目前分類:knee joint pain (201)

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Knee pain has can be dressed up in many different guises. Whatever someone decides to call it, all we need to know is that it usually occurs on the front of the knee and it hurts!

The pain is normally associated with running, walking down hills/stairs, or sitting with a bent knee for long periods of time. This is due to an alteration in the biomechanics of the knee which is usually caused by an imbalance in the soft tissue structures.

The pain within the knee joint usually increases when the quadriceps muscles work eccentrically (meaning the muscles working as they get lengthened). This exerts a large force through the patella (knee cap) when the muscles are used this way. The large force presses the patella against the femoral groove, which if not located correctly causes pain.

Mal-tracking of the patella within the femoral groove is the most common cause of anterior knee pain. This is like a train being driven off its rails which will lead to a bumpy and uncomfortable ride! An imbalance in the pull of the quadriceps muscles (vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and rectus femoris) which attach to the patella can alter its position.

The angle of pull of the quadriceps muscle through the patella is known as the Q-angle. The Q-angle is determined by drawing a line from the ASIS (bony point on the front of the pelvis) to the midpoint of the patella with a second line being drawn from the centre of the tibial tubercle (flat piece of bone below the knee cap) to the middle of the patella. The point where these two lines cross is known as the Q-angle which should be 13Ú in males and 18Ú in females. Anything outside these ranges could be the cause behind knee pain. Note when performing these tests the leg should be relaxed.

One of the main culprits behind the altered positioning of the patella is a weakness in vastus medialis obliqus (VMO). This muscle attaches medially (to the inside) on the patella with weakness here allowing the patella to drift laterally (outwards). This muscle is the first of the muscles to waste following injury and lack of use of the quadriceps muscles. The quadriceps muscles can start wasting within 24 hours of non-use! Treatment may therefore consist of strengthening of the VMO muscle to alter the pull of the quadriceps on the patella thus correcting its position.

Likewise shortening of vastus lateralis which attached to the lateral aspect of the patella may also result in an outward pull on the patella again affecting the Q-angle. Treatment here would consist of heat, stretching and massage to normalise the length of the muscle. In extreme cases surgery may be required to 'release' the muscle to allow the patella to re-position itself correctly.

Other causes of anterior knee pain from the patella-femoral joint include

" Tightness in certain structures (e.g. calf and hamstring muscles).

" Altered hip, knee or foot posture.

" Anatomic variations such as a shallow patella-femoral groove.

If knee pain is left untreated the articular surfaces of the patella-femoral joint may, in some cases, become affected and worn, exacerbating the problem.

These are just a couple of examples of causes of anterior knee pain. To have your specific condition diagnosed correctly it is advised that you seek medical advice from a professionally qualified practitioner.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Sports injury accounting for meniscus or ligament injuries of the knee are common owing to high activity levels. Usually, the patient is a young adult presenting with acute onset pain and swelling of the knee, with sensation of give way while climbing up or downstairs.Young patients often wish to pursue active sports, which makes newer research into the treatment modalities, a prime necessity.

Meniscus Injuries usually present with knee effusion, may cause locking episodes and/or persistent pain along the joint line. Patient usually complain of inability to put full weight over the affected limb. The medial or the inner side meniscus is more prone to injury owing to specific anatomy and peripheral attachments. Ligaments that stabilize the knee include the Anterior and Posterior Cruciate ligaments. They prevent abnormal translation between the Tibia (leg bone) and Femur (thigh bone). An injury to the ligaments may cause a feeling of give way.

The diagnosis can be ascertained with reasonable certainty using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. However, sometimes the findings may not be confirmatory, and an arthroscopy of the joint is required. Knee arthroscopy may be performed both to diagnose and to treat the condition.

Meniscus tears at some location, and if presenting within a week may be repaired using arthroscopic techniques. This provides good long term results. If presenting late, or extensive tear, the torn portion is resected by arthroscopic technique, leaving a thin intact rim. Meniscus tears, if not treated properly have been known to contribute to development of arthritis.

Ligament tears may be treated with physiotherapy or surgical intervention. Tears associated with bony island should be treated surgically on urgent basis. Mid-substance tears do not heal by themselves, and need reconstruction. Ligament reconstructions should be delayed for 4-6 week, and aggressive physiotherapy should be done in the meantime.

Anteior Cruciate Ligament reconstruction is one of the commonly performed surgeries by Orthopaedic surgeons handling sports injuries. It can be reconstructed using tendons from the inner aspect of knee or from the patellar ligament (knee cap region). Both offer equally satisfying results, however Patellar tendon bone graft offers better biological bone to bone incorporation. Meniscus transplants from cadaver donors is the new technology in the closet.

Patients usually require a 6 month period before they can get back to contact sports, with prolonged supervised intensive physiotherapy. Important to understand that, not all patients with Meniscus tear or ligament tear need surgery. However, timely performed arthroscopy helps in early rehabilitation.

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There are many types of yoga, teachers, and variations in philosophy. Most styles of yoga are not physical, but the world has adopted the physical aspect and needs to mature a bit more to appreciate the deeper aspects of Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, and Raja.

The Physical Side

To some practitioners, Hatha yoga is a terrific full-body workout, with thoughtful routines that will stretch and align all the major muscle groups. However, the expression "no pain, no gain" has no place at all in any yoga practice. If anything you do causes pain, stop immediately. The word for a yoga pose is "asana," so even if the poses are not exactly easy, they should put your body at ease and not under stress or pain.


Knees are of particular concern when practicing Hatha yoga. Many of the twisting asanas pose hazards for pre-existing injuries or misaligned knees, and the kneeling asanas can put a great deal of stress on weak knees as well. Yoga can be perfectly safe for everyone, however, this is provided you take a few sensible precautions.

Kneeling asanas like Camel or even a simple Cat Cow pose are hard on tender knees. Feel free to use extra padding if your mat is not enough to cushion your knees. A rolled up towel will work fine, or just roll up the end of your mat to get an adequate level of cushion. Move cautiously if you know that your knees are a weak point; don't rush your practice and feel free to ease your way into poses that require your knees on the mat. Remember that this is your yoga practice and no good can come from doing it in a way that compromises your comfort and safety.

Alignment is another important issue when it comes to knees and yoga. A good rule of thumb is to keep your knees pointing in the same direction as your feet and toes. Also be sure to never overextend or lock your knees in a pose, this puts too much pressure on the knee joint. Instead, make sure that your leg muscles are fully engaged as you hold the pose. Using your leg muscles correctly protects your knee area and it also gives you a much more effective workout.

