目前分類:arthritis in knee (150)

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Ever since Marcel Proust wrote about the ability to transport one's emotions via smells in Remembrances of Things Past, the use of olfaction (smelling) stimulators has fascinated many people, including physicians.

One type of alternative medical treatment is aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the use of essential plant oils either massaged into the skin, added to bath water, inhaled directly or diffused into the surrounding environment.

More conventional physicians are also beginning to look into the medical properties of aromatherapy in the treatment of diseases. There are more than 200 oils, which are often used in combination to treat different problems, including headaches and insomnia.

The essential plant oils are obtained from the flowers, leaves, stems, buds, branches, or roots. The oils are extracted through a variety of methods such as steam distillation or cold-pressing.

When an essential oil is inhaled, the molecules enter the nose and stimulate the limbic system of the brain. The limbic system influences emotions and memories and is complexly linked to other areas such as the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, and hypothalamus. Through these connections, it is possible to regulate heart rate, blood pressure, stress, memory, hormone balance, and breathing. The essential oils used in aroma therapy are then theoretically able to have physiologic effects that may alter emotions or pain perception.

Essential oils can be toxic when taken internally so they should only be administered under the guidance of a qualified professional.

Aromatherapy blends for the treatment of arthritis are usually made from pure essential oils, but also from hydrosols and -- more recently -- phytols. For application to the skin during massage they need to be mixed with vegetable oil, a cream base or a carrier lotion. Essential oils must always be used diluted when applied to the skin. A dilution of 3% essential oils in 97% base is generally regarded as very effective and safe.

Examples of some oils which have been used to treat arthritis include:
Benzoin, Chamomile, Camphor, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Juniper, Lavender, Hyssop, and Rosemary.

Few well-controlled studies have been done to formally test aromatherapy in arthritis. One recent uncontrolled observation was made by an orthopedic surgeon in Japan.

Dr. Nobumasa Shiba, director of orthopedic surgery at the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Hospital, became interested in aromatherapy as an alternative treatment for osteoarthritis in knee joints, which occurs when the cartilage in the joint wears away. About 1 million people in Japan have the degenerative condition.

To test the effectiveness and safety of aromatherapy for patients, Shiba carried out an experiment on a group of patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Thirty-six patients, aged 40 or older who had had physical symptoms for more than three months, were entered into the uncontrolled trial.

The thirty-six patients massaged lavender oil, effective for pain, and rosemary camphor oil, to improve circulation, into their knees in the morning and evening for two weeks.

More than 75 per cent of the patients said their symptoms, including pain, had lessened.

The uncontrolled nature of this study obviously makes interpretation suspect.

A form of aromatherapy used by thousands of people in the United States on a daily basis are menthol-based topical arthritis rubs.

Aromatherapy needs to be studied more intensely before it can be formally recommended as a standard treatment for arthritis. It does seem to help with symptoms in some people. There is no evidence it has any effect on slowing the progression of arthritis.

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Arthritis is a disease of the joints. People suffering from this disease have a burning feeling, terrible pain and aching in their affected joints. There is swelling, redness, stiffness, and heat in the joints. It is difficult to explain the root cause of this disease as there are various reasons for it. It may be cause due to lack of proper diet, lack of proper exercise, lack of hygienic care, due to poor health and similar other factors. It affects both male and female of all age groups and the most disheartening aspect of the disease is that it does not get easily cured through medicines when it is in chronic stages. But regular practice of some selected yoga asanas can cures this disease within few months.

The most remarkable aspect of yoga treatment is that it cures the disease without the use of any medicines and it gives a permanent cure.

Yogic treatment:

The arthritic patients have to do three things: regular practice of selected yoga asanas, to take proper diet, and to maintain proper hygienic care.

The arthritics are advised to practice the following asanas:

  1. Suntulan Asana: For doing this asanas one had to stand on one leg at a time. It removes rigidity and brings flexibility to the joints and also normalized the blood circulation in the affected areas and tones up the muscles. This asanas has curative effect upon the knees, ankles, shoulder joints, wrists, palms and fingers.

  2. Trikona Asana: Trikona asana has medical value for curing the pain or any disorder of the neck and the shoulder joints. This asana has good effect upon the spine, the hip joints, the hands and the palms. All the major joints above the waist area are properly activated and their muscles are duly toned up by this asana. The arthritics are advised to practice Santulan asana first and then the Trikona asana. It also develops the visionary power of the eyes; brings flexibility to the spine and provides the quality of mental attentiveness.

  3. Veera Asana: It exercises all the major and minor joints in a single process in a very effective way. The external activation enhances the blood circulation in the joint areas and restores their normal health. This asana has also a good strengthening effect on the lungs and the chest. It tones up the muscles of the thighs, the hip and the arms and takes away the fat from these areas.

  4. Gomukh Asana: It exercises the finger joints, the elbows, the shoulder joints, the toes, the ankles, the knees and the hip joints very effectively. All the muscles and nerves related to various joints are automatically toned up, activated and normalized.

  5. Vriksha Asana: It tones up the muscles of the ankles, toes, knees, hip joints, shoulder joints, elbows, hands and fingers.

  6. Setubandha Asana: It has the main impact on the spine and the hip joints. This asana also cures pain and corrects disorders of the soulders joints, neck, arms and the palms.

  7. Siddha Asana: This asana has a curative effect on all the joints below the waist area. It has a good effect on the nervous system all over the body.

  8. Natraj Asana: For the arthritics it has a great curative effect upon all the joints. It has also a good effect upon the spine. It removes backache, stiffness, and other disorders of the spine.

Proper Diet:

Diet to be followed by the arthritic people are as follows:

1. Stop eating bananas and curd.
2. Quit smoking.
3. Not more than two cups of tea or coffee a day.
4. Eat lots of fruits (except banana), green vegetables, and germinated grams.
5. Avoid excessive use of hot spices.
6. Should drink 10 to 12 glasses of water everyday.
7. Should eat at least two hours prior to retiring time during night.
8. They should eat four times daily.

Hygienic Care:

The most important thing about hygienic care is to bathe regularly and wear clean cloths. Neatness and cleanliness should be maintained in everyday life.

