目前分類:arthritis in knee (150)

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Gout is one of those conditions which can be aided considerably with a change in diet and lifestyle, and is a form of arthritis which is normally associated with "high living". This condition causes a rather painful accumulation of crystals of uric acid around the joint. I have seen many gout patients over the years, and I think I have seen one or two a women over the years in my clinic complaining of this rather painful condition.

I can still remember the first gout patient I ever saw, I was practicing in the student clinic in the 90's. A male aged mid forties came in complaining of a very painful right ankle and big toe. He was a mechanic who enjoyed a beer, in fact he said: "Eric, I'll do anything you suggest, I won't be stopping my beer however, but I can't live with this pain anymore".

A gout attack of pain usually strikes unexpectedly, but generally subsides in a few days with treatment. However, some guys can experience pain for several weeks with gout attacks often re-occurring and without the correct management the attacks of pain may become more frequent and can be very debilitating indeed. You should contact your doctor if really severe pain in a joint recurs or lasts more than a few days, especially if the pain is accompanied by chills or fever. Now let's have a closer look at gout, what it is and what causes it and more importantly, how we can help the gout patient with some good natural medicine suggestions.

Gout is arthritis

Gout is regarded as a form of rheumatism and is one of the most painful forms of arthritis. There are different types of arthritis such as osteoarthritis, the "wear and tear" arthritis of the larger joints like hips, knees, back, etc. Then there is rheumatoid arthritis which is the inflammatory (heat) arthritis affecting the smaller joints generally like the writs, fingers, etc. And then there is gout, what I call the "red-blooded male's arthritis". I can remember reading a book awhile ago about the era of the large ocean going vessels such as the Endeavour during the golden age of discovery. Many officers on board such vessels suffered terribly from gout. Mind you, they were the commanding men who drank plenty of rum and ate plenty of beef with lashings of gravy. So what has changed? Blokes still like to command, drink rum and coke or cold beer, and eat hot steaks and what red-blooded guy doesn't? I have never seen a committed vegetarian suffering with gout, and very much doubt they even exist in this country.

Signs and Symptoms of Gout

Recurrent, acute attacks of pain, tenderness, redness, inflammation and swelling around the smaller joints - especially the joint of the big toe. Why the big toe you ask? Common sense - because it is the joint at the lowest point of the body, the area where deposits of uric acid and other wastes tend to form due to gravity. If you are right-handed, the right big toe joint will be more likely affected than you left, and vice versa. This is because you step off and lead with your right foot as you walk, and is will have therefore a slightly better circulation of nutrients (and therefore also a little more deposition of wastes) than your left foot. Reflexologists often talk about "crystals" forming around the toe joints, and you can feel "crunching" sensations if you prod firmly under your toes or wiggle the toe joints at times. The patient can also feel quite a sharp and rather intense pain in a small joint, particularly the toe or wrist. The affected joint can be red, hot, swollen and even throbbing. It may feel "on fire". As earlier mentioned, the pain can be so unbearable that even a bed sheet can cause excrutiating pain.

Gout statistics

繚 Gout afflicts approximately up to 0.5% of the population of the western world.

繚 Over 95% of gout sufferers are men aged 30 or over.

繚 Gout is twenty times more likely in males than women.

繚 Gout is strongly associated with being overweight and having high blood pressure.

繚 Gout can also occur in women, more commonly after menopause.

繚 Maori (New Zealand indigenous peoples) and Pacific Islander peoples in particular tend to have high uric acid levels and are predisposed to gout, especially the Maori patients I see who love abalone, mussels, roe (fish eggs like caviar) and crayfish (like lobster). I would expect that indigenous American or African peoples would similarly be affected by gout, particulary when they live in the developed Western countries and eat foods high in purines.

繚 The type of individual most commonly affected by gout is an overweight man who drinks large amounts of alcohol, is a regular meat-eater, loves rich foods and who may have high cholesterol and high blood pressure.

What causes an acute gout attack?

繚 Certain medications, such as some types of diuretics, can cause gout. Aspirin and niacin (Vitamin B3) can also raise uric acid levels.

繚 Certain diseases can lead to an excessive production of uric acid in the body, including some leukaemias, lymphomas and some haemoglobin (blood) disorders.

繚 Some studies have indicated an increased prevalence of low thyroid function (hypothyroidism) in people with gout.

繚 Dehydration (alcohol & caffeine dehydrates).

繚 Injury to a joint.

繚 Excessive intake of purine-containing foods (see list below).

繚 Heavy alcohol intake.

繚 Recent surgery (this may be related to changes in the body fluid balance because of fasting before surgery).

繚 Family history - hereditary.

What is Uric acid?

Approximately 70% of gout patients have an overproduction of uric acid, the remaining 30% of gout patients have a poor elimination of uric acid, therefore it makes sense to eat fewer foods which help to produce uric acid, and improve uric acid elimination by way of the kidneys.

Uric acid is a by-product of the breakdown of certain foods in the body, and gout was once considered to be closely related just to diet. It is now understood that inheriting a problem with uric acid excretion from the body is probably one of the most common reasons for gout to occur. Improving a person's kidney function as much as possible has helped many gout sufferers I have seen over the years.