The good news for weak knees is that a regular yoga practice can substantially increase the strength and flexibility of your knees. Don't be discouraged if there are poses that are out of your reach at this time, if you keep practicing at your own pace you will soon see significant improvement. Remember that asanas are gradually meant to be easy, not stressful, and that your goal is to have a yoga practice that is enjoyable and injury-free.

A Side Note For Yoga Teachers

Remember that all bodies are not equal. If you can't modify, assist, or allow props, be honest with prospective students. They may be better off with the yoga instructor down the road, if their joints will be put at risk in your class. Adult students from chair sitting cultures may not have the flexibility and may have limits in range of motion due to skeletal compression. Every graduate of a yoga certification program should understand basic anatomy. Once a yoga instructor discovers that each body is unique, it is time to put this knowledge to good use by showing compassion to all students.

穢 Copyright 2012 - Aura Wellness Center - Publications Division

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Love hiking but hate the price your knees pay for it later? Consider adding a hiking trekking pole or even a pair of trekking poles to your gear.

Trekking poles, also known as hiking or walking poles, resemble ski poles when assembled.  Like ski poles, they have rubber padded handles, wrist straps and baskets at the bottom of the pole.  Unlike ski poles, they are made in several sections so that they can be lengthened or shortened as needed during a difficult hike. 

Trekking poles are commonly used by hikers who experience knee pain during or after a hike.  When planted on the ground, each pole has the ability to reduce the weight being carried by the legs and back, giving problem knees a break. Some studies show that using trekking poles can reduce the external and internal loads on the knee joint by up to 20%. By reducing the force being put on the knee joint, those with a history of knee pain can build up their strength while doing the least amount of harm to an already problem area.  A 1999 study in the Journal of Sports Medicine stated that using poles on a 25 degree downhill grade reduces the amount of force being placed on the knees by as much as 25%.

Trekking Pole may be the best solution. So don't let knee pain keep you from enjoying the joy that comes from exploring.  Preparedness and the right tools could be all that is keeping you from the view of a lifetime.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Knee strengthening exercises stretch and strengthen the surrounding muscle groups to prevent injury, decrease recovery time from an injury, and maintain alignment of the joint. These exercises help athletes, seniors, and invalids increase support of the knee joint and help reduce or eliminate knee pain.

Strong flexible joints are better able to handle the stresses and demands of sports like running, football, and cycling. Specific exercises focus on rehabilitating the injury to get you back on your feet faster. And just like the front end of a car, knee joints function better and last longer when they're properly aligned.

Athletes, seniors, and anyone recovering from injury or illness can benefit from knee exercises. Gymnasts, runners, and cyclists understand the importance of maintaining proper conditioning of the knees and other joints. They know how an injury can set back their training programs and even prevent them from competing in major sporting events.

Seniors and invalids recovering from a long illness are two groups that can really benefit from exercises to improve their overall condition and mobility. Seniors may not realize how much strength, flexibility, and balance they have lost over the years as their activity gradually decreases. It is amazing how muscles atrophy so quickly when people are sedentary for long periods. And most people do not realize the many simple exercises they could do to improve their quality of life.

People who have been seriously injured are usually under the care of a doctor or physical therapist and have an exercise program to help them recover. It is especially important to do exercises correctly and at the right time. Do things too early, incorrectly, or too often and you can cause re-injury; too late or too little and you may have to undergo more therapy to regain proper function and flexibility of the joint.

Muscle groups must work together (the knee bone is connected to the thigh bone) as a system to support the knee and any imbalance in strength or flexibility will cause problems. Knee exercises focus primarily on the large muscle groups in the legs, hips, and buttocks. Don't worry, all the other muscles will be exercised in the process.

In conclusion, knee strengthening exercises increase the strength and flexibility of muscle groups that support the joint and prevent injury. Athletes, seniors, and invalids can all benefit from these exercises. There are many simple exercises you can do to improve and maintain your physical condition. You need to exercise all muscle groups to balance the knee support system. And it is very important for you to do exercises correctly, at the right times, and not overdo them. Remember you are doing knee pain exercises to avoid injury not to cause yourself more.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

...and one of these tips you can get from a sewing class!

"More than 100,000 Americans are unable to get from their bed to the bathroom without assistance because of problems related to their hip or knee." So says Dr. Nathan Wei, Clinical Director of the Arthritis and Osteoporosis Center of Maryland. He adds, "Too many people put up with pain when there are so many treatments available."

The hip joint plays a major role in weight-bearing and walking.

It's a ball-and-socket joint that combines great stability and a wide range of motion. This joint is comprised of the head of the thigh bone (femur) which is shaped like a ball. This sits inside a cup-like area of the pelvis called the acetabulum ("socket"). It is surrounded by powerful muscles that help maintain the body in an upright posture and also help with walking. Many ligaments also help support the structure of the hip.

The most common symptom with hip problems is pain

Pain due to hip problems may be felt in the groin, on the outside of the hip region, the buttock, inner part of the thigh, the front of the thigh, and even the knee. In fact, there have been patients who've had knee surgery... when the problem was really in the hip. NOT a good thing! Pain coming from the hip joint also needs to be distinguished from low back disorders as well as knee disorders. Activities of daily living that are affected by hip pain include going up and down stairs, getting out of chairs, getting out of bed, getting shoes and socks off and on, and sexual intercourse.

Hip pain is often aggravated by weight-bearing.

Besides arthritis, hip pain can be due to bursitis. The most common is trochanteric bursitis. Trochanteric bursitis is inflammation of the large bursa that sits on the side of the hip. It tends to come on in middle-aged people. The major symptom is a deep aching pain over the upper outer thigh. It is made worse by walking. It is often bad at night and is aggravated by lying on the affected side. The treatment consists of anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, steroid injection, and stretching exercises.

Another potentially serious condition is avascular necrosis of the hip.

Here, a patient will have severe pain- usually in the groin. Weight-bearing is excruciating and the pain may also be present at night. Avascular necrosis is a condition where the blood supply to the head of the femur ("the ball") is interrupted... ...and the head of the femur actually dies! The bone collapses. Remember the great athlete, Bo Jackson... he had avascular necrosis. The diagnosis is confirmed by MRI scanning and the treatment involves surgical procedures. In patient with an arthritis condition, treatment modalities should include anti-inflammatory medication, physical therapy, exercises, and weight reduction, if necessary.

Specific stretching exercises are helpful.