Thus, if the arthritis patients follow the above mentioned system of yoga therapy they should feel assured of getting fully cured from this disease.

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More and more Americans young and old are suffering from knee pain on a daily basis. The pain may range from mild to severe but debilitating none of the less. Unfortunately, people make the mistake of thinking that they may have a knee injury of some sort but not realizing it may be a symptom of arthritis.

Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that affects over 40 million Americans over the age of fifty. The symptoms cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the affected joints. It may also cause joint deformities and restricted range of motion. In the case of knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, the swelling in the knee joints is caused by cartilage damage and sometimes excess mineral deposits in the tissues.

The cartilage in the knee is a protective covering that works to serve as a buffer between bones. The knee cartilage keeps the bones from rubbing against one another. If it wears out through a knee injury or just plain old age, the protection is no long there causing knee pain.

Your diet can also play a role in your susceptibility to knee joint pain. If your diet is constantly high in sugar, this can cause dehydration of the joints because it becomes too concentrated with sugar instead of water. Water is needed for lubrication of the joints for free mobility and other vital tissue function. This is why it is important to drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.

Of course not all knee pain is cause by arthritis. However, if the pain is constant and you notice it when walking up stairs, stooping down, or squatting then it might be worth making an appointment to see your doctor. Also you may hear a constant grinding and knee popping which may also be a symptom of osteoarthritis.

Fortunately, there is good news for arthritis pain sufferers. If you indeed find out your are in the early stages of arthritis, there are some very good natural products on the market that have been proven to work.

One natural supplement that is widely used in these products is called Glucosamine. Glucosamine is a natural substance found in shell fish which helps to rebuild damage cartilage. Other supplements such as MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane) and Chondroitin are also used in these products. MSM is a natural sulfur compound that helps sweeps away excess mineral deposits and chondroitin is needed to help the body produce more new cartilage.

If you decide that a natural product is the way to go, make sure it has natural ingredients that work together to reduce joint pain and inflammation, help to rebuild damage cartilage, and reduce excess mineral deposits in the joints. You no longer have to suffer from knee pain caused by arthritis. There is help.

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Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an ultraconcentrate of blood that contains a large number of platelets, roughly four to seven times baseline amounts. For example, normal peripheral blood contains about six per cent platelets. A platelet-rich plasma specimen contains ninety-four per cent platelets.

Platelets are cells in the blood that are responsible for a number of tasks. First, they have factors that aid in forming a clot. Second, they have multiple growth and healing factors that help tissue injuries with recovery. Examples of these factors include platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor (TGF). Healing occurs because platelet-derived growth factors stimulate the growth and multiplication of stem cells that aid in healing.

So where can PRP be used in a clinical setting? Fenton and colleagues have reported that in their hands they have been able to successfully treat a number of musculoskeletal problems including tendinopathies, ligament laxity and tears, osteoarthritis, cartilage injury, stress fractures, and non-unions. There are contraindications to the use of PRP. They are the use of anti-platelet and anti-inflammatory medication such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, warfarin, aspirin, as well as high dose fish oil.

Patients with anemia, low platelet counts, and clotting or bleeding disorders are also not good candidates. There is some evidence that cigarette smoking also has a negative effect on the effectiveness of PRP.

In the spine, the sacroiliac joints, facet joints, costotransverse (rib) joints, and spinal ligaments have been treated.

In the shoulder, rotator cuff injuries, glenohumeral ligament issues, as well as arthritis involving the acromioclavicular joint and glenohumeral joint have been treated.

Elbow disorders such as medial and lateral epicondylitis, ulnar collateral ligament strains, biceps tendon partial tears, and osteoarthritis have been treated with PRP.

Problems in the wrist and hand such as osteoarthritis, tendon problems, and ligament strains have also responded to PRP.

In the hip, hamstring tendinosis, gluteus medius tendinosis, as well as osteoarthritis have responded to PRP.

Knee issues that have responded to PRP treatment include: tendinosis of the patellar and quadriceps tendon, collateral ligament strains, meniscus tears, osteoarthritis, and bursitis.

Disorders in the ankle and foot that have successfully responded to PRP are: tendinosis in the Achilles, peroneal, and posterior tibial tendons, as well as plantar fasciitis, osteoarthritis, ligament tears.

So it is abundantly clear that in the right hands, PRP can be a useful adjunct to current treatment measures for musculoskeletal injuries. One caveat: PRP must be administered using tenotomy technique and ultrasound guidance by an experienced practitioner.

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There are many gels and arthritis creams that can safely and effectively be used as alternative arthritis treatment for a severe flare in your rheumatoid and osteoarthritis. But what are in these creams, and do they really work. The number one priority for relieving your arthritis pain is to reduce inflammation and swelling. Most arthritis creams are made to reduce inflammation and kill the pain. However, the effects are only temporary, and you should really be looking to decrease the inflammation by means of oral supplementation, but more on this later...

One ingredient often contained in these arthritis creams is Arnica, a medicinal herb that has been used for hundreds of years for bruises sprains, and backache. It is popular with athletes, especially long distance runners who are looking for localised pain relief for the long run. In terms of its benefits for osteoarthritis, one study showed it to be as effective as gel containing ibuprofen when applied twice daily for three weeks. It is seldom used internally, as it causes stomach upset. There are however homeopathic preparations available in pill form.

Another effective ingredient in arthritis cream is celadrin, another anti-inflammatory agent used to treat the symptomatic pain of osteoarthritis. It is essentially a matrix of fatty acid carbons. It has been shown to improve the range of motion of joints and people with arthritis of the knee can stand for longer and walk further before the pain becomes too bad. Some research claims that it lubricates cell membranes, leading to better fluidity and elasticity. The result is therefore better movement in the affected joint. Celadrin works quite quickly; benefits can be felt after one week of twice daily application.

