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When you first find out your husband has cheated you might be interested at all in ways to get your husband back. In fact, it might take quite a while for the hurt and anger to die down enough for that little voice in the back of your heart to be heard loud and clear.

What's that voice saying? Get him back. Get him back now. You might think that far too much time has passed or that there is too much water flowing beneath that bridge.

But, what if he's sitting at home alone wondering what you're doing and trying to work up the nerve to ask you for a second chance? Some marriages are just meant to be. Maybe yours is one of those.

Don't you feel like you owe it to your marriage to see? You may have tried a few maneuvers in the past but you've probably never tried anything like this before.

Sex Sells for Most Men

There is a reason there are scantily clad women draped over the hoods of expensive sports cars and motorbikes. There is also a reason that most of the owners of these items are men. Sex sells for the average man. If you want to get his attention, this is the way to go-but only so far.

1) Make him eat his heart out. You know the look he likes for you. You know how to bring your "A" game to the table. This is the man you were married to after all. You know him better than anyone else. This means you know the very things that make him go weak in the knees. Become the eye candy that will knock his socks off. Let him see you dressed in a way that he likes. Let him know that you dressed for him.

2) Make him understand that he can look, but now is not the time for touching. He'll appreciate and be frustrated by your restraint but a new level of respect will be achieved if you stick to your guns.

3) Make promises for later that you do intend to keep. When the time comes that you are the only woman on his mind (and on his mind all the time) you can make good on those promises, hints, and insinuations. You better make good on them unless you want to be back in the same boat you started in. The point of this exercise is to build up suspense.

4) Understand that sex alone will never save a relationship but it sure doesn't hurt when the ultimate goal is to get his attention.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

So, you are getting ready for your first ski vacation to Breckenridge. You're excited, of course. And maybe a little nervous about what to expect. There are a couple of things you will want to know. Experience itself is the best teacher, and you may wish to have an instructor. But, a little knowledge ahead of time may be nice to have. Here's just a couple tips on what to expect, how to be prepared, and a few things to know.

When you get to Breckenridge, get yourself a current winter trail map, which you can also find online if you prefer to do so ahead of time. This map will give you the most up to date visual guide to where to go. Other than just being a visual map, the maps themselves can be so informative in other areas. It will show you each mountain, each peak and their numbers, where the lifts are, the trail difficulty, how to transfer between peaks, transportation in the area, a list of restaurants, etc.

There are 4 peaks to ski in Breckenridge: Peaks 7, 8, 9, and 10. You're going to want to check that map out and determine which you may prefer. You may want to purchase a ski pass ahead of time. You can often save by buying early online. And you'll want to determine how long you plan on skiing. You'll also want to determine if you are going to have an instructor or not and either set that up or have a plan for your day of skiing, if not. If you choose to have an instructor, he or she will let you know about the color and trail difficulties. If not, this is info you will want to be aware of.

The bunny slope or bunny hill is the very first place you will start. Don't even worry about the trails and their difficulties yet, until you begin with the bunny slope. This is a very small hill designed just for beginners, where you are simply getting used to what it feels like to be on skis and the basics of skiing. This is where your instructor will begin you anyway, if you choose that route. You will learn how you need to keep your knees slightly bent, how to steer yourself, and how to stop yourself by pointing your skis like an upside down "V". You will also be working on getting yourself back up that bunny hill using somewhat of a pulley system that you hold onto while standing, that will pull you back up that slope. At this point, an instructor will move on to more tips and tricks that you will practice and work on before you beginning skiing an actual trail.

But before you can even learn what it feels like to ski down an actual trail, you are going to have to experience riding a chairlift, which wouldn't be a big deal if you weren't wearing skis and carrying around poles. But, since you are, the chair lift becomes a learning experience, in and of itself. You need to know where to go, you need to make sure you have your lift ticket to be scanned or checked, you need to know how to line yourself up while waiting for the chair, quickly ski to it and sit down and bring the bar down. You'll get a nice leisurely break from learning, at that point, to relax and ride up to the trails. But, you need to be prepared, because when you come up to your trail, you need to get off quickly. Getting off the lift can sometimes be tricky for beginners. Be prepared for that quick moment when you need to get off, to try to maintain control so you don't knock others down that are getting of the lift with you.

So, on the lift, you need to know where you will be getting off and/or how to navigate to the next chair lift if you need to get to another level. However, as a beginner, you will of course be beginning on the green trails. Those are the easy or beginner's trails. These color coded difficulty ratings are standard in North America, and will always be as follows:

  • A green trail is an easy, or beginner, trail. These trails are not very fast and aren't too long.

  • A blue trail will be your intermediate trail. There may be some obstacles and they may be steeper.

  • A black diamond is a difficult trail. It's going to be filled with obstacles, and it will be steep and narrow.

  • A double black diamond is really only for those very good skiers. It's still a good idea to go with someone else on these, even if you feel you are good enough for these. And even if you are ready, you still aren't ready for the ones marked with an "EX" for "Experts Only."

Another thing to remember is that these difficulty ratings are to be compared to other trails in the area. Even though it will always go from green to blue to black, a blue trail at one resort may be more difficult than a black at another resort. You should always start with green and work up, until you determine what the trails are like at each resort.

If you are skiing on your own, only you will know when you are comfortable and ready to move on to the next trail of difficulty. But, don't expect to move up on your first day. And don't move up on any day until you are completely confident and comfortable. You don't need to just consider whether you feel like you could handle it or not, you also need to remember that you are going to have much more experienced skiers in front, behind, and all around you when you move up to the next trail level. But, if you have an instructor, you won't have to worry at all. They won't move you up until they are sure you are ready and will be there along the way, if you need any help on the current trail or the next one up.

Whatever level of difficulty you choose at a given time, you need to become familiar and comfortable with those slopes. Because even on, say a green, you may have different trails on that green that have varying degrees of difficulty and you want to take the easiest one when you are starting out.

This is just a very basic intro to skiing. But, ask plenty of questions, do your research, be well prepared, go with someone else who knows skiing or get an instructor. But, you will be guaranteed to have a blast on your first skiing experience. That's for sure!

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you can answer 'yes' to any of the conditions mentioned below you may require orthoses inserts.

You can first try temporary orthoses inserts. They are a very good low cost alternative to prescription orthotics. However, a podiatrist can help you decide if you need prescription orthotics if the condition persists.

- Do you have hip, knee or back related problems?
- Do you have visible signs of foot related problems such as bunions, hard skin, hammer toes etc.
- Are you very sporting and are your activity levels very high impact?
- Does your family have a history of foot, hip and lower back related problems?
- Do you have a leg length problem?
- Do you spend a lot of time walking on hard surfaces?
- Do you in toe or out toe while walking?
- Do you have condition such as Rheumatoid Arthritis or any other joint related problem?
- Are you aged over 40?
- Do you have knock knees or bow legs?

