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Do you suffer from severe knee joint pain?

If so, we can feel your pain...

Lets get down to looking at some of the reasons why you could have severe knee joint pain and provide you with some helpful information that you can use.

There are several types of knee injuries. Often times, we see serious injuries to the ACL, MCL, or to both. Another debilitating and serious knee injury is a meniscus tear. This is a common injury that can be present with either an ACL or MCL. People who suffer from any of these injuries can feel severe knee joint pain that may best be described as stabbing pain in the knee joint.

What is Meniscus Tear of the Knee?

The meniscus is a cartilage in the middle part of the knee and functions as a shock absorber for the lower part of our body. The tear of the menisci can be caused either due to traumatic or degenerative causes. Intense banging on the side of the knee, injuries in knee ligaments resulting to either the ACL or MCL can also result accompany a meniscal tear.

We have seen severe knee joint pain keep people from doing what they want to do. - All of the sudden moving around can be an extreme chore!

The pain brought about by a torn meniscus is usually on the inside or outside of the knee. Sufferers of this knee injury will develop swelling in the knee region, and will hear a clicking sound with the movement of the lower extremities. In more serious conditions, players can experience knee locks, where it needs to be "wiggled" to restore it back into place.

Treatment of a Meniscus Tear

There are quite a number of treatment options for this kind of knee injury which could range from the least invasive conservative care to fully invasive arthroscopic surgery. In addition to preventing further aggravation of an existing tear of the meniscus, knee braces also provide relief from severe knee joint by adding well needed stability. A knee support can also limit excessive movements that will trigger a high level of discomfort in an unstable knee. A knee support can help stabilize the knee during the post-operative phase and while undergoing rehabilitation. For individuals that do not have time or a lot of money to deal with the emotional and physical pain of a meniscus tear, a knee brace can help provide tremendous support to your injured knee.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When trying to determine whether your at the point if you need a knee replacement or not, one of the first steps you will want to take is to have through orthopedic consultation with your surgeon to determine if you are a candidate to begin with. At this point the knee pain should have been dealt with using conservative measures.

Initially your knee pain will have brought you to an orthopedic surgeon who may have prescribed physical therapy to start with. There you would have received treatment that dealt with a combination of modalities and exercises that will be targeted at the root cause. Knee pain can be brought on by injury, osteoarthritis, or general weakness where your muscles that protect the joint are not doing their job any longer.

Once you have tried all the conservative measures to hopefully decrease your pain including synvisc injections for instance to create a larger joint space, and if no relief is obtained or is just temporary lasting a couple of weeks to a month, than it may be time to get your knee replacement.

Orthopedic surgeons confront this issue almost everyday in the office with their patients. Patients generally will ask when is the appropriate time to get their knee replaced. Most surgeons will inform you that you will know.

I can tell you from first hand experience that I knew precisely when it was time to get my knee replaced. I knew for instance it was time when I could not walk more than 100 feet before I was looking for a place to sit. I also knew it was time for a replacement when the pain became so unbearable that I would forego leaving my home unless it was absolutely necessary. Driving a car can also be a challenge when you are sitting in the driver's seat with your knee on the affected leg constantly in a flexed positioned causing you extreme pain and muscle spasm.

Sleeping at night can become a troublesome event as well. When you cannot sleep due to excessive knee pain or find that you have to consume large quantities of pain relievers to help you sleep,than you know it is about time to get the knee replaced.

Your orthopedic surgeon however will steer you in the right direction just by looking at x-rays and your ability to walk and function on a daily basis. If your x-rays show that your knee compartment is in a condition known as bone on bone than there is not much more that can be done at least until stem cell replacement is perfected.

At that point it would benefit you to get the knee replaced as soon as possible. By prolonging the surgery all you are doing is causing more damage to the joint and surrounding musculature and, setting yourself up for a difficult rehabilitation.

Once the knee is replaced you will than say why did I wait so long to get this done.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Runners knee pain is sometimes referred to as chondromalacia and sometimes as patellofemoral syndrome.  Bursitis, a neuroma, a tight iliotibial band, patellar maltracking and overuse are among the causes, although there are many others.

This is one of those non-specific pains that cannot always be traced to an injury, such as a sprain or pulled muscle.  The fronts of the knees are the areas that hurt.  Most people feel that the soreness is underneath the kneecap, but no damage has been done to the cartilage there.  So, it's a non-specific condition that is somewhat confusing and difficult to treat. 

The terms used to refer to the condition are simply Latin terms that describe the location of the pain.  The causes mentioned above are other conditions that a doctor may or may not check for in attempting to treat the first condition. 

Bursitis, for example, is inflammation of the bursa.  It can occur in nearly any part of the body, wherever there are bones, tendons, muscles or joints.  The bursas are small sacs that help to cushion the bones and joints, preventing one from rubbing too hard against another.  It makes sense that the bursa would be involved in runners knee pain, although it is not always the case.

A neuroma is a benign growth or tumor that occurs on nerve tissue.  The appearance of the tumors sometimes follows an injury.  They tighten the nerve bundles, which is obviously painful. 

The iliotibial band is a fibrous reinforcement that begins at the top of the hip and runs down into the thigh.  When the band is too tight due to over-pronation of the foot, leg length discrepancies or from being bow-legged, it can cause pains from the knee to the hip, but usually, they occur on the outside edge of the upper legs and knees.  Runners knee pain is usually isolated on the front of the knees.

Patellar maltracking simply means that the kneecap is not moving as it should.  Overuse means that someone spent too much time participating in their favorite sport or activity.  As you can see, these conditions vary greatly and this is not even an all inclusive list of the conditions that can cause or contribute to runners knee pain.

Doctors usually recommend rest and ice, when the pain is acute and it is believed to be caused by overuse.  Compression therapy and/or braces may also be recommended.  Elevation, keeping the knees up, is always recommended when there is swelling or inflammation involved.

In addition to avoiding the overuse of the joint, anyone that suffers from the painful condition should wear supportive shoes that provide additional cushion for high impact aerobics.  Unless the person is committed to their sport, they might consider changing to a lower impact form of exercise.  Swimming, for example, is a good form of low-impact exercise.

People that are bow-legged will need to buy new shoes regularly, because the outsides of the shoes wear down and no longer help to hold the knees straight.  Because of all of the different possible causes, there are many other suggestions for preventing runners knee pain.  What you have read here is just a sample.  The more you learn, the more likely you are to be pain-free, soon.

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The yoga craze doesn't seem to be losing steam because of its vast and long-term health effects: among other benefits, it creates lean muscle mass, facilitates healthy digestion and helps with balance and flexibility. According to a 20-year-long study performed by the Duke University Medical Center, practicing yoga can improve joint pain for persons suffering from osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia and carpal tunnel syndrome.