Dr. Wei says, "One of my favorite is called thread-the-needle. You cross one leg across the thigh of the other. Reach down through the hole formed by this crossing over maneuver with the same side hand as the leg you're using to cross over. Clasp fingers with the other hand behind the thigh and gently pull. You'll feel the stretch! Hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with the other side."

Joint replacement- known as hip arthroplasty- is still the resort of choice in patients with end-stage arthritis.

Indications for arthroplasty include:

oloss of function in the hip.

In the past, the limiting problem was that the replaced hip was only good for 10 to 15 years with "normal" use.

Problems that limit the lifespan of hip replacements are

owear and...

oinflammatory response to particles that eventually cause loosening in some patients.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you recently suffered a Patella injury?

If you suffer from and kind of knee injury you'll know difficult and frustrating it can be. The knees play a key part in helping support and distribute your body weight, so any injury causes a lot of difficulty.

As humans we're always on our feet which make it hard for a knee injury to heal. We're always walking, bending, twisting and putting pressure on our knees.

The Patella is a small triangular shaped flat bone in front of the knee relied upon to protect the knee joint. The Patella is an easy area of the knee to injure since it's used all the time to distribute your body weight.

A Patella injury can be very difficult to heal and can sometimes cause your knee cap to shift to one side which can leave you in serious pain and discomfort.

How to tell if you have a Patella Injury?

It can be difficult to tell if you have injured your Patella. Common signs can be a sore, aching feeling on your knee and you might find it difficult to move properly. Another common sign can be a popping or grinding feeling in the knee along with problems when trying to bend or straighten the knee joint.

Another common problem associated with Patella injuries is pain when sitting for a long time and often when walking down stairs. The pain is not generally associated with walking up stairs due to the mechanics of the knee and the greater amount of pressure on the knee when climbing down stairs.

If you know you're prone to knee difficulties such as arthritis then this can quickly develop into Patella conditions. There are many forms of support available to those suffering from these sorts of conditions such as knee braces and bandages.

Types of Patella Injury

Runner's Knee is a very common injury to the Patella - or Chondromalacia Patellae to give it its medical name. Runner's knee is caused essentially by over-using the knee joint. It occurs when the articular cartilage underneath the surface of the kneecap becomes irritated.

Housemaid's Knee - or Prepatellar Bursitis occurs from prolonged periods of kneeling. This is common with people that kneel for long periods of time such a gardeners and carpet layers.

Unstable kneecap - or Pattellar Dislocation/Subluxation is a painful condition of the knee joint. This condition occurs when the Patella doesn't track evenly within its groove on the femur and can become dislodged.

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This program address a type of knees pain caused by weak muscles ability to coordinate between the lower core muscles down to the angle, foot and toes with skeleton leg alignment between feet, ankle and knee and hip title. The knees, in this program, functions to support the upper body ability to transmit lower core generated force down to the top of the knee then pass through the knee joint base on alignment to the lower part of the knee down to the ankle, foot and toes during walking. The skeleton alignment of the knee between upper and lower parts of the leg affects possible of pain in the knee during walking.

If you have knee pain as you walk, but you can walk, there is hope in your ability to walk with little or without pain and create enjoyment during walking. By mindfully using this program 4 parts core breathing to generate strength from the lower core muscle area creates physically strength to be directed to feet, hands and head.

The Art of Walking and the Way of the Breath with mindfulness directs lower core strength and energy to selective muscles that can activate to the whole foot area if directed too. The goal is to shape the foot action in the most effective form to move the body.

Understanding the function of the knee by dividing the leg into two parts above and below the knee. The knee acts like a junction point to transfer force from the hips to the feet yet the feet gives support to the knee. The more you engage the lower core and feet and direct your feet during walking will produce less strenuous presser on the knees.

Finding a method that gives understanding and basic techniques to build your own way to affect your knee pain during walking is a goal. By using the Art of Walking and the Way of the Breath Mindfully give a walker ability to shape the knee during walking.

There is two points that have to be understood at the same time for one to be affective to change knee pain. First is lower core strength if it is weak you do not have muscles strength ability to give the foot muscle strength to walk that place extra stress on the knees. The main ability to make the feet strong is seated in lower core area with the ability to direct muscle tension throughout the legs which gives the knees its ability to do its function in walking.

Second part is how to develop lower core strength effectively requires ability to use that area of the core to bring in breath and exhale breath with range of movement as your walking. The movement range and muscle tension level of the lower core increases possibles to affect feet strength during walking therefore the knees play a different role in walking.

If you have pain in shins and around the knee there is a high chance it is caused be ankle or foot and toes weakness that affect alignment of skeleton between foot and knees and hips.

The other half to the knee challenge is how you direct your feet during walking so the knee muscles are not strained base on how the foot is being used in walking. Finding the most natural way to walk is the goal that make this program art to develop as experience that influences the whole body.

People can walk in many ways with the feet for they can be turn out, in or pointed straight as your walking. Each way has different affects on muscles in the legs that influence knee pressure during walking.

How you walk with your feet affects how the knee area is being used and if it is not the most affective way to walk that will place extra strain on knee joint during walking. Many people over 50 feel pain in their knees and the question what can be done? This program is a energy view point, a person has to keep the lower core and leg muscles toned and skeleton alignment with the most affective way to mindfully walk. The way a person walks is a habit and changing a habit to adjust to aging physical change is just another challenge in life to remind one they exist with a body and not just a mental thought.

Here are some suggestion to change your pain in the knees as your walking. Finding someone that can align the knees with ankle, feet and hips is just a step. Once you have alignment between the three points, hips, knees and feet, then comes how to strength that alignment come next. Understanding why they go out of alignment is a must so you can change the pressure and usage of the knee during walking.

Every one is different but the closer you walk to this program ideas of walking naturally the less pain is possibly. To change how you walk to lower you knee pain is a challenge that requires develop muscle coordinated strength from the hips down the upper part of the knee then lower part of the knee to ankle, foot and toes then how to direct the shape of the foot during movement during walking.

This program has number of suggests to affect muscle coordination strength ability during walking. It begins with core breathing ability to form range of movement in the lower core that will generate strength in that area. If the lower core is weak all the parts of the leg are weak which places more stress on knee joints as you walk.

Start with toes and realize the toes have to have strength and range of movement so there is balance ability as will as force to move. The toes setup balance and directed force and if they are weak your balance is weak your effort is low as you walk. Then foot strength to work the arch in your feet to affect movement of the foot with strength. The arch strength forms the pathway of the ankle to rotate the foot to move the leg up to the hips. Lower core strength is in the hip area and that area provides energy and strength to activate the feet.