Uric acid is the end product of the metabolism of chemicals called purine that are found in many foods. Purines are also found naturally in the body, and normally, the body disposes of excess uric acid via the urine, but in people with gout uric acid accumulates in the body. This can be due to reduced excretion of uric acid by the kidneys or to overproduction of uric acid by the body. This accumulation of uric acid may also cause kidney stones, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to work out that you need to improve the kidney function as much as is possible to help the patient overcome gout.

Gout can be very painful indeed

How come gout hurts, where does all that pain come from? Simple, when the uric acid accumulate in the blood and tissues it can crystallise out into a joint, forming a multitude of tiny, jagged, needle-shaped crystals. This triggers an intense inflammatory response that causes a painful arthritis attack called a gout attack. Have you ever stood on a pin or a needle, perhaps some broken glass and got annoyed and irritated by this? Then you will know how a gout sufferer will feel - they can be most irritated and annoyed like a child who has just stood on a pin cushion. Pain has a way of bringing out the worst in many people! As I mentioned, gout commonly strikes the big toe, but other joints can be affected, including the instep, ankle, knee, wrist, elbow and fingers. Acute pain is generally the first symptom and then the affected joint becomes inflamed (almost infected-looking): red, swollen, hot and extremely sensitive to the touch. I have many times seen a case of gout in the clinic that the patient's doctor referred to as "osteoarthritis", when in fact it had all the makings of gout. Signs and symptoms such as a needle-like pain affecting the small joint, male patient who enjoys alcohol drinker, crayfish and roe (fish eggs), enjoys barbeques and steaks, etc. Common things happen to people commonly, I have often said.

The funny thing with guys is, you see them once then you don't tend to see them again in the clinic. I believe that it is purely the pain that brings them ultimately to see the practitioner. This is especially so for some larger blokes I have seen where the pain was not helped to a large degree by the standard gout drugs, and then there is much more of an urgency to that appointment. I have often said that there is nothing more than a high degree of pain to bring a guy to your room as a patient. If you are a regular reader of my column, you may recall that I have often said that males belong to the "John Wayne School of Health": "I'll be alright, there's nothing wrong with me, and I'll just get right back on that horse and keep on riding". I can recall in one Western that even John Wayne himself went to see a doctor when the pain of a rather large shotgun blast in his shoulder was preventing him from actually getting on his horse, and even then the doctor's visit seemed was under duress!

Good thing that, the pain, it may be nature's way of getting guys off their horses (or out of their cars) and into clinics! If a woman experiences pain, let's say one out of a scale of ten - then she is off to get it investigated. She tends to be much more proactive, is it any wonder a woman will live longer than a man? Males tend to wait until the pain moves from four to five out of ten, and even then, the visit is seen as an "inconvenience". If a man would only start to improve his gout when he experiences the pain at a level of one out of ten, then he will find it a lot easier to turn gout around than when the pain is nine out of ten. This is because at low occasional pain levels, gout is not quite a disease process yet, it is a functional disturbance which can be much more easily corrected. An appointment with the naturopath at this stage will reveal that the man will probably be eating and drinking the wrong foods contributing to the progression of his gout, all he needs at this stage is a change of diet and an improvement in his kidney function to help the clearance of uric acid. Better still, if his blood can be cleansed with appropriate treatment such as a detox process, he will feel much better, reducing and even possibly eliminating his chances of developing full-blown gout.

A visit at high pain levels will only be sought in terms of pain relief, and there will be pathology or disease present. And the stronger the pain, the more urgent will be the pain relief naturally. Seriously bad gout pain can make the biggest blokes cry like the biggest babies, I have seen this on one occasion when a tough Aussie male burst into tears as he told me that even the thin sheet at night on his big toe was excruciatingly painful. This guy was into cold beer and hot pies and had plenty of both, the tears were real and no laughing matter folks!

These cases are harder to turn around because all the focus is purely on strong pain control. Supplements may work, but are not as powerful as pharmaceutical drugs when it comes to pain control, hence the reason why we only see the gout patient once. The drugs which control pain wreck the person's digestion in time, that's the real problem and the stark reality. And the underlying problem is not really sorted either, the offending ways continue and so does the gout. So convenient, just switch off that pain. Interesting if we compare the recent financial crisis which was due to "extending credit", I think medicine is going down the same path until we end up with the upcoming "health crisis" globally which will be due similarly to extending credit of a different nature. You temporarily solve a problem by taking away the pain but create the long term crisis and avoid treating the real underlying causes. I have to admit, this is one area in which natural therapists fail - strong pain control. We are the preventative medicine experts. Acupuncture will have some benefit here, but many patients are just not keen on the needles. Herbs or supplements? Not really, drugs do work well but why wait until you need strong pain relief is my question, why not address conditions like gout BEFORE you require the strong solution?

Conventional Treatment of gout Allopurinol is the pharmaceutical drug of choice used in long-term prevention of gout and decreases the body's production of uric acid. People experiencing gout attacks should, however, avoid medications containing aspirin as these can make gout worse. Pain relievers such as paracetamol or other more powerful analgesics, are often used to manage the pain. Anti-inflammatories, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), are used to decrease joint inflammation and reduce the pain. If NSAIDs cannot be given because of an ulcer, your doctor may use colchicine may be used to settle an attack. I have found the homeopathic colchicines (30c) can be very useful for the gout patient instead of this drug. Do you take a "water tablet" or a diuretic? Pharmaceutical diuretics may cause gout in people who are genetically predisposed to gout by increasing the accumulation of uric acid within the body.

