Knee injury treatment with homeopathy may need the skilled services of a professional homeopath. Any injury can be complicated. And other treatments can prevent the best selected homeopathic medicine from working as it should.
These blockages can be cleared using certain homeopathic medicines, but that does require expertise. This is generally not within the scope of a homeopathic home prescriber.
However, if your knee injury is recent and you haven't treated it with anything as yet, then the right homeopathic medicine may be all you need for its speedy resolution.
Knee injury treatment is limited to the tissue that occurs here - tendons, ligaments, nerves and bones.
When treating injuries with homeopathy, it is generally considered wise to start them all off with the use of Arnica (as a medicine rather than a cream). This can prevent any serious developments. It may be the only medicine you will need.
But it is likely that you will also need a medicine for the injured tendons or ligaments.
The right choice of medicine depends on your symptoms. If the pain in the knee feels like a bruise or an ache, plus the knee feels weak, as if it would give way, then the homeopathic medicine Ruta may be the best choice for a speedy recovery.
If your knee suffers more with a stiffness than a weakness and that the pain is hugely relieved by heat packs - the hotter the better - then the medicine Rhus tox may be your best option.
Nerve pain from an injury tends to have a stinging or a shooting sensation. It's like an electric shock. This is best dealt with by the use of Hypericum.
An injury to the bone may best be dealt with by the use of Ruta. These are normally injury to the lining of the bone (periosteum) or the bone injury is minor, such as a bruising.
Fractures are best dealt with by the use of the medicine Symphytum, but because of the speed of the action of this medicine, it is better not to take it until after the fracture has been set. Any pain before the cast is in place may be relieved by Bryonia.
Bad injuries often create shock, so Aconite may be needed as the first medicine.
All these medicines mentioned here are available in comprehensive homeopathic home prescribing kits, especially those for sports injuries. The information here may be too much, if you are just getting started with homeopathic home prescribing.
If this is the case, then consult with a professional homeopath. You will never be able to deal with every eventuality yourself, so it is a good idea to know of a good one.