目前分類:knee joint pain (201)

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With the passing of time, we do not realize the amount of stress our bodies goes through. We tend to ignore the wear our body withstands. The knee, especially, on which the body weight stands, and which aids us in movements for our day-to-day actions, is one of the essential areas of your body that is impacted. Due to its nature this body joint tends to go through some form of suffering if not taken care of. There are several home remedies that can help you end the pain and discomfort of chronic knee pain.

Elderly people face a lot of problems like arthritis, among other things, that result in suffering. If the knee joint problem is not taken care of over a time period, it can cause huge and intense suffering. However, immediate attention and regular knee pain remedies can reduce this issue.

Today, there are many herbal solutions prescribed by medical experts but one should refer to a doctor to know which one suits them best. One of the best known home remedy solutions is known as PRICE. PRICE stands for Protection, Rest, Ice, Pressure and Level. This is one of the widely accepted home solutions that is followed to end suffering.

Using products that contain relaxing essential oils can lessen the suffering due to injury or inflammation. Avoid using excess cream that may cause discomfort due to high temperatures that may burn the skin. Do exercises for your painful joints that target muscle mass around the knee and help in building up the muscle mass. While doing stretches be sure to go slow and do not over stretch as it may split a muscle. Proper and consistent use of the muscle mass that maintains the knee with exercise routines is the most vital thing to do to look after your legs from harm or injury. Weak and worn out muscle masses can't sustain the knee joint or act as a shock-absorber for the knee.

When you experience a cramp, stretch the impacted muscle with one palm while you massage the center of the knee using your alternate palm. Then you should walk it out. Once an acute cramp is realized, steer clear of doing heavy routines right away. As an alternative, take a stroll for a few minutes to maintain the blood circulation back to the legs. You can also make a substance using castor, turmeric extract mixed in resolved butter or wheat. This paste can then be applied to the joint.

Being overweight is also one of the major reasons for knee joint pain and hence losing those excess pounds can help you to get rid of the chronic suffering. Try running, walking, or swimming, or whatever you are comfortable with and stay fit to steer clear of pain. During the winter, keep your knee heated and warm by using a wintergreen treatment as it produces a high temperature and reduces pain. If it's not adequate, then wrap your legs with heated clothes after applying the treatment.

Always consult experts before opting for any home remedies for knee pain as your knees are a significant part of your body and helps with body movements and other essential actions.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A surprising number of problems arise from tight hamstrings and, given the frequency of knee injuries among athletes and dancers, it's obvious that the methods used to keep them free could be better. This article presents a more effective way to free your hamstrings, improve your performance, and avoid injury.

A Look at Your Hamstrings

The hamstrings are the muscles that run from behind and below your knees up the backs of your thighs to your "sitbones". Soft tissue injuries, knee pain, torn menisci (the cartilage pads in your knees that cushion the bones), chondromalacia patelli (painful wearing of the cartilage behind the kneecaps), and poor posture often come from tight hamstrings. Tight hamstrings can prevent you from reaching full leg extension or from bending over completely. If you can't touch your toes or if you feel more comfortable slouching than sitting up straight, your hamstrings are probably tight.

There are actually three hamstring muscles on the back of each thigh, two on the inside and one on the outside. They do several things. In addition to bending the knees, they help control the alternate forward-and-backward movements of walking and stability against twisting forces at the knee when you turn a corner or roller skate. They also position the menisci in the knees by means of fibers (of the biceps femoris) that pass into the knee joint.

Tight hamstrings contribute to swayback by pulling the knees behind the body's vertical centerline (i.e., locking the knees). The whole body sways forward, accentuating the spinal curves. If the outer hamstrings are tighter than the inner ones, the lower leg rotates toe-outward. This twist in the knee joint contributes to knee pain, to knee injuries, and to ungainly movement. Finally, when standing, bent knees trigger tension in the muscles on the front of the thigh, the quadriceps muscles, to prevent your knees from buckling. If you keep your knees bent all the time, the patella, or kneecap, which is embedded in the tendon of the quadriceps muscles, continuously grinds against the front surface of the knee joint and may become irritated.

As you can see, hamstring tension has far-reaching effects on movement, balance, and the health of joints.

Why Stretching Doesn't Protect 100% Against Hamstring Pulls and Soft-Tissue Injuries

Knowing all this, athletes and dancers attempt to stretch their hamstrings. "Attempt" is the correct word because stretching produces only limited and temporary effects, which is one reason why so many athletes (and dancers) suffer pulled hamstrings and knee injuries.

As anyone who has had someone stretch their hamstrings for them knows, forcible stretching is also usually a painful ordeal. In addition, stretching the hamstrings disrupts their natural coordination with the quadriceps muscles, which is why ones legs feel shaky after stretching the hamstrings.

Fortunately, there is a more effective way to manage hamstring tension than by stretching. To understand how it works, one must first recognize that hamstrings that need stretching are usually holding tension -- that is, they are actively contracting. In that case, the person is holding them tense by habit, unconsciously. Oddly enough, if one tries to relax them, one is likely to find that one cannot; one may then assume that the muscles are completely relaxed and need stretching. You may not realize that those muscles are contracting "on automatic" due to postural habits stored in your central nervous system. Any attempt to stretch them simply re-triggers the impulse to re-contract them to restore the sense of what is "familiar". That is why hamstrings (and other muscles) tighten up again so soon after stretching or massage. Better results come by changing the person's "set-point" -- their sense of what "relaxed" is.

What Works Better

To change the set-point requires more than stretching or massaging; it requires a learning process that affects the brain, which controls the muscular system. Such a learning process is referred to in some circles as "somatic education". Somatic education systematically uses special coordination patterns to improve awareness and control the tension of the muscular system. Significant results come relatively quickly, and when they do, the benefits are second nature and require no special attention in daily life.

The following coordination pattern, developed by Thomas Hanna, Ph.D., a pioneer in the field of somatic education, will show you. You may want to save this page so that you can try it on your own. Have someone read the instructions to you and follow along.

To learn the coordination pattern:
Get the illustrated version: click here

  1. Sit on the floor with one leg bent and dropped to the side. Its sole rests against the inside of your other leg, which is straight.

  2. Draw your straight leg up enough to permit you to grasp your foot with both hands; your finger tips meet at your sole. Get a firm grip, and you are ready to begin.

  3. Holding your foot firmly, gently push with your leg, so that your arm and shoulder stretch long. Hang your head forward. Work gently to the edge of your flexibility.