If you suffer from the most common joint disorder, osteoarthritis, then yoga can alleviate the pain and stiffness in your joints. For people with muscle and joint tenderness as a result of fibromyalgia, or even people with the constant pressure around their forearm to their palm from carpal tunnel syndrome and want to avoid carpal tunnel braces (link), try out this quick yoga guide for joint problems.

Child's Pose (Balasana)

  • Child's pose is a basic relaxation pose that works well during a yoga practice if you start feeling tired, dizzy or need a break.

  • How to: Get down on the ground with your hands, knees and shins on the floor. Slowly glide your buttocks back to your heels as you sit gently onto your heels. You may feel an easy stretch in your knees and quadriceps. Stretch your head toward the ground, aiming to connect your forehead to the ground. Your arms may naturally lay backwards alongside your legs or you may outstretch them forward past your head. Hold this pose for a few seconds.

  • Joint friendly: Use a rolled-up blanket or a yoga block under your buttocks, so it separates your tailbone and your legs.

Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)

  • Crocodile pose is another relaxation pose geared to trigger rest in your body after rigorous activity.

  • How to: Lie stomach and face down on the floor with your hands rested at your sides. Stretch your legs and feet toward the back of the room as you cross your right arm to your left shoulder and your left arm to your left shoulder. Align your elbows into a stacked triangle position and rest your forehead in the triangle as you breath.

  • Joint friendly: Turn your feet out at right angles to your legs and concentrate on breathing. This pose helps release vulnerable and tense tendencies in the joints.

Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

  • Triangle Pose is performed on both sides of the body and has many variations to work multiple parts of your body.

  • How to: Stand with your feet about a leg's length apart and your legs with a slight ben. Turn your right foot to the right 90 degrees and slightly angle your left foot to the right about 45 degrees. Lift your arms and spread them out parallel to the floor while standing stretching your upper body straight to the ceiling. With your palms facing down, extend sideways to the right as far as you can. Then, drop your right arm toward your shin (or a yoga block place inside your right ankle). Extend your left arm vertically while your back gently twists. Be careful not to hyperextend your legs or over twist in this pose. Hold for 5 breaths and return to the starting position. Alternate sides.

  • Joint Friendly: Make sure you don't lock your knees and overextend the straight legs.

Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

  • Tree pose is a variation of the basic standing mountain pose and focuses on balance and alignment of the lower body while toning lower extremity muscle. It is performed on both sides of the body.

  • How to: Begin in mountain pose (standing with your feet together and your hands relaxed at your sides). Shift weight to your left leg as you bring your bent right knee to your inner left thigh. Your right toes should aim toward the floor with your right knee pointed to the right, opening up your hips. Extend your hands, in prayer position, up toward the sky. Hold for 20 seconds. Work to holding for 60 seconds. Alternate sides.

  • Joint Friendly: Keep your left foot, hips and head aligned vertically and avoid twisting your body. Keep your left knee facing forward, without twisting.

Head-to-Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)

  • Head-to-Knee pose helps stretch and strengthen the hamstrings while loosening up your hips, legs, knees and back.

  • How to: Sit on the floor with your upper half upright and your legs spread out comfortably wide and straight. Place the bottom of your right foot on the inside of your left thigh. Slightly bend your left knee and realign your torso so that you are square. Bend forward over your extended left leg and relax your head onto the extended leg. Breath for as long is comfortable in this position and then switch sides.

  • Joint friendly: Place a towel below your buttocks to help with tight hips. You can also use a towel to lasso around your extended foot if you cannot reach your foot comfortably when beginning.

Yoga is praised worldwide for its health and healing benefits and is practiced by more than 15.8 million Americans alone. It is often used as a non-aggressive way to exercise and strengthen muscles for those suffering injuries or joint pain; however, take caution to ensure you listen to your body's strain and warning signs and do not push into a pose too far. Pay special attention if you use carpal tunnel braces or other support braces before beginning an exercise program. Beyond beginning to incorporate yoga postures into your joint strengthening program, hot and cold therapy is recommended as a complement for minor discomfort.

Note: this information is not intended to supplement or replace advice from a medical professional, or to diagnose or treat any condition.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Though not always taken seriously, knee pain can result in the loss of the ability to carry out normal daily functions. Our knees are critical in the movement of our legs and are essential for normal walking. The knee also bears much of the body's weight therefore reducing the strain on the lower limbs. Our knees are vital for our daily lives.

The knee is one of the most complex joints in the body. It consists of three compartments. The patella, commonly known as the knee cap, is the small bone that makes up the front of the knee. This bone is classified as a sesamoid bone. The description of a sesamoid bone refers to a little bone embedded in a capsule or tendon. The patella is embedded in tendons and measures up to 2 inches in an adult.

The knee joint is formed at the point where the femur (thigh bone) meets the tibia (shin bone). Other components of the knee joint include cartilage and ligaments which provide strength and stability to the knee joint.

Ligaments are the fibrous tissues that connect bones together. They have the ability to stretch therefore allowing movements in joints such as the knee. Injuries to the ligaments in the knee joint may result in knee pain. The pain felt as a result of an injury to the ligaments in the knee is usually felt immediately. Depending on the ligament injured, tenderness may be felt above the area of injury or deep within the knee. Ligament injuries cause pain even at rest and may be accompanied by swelling and a warm sensation. The pain usually becomes worse when bending the knee or when more weight is placed on the knee while standing or walking.

Treatment of knee pain resulting from ligament injuries depends on the severity of the injury. Initial treatment usually involves the application off ice packs to the knee, rest and elevation of the knee. Immobilization may involve the use of splints or braces for more serious injuries. Severe injuries of the ligaments may require open surgery to repair the damage.

The pressure between the two large bones that make the knee joint (the thigh bone and the shin bone) may result in friction. Cartilaginous tissue between these two bones disperses the pressure and friction between the two bones. This tissue is known as the meniscus. Tearing of the meniscus will result in Knee pain. The tearing results from sharp shearing forces that are caused by the rotation of the knee joint. These are commonly felt in rapid and sharp movements of the knee which are common in sports requiring fast body reactions.

Knee pain as a result of meniscus tears is more common with aging as a normal part of degeneration. There can be more than one tear. The pain is manifested as a popping sensation that becomes worse when carrying out activities requiring rotation of the knee. The patient may experience locking or instability in the knee joint. Other common causes of knee pain include fractures to the knee joint and straining of the knee joint tendons resulting in inflammation of the knee otherwise known as tendinitis.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The Knee Joint

The knee is the largest joint in the human body, and it's used on a daily basis. Most of us take our knees for granted, and it's not until something goes wrong with them that we take a moment, pause and realize just how much we actually need our knees.

