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Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), is one of the most debilitating of all 100 or so forms of the disease, causing joints to ache and throb and eventually become deformed. Rheumatoid Arthritis can make simple things like opening a jar or taking a walk excruciating for sufferers.

Unlike osteoarthritis, which is caused by wear and tear on the joints, RA is an inflammatory condition. Its exact cause is unknown, but researchers believe that it is the caused when the body's immune system attacks the tissue that lines the joints.

Who gets Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Women between the ages of 20 and 50 years of age, fall victim to this debilitating disease two to three times more than men. Statistics show that no one is immune from it, however. Even children and the elderly have been diagnosed.
To date, there is no cure for rheumatoid arthritis, but treatments are being used to help sufferers protect joint damage in order to live more productive lives.

The Symptoms:

The signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis may come and go over time, according to Mayo Clinic experts, and may include:

-Pain and swelling of the joints, especially in the hands and feet.

-Generalized aching or feelings of stiffness of the joints and muscles.

-Loss of motion.

-Loss of strength in muscles attached to the affected joints.

-Fatigue, which can be severe during a flare-up.

-Low-grade fever.

-Deformity of the joints.

-General sense of not feeling well.

Rheumatoid arthritis usually causes pain in several joints at the same time. In its early stages, the joints of the wrists, hands, feet and knees are most affected, followed by pain in the shoulders, elbows, hips, jaw and neck as the disease progresses.

Small lumps, called rheumatoid nodules, are also common under the skin of the elbows, hands, feet and Achilles tendons during outbreaks. They can be as small as a pea, or as large as a walnut, and generally aren't painful.

Considered a chronic disease, rheumatoid arthritis features severe flare-ups featuring severe swelling, pain and weakness, followed by days, weeks or months of normalcy.

What Causes Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Although a specific cause is not known, some researchers suspect that rheumatoid arthritis is triggered by a virus or bacterium infection in some people. Hormones are also being researched as a development factor.

Risk Factors:

With no known cause, it's hard to know for sure who will get RA, but some risk factors may include:

-Age. The risk of getting rheumatoid arthritis seems to increase with age, until age 80, where it suddenly decreases.

-Sex. Females are more likely to contract RA then men.

-Viral Exposure. Being exposed to an infection, possibly a virus or bacterium that may trigger rheumatoid arthritis.

-Genes. Inheriting specific genes may make some people more susceptible.

When To See A Doctor:

Persistent discomfort and swelling in multiple joints on both sides of the body may be a sign that it's time to seek medical treatment. Your doctor can work with you to develop a pain management and treatment plan for your rheumatoid arthritis.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Teeter hang ups inversion tables or simply teeter inversion is an excellent exercise machine, far from the universal gym equipments found in the corners of most homes.

After watching a video about how it works, I realized this could be the perfect exercise machine for persons with limitations on mobility. This is especially useful for individuals suffering from arthritis because the teeter hang ups inversion tables provide maximum support for the back.

Arthritis is a crippling disease which makes it hard for a sufferer to move his joints, mostly the knee and hips. However, I find the teeter inversion to be an easy and effective exercise machine for arthritic patients for them to restore their mobility.

Physiologically, arthritis is caused by the weakness of muscles: weak muscles at the back is susceptible to back pains and at the same time a weak muscle support to the spine and pelvis increases ones risk to arthritis on those parts. If your leg muscles cannot bear the weight of your upper body, the knee cartilage absorbs much of the weight and can wear after some period.

Crunches are often hard to do and only target a small group of our muscles. But with the use of the teeter hang ups inversion tables, even an arthritic patient can strengthen his back and leg muscles. You also have the flexibility and increased range of possible movements. You can turn 90 degrees to one side or push further to your stretching limit, and do pull-ups if you can.

When your joints are painful due to arthritic inflammation, you should not be resting or limiting your movement because the joint would further attract calcification. On the other hand, strenuous and split-second movements will do more harm than benefit the joint. The teeter inversion machine does not require one to be fast-paced or to bear heavy weights. You are just carrying your own weight. The difference is that you are upside down.

Teeter hang ups inversion tables provide the user a back and leg support. It is the ankles which bears much of the weight. For the comfort of those with weak muscles, there are teeter inversion hang ups that are designed not to put too much strain on the ankles by placing some weight on other body parts. Besides, there are the rails that you can grab for support.

If you are thinking that exercise is hard, you have to try the teeter inversion hang ups table. It is guaranteed to work.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis affecting more than two million Americans.

It is a systemic, chronic, autoimmune disease for which there is no cure. RA is capable of causing severe damage not only to joints but to other organ systems as well including the lungs, heart, peripheral nervous system, bone marrow, and eyes.

The 2010 criteria formulated by the American College of Rheumatology as well as the European League Against Rheumatism developed new standards to improve the early diagnosis of the disease. This would, of course, lead to earlier implementation of treatment.

The criteria specifies that a classification of "definite RA" is based on clinical confirmation of inflammation of at least one joint; absence of an alternative explanation that better explains the inflamed joint, and achievement of a total score of 6 or more (out of 10) from individual scores in four areas: number and site of involved joints, positive blood tests for rheumatoid factor and anti-CCP, elevated blood tests for inflammation, and symptom duration.

As a result of these more clearly defined criteria, there has been the move towards "treating to target" meaning treatment should be aimed at a patient with goal of achieving either remission or low disease activity (LDA) as quickly as possible.

There are three steps to this approach:

• The first is to define the target as remission.
• The second is to assess the patient every three months (at a minimum) to see if remission has been achieved.
• The third is to change therapy if remission is not achieved by the three month mark.

Remission is defined as having no more than one swollen or tender joint, a C-reactive protein (CRP) less than or equal to 1 mg/dl, and a patient global assessment of less than or equal to one on a one to ten scale.
Some investigators choose to use a more elaborate Simplified Disease Activity Index which requires, in my estimation, more calculation.