- Orthotics may relieve your discomfort almost immediately.

Orthotics is a corrective appliance that fits easily into your shoes to gently redistribute your body weight more effectively, correcting any abnormalities in the way that you walk.

Orthoses help the brain to send messages to the ligaments thus correcting the firing pattern of the muscles, to correctly realign your body mechanics via proprioception from the cerebellium in the brain. This is the part of the brain that is largely responsible for reporting unconscious sensory feedback to other parts of the body down the spinal cord. By correcting the body in this way orthotics can help with your foot, knee, hip and lower back problems.

Temporary orthoses inserts are generally used in the rehabilitation of short term injuries, where the injury or gait problem is more serious prescription orthoses are normally advised. In the same way that you would go to an optician to be measured for glasses, a Podiatrist will measure you for prescription orthoses. Where better control and accuracy is required a Podiatrist will complete a biomechanical assessment and have your feet and lower limbs measured correctly. Also, permanent orthoses just do that, the shell lasts for a lifetime. This will help you to achieve comfort and relieve your aches and pains. Once re-balanced you will walk with ease. You will need to bring the shell back every few years to be re-fitted.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are over 45 forms of mixed martial arts in the world. With these variations, there are millions of different practitioners worldwide. Dojos are built and maintained to cater to this number of martial artists. However, the need to eliminate costs and generate more profits seems to be much more of a challenge compared to teaching the arts.

One of the main areas where profit seems scarce is the Karate business. Karate means the art of kicking or punching. Based on the meaning, it is likely to knock any opponent out but in Karate business its strength does not seem to take effect.

Everyday, more karate dojos lose business because of the stiff competition surrounding it. These dojos may have the best locations in their area. They may have the best teachers and facilities, yet their operations have gone into a standstill. Why? I believe the reason is poor business strategy.

Developing strategic methods does not necessarily mean conducting extensive researches, no; we do not have time for that. It simply means understanding your market and using your advantages as your edge. Just like in the art of Karate, you have to learn how to use your bare hands and knees as weapons. Create a plan and stick to it.

A karate business plan does not need to be all that grand. It only has to include four main parts: A. Objectives, B. Mission, C. Keys to Success, and D. How to Use these Keys. The objectives should include your goals. It may a combination of tangible and intangible. Under the mission portion, it should have what you envision your Karate business would look like. It's like seeing it from dream, only that you know it's not. The keys to success are those factors that you find unique to your Karate business. It could be that the location is convenient for all your students. It could be the cleanliness of the dojo and the quality of the equipments that you have. Most importantly, it could be the kind of instructors that you hire. And lastly, using the key elements that you have discovered; what are the steps that you should take in order to realize your mission and achieve your goal? Formulate your own Karate business plan using this formula and watch your profits grow.

It is vital that you include in your karate business plan the impression you wish a student would have as soon as he/she steps into your dojo. Statistics say that one of the primary reasons why a martial arts student would quit is because of the first impression he had. Remember, it's all about giving the correct mindset.

With a very good plan, martial arts success would be at hand. Martial Arts success has two faces. One is for the shihan or he who owns the dojo. Success for him would mean the satisfaction of seeing new faces as well as the profit he would get. Not to mention keeping illness at bay through regular exercise. Martial Arts success would also benefit the student. Not only will he learn the different levels of discipline, he will also add another hour to his life free from stress. Studies show that mixed martial arts is a form of exercise and meditation that leads to reduced tension, anxiety, depression, and anger.

So, start developing your own Karate business plan and welcome to the world of success.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you see someone walking, wherever it may be, with their head high, shoulders back, a look of accomplishment upon their face, in their eyes, and not in a rush-just sure of where they are going-you can't help but look on. It's magnetic! Perhaps, you know a person who commands attention, or maybe you are one yourself, every place they go-before they have even said a word! Is it merely physical attractiveness or is it something more? Generally good looking people have a self assuredness; because they have been told all their lives that they are...well, good looking, which gives them their air. It's no secret; people are drawn to other people who 'look' like they are completely confident in what they are doing-even if they don't.

Here is the thing; any of us can have that aura! It all starts with a little thing I like to call EXERCISE. Yes, it is that simple. Physical exertion releases endorphins, our bodies natural high, which helps us to feel better about ourselves. Working out also increases self confidence, many studies are proof of that, but let's look at the surface of the issue a bit more. The characteristics I mentioned in the first sentence were a reference to POSTURE; head high and shoulders back. When you slouch at work all day long, not only will it inevitably lead to chronic or acute injuries; people will view you as someone of less importance! That is just a fact of life. By integrating postural movements into your program you can change the way you look, feel, and the way people perceive you.

The first step is identifying your postural imbalances. Obviously, you can have a professional do this for you; however, if you know what you are looking for you can do a basic self assessment. The only tools you need are a full length mirror or a camera, so you can view yourself from front and side profiles, and a realistic and honest set of eyes.

10 common signs of poor posture:

1. Head juts forward

2. Shoulders are rounded forward

3. Shoulders are an uneven height

4. Upper back is rounded

5. Too much arc in lower back or extended stomach

6. Flat back

7. Hips are an uneven height

8. Hyper extended knees

9. "Knock knees" or bow-legged

10. Feet angle inwards or outwards

There are many great chiropractic sites online that will give you forms, check lists, visuals and/or other aids to help guide you. Chances are that unless you have a job as a dancer, or something similar, you will have some work to do.

Don't wait for headaches or back pain to occur before you decide to take the necessary steps. Improve your HEALTH, CONFIDENCE; and TURN HEADS wherever you go by exercising to improve your posture!

For more information on exercise visit fabscyberfitness.com.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

With winter's cold weather passing and the sunshine beginning to peek through the clouds, it's time for kids to escape the clutches of the television and embrace the playground. Whether it's participating in a game of tag, playing a sport or having fun in the sandbox, plenty of children will be active on their feet this summer.

However, a day in the sun can end with a day at the doctor's office if the proper safety measures are ignored. Before children catch a glimpse of the giant slide at the pool, the oversized toys at the park or the exciting rides at the amusement park, prepare them with the right footwear and protect them with the right care.

These tips from the American Podiatric Medical Association (APMA) could save your child's soles this summer:

- Carefully observe your child's walking patterns. Does your child have toes that point in or out, have knock-knees or other gait abnormalities? These problems can be corrected if they are detected early and treated by a podiatrist.

- Children's feet change size rapidly so always have your child's feet measured each time you purchase new shoes.

- When shopping for shoes, look for stiff material on either side of the heel, adequate cushioning and a built-in arch. The shoe should bend at the ball of the foot, not in the middle of the shoe.

- Never wear hand-me-down shoes.

- Limit the time children wear platform or heeled shoes and alternate with good quality sneakers or flat shoes. High-tops generally help prevent ankle sprains.