Resting the joint, possibly in a splint, and applying ice packs may help. Ice is a great acute gout treatment which I highly recommend.

Preventing further gout attacks

Prevention is the thing which you need to focus your attention to, and in my opinion is equally as important as treating the gout.

繚 Reduction or elimination of alcohol consumption, this is the BIG one in my opinion. Alcohol causes uric acid levels to rise and has a diuretic effect that can add to dehydration and bring on gout attacks

繚 Make sure you drink plenty of water to promote the excretion of uric acid;

繚 Weight reduction, is often necessary. This can be achieved by reducing dietary fat and calorie intake, which should be combined with a regular (walking) programme.

繚 "Crash diets" should be avoided as this can lead to an increase in uric acid levels through lowered uric acid excretion, you put more pressure on the kidneys and liver when you try to lose weight too quickly and end up with more problems than you can solve!

繚 Dietary changes to reduce uric acid levels in the blood. Avoid purine-rich foods such as shellfish, organ meats (liver, brains, kidney etc.), and fish roe, abalone, lobster or crayfish, crabs, anchovies and sardines.

繚 Limit the intake of dried beans and peas and yeast products like beer and bread.

繚 Try an ice pack on the affected area, sometimes a foot spa can help as well.

繚 Reflexology has helped many patients and is well worth a try, so is aromatherapy.

Eric's gout recommendations

  • Water
    This is the BIG one, drink at least six glasses per day and make sure that you have one of the glasses before you go to sleep - it helps get rid of uric acid. The more you pee the more uric acid you get rid of.

  • Reduce serum uric acid levels.Vitamin C in doses of 4000 up to 8000mg/day increased urinary excretion of uric acid and lowered serum uric acid levels in many trials. This effect would presumably reduce the risk of gout. However, it has been argued that rapid mobilisation of uric acid could trigger a gout attack; although such an effect of vitamin C supplementation has not been reported. To minimise this theoretical risk, I recommend the gout patient to start vitamin C at lower doses and build up gradually.Eat cherriesBlack cherries are the best (fresh or canned) up to 250gr aday or the equivalent amount of cherry juice, has been reported to relieve acute attacks, prevent recurrences, and reduce serum uric acid levels. Sweet yellow and red sour cherries were also effective. I have seen major improvements in more than a few males who stepped their intake of cherries up with acute attacks and have major pain relief (drug-free) within a week. Folic acid in doses of 10mg/day, when combined with unspecified doses of vitamin C, has been reported to reduce serum uric acid levels.

  • Reduce fructose intake. High consumption of fructose (fruit sugar) may increase the risk of gout due to the ability of fructose to increase the body's production of uric acid.If you have bad gout, avoid these high fructose food items: Honey, dates, raisins, figs,

  • Alcohol Daily drinking habits, lack of exercise, and dehydration enhance the increase in plasma concentration of uric acid induced by alcohol, and it is important to pay attention to these factors, as well as to the ingested alcohol volume and type of alcoholic beverage. An excess of alcohol should be avoided. Total abstinence and avoidance of alcohol may be required in severe cases. The worst alcohols to consume with gout are the ones you "can't see though" like whiskey, bourbon, rum, beer, etc. The alcohols which don't seem as bad are the "clear" ones like vodka and gin. You should avoid ALL alcohol if you have bad gout. See now why guys don't tend to come back to the naturopath now if they have bad gout? One male gout patient called me the "fun police", when I made the recommendations of abstinence. I expect his pain levels were not high enough, believe me, ANY male will do whatever it takes to get rid of that pain!

  • Diet Consume a moderate amount of protein. Limit meat, fish and poultry to 100 - 120 grams per day. Try other low-purine good protein foods such as low fat dairy products, tofu and eggs.

  • Body weightMaintenance of, or gradual reduction to, ideal body weight could prove helpful. Your blood pressure will drop, so will your cholesterol and not only your likelihood to avoid gout attacks, but you will reduce your chances of most chronic diseases.

  • Diet Avoid as much as possible: anchovies, crayfish or lobster, shellfish, abalone, fish roe (or eggs live caviar), herring, mackerel, meat extracts, beef in general, kidney or organ meats, lamb, pork, mussels, paua, roe, sardines, yeast (baker's and brewer's, taken as supplement) coffee, tea and ALL alcoholic beverages, chocolate, cocoa, caffeine containing soft drinks, wheat germ, pastry, high fat biscuits and cakes, whipped cream, fried potato, potato chips, broth, bouillon, consomm矇, meat stock soups and gravies. Eat these foods with caution: Asparagus, dried beans lentils, meat, mushrooms, dried peas, spinach (silverbeet) To have in your diet: Milk and milk drinks, carbonated beverages, cereal/grain beverages. All breads and cereals, low fat biscuits, cakes, and puddings. Fat in moderation only, fruit juices such as cherry, blue berry are particularly good. Eat cherries and blue berries. Fish ok, but stick with younger fishes. Chicken and ham, soups, most all the common vegetables, condiments, herbs, nuts, olives, peanut butter, pickles, popcorn, relishes, salt.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Although arthritic conditions may not originate in the lumbar region, they can also affect the back and result in arthritis back pain. Commonly, there are a few types of arthritic conditions that may need back pain treatment as well, such as osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. These conditions may not begin in the spine, but may ultimately travel to the lumbar region.

