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Are you currently experiencing sharp knee pain problems?

Would you say that your knee discomfort is more like a sharp knee pain?

When you try move your knees in certain ways, do your knees scream in pain, or make nasty popping, crunching sounds?

Many people, young and old alike, experience knee pain in their knees. For some individuals, the knee discomfort can get so bad that basic knee functions make life a chore. - While avoiding the activities that cause pain may be one way to deal with the issue, it is certainly a difficult way to live, especially if you are an otherwise active and energetic person. Your mobility is limited, your activities are curtailed, and the pain is like a red flag that stops you from doing things you would like to do. This is a difficult way to go through life.

So, what are the choices? How can you decrease your knee pain and get moving again with confidence? You might have looked around and found other possible options to be less than optimal for you. Expensive, unpleasant surgery? Sleeping with a bottle of pain killers at your bedside? Long, time consuming sessions of physical or occupational therapy?

Fortunately, there is another alternative available. If you are one of the silent sufferers of knee pain when actively using your knee, the solution to your problem may be something as simple, convenient and non-invasive as a knee brace.

Knee pain upon squatting or bending can be caused by a number of conditions, and only a qualified specialist can definitively diagnose your condition. However, whether the pain being caused by a misaligned or shifting patella (knee cap), too much stress on the muscles and ligaments in the knee, or any other of a number of conditions, chances are a knee brace can help. Not only can a knee brace offer additional support to the ligaments in the knee, but it can also help keep the knee correctly aligned and help keep the knee cap in place.

Although evaluation by a qualified physician is always recommended, a knee brace, used alone or in conjunction with other medical treatment, could be your ticket to freedom from pain and a return to normal mobility.

Now, if you are thinking that a custom made knee brace is simply out of reach financially, "brace" yourself for some more good news: the support you use does not necessarily have to be custom made. This means that you can save hundreds if not a thousand dollars. There are many kinds of knee support available on the market; some, soft and flexible, others, hinged and more rigid. Consequently, there is bound to be one that is right for you.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you have ever suffered from pain in your knee then you are probably aware of how debilitating it can be. Doing any physical activity that requires the use of your knee becomes a chore that is dreaded. No matter what you do, your knee joint is one of the most commonly used joints in your entire body. Ensuring that you have knee pain relief is essential in learning how to manage your pain. Depending on the cause of your pain, there are many treatments that are available.

People who have injured their knee in an accident should consider getting a knee brace or crutch to help relieve the pressure of the knee. Sometimes the best thing you can do if you have a serious knee injury is to rest. By resting your knee you can give your body a chance to go through the magical process of healing. When you are nursing and acute knee injury, icing is a very good way to help keep down some of the swelling. By regularly icing your knee off and on every 15 minutes, you will act to restrict the blood flow to the knee. This will help reduce some of the swelling that you may experience.

For people who have chronic knee issues, you should consider finding a good treatment program to help you manage your pain. Knee pain relief is possible if you get a good program the puts a strong emphasis proactively treating your problem. Exercises like daily stretching and strengthening your surrounding muscles can help you alleviate some of the pain that you experience.

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Have you ever spent a couple of hours in rush hour traffic and when you finally reach your destination, you can't get out of the car because of knee joint pain? This can be a humiliating experience if you have an audience when you finally do get out of the car and try to walk. Typically, within a little while you can walk it off, but wouldn't it be nice if this didn't happen at all?

As we age our bodies don't produce enough of the substances we need to keep our bones and joints functioning as they did when we were younger. This gives us knee joint pain as well as other types of pain. Our joints become stiff and don't work well. There are things we can do to fix this problem. First of all you should start taking a supplement that helps replace the things your body now lacks. There are a number of joint supplements that contain glucosamine compounds, chondroitin sulfate and MSM. These are the primary things that your joints are lacking and by replacing these you will stop experiencing the pain you have become accustomed to recently.

After you have allowed the supplement to work(it may take a few weeks to get the full effect) you need to increase your activity. Regular exercise of some kind will help you keep knee joint pain and many other types of pain away. Start out by taking a 45 minute walk 4 times a week. You will likely find that you enjoy it so much you will want to start doing it every day. Regular exercise will help keep your joints more flexible and will prevent the Knee joint pain and other joint pain from returning. Exercise will also make you feel better just in general.

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Common snowboarding knee injuries occur when the ligaments around the joint are torn. There are ways, however, to help prevent those injuries and continue enjoying the sport while recuperating.

Tearing of the ACL or anterior cruciate ligament is a typical snowboarding knee injury. The ACL forms part of four major knee ligaments. The ACL can tear when a snowboarder lands on a bent knee then twisting it or landing on an overextended knee. A popping sound can be heard and the knee will give out.

The PCL or posterior cruciate ligament crosses the ACL and together are responsible for the stability in the knee. Spraining the PCL happens when the front of the knee suffers an important impact.

Another snowboarding injury is a sprain of the MCL or medial collateral ligament, another of the four important knee ligaments. The MCL is on the inside of the knee and when twisted during a bad fall from a jump, can be overstretched and result in a sprain.

All injuries stated above can cause instability in the knee joint and, depending on the severity of the injury, the duration of which is determined by the severity of the injury.

To avoid snowboarding pain or to recover from an ACL rupture or a MCL or PCL sprain, wearing a knee brace can be efficient in both protecting the knees while snowboarding and stabilizing them once injured.

The DonJoy FullForce ligament knee brace can help prevent ligament injuries by stabilizing the knee and significantly reduce the strain on the ACL. DonJoy's Fource-Point hinge dampens knee joint extensions to increase bending angles.

The DonJoy FullForce is designed for snowboarders suffering from hyperextension of the ligaments around the knee, to help ease snowboarding knee pain and cushion the strain on the ligaments.

