目前分類:knee joint pain (201)

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Bad Knee Pain

Question: Is your knee discomfort a small but consistent problem for you? Like a nagging pain that reminds you that its there, especially in those moments you were lucky enough to forget you ever had it!

Question: Or, can it flare up to the point where your knee discomfort has transformed into something that is really quite severe? - Unfortunately, knee pain can get so bad that when you bear weight on your leg, the pain can be something that makes your eyes want to pop out!

Question: So now what are you going to do? - Are you trying to figure out a way for the pain to go down, if not to totally leave you alone?

Introduction: At times knee discomfort is something that rest can help solve. Yes, minor knee issues can sometimes be solved temporarily with rest. But let's be real here... The problem that we all have is that we are so busy that rest is not always a viable option. On the other hand, people can not always just go off and rush into surgery to solve their knee pain problems either. This is obvious... Even if you could rush into surgery, you might get stuck with a sizeable bill because of all the related medical expenses.

Question: There has got to be another way to address your knee discomfort issues, right?

1.) Knee Support For Pain Reduction: One way in which you can address your knee problems and pain issues is with the use of knee supports. Knee braces are a great option to help you through those times when a little extra stability and pain reduction would help ease your mind. They can act as a great asset for you, almost being like your new best friend. - Just think about it,... If you do not have a ton of time to rest your leg, due to other things that are going on in your life, then you should think about other options for yourself. Surgery is usually considered a last resort for most people as well. This makes a knee brace a very sensible alternative to addressing your knee pain issues.

2.) The Bottom Line: In the end, the truth is that nobody wants you to have problems with your knees, on any level. But, the truth is that you have to be aware of your knee pain relief options when the time comes. Lastly it is important to get your knee brace from a specialist. Not just someone that is dealing knee braces. A word to the wise. (This is health information, but you should speak with your doctor about medical advice for your particular situation.)

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Fact: forty-two percent of all injuries from overuse affect the knee joint, and runner's knee (a.k.a. patellofemoral pain syndrome or PFPS), is the most common injury among runners.

PFPS can effect both knees, though more commonly it is more painful in one knee. According to the British Journal of Sports Medicine PFPS hinders more young and active people, and twice as many women as men. This is most likely because women tend to have wider hips, resulting in a greater angling of the thighbone to the knee, which puts the knee cap under more stress. The symptoms of PFPS are caused by the irregular tracking of the patella (kneecap) in the femoral groove.

What are the common symptoms of PFPS?

The most common complaint of those suffering with PFPS is tenderness behind and around the knee. Some also experience pain on the posterior side of the knee capsule as well. Instability and cracking could also be signs of PFPS. Although symptoms will be different in each case, running on hills and uneven surfaces often aggravates PFPS symptoms.

What are possible causes of PFPS?

Determining a single cause of your knee pain can be quite difficult. A good approach to eliminating your pain is having your knee assessed by a physical therapist. Anterior knee pain could be a biomechanical problem. Biomechanical issues that may be causing your pain include: excessive internal rotation of your hip, your knee cap may sit too high or too low in its groove, worn cartilage in the knee joint which reduces shock absorption, high arches of the feet providing less cushioning and flat feet, or knees that turn in or out excessively can pull the patella sideways. There could also be muscular issues contributing to your PFPS. Tight hamstrings and calf muscles, in particular, can put excessive pressures on the knee. Weak quadriceps muscles can also cause the patella to track out of alignment, creating painful friction and rubbing.

What can I do to help with PFPS?

A good physical therapist can perform a thorough assessment and determine what factors could be contributing to your knee pain. They would also evaluate your running stride while running on a treadmill to determine if there are any problems with your running technique and gait which may be the culprit of your pain. Treatment will likely consist of exercises to focus on correcting existing muscle imbalances and improving strength in weak muscles. You will also perform a flexibility program for the hamstrings, calves and hip flexors, and education on proper footwear and referral for orthotics to correct your foot positioning, if necessary. The rule is if your feet have good form, your knees will follow.

Some smart ways to prevent PFPS is to try running on softer surfaces like grass or trails. Also, don't do too much. Increasing your weekly mileage more than ten percent each week is too much. And lastly, running on hills can be good for your heart but hard on your knees; make sure to introduce a hill routine slowly! For the best advice contact a good physical therapist who can analyze your running gait and provide strengthening exercises to prevent future pain in your knees.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Pain in the knee can be extremely distressing. The structure of the knee is such that many areas of the joint are susceptible to severe pain as they readjust or wear away. Knee pain could be caused by accidents, sports related injuries, and slips and falls. If neglected, it could result in many problems in the knees such as cartilage or ligament tears, inflammation, sprains, tendonitis, dislocation, joint infection, ligament injury, bone bruises, edema, sub-articular stress fracture or collection of fluid in the joint.