Capsaicin is the active ingredient in chilli peppers. When used as an arthritis cream, capsaicin can be applied to sore muscles and joints to relieve inflammation and pain. Capsaicin relieves pain in two ways: It can interfere with the enzymes causing the inflammation in the joint, and it can interfere with the pain impulses sent to the nervous system. The relief you feel is only temporary, so it needs to be applied at least twice a day. If this means you can get by with fewer painkillers (NSAIDs), you have won a small battle against your arthritis. Capasiacin can also be taken orally as an effective way to relieve migraines, headaches and cluster headaches because of acting in on the nerve pathways. Some preliminary tests also show that it inhibits the growth of prostrate cells in petri dishes and slowed the growth of tumors in mice. It is also know to relieve sinus pain and relieves congestion. Furthermore, cultures eating a lot of chillies have a lower occurrence of heart disease. This is because capsaicin reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Management of the rheumatoid arthritis is generally medical, but therapeutic approaches and measures as well as surgical interventions can minimize and slow the effects of the disease. The evaluation and treatments rendered in an ongoing manner. It is best for the disease to be managed from a multidisciplinary perspective approach, this means including the principal rheumatologist, orthopedic surgeon, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, orthotists and the social worker, for a more holistic approach.

The management during the acute stage is primarily a medical perspective, characterised by frequent visits and even in-staying in the hospitals for increased rests, pain management and education. In the sub-acute phase, there will be more visits and treatments by the physiotherapists and occupational therapists, depending on the level of systemic and local effects of rheumatoid arthritis.

During this stage, there is also a chance of the hand occupational therapist attending to the patient with the disease for splinting and mobilization of the affected finger and hand joints, if the patient is able tolerate. The benefits of physiotherapy and occupational therapy is positive, and often increases the general mobility and pain management of the joints, equating to a better quality of life.

The drugs/pharmaceuticals that is often prescribed at this point in time include anti-inflammatories, painkillers, and hydrocortisone injections into the joint(s). There need to be careful management and monitoring of the effects of the abovementioned drugs when ministering to the patients, as some may have unpleasant side effects, but with safe administration, they are very effective.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What is Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Rheumatoid arthritis is a vicious disease that affects the joints of the body. It has been known to cause pain, swelling, and stiffness. If a single knee or hand has rumatoid arthritis, the other knee or hand will most likely develop it. Rheumatoid arthritis often occurs in more than a single joint and is capable of affecting any joint in the body. People diagnosed with rumatoid arthritis often get feelings of sickness and fatigue and are more prone to get fevers.
The length of rumatoid arthritis varies from a month to two years. After it has run its course, it leaves without leaving any damage . Many people experience times when the symptoms worsen (flares), and times when they improve (remissions). Others have a severe form of rumatoid arthritis that can last anywhere from a few months to a lifetime. This form of the disease can cause serious permanent joint damage.

Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease that causes pain, swelling, stiffness, and loss of function in the joints. Some very common side effects include:

Joints are swollen, tender and warm

Joint inflammation often occurring in the wrist and finger joints closest to the hand

Joint inflammation affecting other areas such as neck, shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, ankles and feet.

Fatigue, fevers and an overal feeling of unwellness

Pain and stiffness in joints lasting for more than 30 minutes in the morning or after a long sleep

These symptoms can last for years!

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?

The exact cause of rumatoid arthritis is unknown, but it is known that with this arthritis, a person's immune system attacks his or her own body tissues. Researchers are learning many things about why and how this happens. Things that may cause rumatoid arthritis are:

Genes (past on from parents): Researchers are discovering that certain genes may play in the role in the development of rheumatoid arthritis.

Environment: Some scientists believe that something must happen to trigger the disease process in people who have the genes that make them more likely to develop rumatoid arthritis.

Hormones: Other scientists and researchers believe a variety of other hormonal factors may also contribute to rumatoid arthritis.
Rheumtoid Arthritis Treatment:
There are many ways that doctors can treat rumatoid arthritis. The goals of treatment are to:

Reduce pain and swelling

Stop or slow down joint damage

Help people feel better and stay active

Treatment for rumatoid arthritis may involve:

Changes in lifestyle: Make sure to keep a good balance between exercise and rest, take care of your joints, eliminate stress from you life, and eating a health, well-balanced diet.

Medicine: A majority of people suffering from rumatoid arthritis take medicine for pain relief, to reduce swelling and to prevent the disease from getting worse.

Surgery: Many types of surgeries are available to those with severe joint damage.

Regular Doctor Visits: Visit your doctor on a regular basis so he/she can see if it getting worse, determine if the medicine is helping, and change the treatment if needed.

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The dilemma of understanding whether that nagging pain is coming from joints or muscles can be quite daunting, especially for someone who's been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis, recently. Even for those who have not been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, joint and muscle pains can be considered the red alarm point. So what are they really and how do they differ? And most importantly, how can you tell the difference between joint pain and muscle pain? Joint pains are more like those you get right before flu. Remember that dreaded feeling of numbness in all your joints, as if you've been beaten up with a pole? Right! Now muscle pain is different because they are the type of pains you will get after an extreme workout.

Many people associate joint pains with rheumatoid arthritis, but they hardly consider muscle pains playing a role in the game. In fact, it should be acknowledged that if you have muscle pains around certain areas, especially around legs and arms, the culprit could be none other than joint inflammations that are commonly seen in arthritis.

The common symptoms of stiffness, pain and swelling in joints could easily affect the surrounding muscles and give you mixed signals. Therefore, recognizing whether the pain comes from a joint or a muscle may not be an easy task for someone suffering from rheumatoid arthritis.

For example, pain in the feet is very common but no one really cares about it. Remember that if your body is aching or in pain, it is a signal that something is wrong, somewhere in your body. In fact, pain is your messenger that indicates danger. So ignoring aches and pains will not help you in any way. When your feet hurt, you tend to change your posture. The latter may cause stress and fatigue to your muscles. And with that, you've welcomed muscle pain too! These posture problems may then lead to digestion problems, problems of the lower back and knees. Do you see the link?

Similarly in rheumatoid arthritis, joint pains can run from arms to legs, spreading its inflammations all around the joints and sometimes affecting the organs in the vicinity. Therefore, if you experience muscle pains and fatigue on top of the usual joint pains, you should know that inflammations are devil dancing in your body.

According to western medicine, although there is no known cure for rheumatoid arthritis, some alternative treatment methods such as Unani system have proven to be effective in eliminating the condition. The bottom line for any person suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is to know that something has gone wrong somewhere and that if treated, or taken care of early, the conditions could even be reversed.