- Don't buy shoes that need a "break-in" period. Good shoes should feel comfortable right away. For athletic activities, choose a shoe that is designed for the sport your child will be playing.

- Never pack brand new shoes for your children to wear on vacation.

- Walking barefoot on pavement, hotel or airplane carpeting, in hotel bathrooms or a locker room and near the pool can make your child susceptible to a host of infections. Always wear a pair of flip-flops or strappy sandals made of soft, supple leather to prevent contracting a bacteria or fungus like athlete's foot or plantar warts.

- When applying sunscreen, don't forget about putting some on your child's feet. Additionally, always remember to re-apply.

- Lack of complaints by a youngster is not a reliable sign. The bones of growing feet are so flexible that they can be twisted and distorted without the child being aware.

- Be careful about applying home remedies to children's feet. Preparations strong enough to kill certain types of fungus can harm the skin. Your best bet is to visit an APMA member podiatrist for treatment.

For more information, please visit www.FootAnkle.com.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Driving the ball off the tee is a crucial part of the game of golf. In this article I am going to provide you with some great tips that will help you to drive the ball off the tee peg longer distances whilst containing control of the shot.

A lot of golfers are constantly searching for tips on how to improve the distance and accuracy of their drives as they know this will help to lower their scores considerably. Hitting a long straight ball off the tee box increases those amazing opportunities of walking off the hole with a birdie or eagle on the scorecard. With improved accuracy and control, a golfer is able to achieve a much cleaner scorecard without losing too many strokes due to hitting those dreaded hooks and slices.

We need to ensure we implement the correct set-up each time we address the ball to achieve maximum distance and accuracy when driving the ball down the fairway. First off you need to address the golf ball with your feet approximately shoulder width apart with your knees lightly flexed.

This will help you to achieve maximum club head speed through the ball. If your knees are too straight or you are standing too tall this will greatly affect your swing plane and coil and will result in a loss of power and ultimately distance.

When using a driver, because the club is a lot longer than a mid-iron, you have to make sure that your ball position is correct. The longer the club the more you play the ball towards your leading foot. Do not play the driver with your ball position in the center of your stance. The correct ball position will result in the club traveling down the swing plane on the correct path and making a good solid contact with the golf ball and helping to achieve the correct flight path.

When you begin your backswing, you should take the club away from the ball smoothly using your hips as you begin to rotate. Using your hips is a vital element in helping to achieve maximum driving distance. As you begin to rotate away from the ball with your hips, your arms and upper body will naturally follow and will work as one unit. Think of your takeaway as a 'one piece takeaway' using your bigger muscles and not just using your hands to swing the club.

As you reach the top of your backswing, your shoulder should be tucked nicely under your chin (or as far as your body allows you to rotate without causing stress or injury). The importance of your hips continues with the downswing, naturally followed by your arms and hands. After regular practice of the one piece takeaway, you will begin to notice how the upper body starts to work together as a unit and this will create more power in your swing resulting in more distance.

Now, distance is great but only if it is accurate, otherwise you can land in all types of hazards and end up losing strokes. There is one golden key to achieving this and that is to ensure that your hands follow the club head at impact. The consequence of this will result in the club face striking the ball square, otherwise you will experience the dreaded hook or slice.

Other factors can also play an important part of hooking or slicing the ball and if you do this on a regular basis or most of your shots seem to hook or slice away from your target, then the first place you need to look at is your grip. Holding the club far too strong or weak will naturally cause you to strike the ball with a closed or open club face and the results can be extremely frustrating and knock confidence. Ensure you hold the golf club with a neutral grip to give you the best possible chance of striking the ball with a square club face.

Another tip I want to share with you is your stance. When you address the ball, you need to make sure that your stance is square to your target, unless of course you are confident enough to play a draw or fade. So to achieve a nice straight golf shot, ensure that your feet are aligned to your target. You will also need to check that your hips and your shoulders are also parallel to your target. You will find that by addressing the ball correctly and keeping your body square to your target, your golf shots will dramatically improve with accuracy and control.

On a final note before I wrap up this article, I would like to mention that modern technology does also play a big part in golf and can make the game a lot easier. If you are currently playing with a small headed driver, then it might be time for a change and I would recommend using a larger club head like a 460 cc driver to help improve your game.

If you do decide to opt for a larger headed driver - here's one final thought. You will need to conduct regular practice with these bigger drivers until you feel comfortable and get used to using them. The new bigger drivers are not miracle workers and will not improve your game overnight or help you to break par next week.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Have you stopped striving for what you want from life?

Do you look in the mirror and see a shadow of your former self looking back at you?

Are you sick and tired of the situation that you have found yourself in?

Isn't it time that you made a stand?

Life has a funny way of waiting until everything is going along swimmingly for you and then throwing a huge spanner in the works.

You are not alone.

I know that sometimes you think that no one could possibly know what you are going through, or that your situation is "different" to everybody else's.

The truth of the matter is that you are a unique individual and there is no one on the face of this earth who is exactly like you.

However there are millions of people on this earth who have found themselves in the same predicament as you, or even worse.

They managed to get through it, and so must you.

You must not allow the feeling of being stuck in a rut to stop you in your tracks.

I know that it is easier said than done some of the time.

But you must realise that it is the limitations that you have placed on yourself that are keeping you feeling stuck in a rut and keeping your greatness held hostage.

Life can and will throw you a curve ball from time to time.

That is just part of life.

It's not what happens to you in this life that matters, it matters how you DEAL with what happens to you in this life.

Do not give in to adversity.

Adversity is a part of life.

Don't let adversity knock you to your knees and keep you there.

You are more powerful than you could possibly imagine.

The only thing that can stop you achieving everything that your heart desires is you.

Are you standing in your own way?

Are you keeping your greatness held hostage?

You need to make sure that you get out of your own way.

At times life will attempt to beat you to your knees and keep you there.

Do not allow this to happen.

Life will trick you and play games on you.

Life will put temporary barriers in your way just to see how bad you really want to succeed.

Life can stop your temporarily, but only you can stop yourself permanently.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I love watching kick boxing movies such as Blood Sport (1988), Kickboxer (1989) and pretty much anything with Jean-Claude Van Damme in it. The training to become a Muay Thai fighter is extremely rigorous, but definitely worth while.

This national sport of Thailand is one of my all time favorites to watch on cable. I've learned some great techniques from the world of Thai boxing. The Muay Thai training will help you develop incredible stamina, which can help you possibly take on more than one attacker. This art focuses on developing a fighting spirit, that never gives in. The mindset of, no retreat, no surrender!

If you want to see some devastating head butts, that can knock a person out, then you need to check out Thai boxing. I've seen the Thai boxing methods applied in mixed martial arts fights on TV effectively. I'm talking about deadly Thai kicks and monstrous elbow strikes.