1.) Knee Fractures

Knee fractures are rare. It is far more common to suffer a sprained or dislocated knee than it is to break it. In most cases, a knee fracture is caused by falling, extreme pressure being applied to the knee or a severe twisting of the knee.

Your knee is made up of three major bones: the knee cap or patella, lower thigh bone or distal femur and the leg bone (tibia). If you suffer a fracture, it is to one of these bones and it can be extremely painful. It generally takes a lot of force to break your knee. Usually, a knee fracture is caused by a sporting injury, a fall or extreme force, such as a car accident that causes your knee to be smashed against the dashboard.

2.) Symptoms

Symptoms of a dislocated knee or fractured knee are similar, and painful. Once you have dislocated your knee once, it is easier to dislocate it a second time, especially if the same forces that dislocated your knee the first time are reproduced a second time.

Symptoms include:




Unstable knee joint that makes it either impossible or difficult to walk

Unable to bend your knee

Kneecap is pushed to the side of the leg

If you suffer a fractured or dislocated knee, you will have to have the bone set or the knee placed back in the socket. Elevating the injured knee and applying cold packs are a good way to reduce swelling. You may also have to have your leg and knee splinted in order to immobilize it. Like many things, rest is imperative to the healing process.

3.) Knee Brace For Support

You could also consider using a knee brace to help add support to the knee. This is especially true if you have dislocated your knee. As mentioned above, your knee is more likely to get dislocated a second time, and the use of a brace can help prevent this from happening.

Protect your knee from injury by using a knee brace when engaging in sporting activities is a great way to prevent injury in the future. Do not take your knees for granted. Protect them whenever you can.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For people suffering with joint pain it is often difficult to find an exercise program that is more beneficial than detrimental. Senior citizens often have an even tougher time finding a program that is a good fit for their needs. There are many Yoga instructors that are developing programs geared specifically to fit this scenario. "Why has this 5,000-year-old Eastern discipline grown so popular? The simple reason is that it 'works,'" according to American Yoga Association spokesperson Millicent Kennedy, who has been taught and practiced yoga for the last three decades.

There are many different types of yoga, as well as variations through each instructor. Many people find that they need to try several different styles before they find one that fits their ideals of activity level, instructor personality, and over all comfort.

When first beginning yoga it is normal to feel some pain; every person has their own levels of pain tolerance. It is a good idea to avoid any movement that causes more pain than might be experienced throughout a normal day. Although there can be pain associated with yoga, it generally should not last more than a couple of hours. If pain persists beyond a few hours, a modification in routine is probably a good idea.

For most people, two or more sessions a week can make a significant difference in joint pain. By choosing to attend an actual class with an instructor present, it is possible to find ways to modify postures to work for each individual. Although there are endless choices when it comes to yoga DVDs or books, nothing can replace a knowledgeable instructor in a hands-on situation. This is especially beneficial when first participating in a new exercise program.

The reason that yoga works so well is that is it basically a gentle form of exercise. The postures used may feel awkward at first but become easier as they become more familiar. Joint pain, inflammation, and even stiffness and swelling can be relieved through this form of exercise. There are several types of postures, all of them with different goals. Some of these stances focus on strength, flexibility, deep breathing, or relaxation. The postures that focus on flexibility are an excellent choice that can help to increase range of motion in painful joints. Instructors can help to modify postures so that there is not too much pressure or torque on the joint.

Supplements can be a big boost to a yoga program. Many people living with joint pain have found relief through CFAs, or cetylated fatty acids. This substance is especially beneficial in combination with yoga, as it has been shown to help relieve inflammation and increase range of motion. Celadrin is the most common CFA available on the market right now. However, keep in mind that just as it may be necessary to work at yoga to develop a comfort level, it is also necessary to take most joint supplements for at least a month before there is a noticeable improvement.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Having back of knee pain can be very confusing to say the least, I mean what the heck causes back of knee pain in the first place?

It almost leaves you wondering if there should be any pain back there in the first place. It's not like that's where you knee joint or knee cap are, there's really nothing back there so what gives?

Well, here's a list straight out of Grovers medical Sept 2007, where they give a pretty thorough count of possibilities.

Patellofemoral syndrome

Patellar Subluxation dislocation

Bakers cyst

Bursitis and tendonitis

Meniscal disorders


Ligament tears

Tendon rupture

Deep vein thrombosis

I know how you feel attempting to narrow this down to the cause because that's exactly where I was at about a year ago.

What I found was that having the same frustration that you have now I wanted to get the whole thing narrowed down to what exactly was my problem not just a whole list of a bunch of stuff I had never heard of before. Well ok, a couple of those I had heard of before but that was about it.

What I found was that unless it was an actual real injury like the Tendon rupture one then it was totally treatable for me at least with really sound nutritional advice. The second biggest thing I found was that drinking water was one of the huge keys to success.

I know what you're thinking, you drink tons of fluids every day. But if they are not just pure water they truly don't count. It has to be nothing but just pure plain ole water. What I found was data suggests that the average American is chronically dehydrated. So one answer is to make sure you get your daily water requirements.

And the truth of the matter is this helped me a ton to get a good percentage of the back of knee pain to ease up.

But that was not the main thing that really got rid of the pain and got my knee to start really healing again.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What is PFPS (Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome)? This condition causes pain in the knee and is also known as runner's knee.

It can cause you to feel pain under or around your kneecap. When you walk down a flight of stairs you may feel this pain. You may feel this pain after sitting for a long period of time. When you kneel or squat, the pain may worsen.

This knee disorder is a very common one. You may develop it if you have injured your patella. You may also develop PFPS because of prolonged friction between the patella (kneecap) and the groove in your femur (thigh bone).

There are many things that could cause it. One knee or both knees can be affected by the condition.

Some of the common causes are:

Overloading. From sports where there is repeated weight bearing such as running. When you bend your knee, this can cause pressure between the femur and patella

Flat feet. Also known as pronating feet can increase strain in the knee joint.

Muscle imbalance. When the outer fibers of the quadriceps (a muscle of the thigh that extends the leg) are stronger than the inner fibers, this can cause patella tracking to be a problem.

What can you do if you have PFPS? You may want to try using a brace if you are experiencing this condition. Knee braces for PFPS work to stabilize the kneecap.

When you keep the kneecap from moving, the pain you feel from the condition may decrease. Knee braces for PFPS provide both warmth and compression to the patella and knee joint.

Knee braces for PFPS also provide support. These braces give you maximum benefits while allowing you to maintain full mobility. Most knee braces for PFPS are made to help with mild to moderate PFPS.