Regular exercise in healthy doses is a must for any one suffering from joint and muscle pain due to rheumatoid arthritis. Additionally there are health supplements such as Omega-3 fatty acids, SAMe, TMG and Glucosamine that can assist you in the process. Additionally, there are alternative healing methods such as reflexology, yoga and reiki that you can try out with zero risk and no after effects.

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A Peruvian born Oklahoma City physician specializing in internal medicine and rheumatology has created a pain relief gel formula of all-natural ingredients that can give relief to joint pain, muscle discomfort and improve mobility. The doctor states that when looking for an alternative to oral pain medication precaution should be used. Oral medication be it OTC or prescription, can cause harm with prolong use from addiction to stomach or liver damage. Most pain gels contain Menthol. As an active ingredient you should look to see if the product is FDA Compliant. Other ingredients that offer safe and beneficial relief are Aloe Vera and MSM. Look to see if the pain relief gel consists of various medicinal herbs and is manufactured with a strict adherence to the German Commission E-Monographs. The commission was established in the 1970's to evaluate and report on the safety and effectiveness of over 300 herbs. One of the most reliable medical herbs is Arnica. It is recognized worldwide as an anti-rheumatic and pain reliever.

Pain relief gels with Menthol and Arnica can help joint pain in the hands, knees, elbows and shoulders. Some pain gels have also been found helpful in relieving discomfort to sore muscles, tendons and ailments related to fibromyalgia, Restless Legg Syndrome, and Myofascial pain just to name a few. 繚 Pain relief in minutes

There are many pain relief gel products available. However, many of them are presented as a topical analgesic and only offer temporary relief on the most top layer of your tissue. The two different types either contain capsaicin or Menthol. Capsaicin based analgesics offer a warm to hot feeling on the skin. Many orthopedic doctors do not recommend using heat for inflammation and pain relief. The other is menthol based which gives a soothing cool relieving feeling. Pain relief gels that are formulated with medicinal herbs to aid in the pain relieving and delivery of the gel into the tissue are the best. These gels are more costly but the end results can be noticed over other national name brand analgesics. Pain gels with medicinal herbs can give you relief much faster than most joint supplements and safer than over the counter pain relievers that can cause stomach and liver problems with prolonged use.

Look for pain relief gels that have the following:

1. FDA Compliant - Menthol is the active ingredient and manufactured to FDA compliancy

2. Soothing cool relief with no capsaicin or salicylates (aspirin)

3. No animal products or animal testing

4. No dangerous parabens

5. No artificial dyes

6. No greasy residue

7. Made in the U.S.A.

Stop living with pain and start living your life to its fullest. For most pain gels using daily, you can enjoy the activities that were given up due to pain.

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The knee supports the bulk of ones body weight is subject to the many physical stresses of everyday life. The knee is one of the most important joints of the body, and one of the most complexes. Because of this complexity, the knee is susceptible to many ailments. Among the most common are:

  • Arthritis caused by a deterioration of knee cartilage leading to wear and tear on the bones.

  • Ligament tears due to traumatic contact injuries or hyperextension that is stretching because of a sudden change of direct or pivoting.

  • The kneecap (patella) is connected to the tibia and femur by the patellar and quadriceps tendon. Overuse of the knee can cause tendonitis, an inflammation of the tissue.

  • Between the femur and tibia bones there is cartilage, known as the meniscus which keeps the bones from rubbing together. Repetitious movement or sudden turns of the knee can lead to meniscus tears, often in conjunction with other knee injuries.

  • Bursitis which refer an irritation of small fluid sacs which enclose the knee.

  • Dislocated kneecap while the patella slips to the outside of its usual alignment.

  • Hyperextension is used when the knee bends back away from the hinged lock position.

Fortunately many injuries can be avoided or tempered if one knows how to strap a knee.

Strapping a weak or injured knee provides support. A strong knee resists injury while an injured knee supported by sports tape will heal more quickly.

How to strap a knee

Knee taping techniques are designed to support the knee and to reduce stress on the knee during activity and they can be used for both to prevent knee injuries and for the treatment of existing injuries. Taping a knee is simple and, if done correctly, can be extremely effective.

You will need

  • 38mm rigid strapping tape

  • 75mm elastic adhesive bandage


The ideal angle for the knee when beginning strapping is 10繙. This can be achieved by placing a roll of tape under the heel of the knee to be taped, or by putting a folded towel under the thigh.

Begin with an anchor of 38mm rigid strapping tape around the lower thigh and the upper calf, taking care that they are not too tight as this can impede circulation. Subsequent straps will be attached to these anchors.

Next, make a cross on either side of the knee, starting from the mid-point of the shin and ending behind the thigh as well as starting behind the knee and ending at the midpoint of the thigh. The knee will be surrounded by a diamond shape. Support can be increased by repeating these steps several times.

Vertical straps from anchor to anchor on the inside of the knee add greater support.

Finally, using 75 mm adhesive bandage wrap the entire knee, making sure to cover the rigid tape completely.

Knowing how to strap a knee in the correct manner can provide support for weak knees, allow injured knees to recover faster and, generally, make getting about much easier.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Dammed if you do, dammed if you don't.

Runner's knee otherwise known as chondromalacia/patelloformal pain is a condition that occurs when the cartilage found on the under surface of the knee cap known as the patella begins to crack and slowly wears away resulting in inflammation and pain. This layer of cartilage reduces friction between the knee cap and the knee joint, however as this layer of cartilage degrades the under surface of the knee cap is able to rub against the knee joint causing intense pain. Unlike most chronic knee problems that tends to affect the elderly runner's knee predominately affects young athletic individuals, and more so women than men, reasons for which are not clear.

The most common cause of runner's knee are weak or fatigued quadriceps muscles and a tight Illiotibial band, yes these terms sound foreign to me too but there is always Wikipedia. Quadriceps are extensors of the knee joint that assist in the proper tracking of the knee cap, The kneecaps need to move up and down in a smooth motion to insure a balanced running stride. When the muscles in the legs and feet are not in balance then the knees can go off track causing the cartridge to grind away on the kneecap. Pronation of the feet inwards on impact during running can also lead to runner's knee. Worn out running shoes and applying too much tension on the knees are also contributing factors. Runner's knee will become worse if one does not take a break from running after being diagnosed.