I have to say one my favorite moves is using the knees, which you can use to weaken and wear down your opponent. If you've got your opponent up against a wall or cage and you start kneeing your opponent to the ribs, it will make him vulnerable. Another dirty trick that I see used in mixed martial arts fights is, when the fighter has got his opponent bent over, he will need him to the face.

Another favorite move that can literally knock out a fighter is, a flying knee attack to the head. Just recently, I was watching UFC and I watched as one fighter perfectly timed a flying knee to his opponents face and knocked him out as cold as a cucumber. Now that's what I call strategy my martial arts friends!

I think this martial art should be added to your street fighting arsenal of dirty tricks, because I just love using my elbows and my knees. Both applications are very effective in close quarter fighting, which is vital for any street fighter. For example, if you are attacked in an elevator, the knees and elbows are ready for action. Elevator attacks are some of the worst, because you have a limited amount of space to move your body around in. This is where using your elbows and your knees repetitively on an attacker is perfect.

If you get a chance check out the Muay Thai videos over on YouTube. There are some excellent training videos of Muay Thai online. When you watch a Thai boxer, you will see just how powerful the knees strikes are. You will notice a quick combination of the knees strikes and then the elbow strikes over and over again, this type of attacking will knock your opponent senseless and leave him confused.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Is trail riding the activity you best enjoy with your horse? If so, you are like the majority of horse owners in the U.S. It's a wonderful way to get out and see some country you might not be able to see from car or foot, plus it gives us a chance to have something fun to do with our horse once it has been well trained.

A common problem I see with many horse/rider combinations is that the rider seems to feel that "just" trail riding doesn't require a horse with much training. I contend that trail riders should be mounted on horses that have as much or more training as other horse endeavors require. Think about it. When you go out on a trail, you never know what you might encounter-it might include traffic, backpackers, rough terrain, strange animals, or a slew of other things that the horse might be not see elsewhere. You may be traveling on trails well away from road access and have only the horse to depend upon to carry you safely.

If you are mounted on a horse than only knows go and hopefully whoa, you are basically at the mercy of the horse to see you safely through the ride. You are not as safe as you should or could be. What happens if you need more than just go or whoa? It's not unusual to be in a situation on a ride where your horse might need to back up, move its body around an obstacle, turn around in a tight space, or even sidepass.

For starters, trail horses need to be comfortable enough not to get upset if their feet get tangled in brush or vines, need to respond to your request to move their body away from a tree that could knock your knees or head, be able to jump fallen trees that may block the trail, and not be worried about branches that may slap at them or be trimmed and fall on them. They need to be comfortable walking down banks, into water, and walking up steep inclines without rushing. A good trail horse is not dependent on the horse in front of it to set its speed or direction. There are many times when a rider needs to act independently of what the others are doing.

There are some horses out there that handle the trails basically without any guidance from their oblivious passenger riders and follow along doing what the others do, but there are many more good horses that need some rider guidance and help to make the ride enjoyable. This is where it is the human's responsibility to make sure that they have the training themselves to help support the horse in whatever situation comes up. "Just trail riding" should involve as much prior thought and training as showing, distance riding, or any other activity that someone might want to do with their horse. It's not an excuse for sloppy or non-existent horsemanship, and people should be proud to say I'm a trail rider-leaving out the word "just"!

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Female athletes are susceptible to posture problems and orthopedic dysfunctions due to our sex, our architecture (skeletal frame), genetics and psychosocial pressures and concerns. Good news is that these issues can be addressed and corrected with proper screening, corrective exercises and well designed and thought out conditioning programs for the female athlete. Always assess posture and correct postural problems in an athlete before beginning a strength training program. We don't want to load an athlete with external weight on a poorly designed frame. If this happens we are putting the athlete at risk for joint destruction, pain and injury and long term problems as one grows older. Strength training with poor posture will only exacerbate poor postural positions and will cause abnormal wear and tear on and within a joint that is not aligned properly. We are also compromising the joint movements, possibly pinching nerves, reducing blood flow to muscles and connective tissue all leading to injury.

Our skeleton and spine are like the rim and spokes on a bike tire. If the frame/rim of a tire is perfectly round and strong and the spokes are the appropriate lengths providing the same tension in movement, then it will rotate well producing force with no friction on the bike itself. But if the frame/rim is slightly bent, with some spokes pulling on the frame with different tension at different times then the result is a week tire that is compromised and will not rotate well, causing friction with the bike and uneven wear, and over time will fail and break. The same can happen to our frame (skeleton and spine), which is like the rim and spokes. If our frame is not positioned well upright with proper head and shoulder girdle positioning and hip and lower leg alignment then we are prone to joint injury and movement problems. We must correct the foundation first which is our frame. Then we make sure the muscles are strong and balanced around a joint and act properly and in unison with each other to move the frame in a functional manner. It all starts with good posture and good training. For females, addressing posture, balancing muscle groups and strength training functionally (feet on the ground) along with training the stabilizers will create a sound body that is in tune and like a well oiled machine. The main goal being to function properly and adapt to pressures and forces put upon our frame and body in our everyday life and in athletics.

Lets take a look at some areas of concern for female athletes:

1. The head and neck. Females have less extensor mass so if we develop a forward head posture we are significantly increasing the load and tension on our neck muscles creating lots of head aches. At puberty females often develop a forward head posture and rounded shoulders. Correct these 2 problems early by strengthening the neck, chest, shoulders and upper back muscles to hold the correct upright postural position in the upper torso. Cues for good posture in the upper body are: chest up and lifted, head back, shoulders back, jaw over collar bone and eyes, ears and teeth level with the horizon. Our head is heavy, so keep it over your spine and sitting nicely, level on top a properly positioned shoulder girdle to avoid problems.

2. Steep first rib angle. If you have rounded shoulders and the head is jutted out in front of the body changing the shoulder girdle position then there is an increase in the angle of the first rib. This steep angle causes excessive ligament strain in the neck and may lead to the development of a Dowager's Hump. This position increases lordosis in the lumbar spine and hyperextended knees and also leads to a serious condition called Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (T.O.S.). What is T.O.S. you say? This is entrapment of the brachial plexus or the nerve bundle that feed the arms as they come out of the neck through the scalene neck muscles. Between the anterior and medial scalene muscles which are close together. The scalenes hold the head up and on top of the shoulders. If there is constant tension and strain on these muscles then adhesions form, they get enlarge, trapping and irritating the nerve bundle that brings sensation to the arm and hand. If you have pain and tingling or numbness down your arm and into the hand it may be T.O.S. The position of the neck bones is very important in this condition.