Here is an order to the process to walk. The hips holds the lower core strength ability that is transfer down the leg base on muscle tone conditioning and knee to the ankle. The ankle directs the out side of the heel of the foot to begin rotating a long the outside edge of the foot base on the arch to the little toe. The little toe activates the out side muscle of the leg to give strength support the ability to walk tall. Then each toes plays it part to bring foot and strength to ball and big toe that activate the big muscles in the leg in order to push hip forward this forms one part of walking from your feet.

The condition of these parts have to be looked at in order to form judgment about your knees pain and what is possible. Then there is how you move the foot to walk affects the strain on the knees and influences the function ability to move the body. How to think about your feet direction given purpose of movement of the body.

Here is energy point of view, your energy will flow in the direct of your toes. This program address walking by having your toes pointed straight ahead as you walk so your energy force and balance is the strongest as you walk. This is about what creates the strongest walking form in balance and strength. You should stand with toes pointed straight ahead so you start your foot movement to walk.

Suggestion is finding exercises that make toes, foot and ankle muscles engaged and stronger with the lower core muscle in different part of the core breath movement lets the knees be a junction area to transfer force between lower core into the feet area during walking.

The more you link exercises to the lower core and the movement of the foot and toes gives knees ability to keep alignment which will produces less pain. The ability to keep walking is a challenge as you get older but there are so many benefits to be gain in walking.

What lowers strength to the feet and the ability to breath and walk is stress in shoulders muscles. The more emotional stress that is being held in the shoulders the hard to walk effectively and increases the chances of knee pain. Stress and knee pain can be linked together for the more you relax the shoulders the hips and body can have lower muscle tension and move easier in life.

To change stress requires changing the way and how you breath throughout the day for breathing is a learned habit for humans that reflects their emotional physical state of being in the moment.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Do you feel pain in your knee during or after your run or workout? Does the pain get worse when you walk down stairs or hills?

If so, you might have a case of Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome, commonly known as Runners Knee. As the name suggests, Runners Knee is one of the most common injuries that runners experience, although it can affect any athlete that engages in repetitive knee bending, such as climbers, hikers, and cyclists. If you do any activity that requires bending of the knee, you might be at risk for developing Runners Knee or a more serious knee injury. If you're in marathon training mode and ramping up miles according to your training schedule, you should be especially on guard for niggly knee pain. Maybe you're already feeling some pain and praying it doesn't develop into anything more so you can continue with your marathon training.

For many years runner's knee was considered to be a direct result of softening of the cartilage of the kneecap, but current research proves that poor running mechanics are the real cause of Runners Knee.

When healthy, injury-free runners are in neutral alignment, the leg absorbs shock with every step. However, poor alignment results for MANY runners because the repeated back-and-forth, limited range of motion involved in running not surprisingly weakens all the core muscles surrounding your legs and hips. Without the lateral side-to-side movement that would naturally strengthen your core, your trunk loses its natural stabilizer muscles and your core wears away little by little. Weak core leads to unstable pelvis which inevitably leads to misalignment of your legs. The alignment then causes imbalanced wear and tear on the knee joint, resulting in pain, injury, and possibly the end of your running career!

You might think that strengthening and stretching the legs would be the right approach to relieving knee pain. However the very TOP way to cure Runners Knee is to train the core muscle groups of the pelvis. The goal is to maintain good form during running, reduce loads to your joints, and eliminate any further breakdown of your tissue.

Other forms of therapy such as IT Band stretches and massage might also be helpful in relieving symptoms, but improving core strength and achieving proper alignment is the most effective and only sustainable way to relieve Runners Knee for good!

I've developed a unique training program for runners and any athlete who suffers from knee pain, a discrete set of proven core exercises that have been shown to accurately identify your muscle imbalances, prevent and cure pain, and -- then improve performance in runners. Because of what is definitionally involved in running, ALL runners, regardless of performance and training level, are highly susceptible to repetitive motion and impact injuries. ALL runners need to strengthen to be able to enjoy running.

Many runners with knee pain simply don't prepare for the worst-case scenario when it comes to possible injury. By the time you've realized that you're injured and in need of a new training routine, your performance has already suffered greatly and you're in a lot of unnecessary pain. Don't wait until you must stop running completely before seeking help!

If you're in the process of training for a marathon, it's so important to accept and embrace a strengthening regimen as part of your training schedule. Consider this: during an average one-mile run, your foot strikes the ground 1,000 times. So during one "peak" training run of 20-miles, your foot strikes the ground 20,000 times. And the the force of impact on the foot is 3 to 4 times your weight! So during one peak training run, your foot is striking the ground 20,000 times with the force of 3-4 times your body weight. Your marathon training probably includes 3 of these peak 20-mile runs, so the numbers just continue to pile up. For each 'landing', your core muscles have to be strong enough to land foot on the ground in a strong, aligned way -- or you're bound to feel the knee, hip, or hamstring pain that plague so many of us.

Remember - it's actually not about leg muscle strength. Your training more than adequately covers that. In fact, it's just the opposite: you're most likely overly repeating the front-and-back motion of running while the rest of your surrounding muscles which laterally stabilize -- and are SO important to safely landing each step -- just continue to atrophy. This pattern is no surprise because by definition, running is a forward-and-back motion. That's why the injuries that plague runners are common and predictable.

If you're already injured and struggling with Runners Knee, take action and get to the root cause of your injury. Don't waste time and money dabbling on superficially alleviating the pain. Instead, know that your injury can be cured by targeting the specific muscle deficiencies causing it -- and can be done so very quickly!

To find out about special strengthening techniques designed to get you running without pain and even faster, check out my book on strongrunning.com. In it, you'll find out how you can cure your Runners Knee and become a stronger, faster runner with just a few simple exercises involving no equipment or down-time -- just some honest work in strengthening yourself.

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Do you have a meniscus injury?

Of the many injuries that can occur, there are few worse than having a meniscus injury. This can be extremely painful and also takes a long time to recover, making it the bane of professional athletes around the world. Most people will find that using a brace for meniscus injury can help to contain the debilitating pain that is associated with this injury.

What Exactly is the Meniscus and How Does it Get Injured?

The meniscus is made of fibrous tissue found in the knee joint between the ends of the two leg bones that meet at the knee. This meniscus is constructed of cartilage and is smooth, allowing the joint to flex without the two bones grinding against each other. The meniscus also helps to absorb the impact of walking, running, jumping and other physical activities.

Meniscus injuries come in the form of tears in the meniscus. This happens when a twisting force is applied to the knee, forcing it to move in an unnatural direction. Often times, this is caused by a fall or a strong impact to the body. As the body falls, the leg can become twisted and the tears appear in the meniscus. Older people are particularly susceptible to this form of injury as the meniscus tends to grow weaker with age.

