
Dog jumping on family members, small children or house guests is one of the most common, annoying and dangerous problems for dog owners. This may be related to feeling of insecurity or simply aggressiveness. Dogs learn jumping faster than any other dog obedience command. We involuntarily teach them, when they are a young puppy, dog owners or other people always invite them up and pays attention and affection. Everyone goes like 'come here puppy, cute puppy' and praise them when they jump up so dog learns jumping naturally. That is the biggest reason why dog jumping up is a very common problem and big problem that 90% of dog owners are having.

Most of the time puppies get confused by commands of people around them. When your puppy jumps up, make sure to use the 'off' command because using 'down' makes your dog confuse it with the 'lay down' command.Never touch your dog or puppy, pet or praise when your dog is jumping up on you or other people. Never get into an eye contact when using the following methods to prevent jumping up.

They have to learn that the greeting has to be calm with all paws on the ground. In order to be effective with any jumping program, you have to make sure everybody comes to contact with your dog is being consistent with the same training method you choose for your dog or puppy. Using different obedience commands may confuse your dog easily. Make sure to have a no jump policy at your home. This applies to all family members and visitors.

Holding Paws

When your dog jumps up on you, simply hold the paws and hang on to them. Not crush or squeeze the paws. Most of the dogs are sensitive of their paws touched and they are not used to it. Do not let it go fast. Hold the paws until it starts to struggle and wants back the paws. That point you can use the command 'off'. When your dog is off, praise your dog or puppy and give a dog treat or another reward.

Using Coins

Puppies cannot handle weird sounds. Put six to seven coins in a bottle, when your dog jumps up, shake this bottle of coins. Your dog associates this weird sound with jumping. After using this method repeatedly, you will see that your dog does not want to jump anymore because does not want to hear that weird noise. This is a very simple method and can be used effectively to any breed type without the need of touch.

Simply Using Your Knees

Another obedience training technique is using your knees. When your dog jumps up, just bend your knees and give the 'off' command, it will try to jump couple times and just leave it because your dog did not see any attention from you. We are not trying to send them on the other side of the room, it is just a little pop to knock them off the balance and get them off. Dogs are jumping to get attention on them. This method is very useful for small breed types.

Avoiding The Attention

Your pet is trying to get your attention. Turning your back for couple minutes when you get into house not paying attention or not having an eye contact, makes them understand and gets off easily. You can also hold your shoulders and look up on the ceiling. This will make them relaxed and calm.

It might be hard in the beginning because we are social and we get excited to see our pets, too. But it is worth to teach your dog how to act properly when someone comes over to your house. There might be a lot of cases in the future that you wish you thought this before. Training your dog is time consuming but being consistent and patient are the keys for fast and consistent results.

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