3. Shoulder girdle resting position. How our shoulder girdle is positioned over top the rib cage can affect T.O.S., aesthetics, respiration and the first rib angle. It also affects how much pressure is put on the sterno-clavicular joint. We want the rib cage sitting balanced from side to side, not twisted to one side or severely pulled down at any angle. The high repetition of sporting movements can alter the shoulder girdle with tense, tight and shortened muscles on one side. Nerves can be pinched and sterno-clavicular joint gets compressed. Stretching and working on posture with corrective exercises will help improve shoulder girdle positioning. Another great benefit of sturdy positioning is the chest and breasts are lifted creating a more attractive figure.

4. Hip and pelvic alignment or tilt. The pelvic area affects both the upper body and lower body posture. The hip area is a postural control center. Think of your pelvic area as a bucket full of water. We don't want that bucket to be tilted to far forward or backward or the water will pour out losing its weight and control. And, we don't want it pulled down and tilted from side to side. This is a great place to start making changes on posture first. If your pelvis is tilted forward you will have an increased curvature in your low back and develop a weak abdominal wall. Wide hip architecture can lead to a wider Q-angle which is associated with orthopedic dysfunction at the hip and knee producing femoral anteverson and knee valgus (knock knees). At the knee, retro-patellar dysfunction can develop which includes lateral subluxation and chronic tracking problems. Couple a wide Q-angle with knee valgus and one may also see pronation at the foot and ankle. Correcting posture and strength training can remedy all these problems listed above.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Learning the Basics of Catching a Low Football Pass

Great plays are made through dedicated practice of the fundamentals. Making the plays means that you have practiced the less than optimal situations and know how to react to them. Perfect and not so perfect scenarios should constantly run at football practice. One not so perfect scenario is a low passed catch. First, keep your hands down low in a scooping or shovel position; you can even cross your pinkies. This ensures that the ball will not slip through your fingers. Second, keep your knees bent low and in extreme cases you should be flat on the ground or diving. Second, bend your knees and get low. Third, once you have caught the ball, tuck it away as soon as possible. Keep your eyes right on the ball. Last, concentrate on catching it first and then worry about the defense, and scoring some more yards.

Strip Tackling

There is a golden rule in football defense, get the ball to the offensive team as quickly as possible. Win your games by training your defense to use a strong tackle that strips the ball from the opponent. A great way to practice is have two players line up, one as the defense, the other with the football as the offense. The defender will practice stripping the ball by bringing his hands up quickly with a clenched fist to grab the opponent and as he does so to aim to knock out the football. This drill is most effective if you start it slow focusing on the motions needed to be effective, and then speed up over time.

Proper Catching Leads to Great Ball Security

When a receiver catches the ball they need to immediately put it into a secure ball carrying position. The points of a proper catch are: First, opening up your hands with an open triangle. Second, follow the ball with your eyes from the first time you see it in the air until it is securely placed in a tight hold. Third, secure the ball tight and high against your ribs, forearm, and biceps. Many receivers can get into a bad habit of looking away from the ball before it is stored away properly. This increases fumbles and turnovers. In order to increase catching and ball security effectiveness have two receivers pass to each other, when one of them catches the ball make sure that they slow the motion down pausing when they catch, follow through, and secure the football.

Line of scrimmage tactics

Find a soft spot and push hard, that is what line strategies are all about. A great technique that will give you an advantage on the line is double team blocking. This play is simple, double up and push through. This technique is effective for punching a hole through the line and getting a running back through, or it also works great on a defensive blitz. Here are some pointers for this strategy: First, players need to step together, and second lock hips. This forms an impenetrable line in the middle and as each lineman is on the edge of the opponent it will be very difficult to go around. Hit the shoulders hard and pin the opponent down as you drive them back. Work it fast and work it hard

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

"How do I get stronger for football?"

Its a question I get asked almost daily...and the solution is not complex...getting stronger for football is actually pretty uncomplicated once you know the 4 key steps.

We all need to get stronger for football. Why? Well, strength determines all of the other factors of athleticism...want to get faster for football? Get stronger. Want to hit harder? Get stronger. Want to really, truly increase football speed? Get stronger.

You get the point.

Maximum strength (and relative strength) controls all these factors...not to mention your ability to block and just plain knock people into the stands.

1. Do Max Effort Work to Get Stronger for Football

Make no mistake about it, unless you are strong, you will not be a great football player. Strength dictates all other aspects of athleticism (speed, agility, explosiveness, etc). The stronger football player will almost always win.

This confuses most people. They assume that you don't need to be super strong to be a great football player. They also fail to see the correlation between strength and speed (we'll cover that in #2).

Now, a lot of players do accept this but go about it in the wrong way. I get countless emails from people asking me to evaluate their programs. Usually, they're working hard but not getting the results they want. And, usually it's because they are confused about how to actually get stronger.

We've been conditioned to think that doing sets of 4 - 6 and simply adding 5lbs to the bar every week is getting stronger. It's not.

First, you're not building maximum strength.

Second, you will plateau rather quickly. If we all added 5-lbs a week forever, guys would be benching 5,000lbs.

You must work with low reps, yes, even as low as singles, to build raw, max strength.

I know, "low reps are dangerous!" Bull. High reps are more dangerous. Ever watch someone do a set of 10 in the Squat? Reps 7 - 10 are ragged, they twist, their knees pinch in, and they use way too much back. The more reps you do, the more fatigued you will become and the worse your form will get.

If you're a beginner or you train beginners, and you still fear the single, do multiple sets of 2 or work up to a max set of 2 - 3. This will build top end strength. And, for those of you who feel you need to do higher reps, think of it this way; you're max bench is 200lbs and you can do sets of 8 with 150. You smarten up, decide to get stronger, push your max up to 250 and suddenly find that you can now do sets of 8 with 200. Which is better? 150 x 8 or 200 x 8?

And, before you get excited, it doesn't work the opposite way. As many a disappointed "projected-max" following football player will tell you, focusing on increasing your weight on high reps sets has nothing to do with your max strength.

So, you need to do Max Effort work. You need to "work up to" a heavy set of 1 - 3 reps, constantly trying to beat your previous records.

Working up is simple, so stop over thinking it.

It should take 5 - 8 sets; depending on your strength (obviously a 600-lb bencher will need more sets than a guy pushin' 150).

Do this:

Bar x 5
95 x 3
125 x 3
135 x 3
155 x 3
175 x 3

Next time, beat 155. I know, there's barely any volume, how are can this make you stronger? Rest assured, most top power lifters, the strongest guys on Earth, use a similar approach.

Lead off one Upper Body day and one Lower Body day with a Max Effort exercise.

2. To Get Stronger for Football, Apply Maximum Force to the Bar

If there is one area of football training, and, strength training in general that confuses people and fuels the fringe, anti-strength idiots it's the subject of bar speed. The HIT Jedis, the personal training crowd, the CrossFit Cults and the Wobble Board Wrecking Crews all have done a great job teaching young football players and lifters that lifting heavy will make you slow. "Just look at that big, fat Powerlifter Squatting 800-lbs! He's moving slow, and if you get strong, you'll be slow too!"