Knee pain can interfere with your daily activities and make your life difficult. You must ensure that you do not neglect it because lack of medical attention might further worsen the condition.

Treatment Options

There are many ways of treating knee pain, and most of these aim at breaking the inflammatory cycle. If the pain has just begun, you could try some home remedies such as over-the-counter anti-inflammatory pain medication, protection with knee pads, rest, ice packs, compression with a wrap or brace, and elevation. But if the pain does not respond to these remedies within a week, you would need to consult a physician or an orthopaedic specialist for further evaluation of your condition and the recommendation of the ideal treatment option. Only then would you be able to get effective and lasting relief.

A proper treatment plan is designed only after your physician diagnoses the root cause for the pain. An x-ray or MRI of the knee is required in most cases.

Physical Therapy as a Treatment Option

It is essential to mobilize and strengthen the muscles surrounding the knee during treatment. Therefore, the entire program of physical therapy is designed in such a manner that the pain can be reduced and at the same time, greater flexibility can be brought about. This in turn, can also improve the function. Apart from that, some other knee pain treatment methods include:

• Massage and Myofascial Release
• Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
• Ice or heat to eliminate muscle spasm and inflammation
• Ultrasound to treat soft tissue injuries
• Traction

Other Pain Management Techniques

There are many more knee pain treatment options available. Some of the most common of these include:

• Exercise
• Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
• Manual Techniques
• Administration of analgesics, NSAIDs, narcotic medications, muscle relaxants, and anti-convulsants and antidepressants
• Radiofrequency radio ablation
• Surgically implanted electrotherapy devices
• Prolotherapy
• Injections

However, it is always advisable to seek the help of the expert before deciding upon any of these options for treating knee pain.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Knee joint pain can be caused by a multitude of things. Self-diagnosis is never recommended and seeing a physician is the most appropriate behavior. The knee joint is one of the most used and loaded joints of our body. We use it even when we do simple actions like sitting down. This is why it is very likely to get injured. More than this, knee joint pain can also be the result of osteoarthritis, diseases that usually occurs in older people.

Younger people sometimes are affected of knee pain due to the condition commonly called runner's knee. However, regardless the cause that has lead to knee joint pain, the sufferers are constantly searching for ways to obtain relief. Massage with herbal oils such as Rumatone Gold Oil is very effective and does a lot of good in cases of knee joint pain. There are certain other oils with powerful analgesic effects which are highly used.

Lavender oil is the most popular and renowned essential oil used for alleviating the pan. It does more than just this, because it has many other medical properties. It provides relaxation for the entire body, it has anti-inflammatory properties and it is also helpful in cases of sprain, muscle spasm, cramps and rheumatic pains. It is one of the few essential oils that can be applied on the skin directly, without being diluted, and it is also great for improving the skin condition, due to its cell regenerating properties.

Sweet marjoram essential oil is good for both the body and the spirit. Massaged on the aching parts of the body, it has the ability of reliving pain, spasms and contractions. It is highly recommended to be used by patients with rheumatism and osteoarthritis and this makes it suitable for those experiencing knee joint pains due to these diseases. Apart for the effects it has on the body, it is also soothing for one's mind, inducing calm and helping people to get pass traumas and grief.

Vetiver essential oil is another effective herbal remedy in knee joint pain caused by arthritis. It reduces the pain and the stiffness of the joints usually associated with this diseases and it also increases the blood circulation in the massaged area. This leads to the fact that the blood flow detoxifies the tissue faster, eliminating harmful substances. Other essential oils with analgesic, anti-spastic and anti-inflammatory properties are chamomile oil, sandalwood oil or lemon and grapefruit oil.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Do you experience sore knee joint pain or discomfort on a regular basis?

Are you one of the millions of people in the world who have had their daily lives drastically affected because of such an ailment?

The truth of matter is that over the past decade more and more people have reported some sort of discomfort or sore knee joint pain without experiencing a major injury to the knee.


