that you have flat feet, as your arches may appear to have shape when you are standing upright. However, when moving the motion can cause them to flatten. In order to maintain your balance, your body may rock or twist your knees. These have only a very limited range of motion and twisting can cause many problems.

If you look at your shoes, and then have serious wear on the inner sides, it is a clear sign of that you may have flat feet.

A good idea is to get a friend to take a picture of your feet in parallel stance, from the back. You will then be able to see whether or not you are rolling in from the heels, with your arches pushed toward the floor. It is good to try and spot if your heels and kneecaps lean and turn inwards when you are standing. You must be standing in a relaxed stance, without your thighs being held rigidly. If you then turn your feet outwards, they may adjust someone, and the heels will pull straighter, with the arches lifting slightly. This can be helpful in avoiding knee injury.

Unfortunately though, this exercise alone is not enough to correct this. Just lifting the arches up by rolling your feet outwards is also not a good correction.

My main advice would be to locate and try and strengthen the smaller muscles in your feet. This will hopefully help your flat feet and send their workload upwards, toward the muscles in the calves and shins. You can roll your feet and try to squeeze them almost into a fist by pulling you toes downwards and then alternating this by stretching your toes upwards.

If you often experience pain in the ankles, lower legs or knees, it is a good idea to see either a Osteopath. They may give you orthotics, which are shoe inserts that are quite supportive, and even a heel counter, which is an insert in your shoes heel that will help to stabilize your heels, just for every day shoes. This will also help to prevent you from twisting your ankles.

Another common cause of a slight roll inwards when the foot moves is Morton's foot. This is when you have a larger second toe then your big toe. This often also happens when you jump. This may seem surprising, as the weight transfers away from the feet in these movements. However, this happens very often every dance class, and causes uneven pressure in the bones and foot muscles.

It is a good idea to try to have the weight in your feet spread equally, from the centre of the heel, big toe joint and little toe joint. This will give a level base, which is like the platform a house could be built up on, for your skeleton to balance above.

Another useful practice is Tai Chi. Some of the older, more traditional styles have a group of practices often called the foundation exercises. These are used to program your body to move more naturally and remove bad movement habits. A good teacher can work wonders in helping to correct these sorts of problems. You may have to hunt as most Tai Chi is taught fairly superficially, but there are teachers who will be able to stop problems almost instantly.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Often times I have patients who will tell me they hear funny snapping, crackling and popping noises coming from their knees, hips, ankles, wrists during different motions and wonder if they've cracked or damaged the bone somehow. I assure them this is, generally, not the case and that those funny noises can be caused by a number of things that I'd like to share with you.

Why Your Bones Are Talking To You

Throughout the course of the day and whatever movements you make, you may occasionally hear a variety of different sounding noises from your joints. Most often these noises are nothing to be concerned about, especially if you are not experiencing pain at the time you hear the noise. There are a number of reasons that can explain cracking joints and noises - like these:

  • Gases: Inside your joints there is a lubricant called synovial fluid. This fluid contains the gases oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. When a certain movement causes the joint capsule to stretch, it often makes a popping noise from these gases escaping. Almost always this is just a funny noise and does no harm to the joint.

  • Tendons, joints, and ligaments movement: In their normal movements, tendons, joints, and ligaments sometimes get out of position and become slightly out of place. This can happen more often if these structures are weak from lack of exercise or over-exertion/wrong exercise. The "snapping" noise you may hear when this happens is the part righting itself to its normal position. Also, your ligaments and tendons tighten during movement of the joint, especially knees and ankles, which can cause a cracking sound. Take time to stretch every morning to improve this condition. Natural Health Suggestion: If you go to the gym and work out on weighted equipment, never do the seated leg raise where the padded bar is over your ankles and you have to raise the bar with your legs. This causes pressure on the knee joint and can stretch the tendons or ligaments so that normal movement can even cause them to slip out of place and/or damage to the joint.

  • Arthritis/Worn Cartilage: In arthritis, worn cartilage can cause bone on bone friction which can sound like bubble wrap crackling. This noise can, however, be accompanied by pain as well. Natural Health Suggestion: Try taking some Omega 3 oils to help with the inflammation that is likely present within the joint as well as aid in lubrication. Soak in a warm bath with Epsom salts that contain magnesium to help relieve pain in the joint. Be sure you are getting enough calcium and Vitamin D3 in your diet to help build the bone up. If you are overweight, getting rid of extra pounds will take a lot of pressure off your joints and help with movement.