When choosing a brace you may want to consider braces like: the FLA Neoprene Patella Stabilizer Brace, the DonJoy Deluxe Donut, and the Cho-Pat Dual Action Knee Brace.

These knee braces for PFPS provide different levels of protection and support. Of these three, the Cho-Pat has received some of the best customer reviews. At a cost of $24.95, the Cho-Pat is very affordable. It is a level II brace, which means the brace provides more than just basic support and protection.

The other braces are also excellent braces. They are a little more expensive than the Cho-Pat knee brace. The FLA brace is priced at $43.95, and the price of the DonJoy brace is $68.95.

These prices have been referenced from Braceshop.com.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I recently began treating a patient with the clearest symptoms identifying the cause of her knee pain. The mechanism of injury was clear. She noted that she performed a lot of housekeeping and so she was on her knees alot. She felt that this caused her to have the left knee pain.

I asked her to point to where she was having her knee pain. She pointed to the knee fat pads. These are located just below the knee cap just on either side of the patella tendon. The patella tendon is the tendon that attaches the knee cap to the lower leg bone that allows you to bend and straighten your knee joint. The fat pads act as a lubricant below the patella tendon to allow it to move without interfacing with the bones of the knee joint.

It was absolutely clear that when I palpated or touched the fat pads, that the patient's level of pain skyrocketed through the roof. This is known as point tender pain. It indicates that the tissue being touched, in this case the fat pads is the tissue creating the pain signal that the patient is complaining of.

The other clinical indicators were a strained and weak quad muscle (front thigh muscle) and thickening in the quads indicating that the quad had strained. Finally there was increased lateral movement of the knee cap in the knee joint. This indicates that the quad muscle is weakened and creating decreased upward force on the knee cap.

So this was a case that was neat and clean. The patient kneeled enough on her knee to irritate the fat pads. This created thickening in the fat pads which created pain at this location. The quads strained because they had to work harder to support the patient because when weight bearing, the pain at the fat pads was making it harder for the quads to contract because pain acts an inhibitory response to muscles contracting. There was thickening in the quads indicating that they had strained and there was increased lateral movement of the knee cap reinforcing that the quads were producing less tone due to the strain.

This is the kind of case I love. It presents with everything to understand the cause of the pain and therefore it is very easy to resolve the pain. That is of course if you understand how to use a clinical evaluation to establish the proper diagnosis.

Enter the orthopedist. He uses no clinical evaluation. He depends strictly on the MRI to establish a cause or diagnosis. So he has this woman get an 1800 dollar MRI which shows up a torn meniscus which he suggests requires surgery to resolve her pain.

Let's examine these events. The orthopedist suggests surgery for a torn meniscus that he found on an MRI. It doesn't matter that this patient's pain is unequivocally at her fat pads and a torn meniscus could never create pain at this location.

It doesn't matter that studies have shown that almost as many people with no pain can be found to have degenerative meniscal tears as those with pain. These tears found on MRIs were healed by the body and require no intervention, they simply exist.

The only thing that matters is that 1800 dollars was just spent to identify the cause of this woman's knee pain even though the cause was overwhelmingly obvious based on a clinical evaluation.

Now you're not this woman, why would you care if her insurance company paid for a completely worthless, unnecessary MRI? Because her insurance company may be your insurance company. And it isn't just her premiums that pay all the claims that the insurance company has to pay, it is all the premiums of all the insured in that insurance company. And if enough worthless claims have to be paid and there isn't enough money collected through the existing premiums, then your premiums have to be raised or the services the insurance will pay for will be reduced.

So this lady's situation better mean something to you just as your situation should mean something to her. There is a financial and physical toll that must be paid for using unnecessary MRIs to establish invalid diagnoses that lead to unnecessary medications and surgeries. The financial toll is to your premium that has to be raised to cover all these worthless claims and the physical toll is having pain that may be unending because an improper diagnosis was achieved by an invalid method. Think about that the next time your physician recommends an MRI as the method of establishing the cause of your pain.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Quadriceps tendonitis is quite a common injury for athletes and even ordinary folks. If you suspect that you are having discomforts and pains just above the knees, then you need to read further.

When you exercise, your muscles, together with the tendons and ligaments, become weaker as they get exhausted with physical activity. But with healing and repair, you become stronger and can handle more work later on. But did you ever feel an intense pain above your knees after a rigorous workout session? You may have to take notice and learn more about quadriceps tendonitis.

What is quadriceps tendonitis? It is a condition in which the tendons that connect the thigh muscles to the knee cap are injured, being unable to heal fully due to lack of recovery time. Quadriceps tendonitis is usually experienced by athletes and sports people who are placing excessive strain to the legs and knees. The pain is similar to the pain you usually experience after a strenuous workout. The only difference is that you will feel this kind of pain all the time within the injured area.

Doctors explain that quadriceps tendonitis is usually a result of the accumulation of various activities. It could be an effect of sudden increase in your cardiovascular workout or using too much weight with your leg exercises. There might also be a recent activity that triggered the injury. In short, the condition is an effect of over training and lack of recovery time.

Aside from pain, other symptoms may be swelling around the knees. You may also feel this burning sensation that causes discomfort. Some people also reported that there is stiffness of the knee at night or during early morning.

What should you do? It is advised that you stop the most demanding exercises until you recover. You may do light exercises such as your usual warm-up exercises with the stationary bike or walking. This condition is expected to heal within 2 to 3 weeks. Never be tempted to return to your usual workout routines too soon as this may lead to the recurrence of the condition. A rupture may also be possible and this may require surgery, which will demand a longer resting period.

Some fitness experts also recommend stretching exercises to help heal the quadriceps. For fast repair of the tissues, a daily dose of 1,000 mg of Vitamin C is vital and stay away from anti-inflammatory drugs because it can delay the healing process.

But you do not need to suffer from this injury when you know a few prevention techniques. You can limit your chances of getting this problem when you do your warm up and stretching before your training. Make sure to never overdo your exercises and limit the use of weights. You may also consider getting extra support for your knees when you are into sports. Finally, always invest in the suitable footwear for the sports you are in.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Do you suffer from constant pain the affects your knee joints? If you have a problem with your knee then you are one of millions of Americans who suffer from knee joint pain. Because the knee is used throughout your whole life on a constant basis, it is no surprise that many people are often inflicted with bad knee pain. This is usually a result of the wearing down of the cartilage that is in your knees. Once the cartilage starts to wear down, there is nothing that is protecting your bones from rubbing together.

Suffering from bad pain in your knee is no fun. There is nothing worse than constantly having a bummed out knee, especially if you are normally a very active person. A painful knee can often make people immobile due to the pain that they feel when they are on the go. The important thing to remember if you are experiencing pain is that there are many solutions that are available. You just need to find one that will work to alleviate your pain.