Osteoarthritis refers to the loss of protective cartilage that results in abnormalities surrounding the bone. Osteoarthritis strikes in two forms: primary, the most common, progressive type that sets in around age forty-five and the secondary form resulting from a trauma or injury. Osteoarthritis also affects the spine and it can be painful at any age. The condition commonly affects the small joints in the hands, the hip, the knee and the spine. A typical symptom of Osteoarthritis is pain without activity upon waking up. The pain subsides with movement and intensifies in damp weather. In addition, sitting for a prolonged period of time also causes the spine to hurt.

Typically, back pain patients suffering from Osteoarthritis are advised to maintain a regular regimen of gentle exercise and proper weight balance. In addition, they are also prescribed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) which can help them to relieve the back pain and allow the recovery of weak muscles.

Another common arthritic condition that may lead to arthritis back pain is rheumatoid arthritis. This form of arthritis, usually affects the knee, hip, hand, neck and spine areas. It is usually more common in women than in men. The first symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is malaise and fatigue, including morning tenderness and prolonged stiffness of the joints, particularly in the hands and feet. As symptoms intensify, drug therapy is used to prevent irreversible cartilage loss or deformity. If joint swelling worsens, the inflammation process proceeds to the cartilage and bone. In the final stages, overgrowth of cartilage and destruction of the bone throw ligaments out of position.

One effective treatment of rheumatoid arthritis is to remain active during the day. You should exercise for at least twenty minutes a day to help build muscle strength. Besides this, NSAIDS are being used to reduce swelling and pain in the joints. If NSAIDS do not work, you may instead be given cortisone to reduce inflammation.

For more information on effective back pain remedies, quick cures for back pain or fun back pain exercises, you can visit this site: Back Pain Clinic

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The best home remedies for gout are the old fashioned methods that
grandparents used. To relieve gout pain and suffering, the "old timers"
had to use products that were
readily available at home. These products went out of vogue as medical
scientist and researchers touted new remedies for this old problem.

Treating gout with old home remedies has come full circle. Now the old
home remedies that grandma used are now gaining in popularity.

1) Apply Ice to the area. - To reduce pain, applying ice directly to the
area was the first line of defense in most homes. Applying cold packs to
the inflamed swollen joints for 10-15 minutes still works.

Applying ice will reduce the pain and the inflammation. This may feel
uncomfortable for the first few minutes but be persistent.The pain of Gout

is worse the feeling of cold on the skin.

2)Take ibuprofen to help ease the pain.

3)Exercise the joints. Put each of the joint through a full range of motion.
Try doing this exercise 1-2 times per day.

4)Soak the feet in Epsom Salt if the pain is concentrated in the big toe.
Epsom Salt is a staple in almost every grandma's house. Older people use Epsom
Salt for everything from a laxative to a bath salt to sooth aching muscles.

Epsom salts contains Magnesium. Raising your magnesium levels may improve your
heart and circulation and lower blood pressure. It will also help flush
away the toxins and heavy metals from the body. Most importantly it helps to
reduce stress. Soaking your feet in a warm tub of Epsom salts will give you
almost immediate relief from gout pain.

For a leisurely bathe: Add two cups of Epsom Salt to the warm water as the bathtub
fills. Soak leisurely in the tub until the water starts losing heat.

For an extra treat, add a few drops of scented essential oil.

5) Eat strawberries fresh strawberries also help neutralize uric acid, as do nuts,
seeds, and grains, although to a lesser extent. The berries contain high concentrations

of vitamin C as well as fruit acids and minerals, like potassium, magnesium zinc,
manganese, calcium and iron.

6) Eat some cherries - Consume cherries and cherry juice often. Cherries are an
old nutritional remedy known to help reduce uric-acid levels

7) Drink water in abundance 8-10 glasses per day will flush way toxins and dilute
the uric acid levels.

8)Increase your consumption of foods such as citrus fruits, berries, tomatoes,
green peppers, and leafy greens, which are high in natural vitamin C and the
bioflavonoids that reduce inflammation.

9)Exercise regularly. Regular exercise can relieve or prevent joint pain.
Exercise is needed to nourish the joint cartilage. regular exercise helps
the body remove waste products. Exercise strengthens the muscles around the joint.
Developing strong muscles will support the joint more effectively and reduce
injuries. Stretching your muscles helps you maintain a range of motion

10) Apple Cider Vinegar is a wonderful old-timers home remedy, cures more
ailments than any other folk remedy. Try 2 tbsp of organic apple cider
vinegar mixed with 2 tablespoons of organic honey (2 times daily).
within a few hours the pain of gout will start to subside.

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Knee osteoarthritis is a condition that affects millions of Americans and has several different causes. The primary cause of this condition is obesity. Many people who are obese or even overweight, will develop a problem in their knee joints that cannot take the extra weight.

Another cause of osteoarthritis in the knees can be related to a previous injury. Many athletes or former athletes suffer from this condition. The injury wears down the cartilage in the knee to the point where it is stiff and sore.