  • Snapping Hip Syndrome: Also called "dancer's hip", this condition occurs most often in athletes or people who weight train from the tendon becoming overly thickened. The snapping occurs when the hip is extended or flexed and is accompanied by a popping noise and possibly pain or discomfort. Natural Health Suggestion: Usually resting the leg will help and staying off it for a while. Sometimes icing the area also helps. Since inflammation usually starts to occur from this recurrent friction, taking 2,000 mg of Omega 3 oils can help decrease it. Stretching the hip muscles, particularly the iliopsoas tendon or iliotibial band, with slow and deliberate stretching movements before activity will help it become more limber so that the structures are not so tight that they snap with stronger movements.

As I explain to my patients, all these creaking, snapping, popping, and crackling noises you hear when you stretch or exercise or even just simply move around are nothing to worry about. Most often they stem from not being as limber as you could be and your tendons and ligaments are in a somewhat tight position most the time. Be sure to stretch completely before any physical activity, or just simply stretch when you get up in the morning. Drink enough water and fluids throughout the day to help relieve inflammation. If, however, you experience pain every time you move a certain way and hear one of these noises, do contact your doctor to be sure that there isn't something more serious going on with your joints/bones.

Stay well,

Dr. Mark

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Arthritis in the knee, which is commonly referred to as osteoarthritis, is a common condition wherein the protective cartilage around the knee joints wears and tears away leading to pain and discomfort.

This condition is usually developed by those who are overweight, over 50 years of age, and is commonly experienced by women. Osteoarthritis has a number of causes which include excessive strain or stress on the joint, weight, age, and heredity. One of the best treatments for this condition is to perform arthritis knee exercises which will help greatly in restoring the proper movement of the joints as well as in strengthening the knee. In this article, you will find a number of arthritis knee exercises that will surely help in nursing your knee back to good health.

The following arthritis knee exercises can be performed while sitting or lying on your back:

1. Extend the knees and legs. In this exercise, you will need a roll of toilet paper to be put under your heel. Once the roll of toilet paper is in place, push your knee down and lock it in place. Lift your leg up slowly and then lower it down again. You can repeat this exercise 10 times for maximum results.

2. In this next exercise, extend your legs once more and make sure that the top of your thigh muscles are tightened. Hold for 3 seconds. While still tightening your muscles, raise your leg to about 3 inches from the floor. Hold the position for about 3 counts. Without releasing the tightening, lower your leg to the floor again. Hold the position for two more counts. Then, release the tension and rest your leg for about five seconds. Repeat 10 more times for 2 sets.

3. For this next exercise, you will need to lift your entire leg higher than the previous exercise. Start by tightening the muscles on your thigh and hold. Then, raise your leg to form a 60 degree angle with the floor and hold the position for about five counts. Lower your leg and rest for two counts. Repeat for about 2 sets of 10 repetitions.

4. For the next knee exercise, you will need to be lying on your back with your legs stretched out straight. Slowly slide one of your heels back and bring your knee closer to your chest. Hold for five counts, and slowly slide the heel back to original position. Repeat for about 5 times.

5. In this next exercise, sit on a chair that is high enough that your feet are kept off the floor. Bend your knees as far back as you can. Then straighten your knee forward and hold the position for about 5 counts. Lower your leg again and rest for 5 counts. Repeat this exercise 10 times.

6. For this final exercise, you need to be lying on your stomach. Slowly bend your knees up to make a 90 degree angle. Slowly bend your knee towards your body, using the other leg to help flex the active leg. Hold the position for about 10 counts. Repeat the exercise for 2 sets of 5 repetitions.

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Gouty arthritis is a problem of joint and bones that usually a severe painful attack when moving. The common site of the attack is toe but other joints can be affected are ankles, wrists, fingers, elbow and knee. Acute gout attack usually in one joint at a time and pain take time in hour to day. The patients can develop fever together with gout.

Who is affected by gout?

Prevalence estimates in the age over 35 years old. Usually attacks in male and menopause in women. The risk factors for developing gout are overweight, heavy alcohol intake, some medicines that can increase blood uric acid such as low dose of aspirin, cyclosporine, and ethambutol. Other factor is renal insufficiency that cause inhibition of tubular urate secretion and increase uric acid in blood.

The cause of gout

Gout cause by an overproduction of uric acid: defined as > 800 mg uric acid/day on normal diet and under excretion of uric acid. The excess uric crystal precipitate under the skin, which is known as tophi, (or in the urinary tract as kidney stones) and it cause joint inflammation.

The signs and symptoms of gout

The common symptoms of gout are inflammation, reddish discoloration, warmth, tenderness, and swelling in the joint of the first toe. When touching or walking it is extremely painful. Gout attacks are characterized by a rapid onset time in only 1-2 joints.


