
The Stance

Beginning martial arts require a good stance. The stance is the platform from which all positions and techniques flow. Balance and power grow from the stance. This is an important technique to learn.

The stance is build forming a foundation. We start from where your feet are positioned in relation to your body. We then build upon the positioning by how far apart we spread our legs. This strengthens the stance even more. Once the feet are positioned properly and the legs are spread correctly then you must distribute your weight to take advantage of the strong platform you've developed.

Your stance becomes your balance and your power enabling you to respond to your opponents actions using fluid, balanced moves and counter attacking while delivering powerful strikes and blocks.

A solid powerful stance will offset an opponents ability to gain an advantage over you and will allow you do execute a proper technique taking your opponent to the ground and control the altercation.

A basic square stance begins with your feet slightly wider than shoulder distance apart. Point your feet forward and slightly bend your knees putting most of your weight centered in your stance. Weight should be distributed evenly between the two legs. Your hands should be held up in a relaxed guard position.

The Fist

Learning a proper fist technique will both allow you to deliver a powerful effective blow, and will help to prevent injury to yourself when a strike is delivered.

Begin with your hand help palm up, fingers straight out and pressed together. Then curl your fingers inward to your palm forming a fist. Next wrap your thumb around your fingers to tighten your grip.

Never wrap your fingers around your thumb. A strike delivered with the thumb inside will result in a broken thumb.

A proper strike is delivered with your knuckles flat to your target and your wrist in straight alignment with your arm. Do not bend your wrist or allow your wrist to bend as the strike is delivered as this will likely result in you injuring yourself as opposed to your opponent.

A powerful strike is delivered not from the arm, rather the power starts in the stance and is delivered with your weight behind the blow through the arm and fist. Balance must be maintained throughout the strike allowing you to avoid any counter strikes you opponent may try to execute.

The Kick

Kicks are a distinguishing characteristic of most forms of martial arts. Kicks properly executed are the most powerful techniques in the martial artists arsenal. Powerful kicks always begin with a powerful stance.

Depending on how and where the kick is delivered will determine the technique used. A low angled round kick delivered to your opponents calf or thigh is intended to take away their stance to deteriorate their ability to deliver a powerful blow or take them off their balance.

A kick delivered straight-on leading with the heal aimed at the opponents chest is intended to knock the wind from the opponent taking away their ability to breathe properly and taking the fight out of your opponent.

Find a good Martial Arts school or trainer to properly develop the basics and learn to build your ability from there.

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