This may sound shocking and frightening to many people but the truth is that there rise of factory and industrial type jobs, along with an increase in farm work hands and an influx in office based jobs. Millions of people all over the world are now experiencing sore knee joints due to the physical elements of their every day jobs.

You also might be surprised to hear that many sufferers of a sore knee joint are people who don't work in a physically demanding job! As stated above, even office workers are reporting more cases of sore knee joints.

How Does My Job Affect My Knee Joints?

Consider how you "move" about in your job. Are you constantly standing up and down? Do you have the need to bend and stay crouched in a squatting position for longer than five minutes at a time? Are you constantly having to bend down and back up again systematically while working? If yes, then you may have just discovered the cause of your sore knee joint!

When you put so much strain on your knee joints and are putting them into motion in specific ways over extended periods of time, you may begin to wear down and cause irritation of the muscles, ligaments, or menisci surrounding located in the knee joint. This pain could be mild or it could be so severe that you can't bend your knees without experiencing excruciating pain.

I Can't Quit My Job, So What Can I Do?

There is good news for sore knee joint sufferers! There are simple things that you can do and cheap products that you can purchase that will not only assist in helping alleviate the sore knee joint pains that you currently have but can also prevent future knee pains.

The regular and disciplined use of a knee brace or knee sleeve can prove beneficial and life saving to a sore knee joint pain sufferer. Knee braces are clinically designed and tested. They are fashioned to provide structure for the knee, along with decreasing the amount of soreness and pain that many people are dealing with on a regular basis when it comes to their knee joints.

Wearing a brace is comfortable and affordable, and in the long run can save you from having to deal with discomfort and other physical issues with the joints. They are light weight and can be concealed beneath clothing.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The knee is the largest and the most complicated joint which is most susceptible to acute injuries. Knees are weight bearing joints that can easily rotate, twist and straighten according to our desired position. They are used for accomplishing various body movements like walking, sitting, standing up, running etc. These movements are controlled and managed by the muscles, ligaments, tendons and spongy tissues that cushion and protect the knee joints and provide them strength and flexibility.

Knees injuries, fractures and knee joint pain are the most common complaints that people suffer in everyday life. There are many reasons of knee injuries such as twisting the knee, overuse, falling or a sport injury that results in damaging the ligaments and cartilage that ultimately leads to the generation of knee pain. Physical therapy and massage therapy are the most effective and natural ways of pain management for tackling knee injuries.

Physical Therapy - Gentle & Holistic Way of Pain Management

Physical therapy is a profound and gentle method of pain management that can effectively treat knee injuries and decrease pain. A physical therapist deals with these sorts of injuries by providing certain exercises which strengthens, stretches and supports the damaged muscles and helps decrease knee pain. Physical therapy helps increase muscle strength, provides stability to the joints, increases joint mobility, enhances the range of motion and at the end brings relief from pain. The number of sessions for physical therapy is solely dependent on the severity of the injury. A physical therapist will diagnose and check the affected body area and recommend a course of physical therapy to strengthen damaged muscles and joints.

Massage Therapy - Healing Soft Body Tissues

Massage therapy is a whole-body approach that significantly induces the healing process of the body to promote a sense of well-being. It is a proven method of pain management that releases muscle tension and restores joint mobility. A professional massage therapist, with his skilled hands manipulates various gentle and passive body movements to the affected areas. This increases muscle relaxation, improves blood circulation and helps relieve pain.

There are various types of massage and manual therapies that significantly combat various illnesses, promote overall well-being and are effective for pain management.

• Acupressure is a technique which is derived from acupuncture procedures. In this therapy a massage therapist applies physical pressure to acupuncture pressure points by hands, elbow or with some other device. This will result in stimulation of the healing process to the affected body part.

• Swedish Massage is a type of massage therapy which helps reduce pain, joint stiffness and enhances body function in osteoarthritic patients. It is highly effective for enhancing blood circulation.

• Rolfing is a type of massage which is intended at providing structural integration to the myofascial system and restores the natural balance of the body.

Massage therapy is a holistic and gentle approach to health which is considered as the most important pain management technique for musculoskeletal injuries. Various exercises and body massages provided by the physical therapists or massage practitioners, help increase muscle strength, restore joint mobility, help reduce pain and lower the prevalence of the future injuries.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This article is the fifth in a series of five articles covering the five essential components to knee pain recovery.

None of what I am going to share with you today is to be taken as medical advice. This approach is what I used to get myself out of knee pain that I learned over the past nine years or so.