Since disease activity has been shown to correlate strongly with disease presence at one year, after start of treatment, it is extremely important to monitor disease activity frequently. Because of this evidence it's critical to consider a change in treatment early if the patient is not responding and to monitor changes closely.

While not every patient will achieve remission, they should at least be in the LDA category. These changes, I believe are an improvement on the "gestalt" approach we've used for many years to evaluate patients.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Correct seating for the patient with rheumatoid arthritis is very important, as if the patient has a seat/chair that is not suitable, it will result in pain and/or discomfort aggravation. On top of that, it will also contribute to the worsening of his or her independence when they want to get up to go toilet, answer the phone, have a meal etc.

Very few patients with rheumatoid arthritis have adequate seating support in their chairs. Perhaps it is a financial limitation, or it may be a case of lower priority so the project may have been shelved. For seating clinics, many simply provide a means of elevating the seating itself as an option, which most of the time, unnecessary for the person with rheumatoid arthritis.

When choosing a chair for a patient, the following should be considered

1. Patient is to wear his or her usually worn home shoes to ensure that the correct height is measured using day to day tools and equipment.
2. The fabric needs to be a firm one (vinyl material causes perspiration, which leads to other problems)
3. The adequate seat height for the patient is measured from the bottom of the shoes (soles) to the back of the knees of the patient in sitting, and the knees must be at right angles (90 degrees).
4. Seat depth is measured from the back of the buttocks, to the back of the knees of the seated patient.
5. Seat width needs to be measured with the patient seated in the chair, with 1-1.5 inches extra space on each side from the buttocks. This is for turnings, transfers and overall comfort. It should not be more than a total of extra 3 inches as it will result in a further apart arm rests.
6. There needs to be backrest contours along the entire length of the spine, including the neck, and angled to suit each individual patient.
7. Arm rests are required, and they should support the arms without requiring the patient to hunch their shoulders.
8. Each arm rests for the chair should be level, or inclined slightly at the digits, reaching right to the front of the knees to help the patients in getting to stand.
9. It is best when the arm rests are padded with cushions to make room or accommodate painful flare up of joints and nodules.
10. There should not be any boards or crossbars that brace the front legs of the chair, as this will limit the patient's ability to stand up on their own.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by episodes of pain, swelling, warmth and stiffness of the joints. Individuals affected by the disease also experience recurrent attacks of transient inflammation in and around the joints. It normally afflicts two to three joints and has some typical symptoms and is very difficult to treat.

Fast Facts About Palindromic RA

* Palindromic rheumatoid arthritis is a rare kind of inflammatory arthritis with very distinctive features. It is sometimes referred to as a syndrome, which means that it is a typical condition with a collection of several symptoms

* This type of arthritis is generally characterized by episodes or attacks of pain and swelling of the joints. It also affects tissues that surround the joints.

* These attacks generally involve one to three joints

* The attacks attributable to palindromic rheumatism start suddenly and would last for hours or days before the attacks quickly recede.

* There is high probability of recurrence but with unpredictable frequency.

* This syndrome does not usually lead to permanent joint damage, as differentiated to RA.

* About 30-40 % of those affected by the syndrome develop more frequent episodes as the disease progresses. This may lead to complications including rheumatoid arthritis and their rheumatoid factor may become positive.

* The joints commonly involved with palindromic rheumatism include: the large joints, knees and fingers

* X-ray results will indicate normal condition as joint space narrowing id not present.

Recurrent Episodes of Pain

This type of arthritis gives rise to episodic articular, or periarticular pain. The most common joints that are affected by the disease are those of the fingers and knees.

The pain caused by palindromic rheumatoid arthritis can get intense but will not last longer than two or three days. These episodic attacks stop as quickly as they begin. In about 60% of cases, individuals suffering from this disease may have pain-free phases lasting up to weeks or months. In some instances, the attacks can return after years and may cause no permanent damage.

Rheumatoid Factors in Palindromic RA

There are several factors typical of rheumatoid which are observable in some of the palindromic rheumatoid arthritis patients. Some of these factors include:

* The large joints are the more commonly involved when recurrent episodes of attacks are considered

* Soft tissues of the heel pads and finger pads are the ones affected by the swelling of the periarticular tissues.

* Nodules will develop below the skin in the subcutaneous tissues

* During a typical blood test, increased ESR and CRP levels indicate a rheumatoid factor

Treatment of Palindromic RA

NSAIDs are usually prescribed during attacks associated with palindromic rheumatoid arthritis. The treatment for the syndrome may also include steroid injections or oral steroids. DMARDs and colchicine are now also emerging as modalities to prevent future attacks of palindromic rheumatism.

Generally, the factors that give rise to palindromic rheumatoid arthritis are still uncertain. In the absence of substantive study results, medical experts consider the disease to be a special form of RA.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For those suffering from osteoarthritis, arthritis medicines are an essential part of getting through the day.

Osteoarthritis, or arthritis as most people refer to it as is joint cartilage degeneration. It normally appears when a person reaches their 40's or 50's and can be the result of a previous injury.

For example, if a person injured their knee when they were 20, they are more likely to develop arthritis in the injured knee as they approach middle age. It is also genetic, so if you have family members that have it, you are more likely to develop problems. Symptoms normally include stiffness, pain, and swelling.

Treatment options include an array of arthritis medicines including:

- Pain medication that is often prescribed such as hyrocodone, which is a narcotic
- Over the counter anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, naproxine, aspirin
- Prescription anti-inflammatories are also prescribed when over the counter does not seem to help
- Corticosteroids are injections of steroids given in the affected joint to bring down the swelling, which often is the root of the pain

The unfortunate truth is all of these medications can have some serious side effects. For instance, anti-inflammatory medications when taken daily can cause bleeding in the stomach, while steroid injections can raise the blood sugar level.

If the affected joint is damaged enough by the arthritis, such as a hip or knee joint, surgeons can replace these joints, which normally resolves the pain shortly after recovering from the surgery itself. Those that have mild to medium amount of joint damage are not candidates for joint replacement surgery, which means the vast majority of those who suffer from arthritis have daily pain, stiffness, and swelling.