When it comes to knee joint pain, the main cause is usually arthritis. Medical professionals are split on why arthritis occurs in some people and why doesn't in others, however, they mostly agree that certain lifestyles will lead to the occurrence of arthritis more frequently. For example, if you are overweight then there is a good chance that you will put a lot of extra stress on your joints, which may in fact lead to some form of arthritis.

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How is your knee doing?

If you or someone you know suffers from mild knee pain on a regular basis, there is something you can do to help. Elastic knee braces, or knee sleeves, are an easy and affordable way to help provide some added support to help reduce pain. There are times when a really deluxe knee support is just a little over the top, and one of the valuable options you have available to you is the use of an elastic support.

There are many kinds of knee problems that people can suffer from, ranging from mild discomfort to more serious injuries or conditions. For problems that do not involve conditions such as significant tears in the ligaments or other injuries to the knee area, elastic knee supports can be what you need to alleviate the discomfort.

Anyone who participates in a sport on a regular basis, at some time, will develop a knee problem due to the repeated movements and stress that are placed on the joint. Trust us, we do not want you to have knee problems, but if you do it is time to face them.

Wearing a lightweight and well designed elastic knee brace can be the answer to allowing you to play with that added support you need. These elastic supports are not only for athletes, but also for those who suffer conditions like arthritis or bursitis in the knee. These pain issues can worsen over time, and as we all age they can create a more serious and more painful condition in the knee.

Wearing a supportive knee sleeve or an elastic knee brace can help make daily movements possible and can help reduce the pain that is felt.

If you experience mild pain in or around the knee joint, you should consider trying an elastic knee support. One of the best things about them is that they are not going to cost you an arm and a leg. They are commonly found on the internet and come in a variety of styles and sizes. They are designed to fit comfortably over the knee and can be worn for long periods of time. The lightweight material that is used is comfortable and will provide your knee area with some added support.

When it is appropriate, one of the biggest advantages to wearing an elastic knee support is that they allow you to have full movement of your leg, and will not keep you from being able to move freely. They are also easy to put on and take off. Some people choose to wear them only during an activity that aggravates the knee, while others prefer to wear them every day to help provide some added support.

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Aetiology of Overuse Injury

The most common injury for a runner is that of runners' knee which can also be known as iliotibial band friction syndrome. The knee is a complex joint and involves the tibia, femur and patella to work in unison. For many years the cause of runners' knee was thought to be caused by chondromalacia of the patella which is a softening of the cartilage of the knee cap; however it is also widely thought to be from the richly innervated subchondral bone, infrapatellar fat pad, or the medial and lateral retinaculum of the joint. However there is still confusion defining anterior knee pain with Witvrouw et al (2005) stating "there seems to be no clear consensus in the literature regarding the terminology for pain in the anterior aspect of the knee".

Mcginnis (1999) argued that ankle pronation and supination as well as knee flexion and extension should occur simultaneously to avoid placing the tibia in torsion and stressing the knee joint. Furthermore if overpronation occurs the unison of the ankle and knee may be disrupted and thus the coordination of the joint action is disrupted and abnormal stresses are imposed and muscle activity patterns will be altered. This in turn will cause a different line of pull on the patella tendon by misalignment of the femur and tibia altering the tracking of the patella within the femoral groove. This results in an abnormal stress pattern on the sides and the back of the patella causing injury to the patella or the femur, which is referred to as patellofemoral pain syndrome.

However, it is widely thought that another disorder called iliotibial band friction syndrome is more common within runners and is more appropriate to be called runners knee. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state iliotibial band friction syndrome is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners, with 12% of all runners suffering from it at any time. Iliotibial band friction syndrome is a disorder commonly found in long distance and recreational runners. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state "Iliotibial band syndrome is the most common cause of lateral knee pain in runners. It is an overuse injury that results from repetitive friction of the iliotibial band over the lateral femoral epicondyle" with pain occurring at around an angle of 30 degrees from straight and providing a snapping sensation as the inflamed part of the tract jumps over femoral epicondyle.

Iliotibial band friction syndrome can also be commonly found in other types of athletes such as cyclists, weight lifters and volleyball players as well as long distance and recreational runners'. Training related to this injury are thought to be such activities as running in same direction on a track, greater than normal weekly mileage, downhill running as well as running on a uneven surface. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) further argue that recent studies have demonstrated that weakness or inhibition of the lateral gluteal muscles is a causative factor in this injury. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state when the gluteal muscles do not fire properly throughout the support phase of the running cycle, there is a decreased ability to stabilize the pelvis and eccentrically control femur abduction resulting in other muscles having to compensate leading to excessive soft tissue damage or tightness and myofascial restrictions contributing to iliotibial band friction syndrome.

The iliotibial tract is a strong band, extending down the outer side of the thigh to the top of the outer edge of the shin bone. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) state the iliotibial band is considered a continuation of the tendinous portion of the tensor fascia lata muscle, with some contribution from the gluteal muscle. It is connected to the linea aspera via the intramuscular septum until just proximal to the lateral epicondyle of the femur. The iliotibial band spans out and inserts on the lateral border of the patella, the lateral retinaculum, and Gerdy's tubercle of the tibia. However; Fairclough et al (2006) state "Iliotibial band syndrome overuse injuries may be more likely to be associated with fat compression beneath the tract, rather than with repetitive friction as the knee flexes and extends". A symptom related to iliotibial band friction syndrome is pain occurring to the lateral side of the knee which affects range of movement in the knee.

The pain may begin after the athlete has been running for a certain time or distance and increased to a point where running becomes impossible. Grisogono (1984) states that the pain usually occurs gradually with a slight ache being noticed at first, occurring at a particular moment within your activity such as 10 minutes running, and thus happens every time. The area will become inflamed and feel tender to touch and may radiate proximally or distally to the lateral side of the knee. An angle of 30 degrees is stated as a position where the athlete will become aware of the pain in the lateral side of the knee, with a snapping sensation as the inflamed part of the tract jumps over the prominent part of the edge of the thigh bone. Treatment for iliotibial band friction syndrome consists of such actions as modifying activities to avoid causing pain to the knee,these include not running down hill or running on uneven road surfaces.

When resuming a normal training regime applying heat to the area may be helpful as well as applying ice post activity to reduce swelling of the knee. Other methods maybe anti inflammatory medication to help prevent swelling to the area as well as complete rest, lateral wedge orthosis to correct any postural imbalance and finally a administered local steroid injection as a alternative option could be used. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state 70% of runners with lower extremity injuries treated with orthotic devices will improve. Specific stretching techniques can be used as well to provide pain relief and help prevent future lateral knee problems. The use of knee strengthening exercises can also be used to strengthen the knee and prevent lateral knee pain.