The FullForce knee brace eases moderate and/or severe PCL or ACL instabilities caused by sprains or ruptures, to let the snowboarder heal to continue enjoying the sport without further injuries.

It can happen that CI or combined instabilities ACL/PCL may prevent the snowboarder from regular activities for a while after injury or during rehabilitation. Wearing a DonJoy FullForce ligament knee brace will help the rehabilitation evolve more quickly by supporting the knee joint and spreading the amount of pressure from the knee joint to other leg muscles for quicker healing. The snowboarder who is then ready to climb back on the board should also consider wearing a DonJoy Sport Knee Pad, which, combined with the FullForce knee brace, will protect the front of the knee from further injury, help the PCL sprain from reoccurring and allow the joint to stand jumps while protecting the ACL.

The DonJoy FullForce ligament knee brace will also help instabilities derived from MCL sprains or ACL or PCL reconstructions.

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Thousands of people suffer from chronic joint pain (pain that lasts for a period of six months or longer). By understanding what causes it, a person suffering from chronic joint pain can better understand its effects and how to treat them.

There are many reasons why a person may develop chronic joint pain. It is not unusual for a traumatic event to be the root cause of continuous pain. Infection and inflammation are also known to be responsible for some chronic joint problems. Another fact about joint pain is that it is the most common type of pain, according to doctors and the schedule they see every day when they come in to work. Apparently, nothing gets a patient in the door quite like pain in those hinges we call joints.

The number-one grievance of patients by far is chronic knee pain. The knees are compromised of so many different parts that there are more chances of having a problem with this major joint. Runners, skiers and tennis players all know the drill when it comes to painful knees, but even non athletes are afflicted with knee pain because they use their knees every day to accomplish day-to-day tasks.

Chronic pain comes with its own set of problems. Joint pain, chronic or not, can rob people of activities that they enjoy. Over time and with increasing amounts of pain, people often experience complete changes in their lifestyle. Unfortunately, when relief is not attained after trying several different methods or products, it is not unusual to begin to feel hopeless and helpless. This can lead to emotional repercussions that move in along with chronic joint pain. It is not unusual for people to be afflicted with symptoms of depression and anxiety--an issue that is often overlooked when people are seeking treatment for pain relief. Pain that is not relieved can also affect the immune system as a whole. Overall health can become compromised just because of one painful joint and the stress of chronic pain.

For many people, finally finding a solution is a giant step in the right direction. Treatment after treatment with no lessening of the pain can be more than a little discouraging. Doctors and researchers are optimistic that joint pain relief is becoming attainable for even those with chronic problems.

One recent form of relief, Cetylated Fatty Acids (CFAs), is making a difference in the lives of those with chronic joint pain. Studies and personal stories are both emerging regarding this option. These acids have been proven to provide increased joint lubrication, which allows people to attain greater mobility. A boost in cushioning also helps to reduce inflammation and pain. CFAs are worth more than their weight in gold to a large section of pain sufferers out there.

Where and why knees and other joints have so many pain issues is an important topic and is being addressed by the medical community. Researchers continue to work hard to find solutions while restoring people to good health and happiness.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The knee joint may seem to be a simple joint, but actually, it is the most complicated joint in the human body. It is mostly injured more than any other. Four bones make up the knee joint: femur, tibia, fibula, and patella.

The femur is the largest bone in the thigh so it is also called the thighbone. Just below the tibia (shinbone), there is the fibula and then the patella which is also called the kneecap.

The four ligaments help to bind these bones together. One of the collateral ligaments is the Medial Collateral Ligament, abbreviated as MCL. It is also called Tibial Collateral Ligament. It is located in the inner side of the knee and attaches the thighbone to the shinbone.

An MCL injury occurs due to being hit on the outer surface of the knee and stretched. The damage of tissues depends on the force applied on the knee. An injury to the MCL can also cause a Medial Cartilage Meniscus Injury. The knee has two cartilage menisci-one on the medial or inside and the other on the lateral or outside upper surface of the shinbone.

MCL injury is classified into three grades depending on the severity of the injury. In a Grade 1 injury, 10 percent of the tissues are damaged. In Grade 3, fully 100 percent of the tissues are damaged. Of course, Grade 2 lies between the two.

The symptoms of an MCL injury vary according to the nature of the injury. Grade 1 symptoms include mild tenderness, usually no swelling, and no instability of the knee. When force is applied to the outside of the knee, the pain is felt while the knee is bent at 30 degrees. In case of a Grade 2 injury, the knee may swell up and there would be pain when the knee is bent to 30 degrees.

With a Grade 3 injury, there would be pain and the patient may feel like the knee is unstable and giving out. MCL assessment tests are conducted to diagnose an MCL injury. These tests include a questionnaire about general health problems and current injury. The physician will perform physical assessment as well to find out the cause of pain. Resisted Muscle Tests and Valgus Stress Test are two tests that are conducted.

Non-operative treatment for an MCL injury includes rest, placing ice, compression, and elevation. The patient may also use a knee brace or knee immobilizer for support. One should consult a doctor as soon as possible after injury. No one can afford an injured ligament.

This article provides the basic information about MCL and MCL injury. In case of any medical problems with your knee, you should visit your doctor.

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What is a cortisone shot?

A cortisone shot or a cortisone injection is given to patients to relieve pain mainly caused by joint inflammation. The ankle, hip, shoulder, elbow, knee, wrist and spine joints are the most common areas in the body where patients receive cortisone injections. Outside of the common joints, cortisone shots may rarely be given to the smaller joints in your feet and hands.