These are truths, as I know them. Use what you like and disregard the rest. If you have any concerns as to what you are to do, please consult your licensed health care professional.

Just to recap the five essential components to knee pain recovery are:
1.) Water
2.) Nutrition
3.) Exercise
4.) Stretching
5.) Breathing

So, what does breathing have to do with your knee pain?

Well, breathing is the essence of life!

You mark the time of a baby's birth at the point when they take their first breath. You make sure a person is still alive by seeing if they are breathing or not.

Breathing is so key and so essential to life that you can't live without it; yet, how many times do you find yourself throughout a normal day holding your breath?

I took a wilderness training class a few years ago, and we were told about the priority of things to look at in a survival situation and it went something like this:

You can't survive three minutes without air, three days without water, and three weeks without food. So air was pretty high on the priority list for survival.

This point also directly ties into pillars 3 & 4 of my knee pain recovery program regarding exercise and stretching.

You see, when you breathe smoothly you begin to tap into your nervous system and relax your body which is very important for you getting over your knee pain.

So, lets talk now about your nervous system a little bit and how this plays into the knee pain equation.

There are two main aspects of your nervous system: The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system.

The sympathetic nervous system is what people are talking about when they say "fight, flight or freeze." This is the part of your nervous system that a long time ago kicked in when you saw the bear in the woods and needed to make a choice as to what to do to survive. It kicks in especially in stressful situations to keep you alive. This part of your nervous system releases adrenaline to make sure you can get out of that stressful situation. You probably have heard of people lifting real heavy objects off of children in a crisis situation. That's the part of the nervous system I'm talking about.

The other part of your nervous system is the parasympathetic nervous system. It is the "rest and relax" part of your nervous system. This is the part that says, "You've got to eat, rest, and take it easy for a while."

The problem you run into with your knee pain is the sympathetic part of your nervous system does not get shut off due to the way the pain in your knees keeps it stuck in the "ON" position all the time. It keeps going and going and going, kind of like the Energizer Bunny - just not in a good way.

This plays havoc on your knees as well as the rest of your body. Some of the symptoms you will notice as a result of your sympathetic nervous system being locked in the "ON" position are hypertension, increased heart rate, increased sweating, difficulty to digest food, difficulty to sleep, constipation, difficulty thinking - like "brain fog" - and easily irritable, like snapping at loved ones, and the list goes on and on.

You may be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with breathing, and more importantly, my knee pain?" Well, here's the thing.

When you are doing correct exercises that both stretch and strengthen the tendons and the ligaments in your knees, and then begin to incorporate proper breathing, you begin to actively engage the parasympathetic aspect of your nervous system backing off the sympathetic aspect of your nervous system. The end result is you begin to relax both the knee pain as well as reduce the tension and stress built up in your entire nervous system due to your knee injury.

Let me cover proper breathing here for a moment. Proper breathing is defined as "a smooth flow of air in through your nose and out through your mouth." There are a couple of reasons to do proper breathing when doing a correct exercise in order to strengthen the tendons and the ligaments in your knees

The main reason - and it may sound obvious - is that you don't pass out, because if you pass out, fall over, and hurt yourself. You have a whole host of other issues that you'll have to deal with instead of just your knee pain, so make sure you breathe.

The second reason is you begin to control your movements, making them smooth and fluid, similar to that of a cat. This is opposite to the movements controlling you. You're confined by that pain and tension you're feeling in your knee.

Proper breathing allows you to "override" the tension stuck in your nervous system. Actively stimulating your body to rest and relax the tension in your knee and the end result is the reduction of your knee pain allowing your body's own healing ability to kick in on its own.

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What is the best test for diagnosing a knee problem?

The knee is one of the most complex joints in the entire body. It withstands a tremendous amount of stress and abuse being forced on it on a daily basis. With our bodies placing so much dependence on it, it is no wonder that it is also one of the most commonly injured areas in the entire body.

But due to the immense complexity of this joint, it can be rather difficult to pinpoint and diagnose the source of a knee problem. While utilizing x-rays are typically the most common first approach to a diagnosis, they usually do not offer the amount of pertinent and in-depth information that is necessary.

How knee problems are diagnosed

Unlike most other joints, the cause of knee pain is rarely immediately evident. It typically requires obtaining a brief medical history as well conducting a thorough physical examination in order to be able to come to a conclusion. Even then, it often isn't a guarantee that the cause of the problem will be obvious as a large majority of knee problems simply cannot be diagnosed through a physical exam.

