The "cartilage" is actually known as a meniscus. A meniscus tear is a common injury that damages the rubbery cushion of the knee joint. This tissue is made of two disks, which are called the medial meniscus and the lateral meniscus. The pattern of the tear can determine whether your tear can be repaired.
Tears of the meniscus that cause so-called "mechanical symptoms" tend to respond best to surgical treatment. Common "mechanical symptoms" include:
o Locking of the knee (unable to bend)
o Inability to fully straighten the knee
o A popping or clicking sound or sensation
The meniscal repair is performed arthroscopically as an outpatient, the recovery is longer because the incisions are often larger then the standard incisions used for arthroscopic removal of a torn meniscus. The surgeon inserts a thin tube (arthroscope) containing a camera and a light through small incisions near the knee and is able to see inside the knee without making a large incision. Surgical instruments can be inserted through other small incisions. The surgeon repairs the meniscus using dissolvable sutures (stitches) or anchor.
Surgical repair may result in less pain and a return to normal knee function. Successful repair of meniscus tears depends to a large degree upon where the tear is located.
When performed by an experienced surgeon, meniscus repair is highly successful , with good results in approximately 90% of patients.
There are dedicated specialized hospitals in India for Joint Replacerment like Indraprastha Apollo Hospital (New Delhi) , JCI Accredited Apollo Hospitals (Chennai), Wockhardt Hospital, Mumbai. They availed high quality and cost effective advanced surgery in India.