The way to diagnose gout is examine for the uric acid crystal of joint fluid and view the result with polarization microscope. Other common way is x-ray. This is helpful to show tophi and bone damaged. The result can analyze how long the patients have gout.

How is gout treatment?

Acute attacks of gout: The goal is to relieve pain and inflammation by the colchicine and pain killer medicines.

Long term control: Prevent recurrence, progression to chronic gouty arthritis and organ damage by blocking production and promote the excretion of uric acid by the medicines which is know as allopurinal and probenecid.


Avoid the risk factors of gout especially some foods and drinks such as beer and wine, red meat, shellfish, oysters, sea eggs, mussel, fried food and poultry. The important way to avoid gout is control the body weight and exercise everyday. Be careful the position during lift the heavy weight by using the right position and change the body movement after long standing or sitting.


The common pain of joints in adult is gouty arthritis. If you have extremely pain when moving and other signs and symptoms of gout, you should go to see the physician and start the medication. However, the best way is prevention by avoid gout risk factors and takes care your health.

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Arthritis patients are most likely to experience stiffness and soreness when the seasons change. Barometric pressure has a lot to do with the pain. Many patients that do have a type of arthritis move to places with higher barometric pressure to relieve joint pain! Lower barometric pressure often increases pain and discomfort in the joints.

Most patients start experiencing increased pain or discomfort in certain areas of their body when a storm is near. This interesting phenomenon occurs because the pressure changes and influences the fluid in the joints. A sharp pain the back or ankles or knees can lead someone to predict a big storm.

For individuals that have no existing joint problems, suddenly cold temperatures can spike muscle pain. Many people frequently feel this in the knees or ankles during cold weather. Storms or intense weather changes can also trigger odd and otherwise unexplainable body pains.

Treatment Options for Weather Related Joint Pain

- Choose to avoid areas where weather changes dramatically.
- Take a pain reliever if you experience the above symptoms.
- Wear knee braces if necessary to avoid debilitating knee muscle pain.
- See a doctor if the pains continue and you are not currently diagnosed with arthritis.

What Causes Arthritis Joint Pain?

Arthritis muscle pain can be caused by hundreds of different things. There are even over 100 types of arthritis that millions are diagnosed with each year. While it isn't life threatening it can make living life normally difficult, especially in severe cases of arthritis.

- Genetics
- Age
- Weight
- Lifestyle and diet
- High intensity sports that are done at a young age for many consecutive years
- Illness or infections in the body, including STD's
- Previous injuries
- Working in a hazardous environment or location
- Weather, including extreme weather conditions where you live
- Other medical conditions
- Certain medications seem to trigger arthritis
- Inflammation
- Unknown causes that are a complete mystery to doctors

What to Do If You Experience Joint Pain

If you experience muscle pain when the weather changes, be sure to relax and just take a pain reliever. That is the best way to go about treating something that doesn't occur too often. If you experience joint pain more than a few times a year then you may have a more serious problem. Screening for arthritis is your best bet to ensure that you are healthy. Untreated arthritis can cause severe degeneration of the joints and make doing simple things very difficult. There are a number of medications and treatments designed to help with arthritis symptoms.

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Boswellia, also known as "The Indian Frankincense" or "Salai Guggal," is used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat a diverse range of conditions. A genus of trees from the plant family of Burseraceae, Boswellia is native to tropical America, but a few species occur in Africa and Asia as well. The oleo-gum resin of Boswellia, popularly known as frankincense, was used in biblical times as incense and medicine.

A gummy resin of the boswellia tree, the plant is native to India and has been extensively used in the traditional practices of Ayurveda. Plants of this family are characterized by leaves that alternate along the stem and are composed of many leaflets, solitary or clustered flowers, and fleshy fruits.

Boswellia supports the overall flexibility of the body and provides a sense of well-being. It further contributes to the healthy functioning of the joints. The herb also acts as COX-2 inhibitors and alleviates inflammation and pain without affecting the gastric mucosa. It soothes the joints and also assists in treating levels of synovial fluid, thereby lubricating the joints and making movement easier. Boswellia is also known to support normal respiratory function.

The resin of Boswellia has anti-septic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties that help in treating a number of health conditions. The herb helps in reducing joint inflammation in people suffering from Arthritis and is also used to counter fever and convulsions.

Studies show that Boswellia may be beneficial for people suffering from asthma. A study conducted in 1998 revealed that 70 percent of patients who took 300 mg of boswellia three times daily for six weeks showed improvement in their symptoms (including number of attacks), compared with 27 percent of patients in the control group.

Boswellia is also known to boost physical functioning of people suffering from Arthritis of knee as well as rheumatoid arthritis. It's anti-inflammatory properties are efficacious in reducing swelling and pain and consequently bringing relief.