  4. Now, gradually relax your push, let your knee bend, and take up the slack by drawing your leg up with your hands. It's a kind of "moving isometric" exercise.

  5. Now, with your leg, push again, maintaining some pull with your hands. Go back and forth within your comfort zone.

You'll notice that with each repetition, you get a little further. You're gaining feeling and control of the muscular tension in your hamstrings. The thing to remember is to move slowly enough and just strongly enough to clearly feel the muscle action.

After about ten slow motion repetitions, stand up and feel the difference between your two legs. Walk. You will notice that you feel looser, and yet secure.

Now, do the other leg.

You can do this coordination pattern in numerous positions:

  • Sitting

  • On your back

  • On your side

  • On your other side

Each position contributes to greater awareness and control.

Regardless of how long you may have had tight hamstrings or how tight they are, you will feel some improvement each time you do it -- until you are naturally loose.

Freeing your hamstrings this way can prevent soft-tissue injuries and preserve joint integrity. Your hamstrings will be stronger because, being relaxed, they will not be partially fatigued all the time. You will be able to run or walk faster and your knees will be more stable. Runners may find this benefit of particular interest.

How to Get More

What you are doing is a special kind of movement maneuver taught in a training method called Hanna Somatic Education® (Google the term). This kind of do-it-yourself functional exercise is one part of the method. Other, more powerful techniques reduce the chronic pains and loss of flexibility caused by aging, injury (including overuse injuries and surgery), and stress.

You will find illustrated instructions for some of the somatic exercises Dr. Hanna devised in his do-it-yourself book, Somatics: Reawakening the Mind's Control of Movement, Flexibility, and Health (published by Perseus Books, sold at Amazon.com).

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The 3 Purposes of A Knee Brace

1.) Improved Knee Stability

When you tear one of their knee ligaments, your knee instability can get way out of hand! Many times people will tell us that their knee feels like it is going to "give out from underneath" them. - On the other hand, you may have injured your meniscus or one of your tendons and this can cause your knee to feel unstable as well. Perhaps your kneecap is the problem and it sometimes drifts to the lateral aspect of your knee joint.

It is important for you to think back through your day, and determine which scenarios cause your knee the most instability (if you have any). Think about when this gets the most severe and rate that instability feeling on a scale of 1-10. Ten would be the worst. Record this answer because when you go to a brace website, they will offer you supports based on the severity of your knee instability

Knee braces can help provide you with meaningful support and this will increase your stability the moment you put them on your leg! Some braces provide more support than others, but when you get the correct one for your particular situation, you will find that those front to back movements, or side to side movements that cause instability to flare, are diminished and your knee can start to finally feel more stable again!

2.) Knee Protection

If you have a knee problem already, or you want to avoid one in the future, knee braces can help you do that in 2 different ways.

A.) Throughout your day you may make excessive movements, by accident, and this can cause a mild knee injury to get worse. A knee brace can help you to stop making these kinds of movements that may keep insulting your knee injury, or discomfort level.

B.) If you are in a contact sport, a patellar guard can also be used to protect your knee from collisions or falls. This is usually an attachment to a knee brace and can really help to protect your knee from injury.

3.) Pain Reduction

As a result of using knee braces, many people have told us that their support is like their "pain pill". The support that it can provide them will help reduce pain and actually as a result, some people have gone to reduce any pain medications they are taking orally as a result of their new knee brace. (Speak with your physician about taking any pain medications use.)

Medical advice is administered by your physician. This article can be helpful, but it does not substitute for any advice that your physician may provide to you.

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Runner's Knee, also called chondromalacia, patellar tendonitis, iliotibial band friction syndrome (ITBFS) or osgood-schlatters syndrome, is the most common injury causing lateral knee pain among runners. ITBS develops as a result of inflammation of the bursa, or fluid sac, around the iliotibial band, and affects athletes who are involved in sports that require running or repetitive knee bending and extension. This condition is most common in runners and cyclists. Runner's knee may also be observed in athletes who participate in tennis, volleyball, soccer and skiing.

The pain is usually located behind the kneecap. The symptoms often get worse after jumping, climbing stairs, running, or after a period of sitting. Runners will suffer from runner's knee by repeated bending and straightening of the knee joint. The resulting friction can lead to inflammation of the ITB around the kneecap.

The symptoms are intense pain in the knee when climbing, jumping, running and squatting. Usually subsiding after the activity, the pain can however be continuous when in the acute phase and make climbing or going down steps a painful experience.

To prevent runner's knee, you can warm up and stretch before running, and start by walking is a good idea. If you start feeling mild pain on the lateral part of your knee when running or cycling, wearing a knee brace especially designed to prevent runners knee should help reduce the risks of suffering more.

The DonJoy Cross Strap was designed to help prevent runner's knee. It is fabricated in one piece, so nothing will fall off and you won't lose small parts. It is designed to apply just enough pressure on the patellar tendon to avoid friction on the ITB.

It is small yet comfortable to be discreet under running pants, without any stitching. It compresses the forces above and below the knee cap to reduce tension in the ITB and the pain resulting from there.

How to treat runner's knee?

How to treat runner's knee? If you already suffer from runner's knee, consult your doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment. Most often, exercises to lengthen the ITB and strengthening the muscles around the knee cap, the quadriceps and hamstrings will be suggested. Wearing a knee strap for runners will also be recommended by most doctors. Ask your physician about knee straps and the efficiency of the DonJoy Cross Strap.

A knee brace for runner's knee is sure to help in the healing of the condition as well as maintaining the proper pressure on the appropriate places. The DonJoy Cross Strap was engineered with runners and cyclists in mind.

Of course, other athletes suffering will benefit from wearing a DonJoy Cross Strap during their sports activities to reduce knee pain and help prevent runner's knee. As mentioned above, runner's knee does not only affect runners and cyclists. If you lift weights you should consider wearing a knee strap such as the DonJoy Cross Strap as pressure on the lateral part of your knees can also cause runners knee.