By far, the best and most accurate way to diagnose knee problems is through the use of an MRI. Although some types of knee injuries, such as fractures, can be detected through the use of a common x-ray, a considerable number of these cases require the use of an MRI in addition to standard x-rays.

An MRI offers doctors a much more detailed analysis of the knee and it's numerous intricate components. Being given such a complex view of the knee allows doctors to be much more precise in their diagnosis. This also allows for a form of treatment that is better suited for the individual.

When to see your doctor

Knee pain is not something that you should ever ignore. Even if you feel that the pain is irrelevant to anything serious, it is still a good idea to have it checked out by your doctor. Many individuals who initially choose to ignore these warnings are left with knee problems that plaque them for the rest of their life.

Never dismiss knee pain as being unimportant. Let your doctor conduct an examination and determine if what you are experiencing is nothing to be concerned about or if it is a persistent issue that requires your immediate attention.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When you have knee pain it can be terrible to deal with!

Are you having sharp knee pain currently?

Regardless of your age, gender, or athletic fitness level, many people will have knee discomfort at some point in their lives. This is mostly a result of the knee joint taking on a lot of stress due to your daily activities.

Think about it: running, walking, climbing steps, bending, kneeling, dancing, jumping, and sometimes, even sitting in one position for too long, all can put a strain on the knee joint. It's not a shock that so many people, at some point, suffer through sharp knee pain symptoms.

There are times when the knee discomfort has a momentary effect and it can leave as quickly as it came. Other times, the sharp knee pain symptoms have more staying power, and they worsen over time. These are the symptoms that may signify a real problem that can become debilitating if left unchecked.

Discomfort can range from occasional throbbing pain symptoms, to a never-ending sharp stabbing sensation. They can occur in any area of the knee joint, such as the outside (lateral) part of the knee, the front of the knee, the inside (medial) part of the knee, or the back (posterior aspect) of the knee. The location, intensity and duration of the sharp knee pain symptoms can give clues as to the cause of the pain.

There are many conditions that can cause sharp knee pain symptoms, such as arthritis, subluxation of the patella (kneecap), trauma to the ligaments and cartilage inside the knee, bursitis, and even infection.

It is important to have your symptoms evaluated by a qualified medical specialist in order to determine their cause. But, whatever the cause of your sharp knee pain symptoms, there's no doubt that if you are in pain, your first priority is to get relief from the discomfort.

Aside from rest, ice packs, and over-the-counter pain relievers, there is an alternative available to you that may help ease your sharp knee pain symptoms: a knee brace. These effective supports should definitely be considered.

A knee brace, when used properly, helps support and stabilize the knee joint, helping to relieve the stress that often exacerbates sharp knee pain symptoms. Moreover, when in place, a knee brace can help keep the knee and kneecap (patella) properly aligned, helping to alleviate a common source of sharp knee pain symptoms.

Many people assume that knee braces need to be custom made, are difficult to use, and cost way too much to be practical. The truth is, typically, an effective knee support does not need to be custom made to be useful; nor are they cumbersome and hard to use.

Just think about it. If a knee brace was so big and bulky, no body would use them and all the knee brace manufacturers would have been out of business a long time ago.

A knee brace just may be the answer you have been looking for. Some people have referred to knee supports as a "pain pill" due to the pain reduction they can help provide!

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Do you currently have an ACL injury?

Maybe it made a large popping noise or you can just tell something is wrong because your knee is not entirely stable. If you have this kind of injury, then we suggest you read on. We will discuss the anterior cruciate ligament first, and then discuss At the end how to help support your knee. When you do this you can get great pain relief and meaningful stability that will promote the healing of your injury.

The Anterior Cruciate Ligament:

The ACL is one of the four most significant knee ligaments that you currently have. It helps to provide the knee joint with essential stability and helps to limit excessive joint mobility (in a good way).

The Purpose of the ACL:

Essentially, forward motion of the shin bone (tibia) in relation to the thigh bone (femur) is controlled by the anterior cruciate ligament. This is HUGE! Just imagine this for a second, if you will, if your thigh and shin bone were totally free to move back and forth. If this sliding motion could easily occur you can probably foresee a scenario in which a injury might occur... At the very least, instability in your leg would be highly likely. If you did not have your knee ligaments then the bones might not stay aligned.

