
Cutting body fat quickly is completely relevant to what you intend doing in order to make it happen. You see in order to cut body fat as quickly as possible you have got to be consistent in your approach with both your diet and training. Now having said this I have included a single lift to help you along in the process to take your workouts to the next level. To speed up your progress read and apply the following lift I have included below.

Dual Kettlebell Thrusters For Time!

For this body fat cutting drill you will need the availability of a pair of kettlebells of moderate intensity. You will also want to have a partner with a timer to help you out. Begin this lift by placing the kettlebells on the ground between your feet. Stand with your feet shoulder width or slightly wider apart. Next, properly clean and rack the bells to your chest. From here you are going to perform a front squat while maintaining the balance and positioning of the bells in front of your body. As you squat try to go deep enough so that your elbows touch the insides of your knees. As you come out of the squat simply press and lock the bells out overhead.

Now this lift is challenging enough, but lets not forget about the timer and your workout partner. As you start the lift you will want to have your partner time your sets and keep count of your reps. For this particular body fat burning workout you will want to see how many thrusters you can execute in a 30 second time limit. Have your partner count the reps and keep track of the time. The idea is to perform 3 rounds of this drill and to see how many total reps you can knock out in series. When you are finished simply trades places with your partner and count for him or her. A little friendly competition never hurt anyone!

If you haven't already started to include the timed kettlebell thrusters into your fat cutting drills then you are missing out. Take time to learn more about this kettlebell lift and others by accessing the rest of my articles on the issue for free. Remember that most anyone can train hard, but only the best train smart my friend!

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