An injection of anti-inflammatory medicine into the joint is commonly referred to as a cortisone shot, usually consisting of a mixture of corticosteroid and a local anesthetic. In some more rare circumstances different types of medications may be added to the mixture. The local anesthetic works to relieve pain in the short term, while the corticosteroid reduces the inflammation providing the longer term pain relief. Frequently it is your doctor who will give you the cortisone shot in his office.

Listed below are some side effects and rare complications that may arise from cortisone shots

  • Osteonecrosis - occurs when a bone dies near the cortisone injection point

  • Joint infection

  • Damage to nerves around the injection site

  • Skin may thin near the injection site

  • Pain may become worse due to a temporary inflammation which could last for as long as 48 hours

  • May affect tendons near the injection site by weakening or even rupturing them

  • May lead to osteoporosis in bones near the injection site

  • Skin pigmentation may become lighter close to the point of injection

One of the more frequently asked questions are how often can you receive a cortisone injection? One of the biggest questions debated is what limitations should be placed on cortisone injections. The concerns are raised from repeated cortisone injection exposure that is suspected to further damage and deteriorate joint cartilage. This is the main concern of many doctors and for this reason cortisone injections are usually only given to a patient once every three months per joint. In rare situations more severe forms of arthritis may bend this general rule and these patients receive a cortisone shot once a month.

Another common question often asked is, how painful are cortisone injections? The pain associated with a cortisone injection is dependent on what the mixture of medicinal ingredients is. If you are having the more rare injections to the small joints in your hands or feet, then you are likely going to feel considerably more pain. Larger joints in your body such as the knee or shoulder will only trigger mild amounts of pain, while injections in other joints through your body will cause moderate amounts of pain.

How to Recover From a Cortisone Injection

It is common to feel a little pain and stiffness around the injection site after a cortisone shot. It is best that you continue with your daily routine as this is normal and it will just take a little time for you to start feeling better.

Here are a few activities your doctor may ask you to do in the first few days following your cortisone injection:

  • Apply ice packs to the injection site as required to reduce the amount of superficial pain you are feeling

  • Monitor the injection site for signs of infection. Symptoms of infection may include an increase in your pain level and redness or swelling lasting longer then forty eight hours

  • Be mindful not to over exert the joint that was given the injection. Examples being, if you had a cortisone injection in your shoulder, then you should avoid any heavy lifting. If you had the injection in your knee you should do you best to stay off of your feet for the first couple of days. You can still use these joints, just be mindful not to strain them with too much activity.

Earlier we touched on possibilities of an increase in pain and inflammation. This is commonly referred to cortisone shot flare. The flare in pain will usually lasts for up to forty eight hours, but when it subsides you should start to feel relief from your pain. As in all health concerns, if you have any questions do not hesitate to contact your doctor. Even if there is nothing wrong, confirmation from a professional often puts the mind at ease.

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What type of shoes are healthiest on your joints? Which ones will help blast the fat, but not your knees? Good question! A good walking shoe is essential when undertaking a walking workout routine. Every step places a lot of wear and tear on the feet and joints, about five hundred pounds of pressure with every stride. This article discusses a fitness shoe that is very joint friendly and an excellent solution for people with knee problems.

This joint-friendly footwear is called MBT shoes. It is a brand that has a uniquely designed sole that provides instability as you walk, turning flat ground that we walk on into uneven terrain like walking on a beach. It has several benefits including improving core muscle strength and burning more calories, but one of the most important benefits of MBT for dedicated fitness walkers is that they are very helpful in relieving pressure on the feet and joints, especially the knees.

Most of us know first hand that aging brings on more aches and pains, but that staying active is crucial in staying healthy. The MBT will help to keep you moving, allowing your body to increase blood flow and lubricate joints, thereby easing some of the pain.

The key to the MBT's effectiveness on reducing joint pain is the multi-layered sole. It works as a buffer between the ground we walk on and our feet and joints. The curved sole allows for more equal weight distribution as you take steps, so you are not jarring joints as you stay active.

Another reason why these are the most joint-friendly shoes is that they help tone muscles that surround your knees, hips and back. They challenge the muscles to work harder and tone them much more than walking alone. This can help reduce the amount of pain by improving your posture, alignment and overall joint mobility.

Staying active is very important for overall health and weight management. But your joints and knees do not have to pay the price. The MBT shoes hold several benefits that will make your walking routine much more joint-friendly.

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If you are like me, you will have reached the age where you now suffer from a few pain issues. Therefore you will more than likely be interested in a simple way of decreasing inflammation, RSI, muscle, tendon, and medial nerve pain particularly in your hands, wrists and other joints.

For over 10 years now I have suffered from these problems particularly in my hands, wrists and right knee joint, which all become more inflamed when I play my favorite sport -- golf once a week.

Some years ago I came up with what I believe to be a pretty ingenious solution that enables me to cope with the pain when I play. There are about 14 points where I experience pain in my hands and wrists when I grip the club and take a swing. Sometimes it hurts so much I can barely grip the club at all.

My simple method is to place small circles of BluTack held in place by rigid tape at the points of pain, commonly where the finger joints form a V on top of your hand and sides of your wrists. This is then covered with an elastic pressure bandage. I guess you could possibly relate this method to some type of acupuncture, where you are applying pressure to a certain point. I don't really care about the theory -- all I know and care about is it works and I can continue playing golf.

10 years ago I could only play three painful holes of golf before the inside of my right knee would swell to the size of a tennis ball with inflammation, I either had to waddle on in severe pain or give up.

An old football friend of mine showed me how to do a kind of figure 8 bandage around my knee using rigid tape, which stabilized the joint and supported my kneecap. Walking up to 36 holes pain free became possible after mastering this simple taping technique.