If the lower limbs of the runner is not absorbing the shock correctly or efficiently as possible, it is likely that the runner's structure will become overloaded and thus the athlete will become tired and injury will occur. The most common biomechanical factor is pronation and this can lead to increased tension in the planter fascia and tibiallis posterior tendon, or possibly lead to posterolateral impingement of the peroneii tendons. Higher up the leg, excessive pronation will cause medial rotation of the tibia as previously stated and can effect patella tracking and can also increase tension in the iliotibial band thus causing iliotibial band friction syndrome. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state that excessive pronation can be potentially harmful with compensatory pronation occurring due to anatomical reasons, however, not just the level of foot eversion but also the way the foot eversion is transferred into tibial rotation may be crucial to the overloading stress on the knee.

The overloading of the knee occurs within the running cycle with internal rotation of the tibia counteracting with the external rotation of the pelvis thus creating external rotation of the femur. Overuse injuries are more often caused by excessive loading rates to the specific area. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) argued that excessive pronation has been typically associated with the development of overuse injuries in locomotion, and that the transfer of foot eversion into the rotation of the tibia has most commonly been associated with the incidence of knee pain. McGinnis (1999) supports this and states pronation and supination also affect the magnitude of the stress imposed on the knee joint.

If the muscle group is stretched slowly then the loading rate is of a level which is comfortable, however if the muscle group is stretched quickly with a great amount of force then the risk of an overuse injury will be increased. A quick loading rate on a cold muscle group will produce a brittle response causing torn fibres and inflammation to the specific area thus causing iliotibial band friction syndrome. McGinnis (1999) states that the iliotibial band tendon consists of 70% water, 25% collagen and 5% elastin. Fredericson and Wolf (2005) further state that the fibres are tightly bound in a parallel arrangement along the functional axis of the tendon, this provides high tensile strength thought to be similar to soft steel.

An overuse injury to a runner's knee is caused by a constant repetitive loading to the knee joint. Tendons behave viscoelastically and exhibit adaptive responses to conditions of increased loading and disuse. Maganaris et al (2004) states most studies report that long term physical activity improves the tensile mechanical properties of tendons, yielding results opposite to those of disuse. It is further stated by Maganaris et al (2004) that hypertrophy may be partly accountable for these effects; however changes in young's modulus also indicate training induced changes in the tendon intrinsic material properties McGinnis (1999) states that running speed directly influences the size of the ground reaction force components with faster speeds being associated with higher loading rates.

The maximum vertical ground reaction force, for example increasing from approx two times body weight at a slow jog to six times body weight at a fast run. The higher forces associated with faster running speeds cause greater torques at the joints. Iliotibial band friction syndrome is a non traumatic overuse injury which is common in long distance runners. Hintermann and Nigg (1998) state that the factors most associated with running injuries such as iliotibial band friction syndrome include anatomical or biomechanical abnormalities. Further more Hintermann and Nigg (1988) state that poor alignment in the lower extremities and/or over pronation have frequently been associated with stress fractures of the lower limbs.

Hintermann and Nigg (1998) argue that excessive pronation determines the amount of compensatory internal tibia rotation, thus the greater it is the greater the potential of iliotibial band friction syndrome will have of occurring in the athlete. To lower the risk of iliotibial band friction syndrome the athlete should incorporate high levels of lower limb flexibility, strength training regime specific to the lower limb area as well as wearing the correct footwear and using orthotics if needed to correct any postural problems. Alternative methods of exercise such as swimming may be used to minimise risk of aggravating the tendon and thus not causing iliotibial band friction syndrome.


Bahr. R, Maehlum. S, Bolic. T. (2004).Clinical guide to sports injuries. Gazette Bok. 348-349.

Fredericson. M, Wolf. C. (2005). Iliotibial band syndrome in runners innovations in treatment. Journal of Sports Medicine. 35 (5). 451-459.

Grisogono, V. (1984). Sports Injuries - A self help guide. John Murray publishers ltd. 104-106.

Hintermann. B, Nigg. B.M. (1998). A Review: Pronation in runners implications for injury. Journal of Sports Medicine. 26 (3). 169-176.

Maganaris. C.N, Narici. M.V, Almekinders. L.C, Maffulli. N. (2004). A Review: Biomechanics and pathophysiology of overuse tendon injuries: ideas on insertional tendinopathy. Journal of Sports Medicine. 34 (14). 1005-1017.

McGinnis. P.M. (1999). Biomechanics of sport and exercise. Human Kinetics. 358-362.

Peterson. L, Renstrom. P. (2001). Sports injuries: their prevention and treatment. Taylor and Francis. 327-329.

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Did you know that the knee is the most easily injured part of the human body? It is also the most complicated joint and one of the most utilized. From sitting to standing, walking to running, the knee is used--and perhaps abused. With every motion there is an increased risk of injury resulting in knee pain. And, there are many injuries that can cause knee pain.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

Often, knee pain is the result of an injury, such as a ruptured ligament or torn cartilage. But some medical conditions can also bring you to your knees, including arthritis, gout and infections.

Some forms of knee pain are minor annoyances, while others can greatly disrupt your quality of life. Common injuries that cause knee pain include:

· Ligament Injuries. Torn ligaments are caused by a hard stop or twist of the knee that typically occurs when participating in athletic activities. Many times, when you tear ligament you will hear a "popping" sound. This will be followed by intense knee pain.

· Dislocation of the Kneecap. This is another common injury that causes a lot of knee pain. If the kneecap (patella) moves out of place, a doctor may have to snap it back in place. Ouch!

· Tendon Ruptures. Certain tendons (quadriceps and patellar) can rupture partially or completely. Many joggers experience knee pain caused by tendon ruptures. Most of the time, surgery is performed on a completely ruptured tendon, while a partial rupture can heal with the aid of a splint.

· Meniscal Injuries. If you hear your knee clicking or grinding while moving, or it locks in a particular position, you most like have a meniscal injury. This kind of knee pain generally happens from overuse or a traumatic injury.

Treatments for Knee Pain Injuries

If the knee pain is caused by a minor injury, try ice packs and heating pads. You can also take over-the-counter painkillers, like Tylenol or Advil. However, if the pain is severe and/or lasts for a few days, do not hesitate to visit your doctor. Your doctor can determine the cause of your problem. Only then can the correct treatment routine begin. Some knee injuries require surgery.

Surgeons perform more than 450,000 knee replacements in the United States each year. Two thirds of knee replacement patients are women. During the last year that statistics are available from the Center for Disease Control, 311,000 women and 167,000 men had total knee replacements.