When it comes down to it, without the use of your knee ligaments to help stabilize your knee, the knee may dislocate. The problem with an ACL injury is that when you have resulting instability in your knee and various movements like pivoting can becoming more difficult. Cartilage tears and arthritis can also be occur with a higher frequency as well, when you have an ACL tear.

The remaining knee ligaments that work to stabilize the knee joint are the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL), the medial collateral ligament, and the lateral collateral ligament (MCL / LCL).

The Problem With ACL Tears:

People with ACL tears will often state that their knee is not stable, and has the sensation of "giving out on them". This feeling is due to the fact that knee joint is sliding excessively.


The demands that sports can place on our bodies are higher that of our daily lives. (You already know this is true.) ACL tears are more common in sports like football, basketball, skiing, hockey, and wrestling and rugby; as you can imagine how your knees are asked to perform in each sport. People may be able to get along fairly well with a torn ACL in normal daily activities, but it is wise to think about getting some extra support when you have this kind of knee injury.

Knee instability can be both mentally and physically difficult to deal with. When you have problems with instability and your knee feels like it might give out, other problems in your life can become less significant in a sense. If you have problems with your knee, such as increased knee pain or instability you should seriously consider using a well designed knee support. ACL type knee braces can be very helpful for people when you suffer this kind of injury.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When your age begins to catch up to you, it seems like the pain from all the injuries that have accumulated throughout the years do too.

I like most was once more head strong than smart, with my eyes on the prize during sporting events, and causing trouble to the neighborhood with my incredible stunts, but lately, with everyday that goes by, my body doesn't seem to think the same anymore, especially with the knee pain when bending that I now suffer through.

Don't get me wrong, my body may have aged, but my heart hasn't. I still want to experience canoeing in the outdoors, climbing Mount Everest, or playing soccer with the boys, but my body doesn't seem to have the same thoughts as I do.

Nowadays particularly, it appears as if I experience knee pain when bending just doing ordinary tasks Every step up the stairs, or every time I want to pick up things from the ground, the pain becomes too much to handle.

Normally, I would use it as an excuse to escape from the cleaning and vacuuming that my wife believes is so important even at this age, but lately, it has become so serious that I can't even seem to concentrate or get any work done let alone go out for soccer with the boys due to the knee pain.

The tenderness of the muscle ligaments come alive during the night, and my knee caps feel like they're exploding in spurts of pain. It hurts so much that even trying to bend my knee when I get up becomes a problem.

The knee pain when bending gets so bad that sometimes I have to just lie in bed for the whole day. It is such a waste of time, especially when the weather's good and I would so much rather be out in it.

The pain and injuries accumulated through youth stays with you even when you're old; even though, it appears as if the injuries have healed, the side effects still linger. This is particularly true for knee injuries.

It was becoming such a big deal that my wife started talking to her friends. They may be yappy, but boy, do they have great remedies for pain relief especially for knee pain when bending. I have to thank them all for the pain-free life that I lead today, and the fact that Sundays is now Boys' Soccer Day!

Turns out the remedy for knee pain when bending was simple; in fact, I had the solution right in my backyard. The secret to easing knee pain when bending came right down to water exercises.

Simple daily exercises in the pool like walking exercises can help strengthen the tendons, ligaments, and muscles in the knee, and end up easing the knee pain I was experiencing. It takes consistency, but the result was tremendous.

Regular exercising can cause a lot of strain on the knee due to the stress of your body weight, but water exercises lifts up the body weight, and allows the knee to actively exercise underwater. It really is a fairly simple concept!

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Knee joint pain remains one of the most common joint pain complaints. The knee joints bear the total body weight. During movement this pressure acting on the knee joints are 3 to 5 times that of the weight. The functionality of these knee joints never cease. Whether it is in the day time or during sleeping hours. The only relief from the weighing down pressure is probably during at rest or sleep.

All you need is a simple and yet effective knee exercising routine. It takes just 10 minutes of your time on a daily basis. This will keep the knees fit and healthy.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joints affects a great population of the elder people. Joint pain tends to surface as one grows older. These weight bearing joints are prone to become less flexible. Cracking or popping sounds during movement maybe heard as well. Subsequently pain or inflammation are natural conditions that follow.

Typical joint pain remedies deal directly in suppressing these symptoms. Pain killer and anti-inflammatory drugs tend to work decently in addressing the joint pain. It can also delay its progression. It is beneficial to be conscious about keeping our knee joints healthy. Effective exercises is a good idea.