What they miss is the intent to move the bar fast that counts. This might be the simplest concept in strength training yet so many miss it. Just try to lift the bar as fast as possible, every set, every rep, every exercise.

You need to train your Central Nervous System to act fast. When it gets the message that we need to move several hundred pounds quickly, it can easily figure out to move just your bodyweight pretty damn fast. Try lifting a heavy weight slowly and see what happens.

Every set, every rep, every exercise...lift the bar like you're trying to throw it off of you because it's about to crush you and end your existence. That's good motivation to get the bar moving.

3. Train the Posterior Chain

If you want to get faster for football, be able to drive a defender into the stands, or run people over, you need to work your posterior chain like your life depends on it. Your hamstrings, glutes, calves, and all the muscles of the back must be hammered, often.

You need to center your program around:

Box Squats
Box Front Squats

Deadlifting of odd objects (sandbags, stones, etc)

Snatch Grip Deadlifts
Romanian Deadlifts
Squats and Front Squats (regular, no box)
Lateral Lunges

If you focus your efforts on those exercises, you will be miles ahead of the competition. Do them heavy, lift them fast, and do them often.

4. To Truly Get Stronger for Footbal, You Must Fix Strength Gaps

Even with all the Max Effort, Dynamic Effort, chains and plyos, you can still fail to reach maximum potential. Don't get me wrong, those things are the foundation of training and doing them will take you far. But, I know the guys who read this site and the guys I train are not interested in just being good...we want to be elite!

No matter how hard you train in the weight room, you can still develop strength gaps.

Strength gaps are just what they sound like. Little gaps in your strength that can take a 600-lb Squatter and render him unable to throw a block.

See, when we lift barbells we go up and down and, as we discussed, can lose out unless we use bands and chains.

But, even with bands and chains, the weight remains in one plane of motion and relatively fixed in resistance (bands and chains add resistance as the bar goes up).
Dumbbells and K-bells help by training some of the stabilizers and Prowlers and sleds allow us to move laterally. But, there's still something missing.

That missing something is Sandbags and other Odd-Object/Strongman style training. We tend to go mostly with Sandbags because of the safety factor, but, we also do Farmers Walk, Sled Pulling, Truck Pushing, and some Stone Trainer work.

Sandbags work because they are "alive." They move, the weight shifts, the bag changes shape...it literally fights back, like an opponent.

I've seen some strong dudes get embarrassed by a 150lb Sandbag because they don't have the stabilizer strength to tackle the beast.

Working with Sandbags is an excellent way to fix these gaps and ensure that you're as strong and functional as possible.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

How do your knees feel right now?

Do you have pain problems that you have to address?

Horrible knee pain-it can strike without warning and without mercy, and it can consume you with severe discomfort. Horrible knee pain can stem from many different conditions. For instance, it can be the result of a traumatic knee injury, or it can come from a chronic condition, like Chondromalacia Patellae (deterioration of the cartilage cushion underneath the knee cap, causing pain and irritation as the knee cap that rubs against the underlying bone). Only your doctor can definitively diagnose the cause of your horrible knee pain, and symptoms can vary widely from person to person. But one fact remains: when you experience horrible knee pain, whatever its cause, you want it to stop.

So how do you slay the monster that is devouring your knee?

Will you need surgery?

Will you need extensive physical therapy?

Can the pain be managed with medication?

Again, these are all options to discuss with your doctor, and the particular treatment your doctor recommends depends upon the exact cause of the horrible knee pain. Still, no matter what the cause of your horrible knee pain, chances are, a knee brace can really help.

Knee braces can offer you a conservative way to help relieve some of the horrible knee pain you may be experiencing. They do not have to be expensive, or really heavy to help provide support either. Braces do not necessarily have to be custom made to fit your knee, and there are many types of knee braces available which adjust to fit your leg. Depending upon the type you choose, braces offer varying degrees of support to the knee. Some are more restrictive and rigid, thus offering a firmer degree of support; others are soft and pliable, much like an elastic sleeve that fits over your knee, offering just a little extra needed support.

All knee braces allow for mobility while helping to support the knee (unless it is in your best interests to keep the knee straight). The support that a brace provides can help stabilize your knee and help reduce the pressure, stress and irritation that may exacerbate many of the conditions which cause horrible knee pain. For instance, if your knee pain is being caused by Chondromalacia Patellae (the condition noted above where the cartilage under the knee cap is worn), a knee brace can help relieve the pressure on the knee cap and thus help reduce the irritation and pain caused as it rubs against the underlying bone. Furthermore, when you experience horrible knee pain, your gait can be altered as you attempt to compensate for the pain. This altered gait may worsen the underlying condition and perhaps leave you vulnerable to additional injuries due to an uneven, unstable gait. A brace, as mentioned, can help stabilize the knee, thus helping you to even out your gait and possibly help you avoid further injury.

You deserve to be without pain, don't you?

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Many strength athletes are creatures of habit. They do the same thing day in and day out. They get big, they get strong, but sometimes they get bored! And how do you cure boredom? Set a challenge! Forget about adding more weight to the bar - do something different. In fact, forget the bar altogether. Set a challenge that involves strictly your body weight - something for your upper body, lower body and core. Here are four strength-endurance goals that any bodybuilder or powerlifter should be able to do and if you can't, then you must! The challenge has been set...

20 Chin-Ups

Ask any 250+ pound bodybuilder or powerlifter to perform as many chin-ups as possible - and I'm talking about strict, controlled, dead-hang-to-chin-clearing chin-ups - and you'll be able to count the reps on one hand, maybe two if they're lucky but no more than that. Most guys in the gym that weigh considerably less will knock off 10 or 12 clean reps.

The main factors that determine chin-up success are body weight, body composition and strength, but the one that trumps them all is the power of the mind. If you perceive that you can't perform 20 chin-ups, then you won't! It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The mind plays a huge role. You must believe that you can do it first in order to succeed.

Many people limit themselves before they even grab the bar. So if you constantly max out at 12 reps, your brain expects you to fatigue at that point. It's going to be tough to do another 8 reps, but there is a way. You need to trick your brain. Here's a tip I learned from Karsten Jensen, a former strength and conditioning coach for the Danish National Elite Sports Institution in Copenhagen, Denmark. Start counting reps at number 10 instead of 1. By the time you hit a count of 20, you have performed a manageable 10 reps. Next workout, start the count at 9, the following workout at 8, and so on. According to Jensen, part of the reason why you fail to achieve 20 reps is because you expect to get tired by the 12th rep, but altering the count and creating the experience of achieving 20 reps will help break the plateau.