It's also always a smart idea to use cold therapy and compression after activity to reduce inflammation. Runner's knee tends to respond nicely to cold therapy.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Stretches for knee pain is a very important part of returning back to function, after any debilitating episode in the knee joint. However, this necessitates that one consciously works towards achieving complete range of motion in not just the knee but in all the joints of the leg, i.e.: the hip and ankle as well. Statistics have shown that 90% of knee pain comes from tightness in the quadriceps, hamstrings and calf muscles. Hence complete flexibility of all the muscles that surround these three joints is key to recovery via:

1. Stretching for all the muscles and joints of the leg
2. Strengthening of all the muscles that offer the leg support

Stretches are very important because tight muscles are easily injured. They can also pull a joint out of alignment. Both these factors would further increase your pain, if you are already symptomatic. Stretching over two joints at a time is more effective, as is working with two muscle groups at the same time. Always stretch the uninvolved leg as well. To be effective, each stretch is held for 30 seconds with 5 repetitions.

The main muscles that effect knee stability are:

1. The quadriceps and hamstrings. These are muscles in the front and back of your thigh respectively.
2. The hip flexors made up mainly of the iliopsoas and rectus femoris. These are located in front of your hip
3. The hip extensors (the buttocks) mainly comprise the gluteus maximus and the hamstrings
4. The hip abductors which include the gluteus medius and IT band (by virtue of the muscles attaching to it). These are on the outer side of your hip.
5. The hip adductors that are located on the inner side of your thigh, beginning in the groin
6. The calf muscles

Stretches for knee pain are carried out slowly.The exercises below are for pain in the right knee, no matter what the cause is.

Stretching the hip flexors and quadriceps together, stretches out the muscles in front of the hip and thigh:

1. Start in half kneeling position, i.e. bear weight on the right leg, by kneeling on the right(R) knee, while you support yourself on the left(L) leg by bending it at 90 degrees at the hip and knee. (Place a cushion under your (R) knee, for comfort, if necessary).
2. The foot of the (R) leg is placed up on a chair behind you, while you continue to stay in half-kneeling.
3. Arch your back backward gently, to stretch out the(R) hip flexors and (R) quadriceps. You can reach back to hold the chair if you wish. Hold/ repeat as suggested above
4. Next, placing both hands over your (L) knee, lean forward over (L) leg, so that your (L) hip is well flexed beyond the position of the ankle of the same leg. The (R) knee does not move out of position. The (R) foot continues to stay up on the chair behind you. This will stretch the (R) hip flexors. Hold/repeat as is required.

Stretching the hamstrings and calf muscles together, stretches out the back of the knee:

1. Place the toes of your right foot on a roll that is 4-6" in diameter while standing on your (R) heel. Place your (L) leg comfortably behind you.
2. Tighten your (R) quadriceps to relax your(R) hamstrings(by the muscle law of reciprocal relaxation)
3. Gently drop down towards the floor by bending forward at both hips (without bending your knees) till your fingers reach the floor. Hold/repeat as suggested above.

Along with stretches for knee pain, strengthening of all the muscles around the hip, knee and ankle is also very important. Strength is built up gradually.But for the first and last two exercises, all the rest (exercises 2-6) are started at 5 counts and increased by 1 every other day till 15-20 counts are reached. Weights can slowly be introduced as a progression. Again we are discussing the right knee.

1. Lie on your back, after placing a small towel roll under your (R) knee. Gently press your knee down toward the surface using your quadriceps, while lifting the heel of the same leg off the surface. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Move your foot back and forth during those 10 seconds. Repeat both steps 10 times. This is one set. Perform 5 sets. These are known as "knee isometrics".
2. Still lying on your back with your legs out straight, bend your (R) leg up toward your chest. Return back to starting position. Repeat. Stay mindful of the counts.
3. Next, lift your (R) leg up towards the ceiling without bending your knee. Stop when your leg is at a 45 degree angle with the surface you are lying on. Return to starting point. Repeat. Count as above.
4. Turn on to your left side. Bend your left knee to provide support. Lift your (R) leg sideways, while keeping your knee straight. Return to base. Repeat. Stay with your counts.
5. Now lie on your stomach. Bend your (R) knee, then lift that leg upward off the surface. Return. Repeat. Count.
6. Continuing to lie on your stomach, lift your (R) leg off the surface, this time with your knee straight. Return back and repeat. Keep your counts.
7. Wall Slides: Stand against a wall. Place a 9" diameter ball in the small of your back. Bend your knees 30 degrees. Slide down, then return back up the wall. Place your hands on the wall for support. Keep your feet parallel. Never let your knees go out over your toes. Repeat 10 times.
8. Stand on your toes while holding on to the back of a chair for support. Bring your heels back down. Repeat 10 times.This strengthens your calf muscles.

This completes your hip, knee and ankle strengthening program.

Pain is your body's signal for help. Doing a regular exercise routine will ensure the health and stability of your knee joints and decrease or prevent pain as the case may be. Since strengthening shortens muscles, it is advisable to start with "knee isometrics" to warm up, continue with the strengthening routine and finish with the stretches for knee pain.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Most pain is due to inflammation and Millions of Americans suffer from chronic pain as a result. Some times anti-inflammatory medications work, but when they don't, many are forced to see a doctor and take medications that can be harmful to your body. Even over the counter medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin can be harmful if you take the over an extended period of time.

Generally when you go to your doctor, they will rest, light exercise, weight loss, stretching and anti-inflammatory medication that can also control the pain. In many cases, steroid medications are used and the patient may eventually require joint replacement.

Whether you have shoulder, neck, knee joint pain or even chronic arthritis, there are natural alternatives. There are certain food that are anti-inflammatory foods, but there are also foods that can cause inflammation. Most likely foods you are eating every day. What you eat can affect your body. Eating foods that are high in saturated and trans fat and sugar are definitely foods that cause inflammation.

Foods That Cause Inflammation
Processed meats such as lunch meats, hot dogs and sausages contain chemicals such as nitrites that are associated with increased inflammation and can cause chronic diseases. Saturated fats are particularly found in meats, dairy products and eggs. Although I don't recommend that you cut these out completely, it is just something to keep in mind. Low fat milk and cheese would be a better choice. A diet high in sugar has also been linked to inflammation, obesity, and chronic diseases such as diabetes. So cut way back on the cookies, sodas and candy. Eating vegetables and fruit are important, but there are even some of those that are not good for people to eat if they have joint pain or other inflammation. People with arthritis or any kind of joint pain, should stay away from potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant. These foods can actually make inflammation worse. These vegetables are part of the nightshade family of plants and contain a chemical alkaloid called solanine. Solanine can trigger pain in some people. Try it for a couple weeks to see if it makes a difference.