Latest studies show that Boswellia possesses certain active anti-inflammatory ingredients, which are commonly referred to as Boswellic acids. In animal studies, Boswelllia was observed to significantly reduce inflammation. The herb prevents inflammatory white cells from infiltrating damaged tissues. They are also known to improve blood flow to the joints.

The most active ingredient of Boswellia is the Boswellic acid which works as an ointment to relax facial muscles and eases micro-contractions, helping to reduce and prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The acid also has strong anti-inflammatory actions which help in relieving swelling and pain. Boswellia has no known side-effects. Research shows that the herb is superior to over-the-counter drugs, in terms of effectiveness as well as minimum side-effects. Some of the many forms of the herb include pills, capsules and tablets as well as a number of topical creams that can be applied directly to the affected skin areas.

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Studies concerning vitamins and arthritis suffering, positive results have been seen. Vitamins are not the only beneficial nutrients. Minerals and amino acids, as well as unique compounds such as glucosamine and SAM-e have been evaluated for their pain-relieving benefits.

2 Important Steps

Step One, of course, is to insure that you are getting all of the essential nutrients on a daily basis. That is difficult to do, without a good supplement. The value of the popular multi-vitamins is questionable, though, because they contain synthetics and the cheapest forms of the available nutrients. So, always shop for all-natural supplements. Plastic nutrients probably don't have much of an effect.

The Second Step for someone that has sore knuckles, general stiffness or a small amount of inflammation is omega-3 fish oil. Fish oil has been used for hundreds of years to relieve the pain associated with osteoarthritis. Modern day studies have shown that it is beneficial for the rheumatoid type, too.

Scientific comparisons have shown that some fish oils have more anti-inflammatory activity than others. So, look for a supplement company that has had their fish oil tested for its inflammation fighting ability.

Mussel Power

Once you have the basics of a multi-nutritional formula and a good fish oil supplement, you might consider green lipped mussel powder, which is another natural anti-inflammatory. The mussels contain a variety of nutrients important to joint and bone health.

Some of the studies concerning vitamins and arthritis suffering in the knee joints have looked at the value of natural vitamin E and glucosamine sulfate. Although glucosamine has been recommended for years as a dietary supplement for rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, researchers are still debating the effectiveness of the treatments.

This and other studies have confirmed that it is the type of glucosamine used in the studies that accounts for the varied results. Glucosamine sulfate is far more effective than glucosamine hydrochloride. But, since both have a beneficial effect, some of the better manufacturers include both types in their supplements.

Vitamin Research Result

Studies concerning specific vitamins and arthritis suffering indicate that A, C, D and E may be beneficial, because they reduce the oxidative damage done by free radicals, and also because the body's natural antioxidant status decreases with age. In the study mentioned above, researchers concluded that 400mg of natural vitamin E (derived from palm oil) per day was just as effective as glucosamine sulfate.

To date, there have been no studies comparing the effectiveness of other nutrients, such as SAM-e and chondroitin. So, when it comes to vitamins and arthritis suffering, it is safe to say that a combination of ingredients (rather than a single vitamin like E) is the best choice.

3 Factors to Seriously Consider

If combined with a -
1. Healthy diet,
2. Regular physical activity and
3. Good dietary supplements can help repair damaged joints and reduce pain, while the healing process is ongoing. Some consumers say that the supplements are beneficial, even if they don't focus on what they eat or manage to get enough exercise.

If you decide that supplementation is the right choice for you, look for a brand that includes a number of natural anti-inflammatories, including turmeric, piperine and ginger. In studies concerning herbs, vitamins and arthritis suffering, those three spice extracts have proven to be most effective.

And now please visit the HealthyBodySupplements website listed below for more important information on Vitamins and Arthritis Suffering.

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The fastest way to improve your ballet technique, no matter what style of dance your ballet conservatory teaches, is to learn what is anatomically correct and what is not.

You can improve your turnout by understanding the type of hip joints you have. You can also learn which muscles actually hold your turnout, and which muscles support your correct ballet technique and traditional ballet positions. Cheerleaders and even football pros use turnout in their movements and learning it correctly can prevent sprained and torn knee joints.

Analyzing arabesque for example, requires that you understand moving from an upright position of the spine, to a tilted, correctly twisted position of the lumbar (low back) spine. Even if you have 180 degree turnout from your hips, a high arabesque will demand the twist of the low back/pelvis to achieve a professional line. Different dance styles will determine the details of your line, as in some arm placement (square shoulders or not, etc.,) and yet correct ballet technique will allow the dancer to adapt to many choreographic styles.