Three years ago I started taking a cheap brand of fish oil capsules and noticed some minor improvements in my joints. However 18 months ago I stumbled across a superior brand of fish oil on the Internet with a high concentration of DHA omega-3 fatty acid in particular. There has been a marked improvement in reducing joint pain in my hands.

Think about trying natural alternative methods to control your joint, muscular, tendon and nerve pain, including stretching exercises. Taking painkilling pills or rubbing on these types of chemical ointments is not necessarily the most effective, safest or best long term solution.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Pain in the knee is a clear sign that you need to see a medical practitioner. This, along with other problems like a deformed knee, constant knee pain or knee pain that arises even when you are simply resting are reasons enough for you to pay your doctor a visit.

Also if you have a knee that will not bend or one that buckles instead of offering support, you too will need to pay the doctor a visit. There could be instances where the joint just swells and you start to suspect that you could have an infection.

If however, your condition is not one that requires a visit to the doctor then it is important to you pay close attention because you could actually be able to solve the problem all by yourself. Many of the knee treatments that are recommended may not be of great help in certain conditions but there are instances where they are actually the perfect remedy. Make sure you know which one to go for and when to go for it.

Apply a gentle massage on the knee then put it in a resting position. The importance of resting is to ensure that the inflammation reduces. Sometimes this is all you have to do for the pain to stop completely. It is also vital that you use crutches so that the pressure and weight on the joint is reduced massively. This should be until such a time when the knee can hold the weight again without experiencing any pain at all.

Sometimes knee pain can be controlled by using heating pads or ice packs. Make sure that you always remember that if there has been an injury to the joint there is need for heat and therefore using ice may not offer the best solution.

Other times, knee pain can be controlled by simply applying some stretching to the tendons and muscles around the area of the joint. Make sure you come up with a good routine that you stick to on a regular basis. If need be, visit a physical therapist who will give you the best advice on which technique to use. Only they can tell which technique will increase strength and help the movement while helping the knee to get back to its original state.

It is also important to maintain a diet that is full of natural ingredients as you try to make your joints stronger and free from pain. Items that you should have are hyaluronic acid, glucosamine sulfate and chrondroitin. These will come together to offer better prevention measures against problems of the joints.

The treatment that you embark on for knee pain will be determined by the reason for the knee pain. In case you are not really sure what caused the problem or how serious it is you are better off contacting a doctor for advice before you decide which treatment you would like or what supplements you should take.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Running is an enjoyable and healthy sport, but it can be tough on the body, including the legs, feet and especially the knees. You may feel fine during the actual activity, but after you stop, knee aches can chase you down, fast! Knee aches after running are a common occurrence, and can happen in one or both of your legs. The sensation may vary from a mild ache to an excruciating pain. Aches and pains after running may last less than an hour, or they may continue for hours, even days. Regardless of your particular symptoms, if you experience knee aches after running, you probably just want some relief. Period.

Knee pain problems after exercising can stem from a number of conditions. These pain issues may come from a chronic condition such as degenerative arthritis, or they may be the result of a misalignment of the kneecap, a prior injury, or any number of troublesome conditions.

Only a qualified doctor can definitively diagnose the source of your knee aches after running. But regardless of the particular condition, the root cause is likely to be stress on the knees. You can treat the symptoms with home remedies such as ice/heat or anti-inflammatory medications (all to be prescribed by your physician), but it would be preferable if you could stop the pain problems before they ever start, right?

There are several steps you can take to make sure you are lessening the shock to the knee joint as much as you can. First, you should assess your footwear to insure that it is providing the proper support for running. There are shoes designed especially for running that help keep the foot properly aligned and this, in turn, will improve your gait and help take some stress off the knee joint.

You can also try changing the surface you are running on. For instance, many people run on hard concrete or asphalt surfaces. Running on these types of surfaces can cause a jarring impact to the knee with each step and increase the incidence of knee problems after exercising. Thus, consider running on a specifically designed track or on a treadmill, or even a dirt path instead of the sidewalk. Most importantly, though, to help avoid knee aches and pains after jogging, you should consider wearing a knee brace on one or both knees. Just think about it here for a second...

Knee supports are available to anyone and they are something that you can use right away to help add meaningful support to your knee. Since they don't generally have to be custom made, you don't have to mortgage your house to afford one. A properly fitting, low profile support can really help you when you are out there pushing yourself to keep in shape. Consequently, a knee brace, when properly used, can help to significantly reduce the incidence of knee problems. Supports can come in a variety of sizes and styles, several of which are quite compatible with running.

In the end, you can choose to do nothing for yourself, or you can be proactive. Whatever you choose to do, consider using a knee support because they are affordable and can greatly help reduce your pain because of the meaningful support that they can provide.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Running and jogging are a great form of exercise. Sure, running can be great for your heart, but what about your knees?

Whether you love running, or like to occasionally go for a jog, sharp knee pain can take you out of the race almost immediately. If you have been sidelined by sharp knee pain when running or jogging, you may be tempted to throw in the towel on the sport. But do not throw in the towel just yet! Read on for a helpful way to reduce knee discomfort and stabilize your knee!

While simply not running or jogging may be one way to avoid sharp knee pain, you may have other options that can keep you in the race.

Whether from injury or overuse, at some point, most runners experience sharp knee pain when running. The knee discomfort problems you are having can subside with rest and various training improvements (i.e. better running shoes, cutting back on downhill running, changing the surface you run on, etc.). Some athletes find that icing the knees after a run helps to reduce the pain. However, if the sharp pain persists, worsens, or recurs whenever you are running, it is important to have the problem evaluated by a qualified medical specialist.