Since we are not blessed with x-ray vision a way of diagnosing runner's knee is by looking for the distinct symptoms. Individuals ailing from runner's knee tend to experience pain beneath or on the sides of the knee cap, also there is a grinding or cracking sound when the knee is flexed resulting from the under surface of the kneecap rubbing against the knee joint. Other symptoms include pain after running uphill and swelling at the knee.

Unlike that of arthritis the degeneration caused from runner's knee can be reversed. Treatment of runner's knee is dependent on age, gender, and medical history; however the first and most obvious treatment of runner's knee would be to stop running, not permanently just long enough to give your knee time to recover. Other household treatments include s:

• Applying ice to shin area

• Strengthen quadriceps muscles through various exercises such as squatting

• Avoid lifting weights as this increases tension on the knees and will only worsen the condition

• Keep legs elevated as much as possible and also try sleeping with a pillow between legs

• The use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication can also help to reduce the pain and swelling

If symptoms persist then you should consult your physician as surgery might be required.

As is always the case prevention is better than cure. Proper stretching and warming up before physical activity and cooling down afterwards can reduce one's risk of getting runner's knee. Other preventative practices includes, avoiding running downhill and on rugged uneven surfaces, also when undertaking a new training programme do so in gradual progressive steps.

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A bursa is a sac-like membrane filled with fluid that lubricates joints. They are generally located between tendons and bones. "Bursitis" is the name for inflammation of these membranes. The most commonly plagued areas for bursitis are the hips, lower knees, elbows, shoulders and your heels.

The cause of bursitis can be arthritis, trauma, infection or strain. The role of a bursa is to provide a cushion between moving tissues and bones thus allowing friction-free movement. Sometimes the bursae can become a chronic problem if calcified deposits develop around them.

An inflamed bursa can form under the heel or in the back because a tendon is strained and this in turn prevents full range-of-motion encouraging swelling to occur. Bursitis in the heel is commonly caused by shoes that do not fit properly. Take the time and money to invest in shoes or sneakers that fit properly regardless if you are simply going for long walks in the neighborhood, standing on your feet all day, engaging in a strenuous activity, or participating in any sport.

Another form of bursitis affects the front of the knee caps and is called "pre-patella bursitis." When a bursa in the front of the knee becomes inflamed a large egg-like bump will form over the kneecap. You will not miss the bump because it will be inflamed and it will hurt if you press on it. Sometimes a physician will advise draining the extra fluid in the inflamed bursa. Draining a bursa can often have an after effect of even more extreme swelling. The swelling will diminish in a few days and the bursa should return to normal. Constant pressure on the front of the knee causes pre-patella bursitis, for example if you kneel most of the day while doing gardening you may develop mild to severe bursitis.

Other problems that can cause you to develop bursitis on the kneecap are taking a direct kick to the knee or falling and landing on your knee. Years ago this type of knee bursitis was often called "Housemaid's Knee." As the saying goes: "We've come a long way baby." To prevent so-called housemaid's knee follow these guidelines:

#1. Do not kneel on an injured knee,

#2. Do not put pressure on this knee,

#3. Do gentle stretching exercises such as using a Pilates Reformer with low resistance,

#4. Apply an ice bag to to the swollen area.

There are also many other fluid-filled sacs behind the knees which are interconnected with tendons and tissue to provide friction-free movement. If these become inflamed you will develop a swelling that protrudes at the back of the knee. This is usually diagnosed as "popliteal bursitis." Even though this form of bursitis might not be painful, it may limit your ability to move your knee. Popliteal bursitis may be due to a sports injury created by excess friction around the knee or it can be disease related. Your physician may recommend having a surgical procedure to remove the swollen sac. If there is no need for surgery, the best medicine is exercise that stretches your hamstring muscles and quadriceps. Gyrotonic® exercise is also beneficial to improve and prevent poptileal bursitis.

Overuse strains are common for the hip-flexors, especially for athletes. Your hip flexor muscle has a tendon that is attached to the thigh bone. If the bursa between them becomes inflamed, your hip area will become very painful.  The inflammation often results from one of the bursa hidden under the tendons, instead of between the tissues. Treatment would include:

#1. Apply an ice bag to the area,

#2. Rest, especially laying on your back to avoid pressure on the hip area,

#3.  Gentle stretching to regain flexibility; do this with a physical therapist or certified personal trainer to avoid further injury.

Shoulders are very over used and also sensitive to sports' injuries. Between the tendons and tissue in the shoulder, there are many large bursae to allow friction-free movement. They become inflamed when you exercise or play sports using the wrong form. Bursitis in the shoulders is extremely painful even with the slightest movement of your neck, back and shoulders. If you develop shoulder bursitis get it checked out by a physician because very often anti-inflammatory pills or injections are necessary to speed up the healing process.

You can also enhance the effectiveness of any medication, or help prevent bursitis from even developing, by using natural remedies and taking extra precautions. Here are some suggestions:

#1. Always stretch before and after exercising,

#2. Regularly take Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E and zinc to keep your bursae healthy,

#3. Take Vitamin B-12, when needed, as it has been known to give quite rapid relief from bursitis,

#4. Take bromelain to help reduce inflammation,

#5. Get ultrasound treatments (performed by a physical therapist) to diminish calcium deposits,

#6. Avoid putting too much pressure on your knees by using padding or by standing up and moving frequently, otherwise...Housemaid's Knee!

#7. Use a padded floor mat if you have a job where you are required to stand for long periods of time,

#8. Commit to an exercise program, no matter what your age is. A personal trainer can help customize a program with a well balanced and symmetrical approach appropriate for your fitness level. The right exercise program provides increased strength and endurance, better balance, increased range-of-motion, better circulation and improved posture. All of these attributes help protect your tendons and bursae.

So now that you know more about how bursitis can be prevented and treated, pay attention to these little "sacs" that play a big role in your well being. Start your preventative exercise program today. 