Also, understanding a proper arabesque ballet position helps you stretch properly to do the splits.

Understanding foot types, foot muscles, and how to strengthen AND relax lower leg and foot muscles will help prepare you for dancing ballet in pointe shoes, regardless of your dance training style. Cheerleaders included - you may not aspire to dance in pointe shoes, but foot/lower leg control will improve your balance and help you avoid the most common ballet/sports/fitness injury - sprained ankles.

It's amazing that x-rays dancers in their twenties can show arthritis in foot joints, knee joints and joints of the low back, neck and shoulders. Certain ballet training styles sprain and strain joints to perpetuate the tradition. Ballet conservatories understand this, and their audition processes attempt to screen out the physiques that will sustain too much damage to finish the training. The better funded academies have added anatomy classes and physical therapists to their programs to diminish this accepted professional hazard.

Now any ballet student or cheer leading student can get the same information! No matter how out of the way your ballet school is! If you have no money to spend, there are many free articles to read on the internet, and many ballet books in your local library.

It's open access to anyone who will search and benefit from the wealth of information on how to improve your ballet technique.

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If you have bumps on your finger joints you may have early signs of arthritis.

About two years ago, a friend of mine who is in her 40's came to me for advice about arthritis. Her doctor had told her that her neck was like she was 65 years old. Not only did she have arthritis in her neck, but in her feet as well. My friend is passionate about horse riding - how much longer will she be able to do that?

Both my parents had arthritis - my father's was in his feet and hands, my mother's in her back. My husband has arthritis in his knee - a result of a rugby injury and having cartilage removed. Arthritis is both painful and debilitating.

What causes arthritis?

There are two types of arthritis - osteoarthritis (the most common, caused by wear and tear) and rheumatoid arthritis (inflammation of the joints due to an autoimmune disease).

According to Doctor Ray Strand "over 70% of the people over 50 years of age have some degree of degenerative arthritis ".

Joint fluid from an inflamed joint, contains excessive free radicals. To counter free radical damage we need to consume a diet high in fresh fruits and vegetables and to supplement with optimal levels of antioxidants which include Vitamin E, beta-carotene, selenium, Vitamin D and Vitamin C. It is also advised to consume glucosamine which supports healthy cartilage.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease - caused by a virus or bacteria. The immune system becomes confused and it attacks itself rather than the bacteria or virus. The joints become inflamed causing chronic inflammation, pain and swelling; and the joint fluid which is usually thick becomes thin, so the cartilage becomes less protective.

My horse-riding friend is a 'health nut' - she eats organic food and has a healthy lifestyle. But that hasn't been enough to prevent Osteoarthritis. My suggestion is to add advanced-quality broad spectrum nutritional supplements - antioxidants, multi-vitamins, multi-minerals, glucosamine and omega-3 to a healthy lifestyle to support healthy joints and bones. And to also continue with exercise to maintain fitness, muscle strength, heart health, relieve pain and stiffness and to get better quality of sleep.

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We all get knee arthritis sooner or later, and when that inevitable day comes, it helps to know a knee pain treatment that works. As far as options go, there are plenty to choose from. You can find - in the market today - different salves, ointments, pain relievers, vitamins and an assortment of prescription drugs that can relieve the pain from your knees.

Unfortunately, treating knee pain is a long term endeavor and in most cases, something that will remain with a person for the rest of his or her life. Ultimately, what this means is that drugs and chemicals will not be enough to treat your knees. So in a sense, no single medical product will be enough. You will also need to make some changes in your daily habits if you intend to do something about your knee problems.

For starters, you will need to face up to the truth that your knee muscles may be getting old and stressed out, and that increased stress will result in more arthritis or pain. Moreover, you might also want to consider taking up special diets and exercises designed to help make your muscles stronger. For example, protein-rich diets are good at healing muscle tissues whereas a daily dose of calcium can help improve the bones of your body. So try to consult your doctor about how your diet and lifestyle may influence your knees.

Of course, that is not to say that you can't use drugs or medication. However, it's best to use them as a last resort only. Painkillers for example can be very addictive and using it extensively may lead to other problems. Moreover, drug treatments can easily lead to more drug treatments, so if you are considering that as an option, you better be ready for the long term consequences.

However in situations where the pain of your knees is so unbearable, you will need to start using a knee brace and then undergo physical therapy. However, their use should wake you up to the possibility that your knees may have deeper problems than you first thought. In the end, long term problems require long term solutions.

To wrap up, knee pains are almost always a fact of life, and you're not supposed to be angry or resentful about them, because they happen to everybody. This is inevitable and something which you will need to prepare for.

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