Protective gear is really important for every skateboarder that wants to learn, and a helmet is one of those. Your head can easily be the particular part of your body that will get an a serious injury, and with a fall it can knock you out and leave the individual unconscious. There could be internal bleeding in skull that could be fatal. Having a non slippery shoe will ensure that skateboarders will be balanced, and have a less of a chance of falling. Having pads for the knees and elbows can also reduce the cuts and scrapes. Also would be wise to have other padded equipment that include pants, gloves and jackets this can reduce the impact of a fall dramatically.
There are some techniques that will help in the safety like checking the wheels for wear and tear. Having parts that are replaced because they are faulty reduces the chances of an accident. Try avoid doing tricks in heavily populated areas. Always practice a trick one at a time, before moving onto more difficult ones. If you learn how to fall on grass it may also reduce the impact and shock when you fall on concrete.
Learn how to fall, while you are skateboarding can reduce the impact or risk of a injury. Try to hug the board or ground if you know you will lose balance, so that the fall will be close to the ground. If roll when you hit the ground it can reduce the scrapes that you will get on your body.
Falls usually occur because of the surface especially if it is irregular. A flat ground wont be as dangerous as to say falling on a rail, or onto rocks, or down steps. Best to skate in skate parks, as they are designed for skateboarders to practice their tricks in environment that is safer. Avoid things that are made at home, as they can falter and be dangerous to your safety.
Safety is a really important component to skateboarding, as anything could happen. Learn the safety rules when it comes to tricks and skateboarding in general. Try to avoid areas where the floor is unstable, skate somewhere where you are less likely to get hurt like a skate park. Always wear protective gear, as it can reduce the impact of an injury. Learn your tricks one a time, and master them at a slow speed, as it is better to know it well than not well at all. Overall take note of your surroundings, the protective clothing that you wear as it could help save your life.