Anti-inflammatory Foods
Oils are good in your diet if you use the right kind. Use olive oil and canola oils when cooking. Walnuts and pumpkin seeds are also anti-inflammatory foods. Good protein sources are lean poultry, fish and seafood, nuts, beans and seeds. Avoid red meats, as they may cause inflammation. Eating soybeans, tofu, and soy milk are a great way to get your protein and also help reduce pain and inflammation. A diet high in fiber is also a terrific way to reduce your inflammation. Eating lots of whole grains, vegetables and fruit will increase your fiber intake. Berries are also a great food choice, especially blueberries and strawberries which are packed with anti-inflammatory phytochemicals and anti-oxidants. The color in brightly colored fruits, vegetables and berries contain many phytochemicals that have anti-inflammatory properties. One example is quercetin, which is found in apple and red onion skins.

Diet Tips
Over all, when you are choosing anti-inflammatory foods to help reduce your inflammation and pain, choose fresh foods instead of heavily processed foods. Here are some tips:

  • Breakfast could be oatmeal served with fresh berries and walnuts, with a cup of soy milk.

  • Snack on whole fruits, nuts, seeds, and fresh vegetables throughout the day instead of cookies and candy.

  • Eat more fish and less fatty red meat.

  • Stay away from deep fried foods and bake or stir fry your meals instead.

  • Choose green, orange, and yellow vegetables for your side dishes.

  • Drink plenty of water, fresh 100% fruit and vegetable juices.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"Arthralgia" or joint pain is a pain or stiffness or even swelling around a joint like knees, hips, back, fingers etc. Women tend to get affected by these joint pains as they grow older and some joint pain causes in women are listed here:

-Menopause - A women who reaches the age of around 45 or 50 invariably undergoes some hormonal changes due to the onset of menopause. During this period, many women may often experience joint pains due to some hormonal imbalances frequently.

-Obesity - Women who have put on too much weight and have excess fat accumulation often find they develop pain in their joints.

-Lack of proper exercise can often contribute towards joint pains in women.

-Some women suffer from them due to heredity reasons.

-Any inflammation of the joint can cause pain in women. In these cases, it is important to discover the cause of the inflammation.

-Stress is another major factor that relates to joint pain causes in women.

-Some metabolic disorders and postural deficiencies, like standing or sitting for long hours, can lead to pain in various joints. Women who tend to stand for long periods and are often not aware of any problems until the pain begins.

-Tumors can be a cause of joint discomfort, depending on the location of the tumor.

-Bone diseases

Osteoporosis or bone loss can occur during menopausal periods in women and is yet another reason why women experience pain in their joints. As the estrogen production in the ovaries gets reduced, bone loss occurs and can cause severe pain in the joints.

Joint pain causes in women can be easily cured with some preventive measures, like regular exercising in the form of walking or jogging, doing yoga or workouts at the gym etc. Eating a balanced and healthy diet with adequate calcium intakes can keep them going strong.

Since menopause related pains occur due to hormonal imbalances, taking supplementary hormone medicines, after due consultation with one's physician, can help quite a bit. Also, alternative treatments like acupuncture or herbal treatments can be of great help.

Many women have discovered that a change in diet providers considerable benefit and relief. While not every woman experiences the same results, the dietary changes involve eliminating more animal-based foods, such as red meat, chicken, cheese and reducing their overall fat intake, while consuming more vegetables and fruits. Also, avoiding oily foods should also be considered for weight loss which again prevents joint pain occurrences in women.

While standing for long periods of time, changing postures regularly can also be very useful in preventing stiff fingers and joints and taking preventive measures like sitting down after working for two or more hours. Take a break for half an hour or so and then resume work. This can go a long way in minimizing these pains and aches, if not completely cure them.

While joint pain causes in women do occur, it is not something that cannot be treated easily. Women can heal themselves with just a little bit of adjustment and methodology to their routine.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Are you wondering why your knee brace is not working that well? Here are some of the things that you need to look out for when you are having trouble with your knee brace.

1.) If your knee brace has hinges it is best to make sure that the hinges are located at the side of the knee joint and that the brace is not crooked. If the hinges are not lined up very well, and the brace is crooked, this will make one hinge slide forward in comparison to the other. When the joint is improperly aligned a simple motion like bending your knee can feel awkward.

2.) Usually, knee supports are made so that everyone from outside of you can read the writing on the brace the right way up. Typically, you should not be able to look down at the brace, while it is on you and be able to read everything very easily.

What we are trying to say here is that if people from outside of you can read the brand name of your brace the right way up, that means that you have the brace on right side up (i.e. it is not upside down).

At a glance many knee supports can look the same, and we have seen enough people put braces on upside down; even doctors. Therefore, we decided to include this section about making sure the brace is right side up.

3.) Is the brace slipping down when you wear it? Well, one reason why this is happening is that the knee support is not on snug enough. When you get a knee brace, no matter what brand it is etc., it is important to wear it snug (not tight where you loose circulation. There is a balance.) A loose brace will slide down and do you no good!

Moreover, if you are having trouble with the brace fitting you properly, you should think about when you got it. Although some knee supports will last you a long time, you will need to think about whether the elastic material is over stretched. If you use an elastic knee support, for example, and you wear it when you work out or walk a good distance then you are naturally going to sweat. - Over a year or two this might add up and cause the elastic part of the brace to stretch. This can cause a problem over time for you, if you are trying to reach the optimal fit you once had with the support.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Can you relate to any of the following?

You don't enjoy going to the movies. You avoid long car rides. You dread sitting at your desk at work to finish an important assignment. Why? Is it that you're anti-social, or dislike travel, or hate your job? No! It's the knee ache when sitting. When you sit in one spot for too long, your knees start to ache and throb. The aches and pains can get worse the longer you sit until you can't stand it any longer. But the good news is, you don't have to stand for it anymore. The relief you've been looking for could be something as simple as a knee brace. Here's why...

A lot of people may think that knee pain occurs only with activity. However, knee aches and pains when sitting is a common problem. Knee aches when sitting is typically felt in the front of the knee, in the area of the kneecap (patella). Generally, this type of pain is caused by the compression of the knee cap (patella) and the cartilage underneath (meniscus) against the femoral groove (the indentation at the end of the femur-or thigh bone-where the knee cap sits). Normally, when the knee is bent, the pressure against the knee cap (caused by the pulling of the attached muscles and tendons), increases.