Symptoms Of A Meniscus Injury

The first and most major symptom of a meniscus injury is the searing pain. When the meniscus is torn, the ends of the two leg bones begin to grind against the injured area as well as against each other. This causes severe pain in the joint area.

Another common symptom is the swelling of the knee. When a tear occurs in the meniscus, the joint can fill with blood and other fluids. This causes swelling and inflammation in the knee area. Without medication to quelling the swelling, the knee will remain swollen for quite a while, causing further discomfort.

Sometimes, when there is a meniscus tear, a piece of it can get caught in the joint itself. When this happens, it causes the knee to lock up and prevents it from straightening fully.

Treating a Meniscus Injury

A doctor will often recommend using a knee brace for meniscus injury. Wearing a brace does not entail any invasive surgeries or even medication, making it not only one of the most effective but also the safest forms of treatment.

A brace is essentially a device that is especially designed to mimic the function of the knee, taking over the job of supporting some of the weight of the body. Many athletes wear knee braces while engaged in sporting activities to prevent any kind of knee injury. After a meniscus injury, wearing a support can be particularly helpful as it reduces the pressure on the knee joint, helping to promote healing.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When I was growing up, my father frequently passed along nuggets of wisdom in the form of short phrases that still stick with me to this day. One of those sayings was in regards to me wishing I would get a good grade on a math test. His response was, "Wish in one hand, sh*t in the other and see which one fills up faster." Now before you get all offended and decide to stop reading, take for a moment to see the genius in the statement.

It may have been a little rough at the time while I was in elementary school however, the phrase did teach me a life long lesson that I applied to my own healing after ligament (ACL) reconstruction back in 1999. No matter how much I wished my knee pain would go away, the fact of the matter was, I needed to do the things necessary to make sure I was setting up the conditions for my knee to heal.

No one else could make me do it or do it for me.

It is important to understand having a good solid game plan is key to resolving the pain other wise you will still be wishing the pain goes away after you pick up your prescription at the pharmacy, after you go to the doctor's to get the cortisone shot, or after you wake up from the anesthesia in the recovery room.

Please do not misunderstand me. If something it broken or torn. Get it fixed! However, if nothing is showing up on an X-ray, a CT scan, or an MRI then the solution for your painful knees is not at the doctor's office. Like I had mentioned earlier I needed to setup the conditions in my knee would go away which meant everything that I was doing at that time was creating the conditions for my knee to hurt. This point is huge!

You get this one and the path to resolving your situation will light right up and become apparently clear. So here are some condition that need to be looked at in order to resolve your specific situation.

Sleep - How much sleep do you get per night? Sleep is what your body needs in order to heal itself. If you are getting less than 9 hours of sleep per night then your body is not getting the recovery it needs in order to heal damaged tissue.

Water - Are you drinking any? Anything that's not water doesn't count! Your body is made up of 80% water (at least it's supposed to be). When your body doesn't get enough water it needs to rob it from your bones and joints to make sure there is enough to keep your brain and your blood functioning properly. Yes, your body is that smart and knows how to re-allocate its water resources. The proper amount of water is key for your body to be able to heal the damaged cells causing your knee pain.

Nutrition - What kind of food do you eat? In general the better fuel you put in the gas tank of your car, the better the performance you get. The same thing goes for the speed at which your body heals damaged tissue. The better the food the faster the healing that can take place and the faster the pain in your knee can disappear.

Exercise - What kind of leg exercises are you doing? Hint: Are you trying to strengthen the muscles in your legs or the ligaments in the joint? Because these two types of exercises are extremely different. One makes your the pain go away, the other tends to make the pain worse. Only someone who has gotten to the other side of severe knee pain is really going to know.

Stretching - Do you stretch? If you do, how long? Are you stretching the key muscles that contribute to chronic knee pain? Proper stretching helps to balance the tension in the body so the pressure doesn't all end up in you knees causing you more pain. This also ties into exercise and if you don't stretch you are just strengthening an already dysfunctional tension pattern. Proper stretching will help your knees get better, improper stretching at best will probably do nothing at all.

Breathing - So you may ask, "What the heck does breathing have to do with my knees?" I would answer, "Everything!" First of all, if you don't breathe, you die. If you hold your breath your body begins to immediately to tense up. Think of the very last time you felt a twinge of pain in your knee, the first thing you did was hold your breath. The more tension you have in your body the less space there is in your joints. When your joints have less space they rub on the nerves sending a signal to your brain that you are experiencing pain. The more you breathe properly the more relaxed your body gets the more space your joints have and the less pain you feel.

All of these conditions and the proper amount of each are crucial to eliminating your chronic knee pain. If your knee pain elimination strategy does not include all of these components you are leaving so much out of the equation and odds are your situation either will not go away or if it does for a time, will return.

Wishing isn't going to work, take it from my dad. You are the one that needs to take these 6 steps. No one else can.

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There are a number of reasons why a person may be experiencing knee pain, and one of those reasons could be jumper's knee. This is a degenerative condition in the patellar tendon that causes pain in the front part of the knee. This is also known as patellar tendinopathy. This condition occurs when the tendon that attaches the kneecap or patella to the shinbone (tibia) becomes stressed. Often, jumper's knee happens to those who are involved in sports involving jumping and changes in direction, such as soccer. Over time, if the tendon is strained over and over, it will develop tiny tears and cause much pain.

There are two sides to the patellar tendon, and Jumper's knee usually affects one side or the other, so one side of the knee will look normal, while the other side is often visibly swollen. Using ice packs will do much to decrease the inflammation, which will in turn help to reduce some of the pain. It is important to remember that if you have jumper's knee, don't think of it as a minor injury that does not need to be treated. Jumper's knee can be treated, but if it is not, there can be even more damage done to the knee over time. This is seen a lot in athletes who continue to be involved in sports regularly and do not take time out to give their knees a rest.


There are many symptoms involved with jumper's knee. For one thing, there is pain, which is usually felt after pressing the front and bottom of the kneecap. Many people find that when they have jumper's knee, they have stiffness and aching in the joint, and often pain is also felt when the knee muscles, particularly the thigh (quadriceps) muscle, are contracted.