The area of the knee where the sharp pain occurs can serve as a good indication of the possible cause of the pain when running. For instance, if the sharp pain is more localized within the joint line (interior) knee, the cause of the pain may be the menisci. However, if the sharp pain is primarily in the front of the knee, the cause may be related to the patella (kneecap). Either way, even if training improvements, rest and the application of ice do alleviate the pain, chances are, if you continue running, the pain will return.

So does that mean that to save your knees, you must give up running or jogging?

Not necessarily. Something as simple and affordable as a knee brace may help reduce or even eliminate the sharp pain and help keep you on the trails.

Knee supports are not difficult at all to use, and they come in a variety of styles. Some are firm and rigid, while others are soft and flexible. However, whatever the style or type, a knee brace is designed to help support the knee, helping to reduce the stress and impact on the muscles and ligaments caused by running. - They do not have to be big and bulky either. There are a wide variety of options available to runners at all different levels.

A knee brace can also be helpful in keeping the knee and knee cap properly aligned, which in turn can also help reduce or eliminate sharp pain in the knee when running. Helping the knee joint to remain in proper alignment and stay supported when running can really help reduce injury levels.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Chronic knee pain is a debilitating condition that robs a person of the ability to freely enjoy everyday activities without pain. Chronic joint pain is a constant or reoccurring pain that can stem from a number of causes. While the intensity varies for each individual, those who suffer from chronic pain long for relief. It is not enough to grin and bear it and deal with the pain; one must learn how to manage their chronic knee pain.

It's discouraging to think that your body is having trouble healing itself. That's what your body is made for! But when the pain is a daily battle, it is easy to feel hopeless, like your pain is just never going to end. Many people who suffer from the daily effects of chronic knee pain seek only for immediate relief of the pain. It's natural to yearn for that feeling of well being, but sadly, many only look as far as pain relief and don't explore rehabilitation of the joints. Doctors, it seems today, are quick to scribble out a prescription and send patients on their way. Some people with chronic knee pain take several pills a day to simply get through the pain, and of these, some will take the same painkillers the rest of their lives. This is not to say that they are not justified in needing real relief. Chronic pain can be crippling and each person tolerates pain at a different level.

If the idea of dependency on medications that you can't pronounce with a list of side effects a mile long worries you, you're not alone. Many chronic knee pain sufferers are looking for safe and natural ways to manage their pain, and work to rehabilitate their sore joints. Going all natural may not be as recognizably effective as prescription medications, but natural remedies may go further in healing your chronic pain than simply covering it up. There are many products you can buy that promote joint health. Supplements and lifestyle changes could do more for relieving your pain than you might think.

Glucosamine is something that your body makes naturally to assist in making healthy cartilage, but as we age our bodies slow down the production of this naturally occurring compound. When taken in a supplement form, glucosamine can help rebuild healthy cartilage, thus eliminating pressure on the joints and relieving knee joint pain. There have been promising studies made with glucosamine, although some doctors would express doubts about its effectiveness. Chronic joint pain sufferers seem to sing its praises, swearing by its healing properties.

Your chronic knee pain doesn't need to be a life sentence. There are ways of treating and rehabilitating joints without heavy-duty painkillers or expensive surgeries. The best way to get effective results is to be proactive about your pain management regime. The sooner you take your joint health seriously into your hands, the less likely it is that you will succumb to your chronic pain and find yourself missing out on the things you love to do.

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Have you ever stood up just to find yourself sitting straight back down again because of a knee joint pain? Bad enough as this is when you reach a more stately age, but it can also happen to you when you're a lot younger, too.

In this article we're going to have a look at knee joint pain and some of the reasons why you may be starting to feel its effects, no matter what age you are.

Often you'll just feel as though you've a twinge, or that you've stood up too quickly and something has just 'clicked' to give you the knee joint pain, and, as possible as that all is, it's also possible that it stems from something else.

There are a number of ligaments and tendons in the knee and any of these can pick up an injury for the most innocuous of reasons. You can cause minor and sometimes major damage to them by over stretching, or even by not stretching. It can be a difficult balance knowing how much is too much when it comes to stretching.

Before doing any form of exercise that could cause knee joint pain - which may or may not include standing up in the case of some people - it's always a good idea to warm up. There are plenty of good warm up routines that you can try out, but if you've already had some problems with knee joint pain you'll want to find the exercises that don't put too much stress on the part of the body.

Another thing that may cause some damage is when you bump your knee on something. In the case of a sports person that could be the accidental 'nudging' of an opponent's head, or, in the case of our person doing a bit of casual standing up, it could be caused by bashing the knee on a coffee table. The effect, bizarrely enough, is pretty much the same.

The knee is one of the most exposed bones in the body and covers, as mentioned earlier, a number of tendons and ligaments, as well as cartilage that can easily be damaged. With all of those things that can be tweaked, or damaged, it's a difficult thing to know just how serious your knee joint pain actually is.

As you get older other factors can start to creep in too. There is a natural degeneration in the bones and cartilage of older people and this will often lead to the knee joint pain that they get. There aren't too many things that you can do to prevent this natural aging process from happening, however, if you take the time to visit your doctor and get an exercise routine that is suited to you, you should at least be able to help slow down the effect of aging on your joints.

So, if you're young, old, fit, or unfit there's still a strong possibility that you'll get a knee joint pain. You could be out running and notice the effects of it sometime after you've stopped, or you could be standing up after kneeling down tending to the garden; it's not something you can really become immune to.

If a problem does flare up then you should see if you can treat the knee joint pain yourself i.e. apply something cold to it, apply something hot to it, stop whatever you're doing and sit down, unless it happened as you were sitting down to start with, in that case, stay where you are.

I had all of the above knee joint pain problems myself and so like you my search began for a way to end it. Then...