"There are several factors behind the increase we're seeing in knee replacement patients," says Orthopedic Surgeon Stanton Longenecker, MD. "There is an increase in the number of patients living longer and more active lives and an increased acceptance of knee replacement surgery. Women are certainly more active later in their lives than they were 20 years ago. The reason for the replacements remains the same - wear and tear arthritis."

Other knee pain issues require physical therapy or stretching exercises, while other conditions may simply involve rest. Your doctor is the only one who can make these important decisions.

For more information about knee pain, visit BigKneePain.com. This informative website will teach you more about knee pain, preventative techniques, and various supplements (Glucosamine and Chondroitin) you can take to relieve some of the knee pain from injuries.

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There is no direct correlation between joint pain and MS as the disease attacks the central nervous system as opposed to diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus that attack your joints. Having said this, joint pain is very common amongst those who have been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, predominantly in their hips and knees. The pain is caused by their gait that can be very uneven as the disease progresses.

Causes of an Uneven Gait

There are several different reasons that you can develop an uneven gait that causes pain in your joints:

1. Leg muscle spasticity that causes you to have problems controlling your legs

2. The lack of coordination that worsens as the disease progresses

3. Problems with your natural balance

4. Numbness in your feet or legs

5. The high levels of fatigue that are common with MS

6. Overall weakness of your muscles

7. Foot Drop

All of these are known to be a major part of the relationship between joint pain and MS as they all directly affect the way you walk. Whether they cause you to put more weight on one leg or the other, twist your legs and feet as you walk or make you walk heavy footed, it all puts extra stress and load on your knee and hip joints which can become inflamed and painful. If you have to use a cane, crutches or a walker, these too will affect your gait and result in pain.

Treatments for Joint Pain and MS

Just because you are having problems with joint pain and MS, does not mean that you have to live with it. In most cases you can get your doctor to refer you to a physical therapist. He will work with you to evaluate your gait and then suggest exercises that can help you to strengthen the affected muscles. By following the recommended program you should soon be able to improve your gait and the pain will go away.

Please note that there is a known relationship between joint pain and MS medications such as Avonex and Rebif. Interferon based medications all seem to have a side effect that causes joint pain, often it is worse within the first 24-48 hours these medications have been injected. Most patients find that standard over the counter pain medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen will take care of the pain associated with these injections.

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Jogging is perhaps the most common and practical exercise that anybody can be do anywhere and anytime. Statistics shows that more people jogs or runs more than people going to aerobic classes or visits the gym. But do these joggers know that jogging is actually a high impact exercise for their knees?

The knee is a very complex joint. It includes the articulation between the leg and thigh (tibia and femur) and the knee cap (patella). The most common knee problems in jogging relate to what is called the "patellofemoral complex". This consists of the quadriceps, knee cap and patellar tendon. What is now called patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) is also known as runner's knee. For many years runner's knee was considered to be breaks down of the cartilage inside the patella.

Symptoms Of Runner's Knee

When you feel pain around and sometimes behind the kneecap, this would signal you that you might be suffering from runner's knee. As one of the most common injuries among joggers, runner's knee most often strikes as joggers approach forty miles per week for the first time. Even after taking a few days off, the pain seems to come right back, sometimes even more intense, after the first few miles of the next run. The pain often is the worst when running downhill or walking down stairs, and the knee is often stiff and aching after sitting down for long periods. You might hear a clicking sound when you bend or extend your knee.

To Test If You Have Runner's Knee

The foolproof test for runner's knee is to sit down and put your leg out on a chair so that it's stretched out straight. Have someone to squeeze your leg just above the knee while pushing on the kneecap. He should push from the outside of the leg toward the centre. Meanwhile, tighten your thigh muscle. If this is painful, you're suffering from runner's knee.

Early Treatments

Runner's knee can be further aggravated by simple overuse. If you have steeply increased your mileage recently, you might consider holding back a bit. Stop doing any activities that hurt the knee, and don't start again until you can do them without any pain. If you really have to exercise, select other forms of exercise which will give your knees a lower impact or strain, exercise such as swimming would be a better and advisable choice.

Use the R.I.C.E. formula:

Rest: Avoid giving impact on the painful knee. Most people will temporarily switch to a non-weight bearing activity, such as swimming.

Ice: Apply cold packs or ice wrapped in a towel for short periods of time, several times a day.

Compression: Use an elastic bandage such as a simple knee sleeve with the kneecap cut out or knee guard that fits snugly without causing pain.

Elevation: Keep the knee raised up higher than your heart.

It is always a good idea to look after your feet and legs because in order for them to serve you longer (for as long as you wish to live going places), you need to give them ample rest and attention. Many people does not know that foot health is as important as their internal organs' health, and sometimes neglected symptoms such as knee pains or heel pains which could change their lifestyle if not rectified early.

Therefore it is vital that attention is given to foot health and foot health information is easily obtained both online and offline. Help your feet and legs and they will benefit you for life.

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One day I woke up trying to get out of the bed in the early morning, I got a sharp stabbing pain at the right knee as I walked just steps away from my bed. The pain is crippling painful that I could hardly walk further to the washroom in the ensuite. It was the first pain attack I ever experienced. What is the cause for this acute knee pain? I tried to recall my memories figuring out what would be the possible cause. The only thing I can associated the knee pain with was the anger outburst which led to restlessness during the day and the sleepless night that followed through.

I check it out that anger outburst which is an extremely emotional disturbance of the mind can lead the abnormally large of amount of bio-active substances into the blood vessels of our own body. This sudden released of large of amount bio-stimulant substances can be very harmful to the body tissues and organs, even fatal irreversible organ damages. For this very reason, there are incidences of heart attack, stroke and even death following an anger outburst.

I went to see my family doctor for his medical advice and prescription. I told him briefly about my anger incident and knee pain. Then he told me the following treatment options for my knee pain:

Over-the-counter and prescription medications

This would include Tylenol and Aspirin, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen. They can reduce inflammation as well as knee joint pain.

Natural supplements

They are chondroitin and glucosamine the most popular alternatives in recent years. They have less side effects. The former aids in building joint cartilage, while the latter fights against degeneration of cartilage. Studies have proven their effectiveness in alleviating osteoarthritic joint pain,

Physical aids

Padding, crutches, and splints, and even simple rest can take the pressure off the knee and provide temporary relief while the joint recovers from injury.

Specific exercises

Simple stretching and low-impact aerobic activities such as walking and swimming increase joint strength and flexibility.

Now, my knee pain is almost gone. I still keep on taking chondroitin and glucosamine and low-impact exercise. The most important of all, I always remind myself don't get angry for the good of our own body.