This simple 10 minute knee joint exercise routine is based on the Chinese acupuncturist's theory of energy flow in the body. For a healthy person the energy flows throughout the body in a fluent manner. This is much like a drainage system without blockages. Pain around the joint occurs when this energy flow is impaired. This means the blood flows within the body is not balanced.

The way to maintain a healthy knee joint only requires you do a 10 minute daily massaging routine. This exercise can be done with a clenched fist beating lightly onto the required knee areas. They are:

• the outer of the knees (lateral collateral ligament) for about 2 minutes

• the inner of the knees (medial collateral ligament) for about 2 minutes

• behind (concave part) the knee caps for 2 minutes

• the knee caps (patella) for 2 minutes

• walking in kneeling down position on your knees for 2 minutes

For people who have difficulty walking in their kneeling position, it is recommended that this be substituted with massaging the back of the knees for another 2 minutes. This has the effect of a hard press to the anterior ligament and the medial and lateral meniscus. It improves energy flow. "Beating" can be substituted with presses or light massage to the above areas which are relevant acupuncture points.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The greatest reason why you should be worried about your legs is that it happens to be the most significant joint in the body. However, as we age, our muscle mass will begin to decline and the combined muscle mass in our legs are no different. As a result, joint problems occur with everybody. A knee brace along with other knee pain remedies can provide much needed relief from the pain.

Sprains begin to happen when the muscle mass which hooks your bones together is damaged. Obviously, this will result in a lot of suffering, however if the stress were very serious, a short-term failure to walk may also be possible.

Second and third stage strains are the most detrimental type of them all. These types of sprains don't just have damaged ligaments, they are really torn. In order to heal this damage, many weeks of therapy may be required. But sometimes, surgical treatment may be viewed as an option especially if the pain is difficult to endure.

In addition to the pain there are other symptoms which can tell you that your legs are having issues.

Inability to Walk




The Sound of Grating

There are many different kinds of knee pain treatment, but one of the best choices is a brace. Although it may not be a cure, one of these can reduce further harm to your bone while assisting its cure more quickly.

Along with the normal medical knee brace, there are other types of braces for treatment, as well. An excellent example would be an athletic knee brace. These type of braces usually come in many varieties, such as "basketball braces" or "football braces." You may use these along with other types of knee braces as well as other knee remedies and solutions.

In terms of costs, braces are not that expensive. Most can be found on web pages that can give you an excellent price, if you know how to find them. The best way to start your search is by looking up healthcare materials web pages online by utilising search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing.

Perhaps the best thing about braces as an option to treat knee pain and strains is that they are very simple to use. As opposed to drugs or even surgical treatment, a brace only requires you to wear it for a given period. Most people who experience knee pain already use them, so there's no point in getting labored up about using them. Knee problems and osteoarthritis are problems which occur to almost every person. But with the help of a medical or athletic knee brace, as well as other knee pain remedies, dealing with it will be a lot easier.

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The complex structure of the knee joint gives a prominent role to the kneecap in ensuring the stability of the joint. The kneecap is therefore involved in every movement that you make with the joints in your knee. This makes the kneecap susceptible to pain as a result of the repeated forces that are placed on it during the course of a normal day. The following are four of the most effective and simple ways to reduce kneecap pain:

  • Set your seat height at your workplace so that your legs are bent at right angles and your feet are flat on the floor or on a footrest. Your legs should be under the work surface so that you do not subject your knee to excessive stress while sitting at your desk for long periods of time. If you are overweight, you should also take measures to reduce your weight by doing exercises as even small increases in your body weight can have a significant impact on your capability to reduce kneecap pain.

  • Some of the professions that involve long periods spent kneeling can push the kneecap out of alignment causing pain. Placing a soft rubber mat under your knee when performing tasks that require you to kneel down can help kneecap pain reduce. A period of rest with a course of anti-inflammatory drugs can help to assist in the recovery from pain in the kneecap. Those who experience knee problems should not play sports that involve twisting and turning movements as they place an inordinate amount of stress on the kneecap.

  • If you feel pain or swelling in the knee and find it difficult to straighten the knee, it is likely that you have problems with your kneecap. Strengthening the muscles around your knee, especially the quadriceps muscle that runs along your inner thigh will improve the balance of your kneecap and will help you to effectively reduce kneecap pain.