100 Push-Ups

Remember back in high school and university, you could pop these off like they were nothing. I recall doing 120 push-ups in 1 minute back then - basically 2 reps per second. Fast forward a few years and all of a sudden, they're not so easy!

Here are four methods to use in a situation where you must perform 100 non-stop push-ups but can only do 40 or 50 at present:

1. Start with 4 sets of 25 reps with 3-minute rest intervals, and decrease rest each session by 10-15 seconds.

2. Perform as many sets as it takes to reach 100 total repetitions and record the time. Each session, aim to complete the task in less time or with fewer sets.

3. Use a ladder technique where you perform 1 rep then rest as long as it took to complete the rep. Next, do 2 reps then rest for that length of time, and continue "up the ladder" in this manner until you can no longer complete the desired number of repetitions. At this point, you either start over again from the bottom or "climb down the ladder" to the beginning.

4. Decrease the resistance to achieve 100 consecutive repetitions by using modified push-ups or push-aways. Increase the resistance slightly each session by raising the height of the knees using a step for modified push-ups or lowering the height of the hands on push-aways or with the use of a weighted vest on either version.

10 Pistols

Any competitive powerlifter should easily be able to squat double their body weight. That's a given, so it stands to reason that they should be able to squat their body weight on one leg. Right? Well, get them to try it. The movement is called a "pistol" and it's tougher than it looks, especially for big guys, and especially when it's done in a controlled, butt-to-heel manner. They may have all the strength in the world, but balance, coordination and flexibility may be another issue! Any strength athlete should be able to knock off 10 reps per leg with their body weight alone, and once that becomes easy a weighted vest can be used.

Determine what the limiting factor is. Is it flexibility? Then do some stretching, foam rolling and get some body work done. Is it balance? Then use support initially (hang on to the side of a power cage) and eventually wean yourself off one finger at a time. Is it strength? Then build it up with unilateral movements such as step-ups, split squats and single-leg squats (i.e., rear foot elevated onto a bench).

2-Minute Static Back Extension

Your core is really strong. You hoist hundreds of pounds, but your back always hurts. Maybe it's not strength that you need, maybe you require some endurance? Research by Dr. Stuart McGill, a spinal biomechanist and author of the book Ultimate Back Fitness and Performance, has determined that endurance is more important for low back health than strength. A great test for this in the gym is a static back extension (also known as an extensor endurance test or Biering-Sorensen test).

All you do is perform a typical back extension and hold the top position for a goal of two minutes. Anything less than two minutes is a failure of the test. If you do not succeed initially, keep trying! Add the movement to the end of every workout, and make sure to beat your previous time, even if it's only by a few seconds. You'll get up to that 2-minute mark in no time.

Life is not always about a "quickee!" Strength athletes should have some endurance. We're not talking about running a marathon, but being able to do 20 chin-ups, 100 push-ups, 10 pistols, or a 2-minute static back extension is not unreasonable. And if you accomplish these 4 goals by the end of the year, expect a leaner body, some added muscle mass, and improved low back health for your efforts.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The beauty of the Rift game is that there are a variety of options you can pick to make your gaming experience personal not to mention exiting. As you already be aware, you start as a puny character at the bottom of the food chain slowly carving your way through the world and gaining experience in the process. This setup is called PvE or Player vs Environment where you pit yourself against the challenges of the Planes of Telara. However, by Level 10 you start gaining access to a whole new and exciting facet of the game, the PvP. PvP refers to Player vs Player and gives you the chance to pit your talents against the very best in a knock-your-scoks-off battle to demonstrate true dominance. It is for this purpose that Rift PvP souls were created.

Each Soul class in Rift has access to special Rift PvP souls. From Level 10 onwards, players start gaining Favor by engaging in PvP battles and beyond a certain number of Favors, the Soul Tree opens up to a new Rift PvP soul for the Soul class. These Rift PvP souls can be used in much the same way as ordinary souls, picking them as an off-soul and investing in the Soul Tree to unleash that boatload of talents and skills that will allow you to dominate the enemy. In essence, the two standard Rift souls will dictate your playing style while the Rift PvP souls give you access to a host of other talents critical for PvP battles. It's also important to remember that beyond Level 50, gaining experience is eliminated in favor of gaining Prestige Rank. Prestige basically dictates the amount of skill points you can invest in the PvP soul tree.

The new PvP soul for the Warrior class is the Vindicator, described by the folks at Rift as "the boulder rolling down the mountain side who cannot be stopped." The Vindicator relies on the grit and power of the hardened Warrior class in order to bring the world to its knees. What sets the Vindicator apart is its command of a variety of arms and weapons making it a specialized killing machine designed to subdue even the most formidable fighters from the other Soul classes. The Rogue's answer is the Infiltrator, relying on stealth and subterfuge to wreak havoc on the field. The Infiltrator is not designed for straightforward but following the cunning and smarts of the Rogue class, the Infiltrator can render even the strongest characters dead before they even realize what has happened.

From the Cleric class is the Templar, which relies on perhaps the most perfect balance of offense and defense ever seen on the Planes of Telara. Templars can attack, defend, heal and provide support wherever necessary making them the ultimate jack-of-all-trades. Completing the roster is the Archmage for the Mage class, the most dedicated melee and range fighter on the battlefield. Archmages excel at spells on all facets including empowerment, control, protection, damage, healing. Cursing is the bastion of the Archmage and anyone not prepared to deal with otherworldly magic will easy succumb to the crippling will of the best magician ever.

These new Rift souls add another dimension to the already riveting world on the Planes of Telara. Find out how you stack up against these callings or be a PvP specialist yourself so you can lay claim to being the best soldier ever.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A great way to add to your training is to get a good back pack and load it up for a different type of workout. A weight vest is good but distributes weight pretty evenly, a back pack wants to move around and is always trying to pull you back, and forces your body to make adjustments; building more muscles as well as burning more fat in a faster more effective way.

The great thing about back pack training it gets you ready for real life training.

The military's special forces use back packs for long 15 to 20 mile hikes, you can use a back pack for pushups, step-ups, hill climbs, stair stepping, pull-ups etc.

Adding as little as 20 lbs in a back pack will change the way your body will respond to an exercise like pushups, an extra 20lbs will knock the number of pushups down more than 50 %, if you are not used to it.

So, why not just lift weights if you are just adding weight? If pushups will use more muscles then bench pressing how do you think your body will respond when you add an 20 extra pounds.

Anytime you force the body to work against gravity with an unbalanced load other muscles will need to respond to make up for weaker ones, this alone will build a functional base you need for real life situations.

I use back pack training to build physical and mental toughness. If you add an extra 40 lbs in your back pack and you make it where the exercise gets uncomfortable and you keep going despite the moving and the shifting of the weight over a set period of time you can build a high level of physical and mental toughness.