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Treat Sore Knees From Running With A Well Designed Brace

Are you a runner? Or, maybe you like to jog routinely?

If so, chances are that you have experienced a sore knee from running at some point in time. Knee pain and soreness is not exclusive to professional running athletes and marathon enthusiasts. In fact, casual runners who simply do it for fun and exercise are just as apt to have a sore knee from running as professional athletes.

1.) Running & Its Effect On The Knees

When you run you are causing your knee to move in a systematic way that is not common to every day life. When your knee moves in a running motion the cartilage around your knee joints also moves and contracts. When this happens over an extended period of time or is overdone, the runner may feel some discomfort or soreness in their knees. This especially is true for individuals who push themselves beyond their normal limitations. When they do this they can actually tear or rip the cartilage around their knee joints, and suffer extraordinary pain and possibly life-long problems.

The question is, do you have the know-how and smarts to outrun common pain and soreness from running?

2.) Simple Steps To Outrun Knee Pain and Soreness!

Knowledge and prevention are key for anyone who plans on making running part of their daily routine or weekly exercise. It is very important for all runners to know what they should do in order to avoid a sore knee from running, or unwanted pain and stiffness.

Here are some steps to take to help make sure you don't fall victim to pain and soreness in the knees as a result of running:

- Stretching: Before heading out for a run be sure to stretch your arms and legs. You will want to make sure that you stretch out your knees prior to the run and prepare them for the strenuous motion that they are about to endure. Failing to do a proper warm up is one of the most prevalent reasons for a stiff knee for running.

- Hydration: Dehydration can lead to all sorts of problems in a runner. Not only can you pass out from exhaustion and dehydration, but in severe cases, people can actually die. Apart from that, there is a danger to the muscles when your body is not getting enough water. Remember, when you sweat your body is using water that was in your system. You need to replace this water and stay hydrated throughout your run.

3.) Knee Braces For Runners Can Be Effective!

You have no doubt seen a runner or athlete wearing a brace on one or both of their knees while running or competing. In many cases the athlete doesn't have an injury; they are simply protecting their knee from strain with the use of an affordable knee brace. If you plan on running on a regular basis or plan on making it a daily or weekly routine, then you will want to consider acquiring and putting a knee brace to use. The added support can help reduce knee pain problems due to the stress of running, and can help keep you on track! (*This is health information. Speak with your physician about medical advice.)

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Pains in the joints are very common complaints as a person advances in years. More often than not, these joint pains are due to arthritis. There are several kinds of arthritis which may occur in old age. In all these types, the indication is that the joints have become worn down with age and so they are not attacking themselves. In this manner of speaking, joint pains are an autoimmune disease, i.e. one in which the body attacks itself.

The Ayurvedic name for arthritic joint pains is Sandhi Vata. As the name suggests, it is caused by vitiation of the vata dosha in the human body. The word sandhi means 'joint' in Sanskrit. Ayurveda believes that Sandhi Vata can be caused due to rheumatism, infections, gout, hemophilia, trauma and even due to digestive problems which result in a buildup of ama in the body.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Joint Pains

1. Alfalfa (Medicago satina)

The alfalfa herb is very effective in the reduction of joint pains. It must be had in the form of a tea four times a day.

2. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

Ashwagandha is the herb popularly known as Winter Cherry in the west. It has several positive properties for the human system. Treating joint pains are included in that list of properties.

3. Banyan (Ficus bengalensis)

The banyan tree produces a sap much like the latex from rubber. This is used as an external application over the joints. This application relieves the pains in the joints after a few regular applications and massages.

4. Bishop's Weed (Trachyspermum ammi)

Oil extracted from the bishop's weed is applied locally on the affected joints to relieve pains in them.

5. Celery (Apium graveolens)

Celery can be used as an effective treatment for rheumatism and gout, both of which can cause pain in the joints. Thus, celery provides more lasting treatment from the problem. The alkaline content of celery makes it effective in treating joint pains.

6. Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)

Dandelion is rich in magnesium, an element that is needed for the proper mineralization of the bones. Use of dandelion makes the bones stronger and protects them from pains.

7. Garlic (Allium sativum)

Garlic is a very effective remedy for the treatment of joint pains. About five to six cloves of garlic must be eaten every morning to seek relief.

8. Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Ginger is also one of the best methods in the treatment of joint pains. It must be included freely in the daily diet of the person. Tea made with ginger in it is also beneficial.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Joint Pains

Ginger and garlic are extremely good for controlling joint pains. Some people find the odor of ginger intolerable. In order to reduce the odor, the cloves of garlic could be slightly fried in butter. All bitter tastes are good for arthritis. Hence, people could consume bitter gourd and bitter drumsticks without any worry.

People with joint pains should totally steer away from all kinds of sour foods, since these can increase the vata. Constipation can aggravate the pains. Hence foods that are difficult to digest must be avoided. This also extends to protein-rich foods such as pulses. Foods must not be fried so as not to vitiate the vata further.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatments for Joint Pains

Ayurveda prescribed different kinds of treatments for different kinds of joint pains. When a patient approaches an Ayurvedic doctor, the first thing to do is to ascertain the cause of the pain. Depending on that, the medicines are prescribed.

1. Rheumatic arthritis is known as Ama Vata in Ayurveda. It is caused due to a low digestive fire, due to which ama is retained in the body. For its treatment, first the ama is removed by fasting and purgation if needed. Then a mixture of punarnava, guggulu, galangala and garlic is administered in dosages of one gram per day. Dashamoolarishta is also prescribed in 15 milliliters quantity thrice a day for three weeks.

2. If the joint pain is due to trauma, then Vishagarbha taila is prescribed for external application over the region where the joint pain is felt. For internal administration, the patient is prescribed Rasnadi Guggulu and Guduchi tablets, which are to be taken in a quantity of 250 milligrams thrice or four times a day with water.

3. In people with age above fifty years, a type of arthritic joint pains known as osteoarthritis is observed. This is known as Ashtigata Vata in Sanskrit. For this condition, either Pravala Panchamrita or Lakshadi Guggulu is prescribed. The dosages are 125 milligrams twice a day for one month and 250 milligrams thrice a day for three months respectively.

(4) Home Remedies for Joint Pains

a. Massage the joints with a mixture of camphor, eucalyptus oil and menthol before going to bed.

b. Have a glass of carrot juice early in the morning. Continue this till you find reduction in the pains, which should happen within a week.

c. Do not exercise wildly, but at the same time do not keep your joints lethargic. Perform some activity with them so as to keep them mobile.

d. Have a bath with warm water every morning. This facilitates proper blood circulation.

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