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What is over pronation (usually resulting in knee pain)- this is the inward roll of the foot while standing, walking, running or dancing. Allowing the flat foot to roll inwards causes noticeable internal rotation of the lower leg and can cause knee injuries.

This can also result in extra strain on the lower body and can cause foot pain, heel pain, ankle pain, knee and leg pain, and lower back pain injury. A ballet student only needs to understand this, and can correct a flat foot by developing the sole of the foot muscles for dancing in real ballet shoes.

Studying ballet or sports without correcting pronation can lead to knee pain, shin splints, arch pain, and overall tension in the lower leg.

The flat foot may be flexible and may show a curve when pointed, but on the floor, it still needs to be supported properly. Rolling ankles, with the lower leg internally rotating inwards, and the thighs turning out, can eventually lead to a twisting of the knee joint with irritation, inflammation, and pain.

Excess wear on the inner sides of the street shoes, is an obvious sign of over pronation.

If you can get a parent or a fellow dance student to take a picture of your flat feet standing in parallel, (from the back) you'll see if you are rolling in from the heel, with your arches mushed on the floor.

See if your heels lean inwards and if your kneecaps turn inwards while standing. This would be in a relaxed position, not holding your thighs in any particular way. You'll see that if you then turn out, your feet may adjust somewhat, with the heels pulling up straighter, and the arches maybe lifting a little. This will definitely help avoid common knee injuries.

However, holding your ballet turnout is not enough to correct this. Also, just lifting the arches up by rolling outward is not a good correction.

Locating and strengthening the tiny foot muscles is your best bet to not compensate for the flat foot in the wrong ways and then send the foot's workload up into the calf and shin muscles.

If you already have ankle, lower leg or knee pain, see a chiropractor, physiotherapist or a podiatrist. You may need orthotics (supportive shoe inserts) and even a heel counter (an insert in the heel of your shoe that stabilizes your heel position) in your street shoes. This heel counter should fit well to prevent extra movement and twisting ankles.

Morton's foot (big toe shorter than second) can cause a slight roll inward when the foot moves upward to rise or take off for a jump. Even though weight goes off the foot in many of these movements, just try imagining how often in a class that happens - and the uneven pressure on the feet muscles and bones.

Having the weight spread evenly from the center of the heel, big toe joint and little toe joint, is your foundation. It gives the level base, just like the platform a house is built on, for your skeleton to stack up above.

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MN chiropractors are trained to evaluate the mechanics of the spine and all joints of the body.  By mechanics we mean how the joints move-do they move the way they are supposed to?  Mechanical instability is when things are not moving the way they were meant to.  Think of a ladder that is propped up on uneven ground.  You climb up the ladder and start to feel it wobble.  That's mechanical instability.

Ligaments are like duct tape in our body-they keep us together

In the body, it's the ligaments that hold bones together.  In the knee for instance there are several ligaments that attach the femur to the tibia.  These ligaments stabilize the knee when we stress it mechanically, for instance when we're running.  The muscles around the knee also work to stabilize it and give it mechanical stability, but right now I'll just talk about the ligaments.  When there is too much stress to a ligament, it tears.  This is what we call a sprain. 

If the stress to the ligament isn't too much, the injury heals and afterward the knee moves just like it should--the joint is still mechanically stable.  But if the mechanical stress to the ligaments was too much, the ligament will over stretch so much that it remains overstretched after the injury heals. 

Ligaments can be overstretched like the plastic that holds a six-pack of soda pop together

You can think of the plastic that holds a six pack of cans together.  If you just pull the can out, the ring of plastic remains the same size.  You could push the can back into the ring and it would hold the can.  If you pull hard on the plastic ring you can stretch it out of shape.  Then when you try to put the can back in, it won't hold.  Ligaments are the same way. 

The ligament damage caused by a whiplash injury is a good example of mechanical instability that causes chronic pain

A type of injury we all have heard of is "Whiplash".  The jolt of an auto accident whips the head back and forth.  Researchers who first studied these injuries used the analogy of cracking a whip.  With the jolt of the crash our head snaps back and forth like the end of a whip.  This whipping motion can overstretch and injure the ligaments that hold the bones in our neck together. 

And in fact, in whiplash there is often a tearing of the deep ligaments of the neck that hold the bones together.  In the example of the knee joint we just talked about we were speaking of just one joint.  In the neck were talking about eight bones and sixteen joints.   If the healing process is not optimal, then the same type of instability that we saw in the knee can develop in the neck.

The neck X-rays of people who have been in an automobile accident and suffered a "whiplash" injury show the mechanical instability that results.  Often after such an injury, the normal curve in the neck flattens or reverses.  This is because the overstretched (injured) ligaments can no longer hold the bones of the neck in their proper position.

X-Ray movies are a good way to actually see mechanical instability in joints

Motion X-rays reveal even more.  These special X-rays are X-ray movies of the neck.  They are taken while the person bends his head backward and forward, side to side and rotates left and right.  It is astonishing to see how the bones in the neck wobble and slide over each other excessively after whiplash ligament injury in the neck.  

As a result of the loose ligaments not holding the bones together as tightly as they should, there is excess friction in the joints of the neck.  The excess friction causes inflammation which is constantly aggravated (because the friction keeps on).   It can be as little as one millimeter of excess movement-the thickness of a dime-that causes enough extra friction, so that the person always has tenderness and soreness in the neck.  This results in chronic inflammation in this area, and the chronic pain. 

When the joints in the upper neck have excess friction and consequently inflammation, it often creates headaches as a result.

Mechanical instability can also cause pain in the low back and other joints of the body

Mechanical instability can be mild or severe.  Chiropractors maintain all mechanical instability is a cause of health problems, and is often a source of pain.  In my experience traditional medicine tends to dismiss this type of low level mechanical instability as insignificant. 