If you have problems with your knee, and do not want to give up doing your favorite sporting activities, there are steps you can take to reduce the risk of further injury and to help alleviate pain and swelling. A jumper's knee brace is often recommended, and one that is highly recommended is the DonJoy Cross Strap. This is unlike most knee braces because instead of covering the knee and part of the leg, it is just a single strap that is wrapped around the leg, just beneath the knee. It places just the right amount of pressure on the tendon to help ease pain, and it is extremely easy to use, making it popular with athletes. Another option would be the ProCare Surround Patella Knee Strap, which is also a strap worn just below the knee, and it has a Floam bladder, which is a unique material that helps to provide compression to the tendon. This brace can be easily customized to fit just about anyone.

For pain management, you may be interested in trying the Aircast Knee Cryo/Cuff SC, which can be filled with ice or cold water so you have a built-in cold pack, which is ideal for easing inflammation. There is also a hand bulb, so you can measure the pressure for the best compression for you.

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A lot of individuals over the world go through knee pain as a result of inflamed joints. Despite the fact that it is true that many problems which affect the joints are genetic and also brought about by the process of getting older, there are approaches to treat and remedy the swelling. This post contains a brief explanation of the causative factors of this condition, followed by a few beneficial suggestions concerning how to take care of it in your everyday life and some usual kinds of treatment options.

Joint inflammation results normally in the event the white blood cells and chemical compounds in the body get into defense mode as a way to shield us against infection, bacteria and viruses. Under normal condition the inflammation stops once there is no longer a threat. In lieu of fighting bacteria, the white blood cells cause damage to the joints healthy tissue.

Once joint inflammation happens you may note redness, swelling, rigidity, pain like knee pain or the joint may feel warm. These symptoms result from increased blood flow and excess fluids that create inflammation in the involved area.

Though the majority of joint inflammation is caused by movement like in the knees, hands, elbows, feet and sacroiliac joint which is often affected. The sacroiliac joint is situated between the sacrum, at the base of the spine and the ilium of the pelvis. Although it isn't linked to movement, this joint is in charge for bearing much of the upper body weight and is place under stress when lifting heavy objects. Terrible lower back pain is usually suffered as a result of sacroiliac joint swelling.

The pain brought on by joint inflammation can make performing regular responsibilities hard. There is often a recurring burning pain like knee pain or a sharp aching in the swollen area. Range of motion can become severely inhibited due to the inflexibility of the joint.

Here are some very simple tips for managing and treating inflammation of the joint.

Thankfully, there are methods you can do to control and reduce inflammation of the joints. The most beneficial method to do this is by maintaining a healthy diet. There are actually certain kinds of foods that can worsen the condition, like: fried foods, beef, soda, and pre-packaged foods. Alcoholic beverages have been associated with joint problems because it contains large quantity of uric acid which is bad to joint tissue. Ingesting a healthy and balanced diet such as green colored vegetables, fresh fruit, fish and healthy fats which include avocado, olive oil and raw nuts can help treat and lessen joint inflammation.

It is necessary that when you do whatever work out or stretching you should first consult your doctor because some activities and movements may induce inflammation and pain.

Physiotherapy has been more efficient in the treatment of joint inflammation and particularly in the remedy of knee pain and sacroiliac joint. Anti-inflammatory drugs are likewise generally employed and some serious cases a cortisone injection may be needed. Most individuals experience good results with one of these kinds of remedy or perhaps a mix of both.

In case you are going through any of the symptoms identified here, you need to seek advice from your doctor. Aided by the right therapy, knowledge, diet and having a healthy lifestyle can aid lessen this condition.

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You may have suffered painful or weak knees from overusing them. If so, maybe the Cho Pat knee strap can help you

How does the knee strap help your injury? The knee is kept well supported while allowing a good range of mobility. This is what the Cho Pat knee strap was designed to do. This is because the strap is made from neoprene which is a flexible synthetic rubber.

The extra support you get, helps to stabilize, compress and make the overall kneecap structure stronger. This is achieved when pressure is applied to the tendon below the kneecap (patella tendon) as well as the tendon above the kneecap.

If you have patella tracking disorder, this strap may be able to help you. Patella tracking disorder is when the patella (kneecap) shifts out of place as the leg bends or straightens. When you walk or run, you may also experience grinding noises, clicking or popping sounds. The strap can help to keep the kneecap straight and reduce the problem.

If you suffer from patellofemorial syndrome which is also known as chondromalacia patella or runner's knee. The strap can help provide relief from these conditions. This common knee injury occurs from friction between the patella and groove in the thigh bone (femur) or from injury to the patella. The pain worsens when climbing stairs, kneeling or sitting for long periods.

If you use the Cho Pat knee strap, you may reduce the chance of developing iliotibial band syndrome (ITB). This is an injury to the thigh usually associated with activities like cycling, weightlifting, jogging or hiking. You will feel a slight pain to the outside of your knee just above the knee joint if you have ITB.

If you experience pain or discomfort from jumper's knee also known as patella tendonitis, the Cho Pat knee strap may help. If you have this condition, you will find that the tendon and tissues that surround it become inflamed. This usually occurs from overuse particularly in jumping activities. You will feel pain just above the patella tendon.

Who are Cho-Pat? They produce sports medical braces. The company has wide range of products to relieve the pain from a number of knee injuries which are aimed at athletes.

Their most recognized product is the Cho-Pat knee strap. It was developed to help those with weak, degenerated and overused knees. The strap was developed to provide good support to the knee structure while allowing a good range of mobility for the wearer.

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A runners knee brace can provide additional support and pain relief at the same time. The braces are sometimes used to allow a player to continue with a game, if the pain is not debilitating or there is little swelling. Here's a look at some of the features you will find in the different braces on the market.

The smallest of the braces were designed by an orthopedic surgeon and are sold under the patented name "Kneed-IT". In addition to making use of compression therapy, which is the most common therapy found in the braces, the Kneed-IT brand makes use of magnet therapy, too.

The purpose of magnet therapy, as it relates to joints and bones is to reduce pain and improve blood flow. When the knees or other joints are inflamed or swollen, the cause is an immune system reaction to a perceived injury or infection.

A huge influx of white blood cells runs to the area, although in the case of runner's knee and similar problems, there is no infection and no need for the white blood cells. They can actually cause additional injury and/or damage to healthy tissues and joints. The magnets keep the blood moving.

Another patented runners knee brace is called the Cho-Pat. The renowned Mayo Clinic played a role in the development of the Cho-Pat braces. They make use of the compression therapy.

Compression therapy is the idea of placing a small amount of pressure on a tendon or joint in order to reduce stress somewhere else. In the case of the knees, the idea is to put pressure on the tendon below the kneecap, which improves the way that the kneecap moves over the joint.