Symptoms of Knee Osteoarthritis

The symptoms of knee osteoarthritis will usually come on gradually. You will notice pain, the dominating symptom of arthritis, in the joint, accompanied by stiffness. This pain will usually get worse over a period of time, although not everyone who suffers from knee osteoarthritis will find the condition debilitating. Everyone appears to suffer from a different degree of pain from this condition. This could be because some people also have higher pain thresholds than others.

If you have the symptoms of knee osteoarthritis, you need to see a doctor to have the diagnosis confirmed. The pain coupled by a stiffness in the joint are the primary symptoms for this disease. Osteoarthritis of the knee can also present with a freezing up of the joint intermittently.

Treatment Options for Knee Osteoarthritis

When a doctor diagnoses osteoarthritis, usually after taking a blood test as well as an x-ray of the joint, they will give you options based upon the cause of the condition as well as your age and the overall damage to the joint. If the reason for the knee osteoarthritis is due to obesity, your doctor will advise you to lose weight.

Many people who suffer from osteoarthritis of the knee are overweight. They find that when they lose weight, their symptoms are dramatically reduced. If you are overweight and suffering from knee problems, losing weight is the best option. This can be done by a diet rich in fiber and vitamins as well as exercise.

Exercise can help those who suffer from osteoarthritis in the knee. Swimming is considered to be the best exercise for this condition. Walking is also good exercise, although many with this condition will find that walking becomes painful. Exercise with knee osteoarthritis can be somewhat of a Catch 22. People want to lose weight through exercise, but find it too painful - making the osteoarthritis even worse.

A knee brace is also one way that the pain and swelling from this condition can be alleviated. Your doctor may recommend a knee brace as well as a heating pad to help with the swelling.

There are anti-inflammatory medications that a doctor can prescribe for those who are suffering from very painful affects of osteoarthritis of the knee. NSAIDS are the category of anti-inflammatory drugs that are most often prescribed for this condition. Some doctors will prescribe muscle relaxants and others will prescribe pain pills. Medication, however, should be a last resort and not a first option when it comes to treating osteoarthritis of the knee.

In some cases, knee replacement surgery can be performed. This is often an option for younger people who have suffered a previous injury and who want to avoid disability from this condition.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A common problem faced by cyclists is knee pain. Usually cyclists experience cycling knee pain due to irritation of the cartilage behind the kneecap. Repeated activities of the leg cause fatigue to the tendons or the bones damaging tissues around the knee joint.

Overuse injuries of the knee are commonly seen in riders who go on long distance cycling tours and they experience pain due to repeated stress placed on the knees. If increased stress is placed on the entire knee while cycling, there is a likelihood of deforming the cartilage between the bones in the knee. This may lead to cycling knee pain.

The synovial fluid in the knee has an important lubricating effect. The circulation of fluid is necessary to keep the cartilage cells in your knee joint healthy. Initial management of the cycling knee pain is by resting the knee with an ice compression etc. Medication also helps to control the inflammation around the knee, allowing the tissues to heal.

Adjustment of the bicycle seat for your comfort is very important for riders. Most bicycle mechanics will adjust the seat for the rider based on the rider's height at a reasonable cost. Adjustment should be made also on the cleat in the bicycle as even a small movement on the cleat can cause major changes at the knee and hip level. You can narrow the cleat position by moving the cleat toward the outer parts of the foot.

It is better to consult a good massage therapist who deals with sports injuries to relieve cycling knee pain. You should not do any hard riding for the first few weeks after the therapy to avoid the recurrence of the pain.

You can follow an exercise program to strengthen the muscles in your upper leg. This will make certain that you are able to exert adequate power from the upper leg while cycling. This technique ensures that a minimal stress is placed on the knee joint while you are riding a bike. Take care to see that the knees move up and down when you pedal with no sideward motion.

While riding a bike, you have to pedal with low resistance to enable your body to adjust to road riding. This can be a good long term technique to avoid knee problems while riding a bicycle. Stretching exercises for the lower leg portion helps you to withstand the rigors of riding a bicycle and avoid instances of cycling knee pain.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You may have noticed that the toll of aging has been greater on some parts of your body than others. It is very common for middle age men and women to suffer from knee problems such as arthritis, tendonitis, and limited range of motion.

This is especially so for people who are unhealthy and over weight. Therefore, it is important that you begin to focus on knee exercises and fitness over 50.

The health of your knee is an important part of fitness over 40. If you are over 50, there is a greater urgency to protect and strengthen your knees.

Your knees bear your weight all day as you walk, stand up, go upstairs, and do many other basic activities. When your muscles and tendons are weak, they cannot adequately absorb shock before it reaches your knee and causes damage.

Over time, this damage can limit your knee movement and load bearing ability. Therefore, keeping your legs and knees strong is a key to maintaining independence later in life.

1) Warming up before any exercise is critical to protecting your knee. Start by walking around to stretch your thigh muscles and loosen your joints.

Next, bend your leg and slowly lift your knee up to your chest. Do this at least 10 times per knee. Finally, hold your ankle in your hand and gently pull your leg up behind your back. This will stretch out the muscles that support your knees while you exercise. Repeat this exercise at least 10 times per knee.