Over time, knee ache when sitting can be felt, especially if the knee cap is not sitting exactly as it should within the femoral groove. The ache may become worse the longer you sit. This type of pain (called patellofemoral pain syndrome), may occur in one knee or both. Still, while this condition is a common cause of knee pain problems while sitting, it may not be the exact cause of your particular pain, and it is always wise to have your condition evaluated by a qualified physician. In the meantime, while your symptoms might be partially relieved by taking a break from your sitting position, or by icing the knees while sitting, it would be preferable to prevent the knee ache while sitting from occurring altogether. A knee brace may help you do this.

A knee brace is designed to lend support to your knee joint. When used properly, a knee brace can help relieve the pressure on the knee cap as it is rests in the femoral groove while you are sitting. A knee brace may also help keep the knee cap properly aligned within the femoral groove, thus helping to relieve the ache caused by the compression when sitting.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Do you want to know about How to heal knee pain? How many times have you groaned in pain while sleeping? And how many types of medicines or pain relief ointments have you tried to get some relief from your pain in the knees?

Research shows that there are at least 26 percent of Americans suffering from pain that last for more than 24 hours. Because of this, the solution for how to heal knee pain successfully is commonly sought after and the market is flooded with options like surgery, drugs, medications, injections which are not necessarily the best choice for you.

Before you go for complex cures which usually come with side effects, start getting rid of your knee pain with these five natural remedies.

1. Raise your knees when you can, especially when you are sitting down or in bed. Place a cushion beneath your knees to give them support and relieve them of your body weight. This method has the ability to provide instant relief or stop your knee pain. However, you will find that most times, the use of this remedy is restricted to the privacy of your home.

2. A proper diet is important if you are serious in learning how to heal knee pain. Watching out on your diet provides the internal cure which is necessary for your joints and muscles. Eliminate sodium and fatty foods from your daily diet as much as possible; include plenty of fruits and vegetables and drink enough water of at least six glasses per day.

3. The right herbs like ginger and turmeric can curb inflammation of your muscles and joints, which is one of the main causes of your pain. Adding these herbs to your meals can help to get rid of inflammation over time. The downside to this method is that it can take time to see results.

4. Weight loss is a necessity if you are on the heavy side; the increased weight on your knees can only aggravate the pain. The lesser weight your knees have to bear, the lesser the pain, so aim for a balanced body weight. One of the best exercises that limit stress on your knees is swimming.

5. Oil massage is one of the best options; regularly rub some oil generously in a circular motion on your knees - it does a lot to alleviate the knee pain. To speed up the process of getting rid of knee pain, a well-known method is to use pain rub which contains natural herbal ingredients like Ignatia, MSM & Rhus Tox and other homeopathic ingredients proven to work fast for those looking for effective solutions on how to heal knee pain quickly.

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Studies revealed that 90% of people with lupus experience joint and/or muscle pain at some time during this illness.Very often, the aching pain in joints and muscles can determine the patient believe he has a viral or flu-like illness, while other patients may have symptoms similar with those produced by arthritis. There exist also another category of patients with intense muscle inflammation, and they can also experience progressive weakness and loss of strength.

It must be said that muscle and joint pains are symptoms of lupus but usually it's not the systemic lupus erythematosus responsible for them. They are more frequently caused by other illnesses.

Usually, the joint pain caused by lupus arthritis comes, may last for days or weeks, and then disappear, returning at a later time. It is known that the joints farthest from the trunk of the body are most frequently affected. Characteristic to lupus is stiffness and pain in the morning which improves during the day and can return later in the day when the person is tired, and also the fact that the pain is usually symmetrical, similar joints on both sides of the body are affected. It is good to know that even if a person has been diagnosed with lupus, there can appear pains that have nothing to do with this disease. For example, backaches or neck pains, a single, chronically painful are not provoked by lupus.A fact that also should be remembered is that usually, lupus arthritis doesn't cause deformities or destruction of the joints.Best clues in order to determine if the pain is caused by the systemic lupus erythematosus is the pattern of joint pain and the setting in which it occurs.There can be made X-ras of the painful joints and an examination of the synovial fluid within a swollen joint, to rule out other possible causes for the joint. It is known that if arthritis is the only symptom of lupus, diagnosis can be extremely difficult.It is good to mention that sometimes, performing the anti-nuclear antibody test and the test for rheumatoid factor can be helpful.

For treating lupus arthritis, there are usually used non-steroidal, anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen, naproxen or aspirin. Usually, these medications have effect, but if this therapy is not effective, there can be added antimalarial drugs such as hydroxychloroquine.In rare cases, if the joints remain swollen and painful despite other treatment, there begins the treatment with corticosteroids.It is important that people learn joint protection procedures in order to rest the joints during flares of lupus arthritis, and another fact that must be known is that cytotoxic medications should not be used to treat only lupus arthritis.

It is known that the systemic lupus erythematosus can seriously damage the muscles, and as a result, there can appear muscle weakness and loss of strength. Inflamed muscles can be painful and tender to the touch, but the most common symptom that lupus myositis shows is muscle weakness. Usually, the muscles at he trunk of the body are affected , such as neck, pelvic girdle and thighs, shoulder girdle and upper arms.

There are some tests that can determine the severity of muscle involvement. These tests measure the level of some chemical enzymes in the blood. Normally, that enzymes are being concentrated within muscle fibers. They escape into the blood circulation when the muscle fibers are being damaged by inflammation.There can also be made an electromyogram to determine the character of muscle damage in lupus myositis, and also biopsy may be performed in order to confirm the presence of inflammation and to identify how severe it is.

As a treatment, corticosteroids are used initially in high doses, to keep the inflammation under control, and then, after it subsides, it is gradually reduced. Most of the patients responde well to this treatment, but there are rare cases when it is necessary to add cytotoxic or immunosuppressive medications.A well directed exercise program should be started after the inflammation passed, in order to regain normal muscle strength and function.

It may happen when the patient is prescribed high doses of corticosteroids with or without cytotoxic agents to appear bone damage and muscle weakness. These complications in rare cases appear due to the effects of the medications alone, they usually come because of a combination of factors.It was found that patients with systemic lupus erythematosus which took steroids for a long time can develop ischemic necrosis of bone. Altered blood flow to a portion of bone causes the death of that area, and as the bone repairs the area, a weakening of the bone occurs and a portion of the bone surface may collapse. Most affected are the hips, shoulders and knees.The first symptom of ischemic necrosis is pain when the joints are being moved or bearing weight, and the pain can be felt even when the person is resting, at night, when the condition progresses.Osteoporosis can also appear if a patient uses corticosteroids for a long time. Having osteoporosis means that the bone mass is decreased and a higher risk of bone fracture and compression of vertebrae in the spine appears. It is known that women are at a higher risk of developing osteoporosis and using calcium and vitamin D in addition to regular exercise may help prevent osteoporosis.