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We employ our knees in most of our body movements. With continuous bone to bone contact, the cartilage can wear out. For that reason knee joint pain is among the most frequent troubles amongst seniors these days. It is typically a part of getting old.

In order to reduce knee pain, health professionals frequently prescribe cortisone shots or an anti-inflammatory drug. The mentioned treatments give temporary relief only yet don't do anything to solve the condition and take it away once and for all. The problem is removed temporarily but the patient with left with the same condition. At times it becomes a whole lot worse when it recurs.

Now and again, pain reliever plus anti-inflammatory drugs accompany terrible unwanted effects. With regular use, cardiac problems can rise or develop. Others negative effects are bleeding, ulcer, perforation of the stomach or intestine. These conditions can be fatal putting seniors at a higher risk. So, it's not worth taking the risk. Do not rely on over-the-counter or prescribed pain killers. These prescription drugs only take away the pain but don't address the real cause of knee pain.

A good natural supplement can certainly give relief from pain and at the same time an even better condition. Cartilage building supplements support cartilage re-growth without side effects. It neither interacts with other supplements that the patient takes. Consequently, it offers the very best knee pain treatment found in the market these days.

The reason why medical doctors do not usually recommend natural supplements is that they receive little training in utilizing natural solutions to address illness. They have little or no clue regarding their nutrition. Also, huge pharmaceutical companies have little fascination with natural solutions simply because they can't be patented. They offer financing for studies on various other medications as well as offer prescription samples and other advantages for medical practitioners to ensure that the latter will suggest them. This has something regarding revenue.

Because of the negative side effects brought by prescription drugs, individuals have began searching for alternative solutions. Natural supplements for ailments and diseases are getting attention from these individuals these days. With the type of treatment of pain relievers as well as side effects of doctor prescribed medicines, re-growing knee cartilage by natural means would be the very best option for you.

I am not suggesting to disregard your doctor's advice. You just might wish to give consideration to trying a natural supplement for knee pain. Natural supplements for knee pain treatment commonly make use of glucosamine and chondroitin - ingredients that have been proven to help resolve joint problems.

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Let me begin by stating upfront that I realize that a great many people suffer from much more serious arthritic conditions than I. This article is not to trivialize their conditions in any way. My intent is to explain how this disease manifested itself in me and the treatment that I have undertaken.

Being an avid golfer, I like many other men can hardly wait for spring to arrive. In 2004 spring came early. My first round I walked 18 holes with a push cart as I usually do. I did not feel any abnormal pain at this point. The next day I went to the driving range to work some of the kinks out of my swing, and hit a large bucket of balls. Later that evening my left knee was in so much pain that I could not stand with any pressure on it, walking was very painful. This persisted for 2-3 weeks, it did finally start to get better, but only marginally, golf had been degraded to using a power cart, there was just no way I could walk 9 holes, let alone 18. Making any full swing was painful from the pressure put on my left knee.

I finally went to an Orthopedist, and after x-rays of both knees and a range of motion exam, was told that I had Osteoarthritis. The doctor showed me the small space left between the bones of my left knee, and told me that the meniscus (a pad of cartilage that cushions the joint and prevents bone to bone contact) was thinning and was in all likelihood torn. He told me that a few years ago, the standard treatment was to surgically repair the meniscus . however this type of repair was only effective at relieving pain about 50% of the time.

The more accepted treatment now, was to prescribe a series of exercises designed to strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, and a pain reliever to control the pain, so that I could exercise. He also suggested that I investigate and take glucosamine which is a natural healing product not regulated by the FDA. He stated that recent large scale studies had shown that glucosamine was effective in slowing down the loss of cartilage and may even contribute to regeneration of damaged cartilage.

Because I had previously had problems using Ibuprofen, he prescribed "Bextra" (a cox 2 inhibitor drug) that seemed very effective. Of course 2 weeks later came the scare about "Vioxx" also a cox 2 inhibitor drug, and I stopped taking "Bextra", which is now not prescribed by many doctors. I started taking Ibuprofen again, however only in great moderation, I have had no ill effects. I continued with the exercises, some gradual improvement was noticed. I also continued taking glucosamine.

All of these measures have contributed to effective pain relief, however even more relief was noticed after losing about 10 lbs. This reinforces the notion that excess weight plays a large role in knee pain.

As of now (going into spring of 2005) the pain seems to be under control, my activity with the possible exception of running, is not restricted in any way. And my golf swing, once again needs work!

Resources for more information:

Arthritis and Glucosamine Information Center - http://www.glucosamine-arthritis.org/

Flexicose Homepage

Arthritis Foundation

National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

Johns Hopkins Arthritis Center Arthritis National Research Foundation

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Arthritis Insight

To Your Health,

Jim Newell

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About 80% of the world population is within the clutches of the ailment called arthritis. Arthritis is characterized by joint inflammation. It is a chronic disorder making mobility, day to day activities and life altogether quite difficult. Pain or arthralgia is the ruling symptom of arthritis, and there is not a single arthritis patient who would not complain of aching joints. Arthritis causes the joints to wear out. To understand the cause of the pain, we have to cast a glance at the structure and functioning of a joint in human body.

A joint is surrounded by a protective cover called capsule. Two bone heads meeting at a joint turn on each other, and the muscles around the joint contract and relax, thereby collectively facilitating movement of the joints. The joint cavity is filled with synovial fluid which acts as a lubricating agent and absorbs the external jerks or shocks. The point where the bone heads meet, cartilages occur. Cartilages play a vital role in inhibiting friction between bones, and provide a padded surface for the free and smooth movement of bones. When the cartilages get damaged or wear out due to factors like aging, obesity, they can no more check bone friction. The bones get rubbed against each other, and may even get eroded to form spur like outgrowths called osteophytes.

The result is an inflamed and painful joint. Aging is a major factor causing arthritis. With age, the cartilages become weak, can no more resist day to day wear and tear, and start flaking. This degeneration leads to loss of cartilage and exposure of bones to friction. If body weight increases, that too can lead to painful joints. The cartilages wear out under the load of the extra body weight, causing arthritis. Apart from the above two factors, heredity, past history of traumatic joint injury or infection, may in course of time, lead to painful joints. Cartilage degeneration is the leading cause of joint pain; but also accumulation of fluids and uric acid crystals within joints can cause arthritis joint pain. Joint pain may even occur when the body's own immune system start consuming the healthy tissues at the joint. This is true in case of rheumatoid arthritis. Knee, hip, shoulder, ankle, wrist and even spine are the joints vulnerable to the attack of arthritis.