In chiropractic we call them subluxations, and understand them to be the cause of a lot of problems also because they tend to disrupt nerve communications.   In traditional medicine severe joint instability is usually treated surgically.  Ligaments are tightened, bones are fused together or clamped together with steel rods and plates.

Repairing mild mechanical instability  

Chiropractors specialize in correcting mechanical instabilities of the spine and all of the joints of the body.  Chronic neck, shoulder, elbow, wrist, back, hip, knee, ankle and foot pain often improves quickly when the mechanical instability of these joints is corrected. 

It's an obvious solution.  Imagine your car having the front left wheel not bolted tightly to the axel.  When you drive, the wheel wobbles.  The wobble further stresses the bolts which loosen even more, until the tire comes off.   The analogy works this far-it highlights the importance of correcting a mechanically unstable moving part before things get worse.  For the car wheel, you simply tighten the bolts and the problem is solved.

Chiropractors specialize in the correction of mechanical instabilities of the spine and other joints of the body.  When these instabilities are identified early, problems such as joint pain, muscle tightness and spasm and arthritis can be reversed or prevented.   When they are allowed to remain, the increased friction in the joints accelerates deterioration of the joint.  This can result in degenerative arthritis of the joint.

By correcting mechanical instability of joints, MN chiropractors reduce joint friction.  Lessening joint friction helps resolve inflammation of the joints.  When inflammation ceases, pain also stops. 

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Joints are places in the human body where two bones meet. When there is pain of the joints, causing inability to perform normal movements, which may lead to a lot of fear. Joint pain is a common complaint often associated with the aging process. Unusual exertion or overuse of joints can cause body joint pain. Pain in different joints of the knee joint is the most common.

This is mainly due to two reasons - the design of the knee and the fact that the load-bearing one. Knee is one of the three bones. This joint capsule surrounding the joint ligaments band. Meniscus is thickened cartilage pad that cushions the joint and work in the synovial fluid lubricates the joint. The complex structure of the knee joint is very unstable. Another factor that makes it very sensitive to knee injuries are the knee, which will bear the entire weight of the body, and every step we take. To treat the knee joint, depends on the cause pain.

Injuries cause knee pain. Cruciate ligament injury or trauma can damage the landing ligaments are inside and outside of the knee and inside the knee. It is immediate pain and swelling and should urgently doctor Meniscus tears - at a time, fast and precise movements of the knee or the reverse, torn meniscus. This is very common among athletes. Meniscus tears are often associated with the locking of the knee joint or an unstable feeling. Tendinitis - an overload of the knee, such as jumping can cause Tendonitis. Tendinitis refers to inflammation of the tendons and can cause swelling and pain in the knee joint.

Fractions - a serious knee injury in traffic accidents and the effects may cause bone fracture of one of the three bones of the knee joint. Diseases and conditions cause knee pain Some common conditions that can lead to knee pain is arthritis, Chondromalacia or softening of cartilage, bursitis and tumors.

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Crouching and squatting usually affects muscles in the lower back and limbs. If, after crouching and squatting, you feel pain and weakness throughout your limbs, you are likely to realize that actually your body does not react well to this sort of physical movement. It may be a good idea to start doing less prolonged and vigorous exercise in this form, especially if your occupation involves sitting down all day.

Here are 3 quick tips to minimise your knee pain when squatting:

  1. Do your squats properly. Some forms of squatting are also very bad for your knee joints. They basically are not designed to take weight in this way. If you watch young children or toddler's squat, they do this more like trying to sit on a low stool. Their knees don't go beyond their toes. This is actually a much better way to squat or crouch.

  2. Limit how far you lower yourself. Often just restricting how far you squat will make a big difference to the stresses on your knees and supporting muscles. You will often find that by halving the movement, you can stop or minimise the pain.

  3. Don't hold the position for a long time. This multiples the stresses and makes it more like that pain or injury may occur. Another problems is that the synovial fluid that lubricates your joints can literally get squeezed out of your joints and it takes movement to get this back into your knee. In the mean time they can get painful and stiff.

The rectus femoris muscle is the cause of pain in the knees, as well as the adductor magnus muscle, which is at the inner part of the knee or thigh. Pain at the back of the knees is caused by from the hamstrings. In the outer aspect of the knees, stress may be due to the tensor fascia lata muscle.

The main muscles which a prone to injury are rectus femoris, tensor fascia lata and the hamstrings. There are many reasons for this, but the main one is that they cross both the hip and knee joints, so are probably going to be more easily injured by crouches and squats. Many people expect that the quadriceps muscles are most likely to be injured. However, this is wrong because the quadriceps only cross the knee joint.

In disagreement with what most people think, posterior thigh pain is not actually the most common type. Anterior thigh and knee pain is actually more common. As human beings, we often remaining sitting for long periods of time. This is just because of how our generation has been brought up. When we sit the knees are always bent, so the muscles in the knee, in which the function is to extend the knee, are often weakened and stretched to the limit, in contrast to the hamstring muscles, which bend the knee and become short and tighten easily. This is due to the imbalance of power in the muscles. It is often called the see-saw principle. The muscles in the front of the hip are often shortened by this prolonged sitting, whereas the muscles in the back of the hip are lengthened and weakened.

Excessive shortening and lengthening in the knees is a very common cause for knee injury. This is often because of exaggerated and tougher exercise, such as crouching and squatting. Therefore, the rectus femoris and tensor fascia lata muscles become shorter and tighter in the hip areas, and longer and more outstretched around the knee.