Every so called fit man will say he can do back pack training and the fact, if the military's special forces train this way this alone should tell you that only the elite will be rewarded. The problem everyone thinks he's in the elite category, and very few are. But this will test you, physically and mentally.

Want to build a little physical and mental toughness? Try this workout!

Load a back pack with 40 lbs, strap the pack up good. The goal is to walk 1 mile and in the 1 mile hike you will drop and do as many pushups as you can, stand up -keep walking and stopping whenever you can and do more pushups.

Here's the tough part, and get ready for your body to start shaking and straining. The goal is to do 250 to 500 pushups in that 1 mile hike and you cannot cross the 1 mile marker before you complete the number of pushups you have chosen.

Also coming out of the pushup position your knees are never to hit the ground, get right back on your feet and keep walking.

Think you can walk 1 mile and do 250 to 500 pushups in 30 minutes. Try it!

If you have the guts you'll give it a try.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Shivering in a jacket much too thin

for this night of sleet and freezing rain

She wanders in mad dog attack darkness

feeling for the strength to step one

more feeble step, knowing panic

well enough to call it by its first name

She had felt the approaching void

screamed to God, but his cell was

out of minutes, as many times before

Insanity rode her like a jockey

who was hell-bent-for-leather

Given a treasured bus pass, she rode

the streets of Nowhere and End-of-the-line

Had to find a place to sleep

Had to hide away

Safe place, no rapes tonight

At a familiar stop she descends

the steps of her mobile champion

Home called her

Home was there

just up the street

before the trees

Pausing on the sidewalk she watched

the Dale Kincaid lights in her home -

that was hers no more

She chose him, married him, so

tough luck, baby

you're screwed now


Ice Storm

Incredibly cold

Stumbling into the grocery store

parking lot, she sees the wink of

a Goodwill donation truck

Under it are parcels and pieces

like presents under a Christmas tree

Needles sewed the ice pellets to

cheeks as hollow as yellow eggs

sucked out to make beautiful art

Jacket no warmer than a shirt

Last place she stayed, they stole

her coat and put her out at 3:00 A.M.

Threw her into the night rain

Sleep sucked her at the way a baby

sucks at the teat where warm milk is

A little mouse

afraid of cops

who ask her

where she's going

They know damn good and well she

isn't going anywhere she hasn't

already been, but wherever she is

they don't want her there

Ducking beneath the Goodwill truck

she sees bags and wonders if a warm

coat might be crouching there, waiting

Won't do to dig, cops roust you for that

In one brave swoop she picks up a

little suitcase, as forlorn as herself

Scurrying away, rat-like

smelling her sour fear

she heads for the urban woods

Just past home

that is not home

dragging the bulk of an old refrigerator

carton by the string around it,

she feels the burden

blow up and knock her in the knees

Not young

Not well

Not sane

F*cked up

The trees welcome her

They twinkle like stars in the sleet

Fever grips her like an avid lover

Got to go in far enough no one sees

Brittle brush fingers grab at her

Hidden hazards laugh if she falls

But the suitcase is a comforting


Finds a fallen log, a hollow by it

Lines the refuge with cardboard

Trembling like a virgin lover

she opens the suitcase and there is no coat

There are dresses

Sparkling dresses

Cocktail dresses


unyielding dresses

Alive with sequins and tulle

that pulls itself out of her swollen


Jackie Kennedy dresses

Rich woman's baubles, but no coat

Freezing rain coats her hair

Cools her fevered cheeks

Leg infected where he shot her

yellow pus running down her leg,

gluing her pants to flesh

Pulling the fabric away tears skin too

Half the dresses make a pallet

Half the dresses make a slippery

covering, sequins sliding

That suitcase, Judas, liar

serves as a tent when put upside down

over the log and some brush

Keeps the worst out of her eyes

It would be logical that she die by morning

but she never seemed to have a bit of luck

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Protective gear is really important for every skateboarder that wants to learn, and a helmet is one of those. Your head can easily be the particular part of your body that will get an a serious injury, and with a fall it can knock you out and leave the individual unconscious. There could be internal bleeding in skull that could be fatal. Having a non slippery shoe will ensure that skateboarders will be balanced, and have a less of a chance of falling. Having pads for the knees and elbows can also reduce the cuts and scrapes. Also would be wise to have other padded equipment that include pants, gloves and jackets this can reduce the impact of a fall dramatically.

There are some techniques that will help in the safety like checking the wheels for wear and tear. Having parts that are replaced because they are faulty reduces the chances of an accident. Try avoid doing tricks in heavily populated areas. Always practice a trick one at a time, before moving onto more difficult ones. If you learn how to fall on grass it may also reduce the impact and shock when you fall on concrete.

Learn how to fall, while you are skateboarding can reduce the impact or risk of a injury. Try to hug the board or ground if you know you will lose balance, so that the fall will be close to the ground. If roll when you hit the ground it can reduce the scrapes that you will get on your body.

Falls usually occur because of the surface especially if it is irregular. A flat ground wont be as dangerous as to say falling on a rail, or onto rocks, or down steps. Best to skate in skate parks, as they are designed for skateboarders to practice their tricks in environment that is safer. Avoid things that are made at home, as they can falter and be dangerous to your safety.

Safety is a really important component to skateboarding, as anything could happen. Learn the safety rules when it comes to tricks and skateboarding in general. Try to avoid areas where the floor is unstable, skate somewhere where you are less likely to get hurt like a skate park. Always wear protective gear, as it can reduce the impact of an injury. Learn your tricks one a time, and master them at a slow speed, as it is better to know it well than not well at all. Overall take note of your surroundings, the protective clothing that you wear as it could help save your life.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When we think of fighting, most people see themselves as punching some one with their fists.

Most are looking for that big knock out.

The only problem is that the human hand is made up of many very fragile bones. Sure you can harden them by striking shot bags, sand and things like that, but this really does damage to your hand.

Boxers primary weapons are their fists, but notice they have a lot of protection on them and they still get broken bones. In most other martial arts, kung fu, karate, kick boxing, we have many weapons to work with. Elbows, forearms, knees, shins, palms, fingers for for certain targets, etc.

If you watch an experienced martial artist fight he or she may not even use a fist for striking.
You could use a palm to the nose or elbow to the ribs or head.

If you go to some of the video sites you can watch some beat downs, notice that most of the street fighters go straight for the head and use primarily their fists.

Thats what makes a martial artist different from a street fighter, they are expecting for us to fight the same way as they do.

I've defeated street fighters with something as simple as a lite chop to the throat or finger behind the ear. But sometimes it took a whole lot more.

Anyway what I'm saying here is mix up your techniques and try sparring or practicing using everything except your fists and see what you come up with.

I will practice and use nothing but leverage moves or kicks, elbows, knees, sweeps etc.

It's fun and makes you a more disciplined fighter.

Give it a try.

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