The most common joints affected are the hips and knees though arthritis can be in the hands, ankles, and spine as well. Obviously, a surgeon cannot replace the spine, so this becomes a chronic condition for those unfortunate enough to have the disease. The Center for Disease Control reported that as many as 27 million Americans alone suffer from osteoarthritis compared to 1.3 million Americans that suffered from rheumatoid arthritis, which is an inflammatory arthritis that can be crippling.

Alternative Treatments

Many people turn to alternative treatments for their osteoarthritis simply because of the side effects they may have experienced with traditional medications. When treating the condition naturally or with herbs, this naturally reduces the inflammation and helps lubricate the joints. These include:

- Tart cherries. It has been discovered that taking tart cherries in the extract form has anti-inflammatory properties
- Ginger extract. Taking ginger extract is a powerful anti-inflammatory that can help reduce the swelling, which in turn reduces the pain
- Boswellia. This herb is very powerful and in fact has been used for years in treating inflammation quite effectively
- Hyaluronic Acid. Taking this orally and applying it topically can help lubricate the joints
- Omega 3 fatty acids. This are another wonderful anti-inflammatory and also good for the heart
- Glucosamine. This is what many people have heard of as being great for slowing down the process of the disease

Final Thoughts

Arthritis impacts many people and while prescription drugs can be useful for short-term treatment, they can cause some side effects that many people cannot tolerate. Many turn to natural treatment options because there have less side effects and taking them daily does help with symptoms such as inflammation. Additionally, keeping the joints moving via some form of exercise greatly increases mobility.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Location, Location, Location
The knee joint is a hinge joint comprised of the femur above and the tibia below. The knee functions primarily in bending and extending. Yet despite the importance of the knee in our everyday function, the knee joint is significantly impacted by the function and structure of joints above and below; specifically the hip and foot. Weakness and a loss of mobility in the hip as well as flexibility and biomechanical issues of the foot can result in abnormal stress passed on to the knee, causing a variety of knee conditions. The knee in many ways becomes the victim secondary to its location.

Supporting Research
One of the more common types of knee joint pain is patella femoral syndrome which is simply an irritation around the knee cap. For many years, the cause of patella pain had been specifically related to a lack of quad strength. Recent research studies now indicate that the lack of hip strength has a significant impact on knee cap pain. The most common component affecting the knee is a lack of lateral hip strength. Hip abduction strength has been implicated in a number of studies as common issue for those suffering patella related pain. In addition, studies have also found that performing specific lateral hip strength exercises is an effective treatment for patella femoral pain.

In a similar finding, a 2007 study looked at muscle strength associated with knee osteoarthritis. This study, reported in the journal of Musculoskeletal Disorders, found that hip strengthening helped to reduce knee joint stress as well as arthritis knee pain symptoms.

Similar to studies finding an association between knee joint pain and hip strength, studies have also found foot biomechanics can also have an impact on knee pain. Studies indicate that those experiencing patella femoral pain have a greater tendency to also have pes planus, or a flat foot. Although those with anterior knee pain are more likely to have flat feet, research has not found that the presence of flat feet is a predictor as to who may or may not have knee pain.

Why does the Hip and Foot Matter?
The biomechanics of the leg involves a complicated chain of events. Once your foot hits the ground, the position, strength and flexibility of the foot will influence how forces are passed up the leg. In the same vein, the strength and flexibility of the hip will impact how and where those forces are absorbed.

There is a classic pattern that is found in relation to leg biomechanics and knee pain. Frequently a flatter foot allows the tibia or shin bone to rotate inward. If the muscles of the lateral hip are not strong, this shin rotation will result in femur or thigh rotation. This internal rotation between the shin and the thigh creates increased twisting stress on the knee, frequently leading to pain.

What can you do?
As part of your overall treatment program, seek help from a physical therapist who can evaluate the extent of your biomechanical issues as well as the strength and flexibility of your hip. Wearing supportive shoes, using a shoe insert, and doing lateral hip strengthening exercises may be the best way to help you relieve knee joint pain.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Gouty Arthritis - Do You Have It?

The joints in your big toe have been hurting really bad, and you've noticed that it has turned warm, red, and seems to be swelling. For a while, you ignore the pain, and thankfully it disappears for a while, only to come back at odd times with a vengeance. If you're no longer too young, but just young at heart, then chances are, you may want to go see your doctor and ask if you might have symptoms of gouty arthritis.

This kind of arthritis is just one of the more than 100 types of diseases in this category. However, gouty arthritis is one of the most painful among these and is caused by needle-like crystals of uric acid that form in your joints (usually, in this disease, the big toe, although other joints can be affected as well, like the heel, elbow, knees, wrists, fingers, etc.). So, if you can imagine those "needle-like crystals" pricking your joints, then you can understand why there is so much pain involved in this disease.

Gouty arthritis has four stages, namely:

1.Asymptomatic - At this stage, the person may have tested to have elevated levels of uric acid, probably in a general medical screening, but is not experiencing any pain in any joints. The doctor usually will not prescribe any treatment at this stage, but may suggest some diet changes to prevent the condition from worsening.

2.Acute Gout - At this stage, the person begins to feel pain, and swelling and redness of the joints, leading to what is called as a "gouty attack". These attacks can happen intermittently. It is a good idea to visit your doctor once you feel any acute pain in the joint area to prevent the disease from progressing.

3.Interval - This is the "interval" between gouty attacks, when a person is not experiencing any pain at the moment. Many people mistakenly think that the worst is over when they are in an interval stage and refuse to visit the doctor. What they don't know is that this is exactly what it is named, an interval, and there may be an attack waiting just around the corner.

4.Chronic Gout - When there is no or very short interval between attacks, and there is already permanent damage to the joints. Constant pain medication is needed for this type of gout and it is essential that a physician oversee this disease at this stage. If proper treatment is adhered to in the Acute Gout stage, then one may never progress to this stage.