2) Knee exercises can be a basic or as intense as you want. Leg press and leg curl machines exercise your knees and you can add weight as you become stronger.

If you do not want to use machines you can also perform leg lifts, short-arc leg extensions, partial squats, hamstring curls, and leg swings. Make sure that you perform movements which put resistance on your knee and legs from various angles and directions. This will increase your knee support through a full range of activities. Finally, any exercise which reduces weight will benefit your knees because it will lighten the load on your joints.

An important aspect to knee fitness over 50 is to strengthen the supporting muscles in your thighs and calves. You also need to keep the tendons attached to your knee flexible.

Yoga is an excellent way to stretch and tone your muscles and tendons. A yoga instructor should be able to recommend specific movements that will benefit your knee. Also, Pilates uses your body weight as resistance and strengthens your leg muscles.

3) If you feel that your knee is especially weak, then you may want to use a knee brace. There are different types of knee braces, depending on your needs.

A basic functional knee brace should give you adequate support through most exercises. If you have a prior knee injury, your doctor may give you a rehabilitative brace to limit certain activity. Also, if you have arthritis in your knee you may find relief from an unloader brace. If you feel that you have overworked your knees, the best medicine is rest. If you notice pain, redness, or swelling you should take a couple of days off before your resume exercising.

If you continue to have discomfort, you should ask your doctor to take a look at it. Your doctor can also help you develop an exercise plan for fitness over 50 tailored to your knee. You may also decide to include a vitamin supplement to promote joint health.

The more you stretch, strengthen, and tone your legs, the healthier your knees will be. Healthy knees are critical if you want to be able to climb stairs or go for a walk with loved ones in your 70s, 80s, or later.

If you take care of your knees now, you will be able to rely on them for the rest of your life.

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Humans are funny. We spend nearly 40 years maturing to our peak of physical and mental ability, and then it all immediately starts going wrong. As we get older all sorts of body parts start to protest about doing their jobs, often quite loudly.

Some of it can't be helped, of course, but other things can. A lot of the problems we suffer as we age are the result of abuse we've inflicted on our bodies when we ere younger. Unfortunately when we're younger the consequences aren't obvious, but a few years down the line they are. Of course by then it's often too late to do much about it.

A common health problem in older people is arthritis. There are several kinds of arthritis, with different causes, but the most frequent is osteoarthritis; it's estimated that 30% of women, and nearly as many men, suffer from it by the age of 65. Osteoarthritis can be caused by an old injury but normally it's a result of simple wear and tear on the joints. To a large degree this is normal; during our lifetimes our bodies do an enormous amount of work, which can be anything from typing and sewing to moving heavy furniture, and it all involves movement in our joints. It's no surprise that after a while the cartilage that lubricates them begins to get a bit worn, and allows the bones themselves to come into contact. That's when osteoarthritis starts to set in. It can be extremely painful, and prevents sufferers from carrying out many activities.

Normal wear and tear contributes to osteoarthritis, but it's now known that there are aggravating factors that can bring it on earlier or make the effects much more severe. Hard physical work is one of them; applying extra stress to the body wears it out faster.

The other is a group of issues which health professionals class as "biomechanical irregularities." This covers a variety of issues such as bad posture, high arches or overpronation of the feet when walking or running. Any of these conditions forces the joints to move in a way that's slightly different from how they're meant to. Think of what happens if you run your car on underinflated tyres. Instead of the tyres wearing slowly and evenly over the full width of the tread, giving good grip and a long tyre life, wear happens much faster at the outside edges of the tread pattern. The result is tyres that don't do their job as well and don't last nearly as long. Well, it's just the same with your joints.

Your knee, for example, should be passing directly above your big toe with every step you take, and your body weight will act on the centre of the knee where it can be easily absorbed. If you overpronate, though, your knee passes just inside your foot. That moves your weight from the centre of the knee to the inside edge of the joint. The first result is that you'll feel pain beside the knee as the muscles work harder to stop it buckling; later you'll find that the inside edge of the joint, where the cartilage is thinner, has been worn down by the abuse and osteoarthritis is developing. Anything that stops your joints working normally carries the same risk.

The good news is that by taking a few precautions when you're younger you can help your joints work properly and seriously reduce the wear on them. Not only will this delay of prevent arthritis later in life, it'll cut down on pain and muscle tiredness right now.

One of the most important things you can do is improve your posture. If you work at a desk, make sure that you sit with your feet flat on the floor, your wrists supported just in front of your keyboard and your back straight; that will help avoid wrist and spine problems later. If you tend to slouch, learn to keep your shoulders back and your torso upright.

If you overpronate or have high arches it's important for you to remedy that with proper foot care. An important aspect of that is the use of orthotic insoles to support your weight properly and encourage your ankles to pronate normally. Custom insoles will also help with posture, which takes some of the load off your spine too.

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Most of us by now know that it is important to eat fish and to take our fish oils to keep our memory sound and our joints lubricated. However what do we do when despite our best efforts our body is beginning to seize up and we have pain in our joints and cramps and we have arthritis?

Inflammation is often directly responsible for joint pain and tissue damage in Arthritis. It is important to choose foods that decrease inflammation such as avoiding refined, processed and manufactured foods since these contain inflammatory fats, preservatives and carbohydrates.