Unlike the Kneed-it brand, which applies pressure only underneath the kneecap, the Cho-pat type applies pressure on the tendon above it, as well. This helps to strengthen the joints and reduces the risk of injury.

The heaviest runners knee brace provides the most support. The design has not been patented, as it is used in many therapeutic devices. Basically, the brace encompasses the entire knee, but leaves the area over the kneecap open, in order to allow for freedom of movement.

One of the exercises recommended for people that suffer from runner's knee is to move the kneecap in a circular motion, insuring that it is not "stuck". As long as the cap moves freely over the joint, injuries and pain are less likely. So, every good runners knee brace will leave the area over the kneecap open.

The latest materials for the braces include nylon and neoprene. Neoprene is one of the least likely materials to cause allergic reactions. It is a major component of diver's wetsuits. There may be some sweating in the area where the brace touches the skin. In order to reduce that, talcum powder or an antiperspirant cream or spray can be used.

A runners knee brace is usually durable enough to be worn again and again. So, once you decide which style is right for you, don't worry too much about the price. You should get your money's worth.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you ever hurt your knee?

Hey maybe you know how it happened, or maybe you do not...

Being such a delicate area of the body, the knee could easily end up getting hurt and when this happens big trouble can start - Maybe you can already relate?

When you suffer a knee injury, your first thought may be, "I need a knee brace." Thinking about wearing knee braces even before the injury occurs could very well help to protect you from incurring the injury in the first place. Even if the injury already happened, a support could go a long way for you by adding physical stability. This, in turn, can help you to feel more confident because you do not always have to be worrying about your knee in every little movement you take. (Having said this, we have to remember that knee braces can be very helpful, and can make big differences in people's lives, but they are not the end all, be all cure for a knee injury.)

Using a brace could help you after one of these problems strike but knowing how to confront this problem and stop it from happening would be an even smarter strategy. Wouldn't you agree?

By knowing how the knee operates may be the first step in protecting yourself from potentially devastating injuries. In general, the knee itself is a joint, located between the area where two bones meet up. It is also the largest joint in the body. Your leg bones, tendons, cartilage, muscles, and ligaments come together to make up the knee joint. If merely one of these areas could become damaged, knee pain and instability can easily occur. - Muscles in your knee could become bruised or sore, making it difficult to bend the knee. This could be either the hamstring or the quadriceps, which respectively help you to bend or straighten your knee. The tendons in your knee help to connect these muscles to the bones, keeping everything firm in its location. Ligaments are what connect your leg bones together and help provide your knee with stability. Without the cartilage, the bones would grind together and cause great pain.

How Will A Knee Brace Help My Injury?

You may be wondering how using a knee brace can help you with your injury. When one of your first thoughts after having pain or instability in your knee is, "Do I need a knee brace?",... you may be thinking along the right lines. The improved stability and pain reduction can help solve your worries and get you back on track again.

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Do you have a meniscus injury?

From time to time, the knees that we rely on everyday can also cause us problems. Your knees have a very significant role in the body, and have to help carry our weight every time we move about.

Not only do our meniscii have the responsibility of helping to carry our body weight, but they also have to withstand the extra added force when we are lifting or carrying heavy items. When we are jumping, running and doing many other types of activities there is an extra strain placed on our knees.

The cartilage in the knees acts as a cushion to help protect the joint and bones of the leg. These meniscii act as a support system to help the bones of the leg that come together at the knee joint. They help the bones of the leg to not rub together or have friction. As we get older, this cartilage gradually begins to wear away. As the cartilage begins to age and become more brittle you are more apt to suffer a meniscal tear.

Symptoms of a meniscus tear often include pain in and around the knee joint. In addition to having knee pain a person can also suffer from stiffness of the knee, difficulty bending or straightening the leg, swelling around the joint and a popping or locking of the knee joint.

If you experience these symptoms for more than a couple of days, you should definitely go in and see your doctor. Often times your doctor will recommend a treatment plan, which can include the use of a well designed knee brace to help provide added knee support.

Knee braces are also commonly prescribed to help the patient protect the knee after a surgery as well. Knee supports can also be worn if a patient is prone to developing other knee injuries. They can especially help if a person wears them during a sport that they play or when they are doing an activity that could cause a knee injury to possibly develop.

We do not want you to have knee pain, but if you do, then you should address it head on before your problems can get worse. Knee braces can provide meaningful support if you have a meniscus injury. The support that they can help provide can make you think that you just found your new best friend. - When it is time to for you to get a knee brace then it is wise to go to a brace specialist as well.

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Is your kneecap unstable?

Do you suffer from knee discomfort at the same time?

When you experience either one of these issues, it can be a very unsettling experience.

If you have ever had this happen to you, you might be seeing early signs of patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS).

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS) - An Overview

The term "PFPS" can also be known as "anterior knee pain" and/or "runner's knee" in different medical information that you will find.

There are many muscle groups and ligaments that help control the movement of the patella. The patella and the femur come together to form a joint known as the patellofemoral joint. This joint is made up of muscles, soft tissue attachments and the trochlear groove where the patella moves along. As long as it stays "on track" you probably will not experience any patella deviation.

PFPS is a knee condition in which people usually indicate that they have pain "around" or "under" the kneecap. Sometimes this condition is also referred to as chondromalcia patella, but various medical authors have disagreed on the validity of this statement...

Typically, your kneecap is designed to move smoothly along a groove on the femur or thighbone, called the trochlear groove. PFPS, is believed to be related to poor kneecap (patella) "tracking".

The patella can be pulled off the track of the trochlear groove and can deviate off of your true knee center position. This can occur when the front thigh muscles are weak and imbalanced, causing pressure and strain on the cartilage on the undersurface of the kneecap. - Patellar dislocations are more likely to occur when your knee is moving; this is more commonly seen in runners and athletes.

Causes of Poor Knee Tracking

There are four conditions that can predispose poor tracking of the patella along the femur, and it is important to see your physician if you believe you have one of these problems.

- Weak Quadriceps- The front thigh muscle or the quadriceps become weak and can cause an imbalance as the patella slides over the groove along the femur. A supervised strengthening exercise can help correct this poor knee tracking issue.

- Imbalanced Quadriceps - The four divisions of the quadriceps can become imbalanced. The kneecap is pulled off center as a result of the imbalanced pull by the outer quad and the inner quad. This condition deteriorates over time to become full blown PFPS.

Rehabilitative exercise can also help correct this imbalance of the quadriceps and correct the painful knee experience. If this is done at the early stages of the muscle problem you may be having, the condition may not deteriorate into PFPS.