1. Excruciating pain at the joints
2. Swelling
3. Stiffness
4. Redness of skin
5. Deformity in the joint area
6. Crepitus or a cracking sound while moving affected joint
7. Constipation
8. Colitis

Rumatone Gold Capsule and Oil are ayurvedic remedies for reducing arthritis joint pain and inflammation. These herbal supplements and massage oil are clinically formulated to ease pain and discomfort associated with arthritis. Rumatone Gold is widely used and trusted ayurvedic remedy to get relief from arthritis symptoms.

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I had been suffering from this condition for some time, to the point where I could no longer do what I loved the most: go for walk and, most shockingly of all, I had begun to have problems even during my sleep because of physical hurt. In my case I had already been diagnosed with disease early, when I was a teenager (but I was given no treatment), when I began to have some symptoms in my fingers. You may not be sure and, if you want to be sure of your condition, a simple and inexpensive X-Ray will tell you what exactly you are suffering from. It is always good to know what you're treating. At the same time, what truly worked for me will work for you regardless of the root of your problem. More on this further on.

I was never someone who would pop a pain killer to make things better (it would not have been enough anyway) because I wanted to cure the problem not 'patch up' the symptom.

Some people take traditional anti-inflammatory drugs and manage to resume some quality of life. I wanted more than a 'band-aid'; I wanted a cure and, at the same time, I wanted a treatment that would not cause side-effects nor damage my body in any way in the long run. So I sought the professional help of both a classical and a practical, registered homeopathic expert. Their simple treatments worked wonders for me without any side effects. If you read extensively about it you can treat yourself (you can find these remedies at any good pharmacy or health food store) but you do need knowledge before you choose the right remedy for you so, until you accumulate the right amount of knowledge, you should seek a homeopathic practitioner.

At the beginning of this article I wrote that what worked for me will work for you even if you don't suffer from Arthritis. This because this 'natural treatment' I used for myself treats the whole of you, including the cluster of symptoms you are suffering from, regardless of what the chronic condition may be. So, as with every illness, make sure it's diagnosed accurately but do not be afraid if you feel traditional medicine can't treat it nor can even properly diagnose it; homeopathic remedies and treatments start from the symptoms and work their way up, regardless of the exact condition. Classical homeopathy will treat deep conditions such as childhood traumas or deep-rooted anger (both with the ability to cause chronic conditions like Rheumatism and most other bone diseases) with remedies such as Staphisagria, Medhorrinum, Lachesis. Practical homeopathy will treat your conditions by mixing the classical approach and adding a contemporary medical approach; so, for example, if you are a middle-aged woman it'll treat your condition with Sepia, Folliculinum. The remedies are very affordable and devoid of side-effects. You can do your own research or, if you are not au-fait with homeopathy, you ought to seek a practitioner. I would choose a practitioner who is registered in Practical ('Contemporary) Homeopathy. The positive side of homeopathy is, besides its powerful and wide-spanning effectiveness, that it does not have side-effects and it certainly does not damage your body in any way.

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Considered as the most dangerous form of acute arthritis, septic arthritis is caused by a bacterial infection in the joint cavity. Usually there is a primary site of infection from where bacteria spread. The site of infection is often along adjacent bone or soft tissue. Bacterial spread is usually through the bloodstream going to the joints. It is estimated that in the general population of 100,000 people, about 2 to 10 of them suffer from septic arthritis. On the other hand, 30 to 70 cases of septic arthritis can be seen in a population of 100,000 rheumatoid arthritis patients. A variety of factors can predispose a person to septic arthritis. Any simultaneous presence of bacterial infection such as genitourinary tract or upper respiratory tract infection can increase a person's vulnerability to septic arthritis. Additionally, serious chronic illnesses including renal failure, malignancy, cirrhosis and diabetes can increase septic arthritis susceptibility. Susceptibility increases with people who have a depressed immune system, or those who have previous immunosuppressive therapy. Accordingly, elderly individuals and alcoholics are also at higher risk of developing septic arthritis. People who are into prolonged use of intravenous drugs, including those who are addicted to heroin, have higher chance of contracting septic arthritis as well.

Septic arthritis comes suddenly with symptoms like intense pain, inflammation and swelling of the affected joint. These symptoms are often accompanied with fever and chills. The infected joint may cause voluntary immobility of the limb. Septic arthritis often affects large joints; specifically the knee. New born or infants who are affected with acute septic arthritis may become irritable and cry relentlessly whenever there is movement; especially when there is hip involvement. Pain is usually present in the groin, upper thigh and buttocks when septic arthritis affects the hip. In adults, knee involvement affects around 50 percent of all cases. The hips, wrist and ankles are also commonly affected with septic arthritis. Some patients may not show external signs of inflammation. Sometimes there is the presence of polyarthritis before the localization of infection. Muscle spasms are a very common occurrence of septic arthritis.

Doctors use several methods to diagnose septic arthritis. Positive identification of the presence of the causative microorganism in the joint fluid using Gram's stain suggests septic arthritis. There are also other additional methods used to diagnose septic arthritis. These measures include x-ray, radioisotope joint scan and white blood cell count. X-rays detect changes in the joint between 1 and 2 weeks after the onset of infection. On the other hand, radioisotope joint scan is used to check for changes and the presence of infection and inflammation in the less accessible joints like the spinal articulations.

Antibiotic therapy is generally the choice of treatment for septic arthritis. This should commence as soon as the causative microorganisms are identified. Elimination of the infection through antibiotic therapy is the primary goal of treatment. It has been observed that patients who were immediately treated with doses of antibiotic within 7 days from the onset of infection had higher cure rate compared with those who were treated a month after infection started. There is an arrest of infection if samples from the synovial fluid show a decreased white blood cell count within 5 to 7 days of antibiotic therapy.