How is Gouty Arthritis diagnosed?

If you think you are already are experiencing the attacks, when you visit the doctor, then chances are, he may ask for any one or all of the following tests:

1.Synovial Fluid Analysis - Synovial (joint) fluid is extracted from your joints through a sterilized needle inserted in the space. The fluid has a straw-like color and is then analyzed in a lab. Normally, joint fluids that look cloudy or is thick may be abnormal.

2.Uric Acid Test - This is done through a simple blood test taken from a vein or capillary. The blood is then tested for levels of uric acid. If it is high then it will confirm gouty arthritis

3.Joint X-ray - An x-ray of the joint may also be needed to properly see how the arthritis has progressed in the area.

How is Gouty Arthritis treated?

Treatment of gouty arthritis is usually geared toward immediate relief and stopping the pain and inflammation that come with the attacks. Medication is also given to prevent future attacks.

One of the drugs prescribed to reduce the pain, inflammation and swelling is Colchicine and often makes the pain settle in 12 to 48 hours. This medication decreases the inflammation and therefore the pain, but it does not alter the uric acid levels in the blood, although daily use of it helps to prevent subsequent attacks.

Over-the-counter pain relievers can also be effective if it is taken at the onset of the pain.

At times, a diet low in purines is given to lessen the uric acid levels. Some foods that may have to be abstained from are beef, pork, poultry, fish, shellfish, gravy, soda pop, beer, wine, etc.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Podagra-severe inflammatory arthritis at the first metatarsophalangeal joint-is the most frequent manifestation of gout. Patients usually describe waking within the middle of the night with dramatic pain, redness, swelling, and warmth of the region. Flares of gout typically create one of the most intense forms of inflammatory arthritis. The toes and, to a lesser extent, the midfoot, ankles and knees are the most common websites for gout flares. Gout flares often occur in circumstances that improve serum uric acid amounts, such as metabolic stressors leading to elevated DNA or adenosine triphosphate (ATP) turnover (eg, sepsis or surgery) or dehydration.

Agents that reduce prostaglandin synthesis (eg, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), decrease neutrophil migration into the joints (eg, colchicine), or decrease the activation of myelomonocytic cells (eg, corticosteroids) decrease the duration of the gouty flare. Gouty arthritis can be diagnosed by examination of synovial fluid from an actively inflamed joint under a polarizing microscope.

Monosodium urate crystals could be seen as negatively birefringent needle-like structures that extend across the diameter of and therefore are engulfed by polymorphonuclear neutrophils. Firm, irregular subcutaneous deposits of monosodium urate crystals may occur in individuals with chronic gout and therefore are referred to as tophi.

Tophi most frequently form along tendinous tissues on the extensor surfaces of joints and tendons as well as on the outer helix from the ear. This kind of tophi might extrude chalky material, containing urate crystals, onto the skin surface and can be viewed for diagnostic purposes under polarized microscopy. In some individuals, the total body burden of uric acid increases greatly over many years; deposits of monosodium urate crystals occur at numerous joint websites.

This may result in a persistent but more indolent inflammatory arthritis related to remodeling from the thin synovial membrane into a thickened inflammatory tissue. Destructive and irreversible joint deformities resulting from bone and cartilage erosions often produce in this circumstance. Renal tubular injury and nephrolithiasis can also produce below these problems.

Treatment for acute gouty arthritis consists of brokers that reduce inflammatory cell recruitment and activation towards the involved joints. In contrast, prevention or prophylaxis of recurrent attacks of gouty arthritis demands chronic treatment to reduce serum uric acid amounts into the normal array, exactly where dissolution of crystals is favored.

A number of brokers are obtainable that can achieve this objective. These include uricosuric agents (eg, probenecid), which improve excretion of uric acid to the urine, and allopurinol, which inhibits uric acid synthesis by inhibition of xanthine oxidase (a critical enzyme in the uric acid synthetic pathway). Xanthine oxidase inhibitors are conceptually suitable for treatment of uric acid overproducers (10% of individuals), and uricosuric agents for treating uric acid underexcretors (90% of patients).

However, brokers that decrease uric acid production can be utilized for therapy of hyperuricemia irrespective of trigger and are frequently a lot more convenient in terms of dosage regimens. Several newer recombinant molecule therapies, including an enzyme called uricase that directly breaks down uric acid, and a soluble IL-1 receptor antagonist, have shown promising early outcomes within the remedy of refractory gout.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For stressed and busy people, neck pain is very common. It can be due to many things you do and oftentimes, it is mostly related to your age. As you age, your intervertebral discs little by little degenerate just like other of the parts of your body. Usually, this leads to arthritis. Neck arthritis is also known as Cervical Spondylosis. It is the deterioration of the neck's joints, and is common in old. High percentage of people older than the age of 60 is at risk or is affected by this condition. Cervical spondylosis uncommonly becomes a disabling type, though it's a type of arthritis.

Loss of water content and disc degeneration of your spine can cause arthritis. When you were younger, water content is higher in your spinal discs. However, as you age, the discs start to weaken and dehydrate. This leads to a problem resulting from the decreased height and settling of the disc spaces.

Increased pressure in the surface joints can result to the degeneration and development of arthritis which also happen in hip arthritis or knee joint. The cartilage that wraps and shields your joints is destroyed. Complete destruction of the cartilage can lead in rubbing bones (bone colliding with another bone). Bone spurs may grow in the surface joints as a reaction of the body to the worn-out cartilage. This happens to better support the spinal cord. As time passes by, this overgrowth of the bone, which are called bone spurs, may constrict the gap for the nerves to cross. The narrowing of the space in between the spinal cord is called stenosis.

Cervical spondylosis can attack anyone, especially the elderly. If you're wondering if you are one of them, take a look at the following risk factors.