It is important to remember that people with lupus myositis should take a regular, well-designed exercise program in order to prevent muscle weakness.

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Here we will address the knee pain and weakness suffered by the elderly, obese, and out of shape people. Most people don't realize that the majority of knee pain is actually coming from trigger points. This is why some people are tested and after receiving the results, they are told their tests revealed nothing out of the ordinary (or everything is normal); however their knee pain is still present. Some patients present with the same pain after rounds of surgeries and physical therapy and other forms of care. There are even times when there may be some type of degeneration in their knees. Degeneration in a joint is not always the culprit causing the pain you are feeling. Your knee may be misaligned due to the damage to the joint, however, the muscles (trigger points), in many cases will be the primary cause of your knee pain. The muscles can cause the same problem with your spine. I have seen degeneration in several joints in the spine and the patient will exhibit no sign of pain. (Therefore, degeneration doesn't cause all the pain you may experience in your joints. It depends on the severity of the degeneration and the misalignment). Trigger points will refer a pain pattern to specific areas. These particular points reside in the muscle or muscle tendons and the treatment is to have an experienced practitioner turn them off. In addition to pain, weakness will hamper the functionality of the knee.

Here are some exercises that have helped my patients to strengthen their knees after experiencing weakness. The weakness can be addressed by standing in front of a chair as though you're going to sit down. Simply sit down and then stand up. You will do this exercise several times a day throughout the day. Some of you may find this exercise difficult. To make it easier, start by sitting down. Slide forward in the chair while in the sitting position until your buttocks are resting on the front part of the chair. Now, right before you stand, take a deep breath and then stand, releasing the breath on your way up. Start with a chair that has arms and work your way up to a chair that doesn't have arms. If this exercise starts to hurt, stop until your knees feel better and start more slowly next time.

Next, sit up straight and perform leg extensions by simply straightening both legs from a natural sitting position with the knees bent. Squeeze the muscles supporting the knee for a count of three. Return to the bended knee start position. Repeat this movement eight times, and then rest. Perform the entire action twice more (3 sets total). If you are having difficulty performing this action with both legs simultaneously, start with one leg first, and alternate to the other leg. After both legs are stronger, start to perform this exercise with both legs at the same time. Once your knees start to feel stronger, you are ready to add a walking program to your exercise regimen. Please consult your doctor before attempting these exercises.

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Whether you are an avid cyclist, or just like to take an occasional jaunt on your bike, your knee aches and pains when cycling can cause you to "put on the brakes", if you know what we mean...

Cycling is considered by many to be, a healthy and enjoyable sport. Unfortunately, it can quickly become an unpleasant chore if your knees are sore. The pain problems may start while you are riding, or it may not occur until after the ride is through. Moreover, it can last anywhere from a few minutes to hours on end.

Rest may help, but can certainly infringe on your desire to cycle. Some cyclists ice their knees after they dismount their bikes, and this may also help reduce the pain. But if your knee ache occurs while you're cycling, how practical is it to ride around with ice packs strapped to your knees?

Over the counter pain medications (such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen) may also help reduce the knee aches when cycling, but they may offer only a temporary fix. - Speak with your physician before using any medications.

So, if you experience knee ache when cycling, aside from the temporary solutions listed above, and aside from giving up the sport entirely, what options do you have?

The solution to the dilemma of your knee aches may be something as simple and affordable as a knee brace. You should seriously take a moment to think about this knee pain relief option. Knee supports can help reduce your knee pain because of the meaningful support that they provide, and they are not super expensive either. Nor, do they have to be big and bulky.

If you experience discomfort in your knees when cycling, whether it is consistent, or whether it comes and goes, you should always seek the advice of a qualified physician to determine the cause of the pain. Knee aches when cycling can stem from a number of different issues. Most likely, though, it is caused either by inflammation within the knee join, or wear and tear on the knee cap and/or the cartilage disc underlying the knee cap (such as found with chondromalacia patella). Meniscus tears can also be at the root of your current pain issues. There are a host of other, possible causes of discomfort when cycling and only a qualified professional can properly diagnose the cause of your particular symptoms. Still, whatever the cause of the symptoms, a brace can help alleviate the ache when cycling.

A support is designed to cradle the knee, fitting snugly around your leg. This will help to relieve the stress on the joint that may cause knee ache when cycling. Furthermore, the knee brace can help keep the patella in its proper place as it tracks over the joint during activity. When the knee is properly positioned, and the excess stress is taken off the joint itself, the inflammation often associated with knee ache when cycling can also be reduced, thus helping to reduce the achy sensations that have been slowing you down.

Knee braces come in a variety of styles and designs to fit your personal needs. They do not have to be custom-made, and are generally affordable. All are designed to offer mobility and added support to help keep you cycling.

In the end, you are the one that has to live with the knee pain if you do not become proactive. Hopefully it will disappear by itself, but when it does not, you should consider a knee support because it is a low cost option that you can use right away to help stabilize your knee.

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Before I solved my knee pain and knee clicking disorders I remember the very cold times of year being the Most horrible. Dry skin, stiff legs, aching muscles, BLAH! I thought I would come on right now and write out a handful of simple tips for managing your knee joints in the winter time and cold air to stop soreness and clicking. Of course this is all evaded and explained in the course I've been telling you guys about, but I wanted to give a little heads up on some quick and easy thing you can do as well.

A Fix for Stiff Knees

When a joint starts out to come to feel stiff it's caused by inflammation. I've spoke of inflammation a lot on the site since it's the number one cause of knee clicking and knee pain. All joint troubles really. The best and quickest route to soothe some of the pain and tension is to do hassle-free exercises.

Basic Stretching

The best stretches to do for your knee muscles and joints is also one of the simplest. Sit on the floor with your legs completely straight in a V-formation and just hold that position for as long as you can. You will really feel when you're done with this one. This is another one that can be done anywhere and that you should try and do at least once a day, maybe in the morning to help get yourself moving.

Simple Diet Changes

The inflammation that winter months causes is also (sometimes) very easily solved via simple diet changes and nutrition. Yes, there are really food items out there which have great anti-inflammatory effects that one can fit into your diet during the Cold months. Much like you use oil to lube up the pieces in a car you can add olive oil into the foods you eat to do the same on your knee joints. Sure, maybe not directly... but organic olive oil is a popular anti-inflammatory food.