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Horse joint supplements are the only possible prevention tactic for equine arthritis. These supplements can help manage arthritis and give pain relief but it is better to make use of supplements before this problem arises if you want to ensure your horse's optimal performance. Arthritis is more widespread in dressage and racing horses or those who have performance careers. The usual symptoms of arthritis would be swollen joints in animals, joint pain and stiffness, lack of movement around joint.

Arthritis is one of the most common bone related diseases that can affect horses. It is a type of degenerative disease that impairs mobility and causes inflammation of the joint. The pain from equine arthritis can render a horse unable to move without being uncomfortable. Since arthritis is a progressive disease and only gets worse with time, it can completely ruin a horse's professional riding career. And that's not all - joint deterioration from arthritis can also cause deformities and in time, even serious disability.

Joints may also be warm to touch, with some difficulty in motion and pain after exercise or limping. The horse may also be constantly uncomfortable and show signs of changed demeanor. Equine arthritis develops due to deformation and deterioration of cartilage. Cartilage is the tissue that surrounds a joint and acts as a kind of shock absorber for active motion. With wear and tear and intensive routines this cartilage breaks down and starts to erode. Some areas of the bone may also start to deteriorate along with the cartilage, causing extreme pain and stiffness in movement.

Equine arthritis frequently affects the front fetlocks, front feet coffin joints, upper knee joints and hocks. This problem can be caused by wear and tear and poor nutrition but it can also be caused by some kind of infection, age, over-exertion without the use of proper supplements, injury, nutritional deficiency and mineral deficiencies. Horse joint supplements like easy joint liquid or joint suppleness powders can improve the health of joints because of the various types of substances like Glucosamine, Chondroitin Sulfate and MSM.

These substances present in various horse joint supplements will improve joint lubrication and aid in the growth of cartilage tissue around joints. These supplements can also help main the functionality of joint structures and improve muscle formation in horses so the horses can perform at their maximum potential. But the most important function of joint supplements is to make sure that the horses are prevented from the onset of arthritis and other degenerative diseases and illnesses.

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It is a well-known fact that we all need light in order to be healthy. But these days we are learning just how important light really is, and that it can be used to treat a number of health conditions, from mental health to physical pain. Natural light helps to provide some of the nutrition we need, and it plays a role in our mental health. This therapy can be a wonderful tool for helping to keep your body and mind healthy, and can help ease certain ailments, ranging from pain to depression. Many people are using light therapy to treat a number of aches and pains, including knee pain, which can be quite excruciating, depending on the type of injury.

What is Infrared Therapy?

This is basically the simulation of natural light using various sources of artificial light that are similar to natural light. It is a proven method of pain relief, and you will find many people visiting clinics to have light therapy treatments. Basically, infrared light is used to warm and relax the muscle tissues, and it is a perfectly safe method of pain relief, which, unlike many painkilling drugs, is not addictive or harsh on the body. It has been proven very effective in the treatment of knee pain, as well as many other types of physical pain.

Therapy at Home

Although you can visit a clinic to have light treatments, this is something that, unless you have a great health plan that covers a lot, is going to become quite expensive. You can save yourself a lot of money by using a light system at home. These units are easy to use, and not only are you going to be saving money, you will also be having your light therapy in the comfort of your own home, which for many is a really big deal. If you are interested in light therapy and like the idea of being able to do it yourself at home, you may want to look into the Lumiwave Infrared Light Therapy Device, which is small and lightweight, but really does the trick when it comes to knee pain management. This is a deep tissue light therapy device that helps to provide relief from knee pain without any harmful or negative side effects.

At less than $500, this device will really save you money in the long run, and you will be able to have light treatments whenever you like, at your own schedule. And you only need to use it a couple of times per day for just ten minutes at a time. You will be able to adjust the temperature yourself, and the Lumiwave Infrared Light Therapy Device will shut off on its own, so if you happen to fall asleep, you don't have to worry about the device still operating. Because it is portable, if you are on the go, you can take it with you just about anywhere, and you can even use it at work.

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There is evidence that proves that fish oil rich in omega 3 fatty acids can get rid of the pain and swelling of arthritis. Several studies reveal the potency of fish oil for arthritis as an effective anti-inflammatory agent. In fact, it is widely accepted as a better alternative for prescription medicines.

Arthritis is the inflammation of body joint characterized by swelling, pain, and stiffness. Most of the people, who suffer from arthritis, if not all, complain of pain that may range from simple to worst. Pain is the common and constant feature of arthritis that is usually felt in the back, neck, hips, knee, or feet.

We can treat arthritis in several ways. Treatment includes physical therapy, prescriptive drugs, cold compress to minimize the swelling and pain, and in severe cases surgery. These treatments, though effective, are costly and may sometime result to adverse effects as in the case of prescriptive drugs.

The aforementioned are the treatment options until researches revealed the natural healing properties of fish oil for arthritis. Now, more and more individuals suffering from arthritis have discovered how effective and potent omega 3 is in the treatment of arthritis for relieving them from the swelling and pain.

The EPA and DHA fatty acids found in omega 3 work as a natural anti inflammatory agent. Studies have shown that individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who were administered omega 3 supplements have demonstrated relief from the pain and swelling associated with arthritis.

It is by many miles safer than prescriptive drugs when you have to take it long-term. Prescription medicines, though effective, may produce adverse effects especially when taken over the long haul. These effects may range from easily bruised skin to brittle bones to life threatening kidney failure.

Avoid compromising your over-all health condition just to relieve the pain and swelling brought on by arthritis. All you have to do is opt for regular exercise and benefit from the natural anti inflammatory healing properties of an omega 3 fish oil for arthritis supplement.

The best is from a high-quality, pure and safe omega3 supplement that is free from metal poisons, pollutants and other contaminants. A supplement that is made from the best sourced cold water fish which have been put through a purification process prior to molecular distillation and concentration. And, has gone through clinical trials and has been independently reviewed.

Do yourself a favor and take fish oil for arthritis to get rid of the inflammation. Why bear the pain and swelling when you can use a fish oil arthritis supplement? Do a bit more research and take a look at a company that uses pure and safe fish oil. A high-quality omega 3 supplement that contains hoki and tuna oil harvested from the most remote, cleanest and purest oceans.

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