Oftentimes, people who have family history of neck pain may acquire Cervical Spondylosis. A handful of studies show that the occurrence of cervical spondylosis increases with patients who has a family history of neck pain. Confirmation for this information is still pending with continuing research.


Smoking cigarettes stimulates constriction of the blood vessels due to its nicotine content. This may cause you different symptoms, one of which is neck pain.


What you do in your job affects your body. A job that uses many overhead work and strenuous movements involving the neck is linked with the development of cervical spondylosis.

Mental Health Issues

Not only strenuous physical activity can make you susceptible to cervical spondylosis. Even mental and emotional imbalances can result to neck pain. Anxiety and depression is highly associated with cervical spondylosis.

Trauma or Injury

The most common and immediate cause of neck arthritis is trauma or injury to the neck, head or trunk area. Some examples are car accidents, job injury and accidental fall from high places.

Chances of having cervical spondylosis increase if you have these symptoms. Assess yourself if you have these risk factors. If you think you are a candidate for this condition, take the initiative to change those things or activities that you can modify. It's never too late.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Gouty arthritis refers to a specific kind of degenerative joint disease in which uric acid builds up in certain areas. This involves particle crystallization in certain key joints, which ultimately causes inflammation and pain. Though it is most commonly associated with bones, it can also affect tendons and other tissues that are closely related. Medical specialists indicate that the big toe is most often affected, though all joints can potentially face problems. Uric acid itself has specific properties that irritate tissue and lead to redness and swelling.

There are a number of things that people can do in order to decrease their risk of developing chronic gout. Because excessive uric acid is linked to obesity, losing weight can be an excellent way to deal with the problem. If rheumatoid arthritis is a prominent part of the family history, then people would do well to take up healthy living habits. Men and women who have already had at least one gout attack should talk with their doctors to see what kind of exercise plan they can embark on. Weight should not be lost all at once. Rather, individuals should strive for a slow, gradual process.

Most specialists will diagnosis gouty arthritis by examining joint fluid under a powerful microscope. If crystals are present within the fluid, then the diagnosis can be made. Most patients may also notice that several joints are affected at once. If attacks often occur at night, people should try to stay hydrated as much as possible. By drinking a certain amount of water each day, men and women can keep their tissues in optimal shape. This will help just a bit in avoiding overly long episodes of gout.

Patients may also want to sit down with a team of specialists so that they understand the role of genetics in all types of arthritis. If they have had a family member deal with the disease in the recent past, then they will have some idea of what to expect. Proper nutrition, adequate exercise, and pain medication can all help with the worst of the symptoms.

In the end, men and women should rely on their doctors for a properly devised treatment plan. Once the uric acid reaches certain levels within the body, it will be hard to ignore. Physicians will likely recommend that individuals overhaul their lifestyles so that they can better deal with the condition. If they can work to keep the acid levels as low as possible, they should gain some relief as they continue on through life in the years ahead.

The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and is not, nor is it ever intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice or professional recommendations, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician(s) or other qualified healthcare provider(s).

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

For those suffering from arthritis, finding an effective method of reducing their symptoms is a priority. How to stop arthritis pain in a natural way is so important to those arthritis sufferers who may already be taking prescribed drugs, but not always getting the level of relief they would like. There are a variety of simple, but effective ways in which effective relief from the pain of arthritis can be acquired.

How to Stop Arthritis Pain with Rest and Relaxation

A great many people with arthritis can enjoy an active and full lifestyle. However, those that tend to be most active are those who know the benefits of resting and relaxing at the right times. Taking out just a little time in your day-to-day routine to relax a little, by either lying down or sitting in a comfortable chair can have huge benefits. It is all about understanding what your body is trying to tell you. Recognize when fatigue is starting to affect you, then stop what you are doing and simply relax for a while. A regular sleep routine is essential to provide enough hours to let your body prepare for the day ahead. Bathing in warm or hot water brings great relief to many arthritis sufferers. Starting the day off by bathing in a hot tub can be more beneficial than taking a brisk shower. Adding in a mid day soak and relaxing in the tub again in the early evening has its perks. Do this daily and you will start to gain significant benefits, by preventing much of the pain that you would normally experience throughout the day.

How to Stop Arthritis Pain Applying Heat or Cold

Heat is often used to give relief from pain. For arthritis sufferers, moist heat is most effective. There are many electric heating pads available that can provide this. Or you can use a towel that has been soaked in hot water. Always wring out the towel first and apply to the area on top of a dry towel, to reduce the chances of burning. If it is swollen joints that you are treating, then it is better to apply cold instead. Liquid filled ice pads can be purchased that come with Velcro, allowing them to be wrapped around an arm or leg. Take care to avoid frost bite, by removing the pad before the maximum usage time lapses. This is normally around 15 to 20 minutes.

How to Stop Arthritis Pain with Cherry Juice

Recent research has shown that consuming the juice from cherries can have beneficial effects for the relief of arthritis pain. The presence of anthocyanins, the pigments that give cherries their red color, have been said to hold many times the anti-inflammatory properties of aspirin. Although fresh cherries are not available all year-round, you can normally purchase cherry juice at any time. Check to ensure that the juice has a high concentrate of cherries. It is also possible to purchase highly concentrated cherry juice now in capsule form as well.

While there are many natural methods you can use to stop arthritis pain, you should consider them as complimentary to any prescription drugs you may already be taking, rather than an alternative. Never stop taking any regular medication that has been prescribed, prior to consulting your doctor.

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The knee provides the maximum support to our body and bears all the pressure and force while standing, walking and running. Therefore any disturbance in the knee joint leading to knee joint pain can be most disturbing. Serious condition of the knee joint reduces the mobility to a great extent leaving the individual confined to indoors being cut off from the outside world.

The knee joints are surrounded by different ligaments and cushioned by padded cartilages that help in bearing the load while standing. The fluid filled sacs called bursae present around the joint serve as lubricators to reduce the friction between the tendons.