My Smart Trick

1 trick that I would usually use is the exact contradictory of the situation, HEAT! Utilizing a heating pad on your knee joints (or most joints) in the course of the cold weather season is a fantastic tiny trick to relieve the pain after a long day at the office or going around town in the wintry dry air. And of course it just feels fantastic!

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Do you envy people who can bound up the stairs three steps at a time, with relative ease?

Do people shake their heads when you take the elevator to go up one flight rather than climbing the stairs?

Does the sight of the stair machine at your local gym make you break out in a cold sweat?

If so, you are not alone. Sharp knee pain when going up a flight of stairs is a problem that is shared by many people today. You may feel fine while standing, walking, or even running, but as soon as you begin walking up the stairs, sharp knee pain begins.

Sharp knee pain when going up a flight of stairs can be a real problem (for some of us that might be quite an understatement). It can limit your activities of daily living and can hurt your overall quality of life. This can be an obvious challenge for you if you live in a house that has many stairs to climb.

Sharp knee pain when going up the stairs may come on all the sudden, or it may happen each and every time you climb a stair. Sometimes you may find that your knee pain is not as severe. You may have suffered through knee pain for quite some time, or it may be a new issue that you are now faced with.

The causes for your pain can vary. Any number of medical conditions such arthritis, tendonitis, chrondromalacia and bursitis, to name a just a few, can all result in sharp knee pain when walking up stairs. It is important to present your complaints to a medical professional for evaluation and advice. Still, whatever the particular cause of your sharp knee pain, aside from whatever medical treatment your doctor recommends, you may find relief through the use of a knee brace.

Knee braces do not necessarily have to be custom made to be effective for you. In fact, non custom knee supports can be found in a variety of styles and sizes suitable for the majority knee shapes. Knee braces that are not custom made are readily available, affordable, and easy to use, plus they may help relieve the sharp pain you experience when walking up stairs. You should not over look the support that they can provide.

A properly fitting knee brace will help lend support to the knee joint, and help to keep your knee properly aligned as you climb a flight of stairs. This may help lessen the sharp pain when walking up stairs so that you can start living normally again.

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When someone sprains their knee, many people will say that it's a good thing it wasn't a break, because that would hurt a lot more. Did you know that sometimes a sprain can hurt just as much, even more, than a broken bone? Just because it's only a sprain doesn't mean that it isn't painful and swollen, and although it may not be broken, but it's still pretty difficult to walk on it, at least for the first few days.

What is a Knee Sprain?

Basically, a knee sprain is an injury of one of the ligaments in the knee. Most of the time, knee sprains are caused by a fall or by hitting the knee against something, and many knee sprains are caused by twisting the knee in the wrong way, which is pretty easy to do. Knee sprains need to be properly treated so they do not to cause problems in the future.

Treatment for Knee Sprains

There are many cases where a sprained knee can be as swollen and painful as a break, so one of the first things to do is to immediately ice the swollen area. Next, the injured person should visit the nearest emergency room for x-rays to make sure that there are no fractures in the joint or kneecap. Once a sprain has been diagnosed, the physician will recommend the RICE treatment (Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate).

Rest: Of course, most movements, especially walking, are going to cause pain and irritate a sprained knee, so it is important that the injured person rest the leg as much as possible. Walking should be kept to a minimum, at least for a few days, until there is little to no pain during walking.

Ice: For the first two or three days following a knee sprain, it is important to keep the injured area iced in order to reduce swelling. Ice packs should be used four or five times each day, for about 20 minutes to a time. For an ice pack that doesn't leak, try soaking a sponge, then placing it in a zip lock bag. When it thaws, the water will be absorbed by the sponge, and won't leak all over the place.

Compress: In order to help reduce swelling and immobilize the leg somewhat, the sprained knee should be wrapped with an elastic bandage. The best way to put one on is to start below the knee, and wrap up, in a criss-cross motion. Remember not to wrap it too tightly; you don't want to cut off circulation.

Elevate: It is important to keep the injured knee elevated as much as possible to relieve pain. When the leg is higher than the heart, which can be done just by propping it up with a few pillows, it helps to decrease blood flow, which will help to keep the swelling down.

Many physicians will also recommend that those with knee sprains take an anti-inflammatory medication, such as Ibuprofen. After a few days, the ice treatment should stop and heat should be used to ease stiffness and bring back the flexibility. After a week or so, the injured person should be up and about, going about his or her normal routines.

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There are a number of reasons why you might be experiencing knee pain. Overuse, injury, and infection are the three most common causes of knee pain. If you are experiencing pain in joints or pain that does not subside, it is recommended that you seek medical advice to determine the cause. If left untreated, what starts out as something minor could lead to more a serious condition.

Overuse Can Cause Pain

Knee pain due to overuse typically is a result of stressing the joints. For example, vigorous exercise or repetitive use can cause knee pain, especially if you are just starting an exercise regimen or if you have been relatively inactive for a long period of time. This type of knee pain normally will resolve after a few days of rest, and perhaps over-the-counter pain relief medication or an anti-inflammatory to reduce any swelling that may occur. Knee pain can be considered acute when the injury is caused by an impact or twisting of the knee, such as an anterior cruciate ligament injury. An overuse injury can also be considered acute if there is chronic pain and/or swelling.

Injury or Trauma

Knee pain as a result of injury or trauma will require a visit to the doctor, or even the emergency room. In most cases, trauma to the knee can result in ruptured ligaments or torn cartilage and may even require surgery or aggressive treatment to repair the damage.


Septic arthritis: Sometimes your knee joint can become infected, leading to swelling, pain and redness. Septic arthritis is often accompanied by a fever.

Bursitis: This is the most common bursa affected around the joint, just above the kneecap. People who kneel for prolonged periods of time are more susceptible to bursitis. If the bursa becomes infected, aspiration and analysis of the bursa fluid may be necessary.

Understanding the Knee

The knee joint is surrounded by a joint capsule with ligaments strapping the inner and outer sides of the joint. These are called "collateral ligaments." Crossing within the joint are "circulate ligaments." These ligaments provide the crucial stability and strength necessary for the function of the knee joint.

Injury or degeneration of bone or cartilage can sometimes cause pieces of bone or cartilage to break off. These pieces of bone or cartilage float in the joint space. This can create a problem if it interferes with movement of the knee. It can also result in a "locked" knee.

