
Quadriceps tendonitis is quite a common injury for athletes and even ordinary folks. If you suspect that you are having discomforts and pains just above the knees, then you need to read further.

When you exercise, your muscles, together with the tendons and ligaments, become weaker as they get exhausted with physical activity. But with healing and repair, you become stronger and can handle more work later on. But did you ever feel an intense pain above your knees after a rigorous workout session? You may have to take notice and learn more about quadriceps tendonitis.

What is quadriceps tendonitis? It is a condition in which the tendons that connect the thigh muscles to the knee cap are injured, being unable to heal fully due to lack of recovery time. Quadriceps tendonitis is usually experienced by athletes and sports people who are placing excessive strain to the legs and knees. The pain is similar to the pain you usually experience after a strenuous workout. The only difference is that you will feel this kind of pain all the time within the injured area.

Doctors explain that quadriceps tendonitis is usually a result of the accumulation of various activities. It could be an effect of sudden increase in your cardiovascular workout or using too much weight with your leg exercises. There might also be a recent activity that triggered the injury. In short, the condition is an effect of over training and lack of recovery time.

Aside from pain, other symptoms may be swelling around the knees. You may also feel this burning sensation that causes discomfort. Some people also reported that there is stiffness of the knee at night or during early morning.

What should you do? It is advised that you stop the most demanding exercises until you recover. You may do light exercises such as your usual warm-up exercises with the stationary bike or walking. This condition is expected to heal within 2 to 3 weeks. Never be tempted to return to your usual workout routines too soon as this may lead to the recurrence of the condition. A rupture may also be possible and this may require surgery, which will demand a longer resting period.

Some fitness experts also recommend stretching exercises to help heal the quadriceps. For fast repair of the tissues, a daily dose of 1,000 mg of Vitamin C is vital and stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs because it can delay the healing process.

But you do not need to suffer from this injury when you know a few prevention techniques. You can limit your chances of getting this problem when you do your warm up and stretching before your training. Make sure to never overdo your exercises and limit the use of weights. You may also consider getting extra support for your knees when you are into sports. Finally, always invest in the suitable footwear for the sports you are in.

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