It is possible to increase inflammation with Omega 6 fatty acids. They are found in soybean oil which is often used in biscuits and biscuit snacks. Another problem is corn syrup which is often used as sweetener. It is a carbohydrate that we digest quickly but disturbs the metabolism leading to the body making inflammation in some instances.

On the other hand extra-virgin olive oil has the antioxidant (polyphenol) which helps protect tissues from inflammation. Omega 3 (oily fish such as salmon, sardines and herring) will help reduce inflammation. We need to eat fish three times a week but as we all know fish oil supplements are essential for people with arthritis.

It is also important to distinguish good carbohydrates from bad by understanding the glycemic index and how they affect the blood sugar. Controlling blood sugar lowers inflammation so replace high-glycemic foods made with sugar and flour with lower type foods such as whole grains, sweet potatoes, beans and squash. If you must eat pasta then do so but not too often. It is better than bread and potatoes. You also need less animal protein, especially red meat and chicken as these contain an amino acid which may cause inflammation. Instead eat more vegetable protein such as beans and soy. It is also important to check if you have wheat and yeast sensitivities as these can add to your problems for all your cells in your body.

Fruit and vegetables are a must on your list. Choose three from each colour daily and add ginger and turmeric, both which have anti-inflammatory effects. Green tea also makes for a good anti-inflammatory drink.

From the list of supplements which will help Celery is essential for arthritis as it has anti-inflammatory and anti-rheumatic properties. It is detoxifying, helps the kidneys dispose of waste products and is good for the digestion. It is useful with bio-flavanoids for rheumatism and gout.

Glucosamine hydrochloride is another supplement which may regenerate cartilage and synovial fluid. It is important that you take it at the same time each day and 2 capsules a day. You will not see the effects until after about 3-6 weeks and do not take it if you are allergic to seafood. Sometimes is can upset your stomach a bit and give you loose bowel motions but this only happens in a few people. It is only a temporary measure and you need to tell your doctor if you are a diabetic or are on certain medications.

Another product in the glucosamine group is Glucosamine Sulphate which is a natural constituent of our bodies formed from glucose. It is important in making cartilage and synovial fluid that helps cushion the joints. As we age our ability to make this decreases and it has been found to stop the pain of Osteoarthritis in some cases. It may also be used as a preventative. It is good for knee Osteoarthritis and sometimes better than ibuprofen. It helps athletes and sports people reduce risk of training injuries. Arthritis sufferers should take 1500mg for acute pain followed by 500-1000mg for general maintenance. It does not act as quickly as medication and should be taken at least 6 weeks.

Since everyone is different if you do not have success with the above try Devils Claw which is yet another herbal remedy to reduce inflammation and pain. Take 1-2ml of the tincture three times a day.

If you have had success with homeopathic remedies then try some Bryonia which can help in rheumatism and arthritis, chest conditions and headaches. Get it from a homeopath. It often assists with swollen, intensely painful joints in rheumatism.

If you prefer something more in the line of teas, try some Cats Claw which is a woody vine grown in rainforests of Peru. Traditionally the Indians used it to treat Arthritis. It has immune stimulating, anti viral, antioxidant, anti- inflammatory effects and has some anti-tumour and anti-microbial properties. It also comes in capsules.

Remember also that your digestion is important as it is important to have a good digestion to actually absorb the supplements you are taking and your nutrition from your food. Otherwise you are loading up with pills and they are just going straight through you with hardly any beneficial effects. Ginger has warming properties, is good for the digestion, circulation, helps with the inflammation and lowers blood pressure. It also helps reduce the pain. Studies in Copenhagen have found it is as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs but without their side effects. However it is slower to work and takes about three weeks to ease symptoms. 500mg daily is a good preventative or for long-term ailments.

To add to the above there are 12 Biochemic tissue salts which help to create a balance back to the body. Ferr Phos (phosphate of iron) is used in acute attacks with fever, inflammation of joints which are swollen and red or painful when aggravated by motion. Nat Phos (sodium phosphate) is useful when there are acid conditions and alternate it with Nat Sulph (Sodium sulphate) Nat Mur (Sodium chloride - which is ordinary salt) when there is creaking of the joints, Mag Phos (magnesium phosphate) alternated with Calc Phos (calcium phosphate) for pain relief in Osteo-arthritis. Sometimes it is good to combine Ferr Phos, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph and Silica and this was a remedy called Zief developed way back in 1964 for pain. It is important to get the chewable, biochemic salts as these are usually more effective.

The above is a long list and I cannot emphasise enough that different things work well for different people however It is possible to control Arthritis with proper diet, alkalising your system and proper supplements. Consult your natural practitioner for a balanced health plan. It is important to not 'self-medicate' so to speak and a 10 minute chat with a practitioner at a health food store does not suffice. You need a proper, in-depth assessment by a Naturopath or Nutritionist who will make a plan to specifically suit your needs and take into account other illnesses and symptoms also.

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Gout is a form of arthritis that usually attacks the big toes of middle aged men but it can also attack women in the exact same way. It can even affect other joints of the body such as the elbow, the wrists, the ankles, the fingers and the one that we are going to talk about in this article, gout in the knee.

Unlike other forms of arthritis gout is almost 100% controllable with the correct diet and a few over-the-counter remedies. In this article we are going to teach you a few ways to control gout or cure it completely.