The symptoms of the knee joint pain varies according to the cause, on the timing of the day or while performing a particular activity. Different symptoms indicate different causes that require different treatment.

1. Popping sound in the joint accompanied by pain

2. Feeling of crunching and grinding

3. Locking of the joints preventing the bending and the strengthening of the knee.

4. Swelling, inflammation and redness on the knee

5. Knee pain accompanied by fever.

6. Sometimes the pain starts with the first step of the day early in the morning subsiding later.

7. Climbing stairs causing pain in the knee.


Knee joint pains are caused due to injury, aging or over activity of the joints especially in sports.

1. Arthritis is the most common cause of knee pain observed in aged people due to the degeneration of the cartilage which forms the support of the knee and is inflammatory.

2. Autoimmune disease like Rheumatoid arthritis and Gout also cause pains in the knee causing inflammation.

3. Chondromalacia is observed in younger women due to the softening of the cartilage in the knee.

4. Women suffer from knee pains after menopause due to low estrogen levels.

5. Bursitis that occurs inside the knee.

6. Calcification of the ligaments inside the knee can cause pains.

7. Infection in joints.

Treatment and medication

1. Exercises like swimming and cycling are beneficial in treating arthritis related knee joint pains in the early stage. In extreme cases knee replacement surgery is performed that helps to regain the lost mobility.

2. Application of ice packs and hot compresses relieves the pain.

3. Regular massaging of the knee with medicated and herbal oils like Rumatone Gold, eucalyptus, aloe vera gel camphor and menthol helps in reducing inflammation and the pain.

4. Drinking few cups of tea made from meadow sweet flowers, marigold is helpful in treating knee joint pains.

5. Opting for a low calorie diet to keep the body weight in control.

6. Sufficient rest should be provided to the knees with regulated movements to prevent deterioration of the condition.

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What could be worse that this awful joint pain and stiffness, you wonder as you try to will yourself out of bed. While the pain and fatigue that goes along with rheumatoid arthritis can be excruciating and is without a doubt a possibly debilitating condition, there is actually a form of arthritis that is worse. Psoriatic arthritis is a form of the disease that affects not only the joints, but also the skin, and possibly the tendons, eyes, spine, heart and lungs.

In most people who suffer from psoriatic arthritis, the first sign that something is wrong is the inflammation of the skin. Patients can develop psoriasis on their elbows, knees, scalp, and area around the navel and around the anus or genitals. Psoriasis causes red, raised areas of scaly skin. The signs of the skin disease are first seen in the forties or fifties and generally precede joint pain by several months to years. Once the joint pain starts, it generally involves the joints in the feet, ankles and knees. Inflammation can cause the joints to become red, hot and swollen. Often toes and fingers swell so badly they can resemble sausages. Psoriatic arthritis can also affect the spine.

In addition to skin inflammation and joint pain, psoriatic arthritis also attacks the ligaments and tendons of the body. One of the most common tendons to become affected it the Achilles tendon. This Achilles tendonitis causes the patient to have pain when walking and when climbing steps. Along with affecting the tendons in the heels, the arthritis can also inflame the chest wall and the cartilage that links the breast bone and ribs. This inflammation can cause chest pain and shortness of breath.

Along with the joints and tendons, psoriatic arthritis can also affect the major organs of the body such as the heart and lungs. The lungs can become inflamed causing both shortness of breath and chest pain, especially with deep breathing. If the heart becomes inflamed by the disease, the aortic valve can leak. This leak could result in breathing trouble as well as heart failure.

In its rampage on the body, psoriatic arthritis can also damage the eyes. Redness and itching are common results of the condition. The iris or colored area of the eye can also become painfully inflamed, especially when exposed to bright light. Often the only way to relieve this irisitis is to inject cortisone directly into the eye.

Psoriatic arthritis can often be difficult to diagnose especially in the early stages. One common symptom of this form of arthritis, however, is the pitting of finger or toe nails. Sometimes the disorder can cause the nails to turn loose and fall off completely.

Like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis results from the body's own immune system turning against itself. Unlike the rheumatoid variety, however, psoriatic arthritis can affect not only the joints, but also the skin, eyes and many of the major organs of the body. Left untreated this disease can progress until it become debilitating and sometimes even life threatening.

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Gout is a common cause of arthritis affecting more than 8 million Americans. Although it affects men more than women, there appears to be an increasing incidence of the disease in post-menopausal women. The incidence overall appears to be increasing as a result of the epidemic of obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and elevated lipids, all of which are associated with gout.

Gout, in 90 per cent of cases, is caused by the inability of the kidneys to get rid of urate. In the other 10 per cent, there is an overproduction of urate.

Animals other than humans don't get gout because they have an enzyme called uricase which breaks urate down and allows the animal to excrete it. Human beings, on the other hand, lack this enzyme and therefore are unable to excrete urate (uric acid) appropriately. This leads to accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints and other organ systems.

Gout typically occurs in three stages. The first stage is what is called "asymptomatic hyperuricemia." Asymptomatic hyperuricemia is characterized by elevate blood uric acid levels without attacks of gout. The higher the blood uric acid level is, though, the greater likelihood of an eventual attack.

The second phase or stage is termed "acute intermittent gout". During this stage, patients have attacks of gout but after the attack is over, they are relatively symptom free. The danger here is that chronic inflammation persists despite the absence of symptoms.

The third stage is called "chronic tophaceous gout." In this phase, patients have chronic pain due to repeated attacks of gout with an increasing burden of urate accumulation in the joints, kidneys, and other organs systems. Patients develop " tophi" which are deposits of inflammatory cells, urate crystals and fibrin. Gradual destruction of the joints occurs with the development of crippling deformity.

The treatment of gouty arthritis consists of a two-fold approach with relief of the acute attack accompanied by attempts to lower the urate burden.

Acute attacks can be treated with colchicine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and steroids. The latter can be given either orally or directly into the affected joint.