Swelling of the knee can occur as a result of several different types of knee problems. If you are experiencing knee pain that will not go away or if you have experienced trauma, you should always seek medical advice to ensure that you don't have any severe damage-you may cause further damage if the knee is not promptly treated. Many people think the pain will go away and try to ignore it, but this could actually cause more damage in the long term.

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It is estimated that when running, around four times an individual's body weight is passed through the knee joint with each and every step. It is therefore no surprise that knee pain is a frequent complaint amongst runners.

Most knee injuries from running are overuse injuries, meaning they develop gradually due to repetitive stresses on the joint and surrounding soft tissues. These may include Runner's knee (IT band syndrome) and Patella pain syndrome. Overuse injuries such as these do not compromise the stability of the joint and so high level knee supports are not necessary. A simple, neoprene sleeve may be effective to provide heat retention and compression to the joint, to encourage the blood flow and maintain soft tissue flexibility whilst providing mild support for the joint.

In some cases, specialist knee supports and straps are available. For example in cases of IT band syndrome, an IT band strap can be worn above the knee to apply pressure to the IT band on the outer knee, reducing the strain and encouraging blood flow. Similarly for jumpers knee (patella tendinopathy), a patella tendon strap may be worn.

Patella mal-tracking is a big issue in runners, typified by an aching pain at the front of the knee, especially when running downhill or after a run. The important feature of a knee support for this condition is the patella support. This may be in the form of a circular buttress (area of foam padding) surrounding the knee cap which will help to stabilise it. In more advanced models, a buttress and a strap to pull the patella medially work to prevent excess lateral movement.

More acute injuries such as ligament and cartilage tears only really occur through falls or twists of the joint. For those who have suffered an acute knee injury and who want to return to running, more support may be required to reduce lateral and twisting movements at the joint which strain healing structures. Whilst a stabilised support will do this, it is important to consider your comfort whilst exercising. A lightweight stabilised support which does not restrict knee flexion or extension, such as the LP709a or LP X-Tremus would be ideal. Anything more bulky such as a hinge knee brace may not be suitable for running due to the weight and restrictions on full motion. If you really need something a heavy duty knee brace for running, then chances are you are probably not ready to return to running just yet!

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Pueraria Mirifica is a plant that helps to increase the size and volume of the breasts naturally and without side effects and leaves them firm and beautiful. Pueraria Mirifica increases the speed of development of mammary cells and fills the ducts around the nipple. It also increases the firmness of fatty tissue and ligaments around the breasts resulting in fuller and firmer breasts. These tissues are responsible for breast firmness and muscle tonality. The results obtained with this herb vary from person to person depending on individual physiological conditions and genetic backgrounds.

There are some cases in which people have been able to have an increase of 2.5 cms in breast size by using this herb. People who have bigger breasts get faster results. People with smaller breasts react to the herb more slowly and need more time to reach the desired size.

This can be used by people of any age. At low doses no significant effect on breast enlargement is seen. The intake of this herb increases the sensitivity of the breast tissues within 24 hours of first dose. The process of breast enlargement continues for a while even after stopping consumption. If you continue to take regular doses even after the breasts have achieve the maximum possible size, the breast muscles would start getting toned up and the shape of the breasts would improve. The recommended dosage is 800 to 1200 mg per day. These are available in the market in the form of capsules and 1 capsule 3 times per day for 3 months can give you around 2cms of breast tissue growth.

Maintenance of female hormones and control of PMS and Menopause

This magic herb contains an element called puerarin miroesterol. This has the capability of influencing hypothalamus secretions and regulating the hormones responsible for ageing. Research reveals that this element is 1000 times stronger than the soy isoflavones. Pueraria mirifica is suitable for those with mental stress, suffering from menopausal symptoms, those with alopaecea, osteoporosis and sexual problems. Since this herb is full of essential nutrients, it is also beneficial for boosting up the immune system. Some disease symptoms such as nerve irritation, dizziness, skin blemishes, wrinkles, puffy face, muscle aches, palpitations, back cat, bent hip, hip pain, colds, crooked leg (type O) and knee-joint pain can be treated using this herb.

However, you should keep in mind that Pueraria mirifica is a very strong herb and if you don't use it under medical supervision, you might end up harming yourself also.

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Perhaps you have been doing an extended round of P90X and you have a aching shoulder. Or you have been doing the Insanity workout and your knees are sore. Maybe you added running to your routine and feel shin splints coming on.

Is it time to visit the doctor's office or dial it back a notch and keep up the good fight?

There are a few things to consider before you rush off to see the good doctor. Many general doctors do not know a lot about specific sports injuries. Even if you go to a reputable sports doc, he or she will just tell you to stop doing whatever workout program you are involved in. If you want to see the doctor, you may as well save yourself some time and just stop doing your workout until you've fully recovered. Most likely, they will prescribe rest as the solution.

The aches and pains we are talking about are the normal aches and pains that most every person who exercises regularly experiences. There are certain types of pain or injury that should receive medical attention. If you have joint swelling, pain when you rest or sleep, pain that progressively gets worse or bruises that do not heal. Also, if any of your joints feel unstable or lock , you should seek out a good doctor.

Unless you are under the age of 25, the Insanity workout is going to cause a few aches and pains and it's expected. After a week that has several Insanity Plyometric workouts, my knees ache. By following the 60 day workout schedule, I move on to different workouts and my knees get a chance to recover and the pain goes away. As long as you know your body and know how you typically recover, you should be ok. When your body is not recovering as it normally does, you should see a specialist.

The typical sports injury involves pain or soreness in muscles or tendons and there is little doctors can prescribe for treatment and nothing that will make them heal faster. Ibuprofen and rest is the usual prescription or cortisone shots for pain which can actually make the healing period longer.

If you are feeling aches and pains from your P90X or Insanity Workout, understand that it is normal and expect to get sore from these high intensity workouts. Usually the workouts vary enough to give over worked muscles a break long enough to recover. In the fifth week of Insanity, you get a much need recovery week which allows you to recharge and hit the second month hard again.

If you do feel like you are not getting enough recovery time, go back to the recovery workout DVDs for a few days until the soreness has passed.

Practicing these sensible guidelines and learning how your body recovers is key to getting through the Insanity or P90X workout successfully. Most experienced athletes know their bodies and know how their body responds to injury. If your body is responding normally, you can avoid a visit to the doctors office.

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