Gout in the Knee - Cures
1. In a recent 2009 studied carried out in the University of California 2 separate groups of people were given 2 different measures of vitamin C daily. The first group were given 1,500mg daily of vitamin C while the other group were given just the RDA of vitamin C. After the study was completed it was found that the people with the higher intake of vitamin C had up to 40% less uric acid in their body and were therefore less likely to get gout.

2. Black Cherry Juice - Black cherry juice will help gout in the knee due to its very high antioxidant levels. High level of potent antioxidants have been proven to reduce uric acid levels in the body and therefore can minimize the risk of you getting a gout attacks. Drinking one large glass of this wonder juice daily can lower your uric acid levels by up to 20%.

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Arthritis of the big toe joint is common, and can be particularly disabling. Options to manage this condition non-surgically are few, given the express need for the big toe joint to attempt bending during the walking cycle. This article discusses the cause of this painful arthritis, as well as surgical treatment options to relieve pain.

The big toe joint consists of the first metatarsal bone forming the 'ball' of the joint, and the initial bone of the big toe (the first proximal phalanx) forming the 'socket'. It has an important role in how the body moves when walking, and limitation of its motion forces other joints and muscles to function abnormally to take up the slack. Arthritis of this joint, or cartilage wear, occurs when there is abnormal pressure or positioning of the joint bones. This results in grinding down of the smooth cartilage that covers the bone surface at the joint, allowing for smooth motion. As this cartilage erodes, the bone underneath begins to become exposed, and parts of the joint surface start to see bone rubbing during joint motion.

In addition to this, thickened spurs of bone can develop along the margins of the joint, further hampering motion. When bone grinds on bone and when spurs limit joint motion, pain usually results. This condition will gradually worsen, leading to destruction of much of the joint surface. In severe cases, the bones will even partially fuse together. The structural cause of arthritis can be due to many factors. Natural bone structure can contribute to this, such as seen in people with longer or shorter first metatarsals, as well as first metatarsals that are angled too steeply in elevation or declination with respect to the ground surface. Bunions and other rotational deformities of the big toe joint can also contribute to cartilage wear and tear. Fractures, crushes, sprains, and other injuries to the joint can also result in arthritis after awhile. Finally, certain body-wide joint-affecting diseases will cause joint erosion as well, such as seen with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.

Non-surgical treatment is limited, consisting of measures to limit the painful motion of the joint and decrease the resulting inflammation. Stiff soled shoes and specialized custom foot inserts can be used to limit the painful motion. Anti-inflammatory medications and steroid injections can reduce the inflammation, although this is not nearly as effective as it is in larger joints like the knee. However, the unique structure of the big toe joint generally necessitates surgical treatment in many cases of arthritis. Surgical treatment is divided into procedures that destroy the joint and procedures that maintain the joint (in the case of mild arthritis). When joint destruction is severe or significant, the joint destruction technique is chosen as the cartilage of the joint will have to be replaced or removed entirely in order for the pain to be resolved.

The choice of whether to use an artificial implant or fuse the joint surgically is up to the health of the patient and the preference of the surgeon. Joint implants have been in use for fifty years, and are made of metal or silicone gel. Various designs can replace the ball of the joint, the socket, or both. There are advantages and disadvantages to each design, and certain conditions like diabetes with nerve disease, poor circulation, and obesity limit their use. Their lifespan is much longer than hip or knee implants, which have to be replaced after a certain number of years. The motion restored by these implants is rarely equal to the motion of the joint before the onset of arthritis, but in generally is significant enough to relieve all motion pain and limitation. When these fail, or if the surgeon is not advising their use, a joint fusion is the preferred method of relieving joint pain.

This procedure fuses the bones across the joint, resulting in no motion at all. It differs from painful arthritis that is partially fused in that there are still areas of motion in those cases that produce pain. By removing all motion, the joint is no longer painful, leading to a stiff lever upon which the foot rolls off during the walking cycle. Eventually the body adapts to this, although some minor strain can occur to the joint in the middle of the big toe, or the complex of joints in the middle of the foot. If the arthritis is only mild, the surgeon may elect to preserve the joint. In this technique, the surgeon simply removes any bone spur limiting motion, and drills holes in the eroded areas of cartilage.

The drilling promotes growth of a tissue called fibrocartilage, which is a rough form of cartilage that is not as functional as regular joint cartilage, but is better than the bare bone below. It is usually necessary to address the underlying structural problem if this procedure is selected, as leaving the reason behind the arthritis alone will simply result in further arthritic change years down the road. These additional procedures could include procedures to elevate, lower, shorten, or shift over the first metatarsal back to a proper position based on the underlying structural problem. Often a bunion is corrected if present. Follow-up with long term orthotics foot supports is usually needed, along with periodic monitoring.

Regardless of the selected procedure, repair of the big toe joint is generally successful, with good long term results. Complications, including infections and implant or hardware failure, do occur. However, they are uncommon and most patients are restored to pain-free or significantly reduced pain-limited walking within a month or two following the surgery. Nearly all podiatrists (and a small number of specially trained orthopedic surgeons) perform these procedures. If one is suffering from big toe joint arthritis, a visit to their foot and ankle specialist can lead to relief and restoration of activity.

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