Drugs that lower urate need to be used for the chronic treatment of gout. These drugs, when initiated, need to be accompanied by gout prophylaxis in the form of daily doses of either colchicine or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for at least six months. The reason is this: as urate shifts as a result of the effect of uric acid lowering drugs, there is a predisposition to acute attacks.

Drugs used to lower urate consist of medicines that make patients urinate out their uric acid (probenecid), medicines that suppress uric acid production ( allopurinol, febuxostat [Uloric]), and uricolytic drugs. An example of the latter is pegloticase (Krystexxa), which converts uric acid to allantoin, an inert ingredient that is then excreted.

Counseling a patient in regards to lifestyle and diet also plays a role in the comprehensive approach to gout.

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Do you suffer from rheumatoid arthritis and have had to quit taking your prescription pain medication because of harmful side effects? Are you looking for natural alternatives to help you deal with the pain that you face doing everyday tasks? If the answers to these questions are yes, then the following tips for relieving rheumatoid arthritis are just what you have been waiting for.

1- The most important thing that anyone can do for their bodies is to exercise. This includes those who suffer from rheumatoid arthritis as well. However, not every exercise is suitable for sufferers of arthritis pain. The exercises that are done need to be good for the muscle, while not being damaging for the joints. A great exercise for those who are living with rheumatoid arthritis, in fact for everyone, is walking. Walking is a good low impact activity that does not put unneeded pressure on the joints. Other alternatives to walking are biking or walking in a pool.

2- The topic of exercising as a way to relieve the pain of arthritis leads into another tip. It is very important to incorporate balancing exercises into your daily routine. For example, water aerobics and Tai Chi are two types of balancing exercises. The reason for these types of activities is that balancing is a very effective way of strengthening without undue pressure on the joints. However, if the joints do begin to hurt, the activity should be stopped. If the pain continues more than a couple of days, it would be wise to consult your physician.

3- If you are suffering from the pain of rheumatoid arthritis, it is a good idea to concentrate on your overall body weight. If this is an issue for you, speak with your doctor about ways that are suitable for you to take it off. When you are dealing with any type of arthritis pain, the extra weight makes it worse. Consider this; there is about 30 pound of force placed on the knees for each ten pounds of weight that is being carried. Therefore, the ability to lose ten pounds will effectively result in 30 pounds of force being lifted from the knee.

4- Some rheumatoid arthritis sufferers find that applying hot or cold compresses can help to alleviate some of the pain that is associated with their condition. When using this method of pain relief, there is a simple rule to remember, ice reduces pain while the heat will loosen the joints and boost blood flow.

5- This next tip, while not an actual treatment option, is very important to your emotional well-being. Educate yourself regarding your condition, this will improve your attitude as well as eliminate the element of surprise. Many people are afraid to ask questions when they are faced with a debilitating illness, they just wait for the bad stuff to start happening and many end up depressed. Don't be one of those people, ask your doctor, ask friends, do research, learn as much as you can about rheumatoid arthritis so that you can better deal with it.

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Coping with arthritis is coping with pain. Approximately one in six people will suffer from arthritis at one point in their lives. In most people's minds arthritis is associated with being elderly. It's true that, as we get older, there is wear and tear on the tissues in our joints. But, it can also be the result of an injury. Even then, it can take years before arthritis manifests itself.

There are many different types of arthritis. But they all seem to share the same symptoms. Symptoms of arthritis are: Swelling, inflammation, pain and stiffness of the joint, or joints that are affected.

The best way to diagnose arthritis is by taking an X-Ray. But this will show the damage, but cannot determine the severity of pain. The pain can be different for every patient. And it doesn't just depend on the amount of damage that was done. A person with less damage could hurt worse, than a person with severe damage. It depends on where exactly in the joint the damage occurred.

People have different pain thresholds. Also, people have different dispositions. So some people are coping with arthritis better than others. Attitude is definitely a big factor in coping with arthritis.

Let me give you a list of known arthritis treatments.that may give you some arthritis pain relief::

o Physical Therapy

o Weight Control

o Exercise to keep flexibility

o Ice- or heat packs for temporary relief

o Topical analgesics

o Acupuncture

o Natural/herbal medicines.

o Support bandages for wrist or knee

Make sure you give your joints enough exercise, without overdoing it. If you have arthritis in your knee, or hip, make sure you do not take on tasks that require too much time. Just do some of the work, and then take a short rest before you finish the job.

A good way to rest is sit in a Lazy Boy chair, with your legs elevated. Don't sit in one position for too long a time. Pull your legs up on the support, and bend your knees. After a few minutes stretch your legs again. If you alternate this every once in a while, your knee, or knees, won't get that stiff, and it will be easier to get up.

Personally, I'm taking some natural products for arthritis pain relief, and weaned myself off the morphine I had been taking for nearly seven years. The morphine was by prescription, but I was getting concerned about all the chemicals going into my body. (Yes, I realize it took me a long time to figure that out).

I feel myself to be much more alert, and don't feel drowsy all the time. Nothing will take the pain away completely,( not even the morphine), but it is now almost negligible. There are a multitude of natural products on the market for arthritis pain relief.

The best way of coping with arthritis is to not dwell on what we can't do, but enjoy the things we are still able to do.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One area that is overlooked when it comes to arthritis are drug-induced aches and pains. Here are four categories of medicines you might want to avoid.


Statin drugs cause a number of muscle problems. First, they can cause simple muscle aches and pains. This condition usually gets better once the drug is discontinued. The second problem statins cause is mild muscle inflammation along with weakness. The blood muscle enzyme, CPK, is mildly elevated. While this problem also gets better once the drug is stopped, it may take several months to resolve. Finally, statins can cause extreme muscle inflammation, damage leading to profound weakness. The CPK, is markedly elevated. When the muscles get this damaged, they release a protein called myoglobin into the blood. Myoglobin in large quantities can lead to kidney failure.

The risk of muscle injury is increased when a statin is used with other drugs that also affect muscles. When statins are combined with drugs like niacin or fenofibrate, the incidence of muscle damage is greatly increased.

