Young or old, man or woman, heavy or thin, athletic or sedentary - sharp knee pain causes can be as varied and complex as the people who experience it. No matter what the cause of discomfort, there is one commonality: It hurts bad!
When your knee joint hurts it can stop you in your tracks, put a damper on your activities, and generally decrease your quality of life. - You may be unfortunately suffering through the harsh reality of this problem right now.
What's more interesting is that knee discomfort causes can be difficult to identify because numerous factors may be contributing to your discomfort. (Hey, the knee is just a little complicated!) Still, figuring out the cause of sharp knee pain is one positive step toward making it feel better.
Sharp knee pain causes are often hard to pinpoint because of the inconsistency of the pain. It may come and go, or it may be present with some activities, but not others. Actually, this seeming inconsistency may hold the key to identifying the problem, so it is important to keep track of when you experience your pain issues, and what activities you were doing at the time.
Some knee pain causes are obvious. Sudden injury to the muscles or ligaments in the joint (i.e. twisting the knee) can cause pain, trauma to the knee (i.e. falling or banging the knee cap), can also cause sharp pain.
However, other causes of knee pain are not quite so obvious. A few of the more common, less obvious causes are as follows:
Arthritis: Arthritis can develop slowly, gradually affecting the mobility of the knee until one day, you begin to experience severe discomfort.
Free-Floating Matter: Bits of bone or cartilage can break off within the joint and shift around, interfering with the mechanics of the knee and causing problem you are having.
Chondromalacia: This condition occurs when the cartilage under the knee cap (patella) becomes soft, allowing the knee cap to rub against the bone, causing sharp pain.
Misalignment: The knee joint can become misaligned, forcing the patella out of place and putting extra stress on the muscles and ligaments. This problem, sometimes caused by such simple things as improper gait, bad posture, and overuse, can be a cause of discomfort.
Bursitis or Tendonitis: Sometimes, the bursae (sacs of fluid) around the knee joint, or the tendons within the knee become inflamed, and becomes another of the many knee pain causes.
There are many other sharp knee pain causes. In order to properly diagnose the causes of your knee pain, you need to be evaluated by a qualified medical professional. Still, in the interim, whatever the cause of your knee pain, you may be able to obtain some relief through the use of a well designed knee brace.
Whatever the cause of your knee pain, a brace may help alleviate the symptoms. Simple to use, knee supports come in a variety of styles and types. Some are rigid, with a hinged mechanism to assist controlling excessive movements; others are soft and flexible, being more flexible in nature.
Regardless of the style or type, knee braces are designed to help support your knee, helping to take the excessive pressures off the joint and thus helping to reduce any inflammation that may be causing sharp knee pain. - Knee braces are also designed to help keep the knee properly aligned, thus helping to prevent problems caused by misalignment while also helping you to avoid traumatic injury.
We suggest that you do not look back, wishing you would have faced your knee problem earlier...