When a person does crouches or squats, their muscles around the knees, thighs and hips become strained, as they are put under a lot of stress. The muscles at the back of the hip are lengthened to excess, whereas the knee contracts, becoming very short. Therefore, the muscles at the back of the hip are much bigger and stronger then muscles in other body parts, such as the knees. The hamstring muscles have extremely concentrated power, which is directed towards the knee. When the hamstring muscles pull harder, they are using more power.

For all the above reasons, after crouches or squats, discomfort and heavy pain can often be felt, which may be the beginning of future knee and thigh pain. Pain in the hips may also occur. It is better to either squat correctly, like a child, or avoid these altogether. There are also more specialised squats such as the 'Hindu Squat' that some health gurus believe actually help to repair knee damage.

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It is well documented that one of the most common areas of injury in runners is the knee joint. One of the main reasons for this is the lack of balance in the muscles that stabilize the knee. For most runners they have strong/tight quadriceps and weak posterior chain muscles (hamstrings & glutes). These imbalances lead to knee problems. Using some simple exercises can help START you on the path correcting these imbalances.

1. Cook Hip Lift

The Cook Hip lift was created by physiotherapist Gray Cook hence the name. Prior to performing this exercise the hip flexors on both sides should be stretched.

  • First start by lying on your back.

  • Then pull your right knee to your chest and hold your leg with your hands.

  • Contract your glutes then push your hips up.

  • Pause at the top and lower yourself to the ground.

  • Note: If your hamstrings are cramping that means your glutes are not firing properly. Therefore more activation exercises maybe required such as the double glute bridge or the clam.

2. Terminal Knee Extensions

This exercise helps strength the Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO) which is a stabilizer of the knee.

  • First start by looping an exercise band securely to an immovable object (post, squat rack etc.)

  • Put one leg inside the band (start with non-dominant leg).

  • Place band behind knee cap or just above.

  • Find appropriate tension by moving towards or away from where the band is attached to.

  • Starting position: both feet flat on the floor Start by lifting heel off the floor on side the band is on.

  • Keep the other foot flat on the floor.

  • Finish movement by moving your heel back to original starting position.

3. Nordic Hamstring Fall

Injuries to muscle occur during eccentric movements (when a tissue is being stretched too much) especially hamstrings in runners. Therefore is it essential to strengthen muscles during eccentric movements.

  • Put a mat down or some type of cushion for your knees.

  • Start in a kneeling position

  • Have someone secure your feet by putting their hands on your ankles and then pressing down.

  • Staying as straight as you can lower your body towards the floor as slow as possible by using your hamstrings.

  • Catch yourself by using your hands right before contacting the floor

  • Push use your arms and push yourself back into the starting position

4. Side Bridge and Front Bridge

In running or any other sport stabilize the upper the body is important to prevent low back pain. The "core" should be trained as stabilizers instead of movers. Crunches and sit-ups cause excess force on the low back. Dr. Stuart McGill from research has determined that one traditional sit-up can cause 780 lbs or 3300 N of compression on the spine (2006). Therefore sit-ups should pretty much always be avoided.


Start by lining body up in a straight line on your side. Raise your hip off the ground by using your feet (stack on of one another) and your elbow as balance points Hold for 10-30 on each side. Keep chin retracted and eyes forward


Start by balancing on your toes and forearms Hold your hips up so that if a stick was on your back it would touch the tail bone, upper back and head with a small arch in the low back (aka neutral spine) Hold for 10-30 seconds.

In conclusion, these exercises are a start to help correct a few of the imbalances caused by running. They are not the most glorious exercises ever invented but they do work and that is what I am after; results. These results are what keep my athletes and clients out on the road or on the court or field. Of course there many more exercises for injury prevention for runners.

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Chronic pain occurring in the front and center of the knee can be common among active, healthy young female adolescents. While the condition can affect young boys, it is more prominent in girls. The cause for the pain in the anterior portion of the knee may not be known, but the complex anatomy of the knee joint makes it more sensitive and susceptible to activity, training, and overuse.

Pressure may have a tendency to pull the kneecap sideways due to overuse or activity, attributing to the pain just behind the kneecap. In adolescents a number of factors may be involved.

繚 Imbalance of thigh muscles (quadriceps and hamstrings) that support the knee joint

繚 Overdoing sports activities

繚 Poor flexibility

繚 Problems with alignment of the legs between the hips and the ankles

繚 Using improper sports training techniques or equipment

Symptoms in Adolescents

Most adolescents report that the pain in the anterior portion of the knee is gradual, but over time can occur at all hours of the day or night. If you suffer from this condition you may experience these common symptoms:

繚 Popping or crackling sounds in the knee when you climb stairs or stand up and walk after prolonged sitting.

繚 Pain at night.

繚 Pain during activities that repeatedly bend the knee (i.e., jumping, squatting, running, and other exercise, especially involving weight-lifting).

繚 Pain that causes your knees to give way (buckle), although this is uncommon

繚 Pain related to a change in activity level or intensity, playing surface, or equipment.

If the pain persists and limits regular daily activities, the thigh muscle may weaken due to lack of use. If the knee pain is lasting, it is important to see your doctor right away to diagnose the cause of the pain and administer treatment.

Treatment and Prevention of Knee Pain

If the pain is mild, but not severe enough to seek medical treatment, you may follow steps for conservative at-home care. Ice, rest, and simple exercises are often helpful for adolescents with pain just behind the kneecap. If the pain persists, a visit to the doctor may be required. Your doctor may offer non-steroidal anti-inflammatories to assist with the painful episodes.

If the pain goes away through conservative treatment at home, but you have concerns about it returning, you may be able to prevent recurrences by following these steps:

繚 Limit the total number of miles you run in training and competition.

繚 Stop or reduce any activity that used to hurt your knees.

繚 Wear shoes appropriate to your activities.

繚 Warm up with stretching exercises before physical activity.

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