- Weak Hamstrings - This imbalance occurs when the muscles in the front of the thigh (quadriceps) becomes stronger than the hamstrings. This condition can put a strain on the quads causing increased pressure on the femur and the kneecap.

Treatment of PFPS

There are two types of medical interventions used to help treat Patellofemoral pain syndrome- invasive and non invasive treatments.

Under a more severe condition, the surgical option might be recommended by your orthopedist (consult your physician for medical advice). The surgeon can either perform an arthroscopic lateral release, which will help correct the tracking of the patella, or do ligament tightening.

A support, sometimes referred to as a patellar tracking knee sleeve (or patella tracking knee brace) can be used to help limit any deviation of your kneecap. This is a very helpful support while you participate in rehab, especially when your muscles may be weakened. Further, the use of a knee brace can relieve your knee of significant pressure and help ease the pain considerably. These supports should not be overlooked, and can really become your new best friend if you have knee problems such as PFPS.

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Exercises which target isolated specific muscles are functional training exercises; there are specific exercises and exercise machinery which focuses on these areas. These exercises were originally designed to help a patient during physical therapy as they worked to restore patterns of exercise which they were strong in before their physical challenge. For example, this type of exercise may have helped them focus on moderate lifting and endurance if it were a parent with young children; or if they were a marathon runner the training would be focused on rebuilding their endurance level.

There are many benefits to functional training including muscular balance and joint stability. Focusing on this side of training exercises should assist the athlete in developing fewer injuries during performance and exercise. There are benefits from this type of exercise which involves the body's natural ability to move freely without restriction; and improves flexibility greatly. If you are looking to improve your exercise performance than include a foundation of fundamental training exercises as this will improve your balance and overall performance. Those who are experiencing joint pain should consider these movements as well as they are proven to decrease the amount of joint pain experienced. The resulted decrease in joint pain is due to the focus on rehabilitating the joints and flexibility. The health of the joints and their surrounding areas is essential for strength and movement.

The use of standard resistance equipment is beneficial for functional training. This type of machinery is focused on mimicking natural movement and the effort of a single muscle group. Some machinery which can be used for this type of exercise is: cable machines, medicine balls, kettlebells, resistance troops, whole body vibration equipment, balance disks, a suspension system and many more. Core stability will be the main focus of these exercises and they should be integrated with progressive training which steadily increases your core's strength through the demand of the workout.

If you are looking to work on functional training then you should be doing sport specific exercises that develop and maintain your sport's movements as well as traditional training that will benefit all natural movement strength. Integrated functional training exercises will also help you focus on your flexibility, your core, in your strength, your balance and your power.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A person has knee pain and goes to their physician to establish what is causing the pain. An x-ray and MRI are taken as standard protocol. Arthritis is identified; a meniscal tear perhaps, bone-on-bone. These are the typical diagnoses given for pain at the knee. Treatment protocols follow based on these diagnoses. A cortisone shot might be given. This is just a masking agent and clearly can do nothing to resolve a cause. It simply delays the inevitable need to establish what is causing the pain. Surgery is certainly a possible option for a meniscal tear or bone-on-bone.

These are the typical options provided by the medical establishment. Now let's examine the diagnoses and understand why they are not valid and why the described treatment protocols are not valid. Let's start with that diagnosis of a meniscal tear creating pain at the knee. First it would be very important for you to know that a study identified that roughly 63% of people with knee pain have meniscal tears. Shockingly, the same studied identified that roughly 60% of people with no knee pain have meniscal tears. With that understanding it is difficult to correlate meniscal tears with pain. So how can you account for such a large number of people having meniscal tears and no pain. There is only one logical solution.

Regardless of whether you are getting the MRI when you have pain or don't have pain, the positive finding of a meniscal tear is one in which the tear is extremely slow in progression due to degeneration versus a specific traumatic event. The progression of the tear is so slow that it doesn't ignite a pain signal to identify the tear is occurring. Therefore, in most cases the finding of a mensical tear with knee pain is invalid and should not be taken to a legitimate method of identifying the cause of knee pain. Next, look at the diagnosis of bone-on-bone. This diagnosis implies that there is no more cartilage between the femur (thigh bone) and tibia (lower leg bone). Therefore they are bone-on-bone. What is false about this diagnosis is that if the joint is in fact bone-on-bone, there is no space for the bones to glide which is a key to allowing range of motion at the joint to occur. Therefore if you are bone-on-bone you should have no knee range of motion. In the vast majority of patients I have treated with this diagnosis, the person had almost full range of motion of the joint. Therefore they could not be bone-on-bone. They certainly have a decreased joint space but that is it. And that is certainly not a defining characteristic for identifying the cause of knee pain.

Again, studies have shown that almost as many people with no pain can be found to have degenerative joint disease as those with pain. So what is really causing pain at the knee in most cases? The answer lies in a simply understanding that the position of bones at joints is not arbitrary. The position of bones at joints is determined by the pulls of the muscles that attach and pass across the joints. If there is muscle weakness or imbalance of the muscles at a joint, the joint surfaces will become misaligned. This can create irritation and pain. The key to resolving pain at most joints is to determine which muscles are weak or imbalanced creating the misalignment of the joint surfaces. In the case of the knee, there are three main muscular causes of pain. First, the front thigh (quad) muscle is to strong in relationship to the back thigh (hamstring) muscle. This causes the quads to shorten. In doing so, they cause increased upward force on the knee cap which causes it to be compressed excessively in the knee joint.

Resolution in this case comes from strengthening of the hamstrings and glute muscles and stretching of the quads. Next, the quads could be strained causing them to weaken. This causes decreased tone on the knee cap. This allows the knee cap to rise in the knee joint. The knee cap begins to track more to the outside of the joint which causes it to contract the outside border of the knee creating pain. The key to resolution in this case is strengthening of the quad muscles. The third muscular cause of knee pain is straining of the ITB band. This is a band of connective tissue that attaches to the outside border of the knee cap. If this band becomes irritated, it will shorten and pull the knee cap out to the side. The knee cap can then impact the outside border of the knee joint and create pain. Resolution in this case comes from strengthening of the gluteus medius muscle. This is the hip muscle that works with the ITB to create support of the leg at the hip level. Strengthening of the gluteus medius will prevent the ITB from becoming irritated, shortening and creating misalignment of the knee cap.

I hope this gives you a better understanding of what the real potential causes of knee pain are. If you identify the cause of your knee pain as being muscular as I have proven in at least 90% of the cases I have treated, resolution of pain is just a couple of strengthening sessions away.

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