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics:

Fluoroquinolone-induced tendon problems such as rupture, are described in the medical literature. The Achilles tendon is the commonly involved site, although other tendons can be affected. Usually, spontaneous tendon rupture happens during or shortly after a course of treatment, but symptoms can occur even months after taking these antibiotics. Whether fluoroquinolone antibiotics should be used in patients with a history of tendon problems or who have risk factors for the development of tendon ruptures basically depends on how serious the infection is and whether there are suitable alternatives.

People at the highest risk are those over the age of 60 years, people taking steroid drugs, and people who have had an organ transplant. Patients who exercise and already have tendon problems are also at risk.

Aromatase inhibitors:

A small number of women receiving estrogen-depleting treatment termed "aromatase inhibitors" will develop aches and pains. Symptoms are most prominent in the hands and can be so severe that patients ask to be taken off therapy. More than 25% of women can be affected by this syndrome which affects hands, knees, elbows, ankles, and a few other other areas.

Symptoms are usually transient and resolve when the aromatase inhibitor is discontinued.

There have been incidences reported in the literature of patients developing rheumatoid arthritis after treatment with these drugs. Therefore, assumptions regarding the cause of aches and pains with these drugs should not be made.

Symptomatic treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be helpful.


These drugs are used for osteoporosis treatment. Unfortunately they cause two types of pain syndromes. The first is the acute phase response which consists of fevers, chills, bone pain, muscle and joint pains that starts after initial administration of bisphosphonates. These symptoms tend to resolve within several days after discontinuation of the drug.

The second syndrome is experienced either within days of taking the bisphosphonate or it can occur after months, and even years of being on the drug. The pain is excruciating and incapacitating in many cases.
Some patients get better after stopping taking the bisphosphonate but there are others who do not.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There is no need to bear the pain in silence because easy-to-do lifestyle changes and food supplements can offer relief from arthritic pain.

Osteoarthritis is one of the commonest causes for the wear and tear in your joints. With osteoarthritis you increase your chances of fracturing your bones as they become brittle. Other than OA, rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can divest your joints of mobility. In RA body mistakenly identifies synovial joints-the cavities in bones containing synovial fluid to lubricate joints as foreign and attacks it. Joints inflame in response to body's attack mechanism, become gnarled and degenerate.

Besides age, which is beyond our control, how we treat our joints decide how long they will serve us. Under activity hurts your joints; so does over activity. If your job involves standing for long in one position it can stress your joints.

Why arthritis aggravates in winter

It's osteoarthritis that worsens in winters, because the cold weather makes the joints feel stiffer than usual. The wide changes in temperature can cause swelling around the inflamed joints, which causes more irritation to the surrounding nerves. Moreover, when the weather turns cold people prefer to stay at home and forego exercise, which can make joints stiffer. Ayurveda explains joint ache in terms of aggravation of vata dosha.

Preventive steps-

It's advisable to keep your joints warm by dressing in layers.
o When the weather turns chilly, stay at home, but go out for walks when the sun is shining.
o Avoid foods that produce gas like beans and dal.
o Keep your joints active by getting warm oil massage.
o For effective results it is advisable to alternate cold and hot packs for 10 minutes. Hot pack will relieve pain whereas cold pack will be helpful in reducing inflammation.
o Eat healthy during winter and refrain from gorging on calorie rich diet during winter.

Supplement shot
Clinical studies have given thumbs up to the supplements of Glucosamine and Chondroitin to repair aching joints. Glucosamine and Chondroitin are part of normal cartilage. Cartilage acts as a cushion between the bones in a joint. An insufficient supply of glucosamine restricts the efficiency of cartilage rebuilding and can delay repair of cartilage and other connective tissues.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis seems to affect so many people, and not always the elderly. A lot of people, both young and old, suffer routinely with bone or joint pain and inflammation. Sometimes this is the result of an injury and soon heals, but for many the prognosis is somewhat more dire.

Nobody wants to be told that they have rheumatoid arthritis. It is seen as an old person's condition and is often debilitating. We imagine inflamed and sore joints, bone deformities, and immobility upon receiving the diagnosis. Without a doubt, arthritis has caused a considerable number of people a considerable amount of discomfort.

Before we continue on with the causes of this very common skeletal condition, we need to define our terms. What most people do not know is that arthritis refers to any type of condition that leads to inflammation, pain, and stiffness of the joints. This means that it is more of a category of conditions than a condition in and of itself.

Further points to ponder:

* There are more than one hundred different conditions that fall under the heading of arthritis.

* The most common conditions include: gout, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.

* When a joint is inflamed, stiff, and/or sore this is known as arthritis.

* Other types of arthritic conditions include: infectious arthritis and lupus. These can produce the customary joint problems but also a range of other symptoms such as: rashes, chills, fever, heart complications, and pain.

So what are the causes of arthritis?

Interestingly, the main cause of most of the types of conditions that fall under the heading of arthritis is nutritional in nature. Nutritional deficiencies are a prime cause but this is good news, because nutritional deficiencies can be addressed and rectified.

What can be done?

Your first duty is to review your diet. Make the changes that are necessary such as omitting what should not be part of your diet, and including what should. The quality of the food that we purchase today is not what it should be. Most of us do not get the proper nutrition that our bodies need in order to be healthy and function at its optimum level. This is why dietary supplements should be included in your diet.

Supplements high in fatty acids, fish oils, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants will aid your body so that it is able to heal itself and repair damage where it has occurred. Coupled with enough regular exercise and weight resistance training, your joint pains and stiffness can become a thing of the past.

The fallacy that so many believe.

Remarkable achievements have been made with regards to natural remedies, such as those that contain the New Zealand Mussel, for instance. Discover how this ingredient can greatly benefit anyone suffering with arthritis.

"Nutritional deficiencies are a major cause of joint pain, stiffness, and inflammation".

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