  • Knee braces help you to stabilize your knee by supporting your ligaments and the opening around the kneecap. These braces help to keep the bones in the joint in the proper position and help you to reduce kneecap pain to a great extent. It is advisable to wear these braces during any activity that puts stress on the knee. You may also benefit from starting an intake of supplements to enhance the strength of the connective tissues that support your kneecap.

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The knee is a hinge. It is a large, weight-bearing joint, but its motion is much more strictly limited than that of most other joints. It will straighten to make the leg a stable support, and it will bend to more than a right angle - to approximately 120 degrees. However, it will not move in any other direction. The limited motion of the knee gives it great strength, but it is not engineered to take side stresses.

There are two cartilage compartments in the knee, one inner and one outer. If the cartilage wears evenly the leg can bow in or bow out, or if you were born with crooked legs there can be strain that causes the cartilage to wear more rapidly. If you are overweight you are far more likely to have knee problems.

The knee must be stable and it must be able to extend fully to a straight leg. If it lacks full extension the muscles have to support the body at all times and strain is continuous. Normally our knee locks in the straight position and allows us to rest. Horses are able to sleep standing up because they can rest on their knees. If the knees wobbles from side to side there is too much stress on the side ligaments, and the condition may gradually worsen.

If the knee is unstable and wobbles or if it cannot be straightened out, you need the doctor. Similarly, you need a physician if there is a possibility of gout or infection; the knee is the joint most frequently bothered by these serious problems. Finally, if there is pain or swelling in the calf below the sore knee, you may have a blood clot, but more likely you have a "Baker cyst," you may need the doctor. These cysts start as fluid-filled sacs in an inflamed knee but enlarge though the tissues of the calf and may cause swelling quite a distance below the knee.

Try not to do things that aggravate the pain either immediately or the next day. If there has been a recent injury, an elastic bandage may help; otherwise, probably not. Using a cane may help. Most prefer to carry the cane in the hand on the side of the painful knee; some carry it on the opposite side.

Do not use a pillow under the knee at night or at any other time, as this can make the knee stiffen so that it cannot be straightened out.

Exercises should be started slowly and performed several times daily if possible. Swimming is good because there is no weight-bearing requirement. From the beginning, pay close attention to flexing and straightening the leg. Having a friend help you move your leg through these motions - passive exercise - may be more comfortable than doing it yourself at first. But work at getting it straight and keeping it straight. Next begin isometric exercises. Tense the muscles in your upper leg, front and back, at the same time, so that you are exerting force but your leg is not moving. Exert the force for two seconds, then rest two seconds. Do ten repetitions three times a day. Then begin gentle active exercises. A bicycle in a low gear is a good place to start. Stationary bicycles are fine. Be sure that the seat is relatively high; your knee should not bend to more than a right angle during the bicycle stroke. Walking is probably the best overall exercise, and distances should be gradually increased. Avoid exercises or activities that stimulate deep knee bends, as they place too much stress on the knee. Knee problems can come from the feet. Proper shoes can help to resolve this problem.

Make sure you are taking any prescribed medication as directed, since your painful knee could be caused by too little medication.

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Do you have inflammation in your knee joint?

Have you wondered about tendonitis and how this effects your knee. Severe knee tendonitis is an injury typically seen in individuals who participate in sporting activities on a regular basis. This is a condition that occurs when the tendons that make up part of knee joint become inflamed.

The knee is protected behind a plate of bone known as the patella (your kneecap). There are two main tendons that are part of the knee. These tendons connect the patella to two separate parts of the leg. The quadriceps are the upper thigh muscles and the shinbone is the lower leg bone. Both of these parts of the leg are connected to the patella by the knee tendons.

Different Forms Of Tendonitis

Patellar Tendonitis - Patellar Tendonitis is generally caused by overuse of the quadriceps muscles. Activities such as running and jumping exert strain on the quadriceps. Engaging in too much of these activities can cause inflammation of the tendons connecting the quadriceps to the patella. In this form of tendonitis, pain occurs below the knee, in the patellar tendon.

Quadriceps Tendonitis - Quadriceps Tendonitis is also typically caused by overuse of the quadriceps. Unlike Patellar Tendonitis, however, this form of tendonitis is characterized by pain above the knee.

The types of activities that generally cause both of these forms of tendonitis are the same, however.

Treatment of Severe Knee Tendonitis

Treatment of severe knee tendonitis tends to be more long drawn out than most other knee injury treatments. This is because tendons have lesser elasticity as compared to muscles. They also receive less blood from the bloodstream. This means that that injured tendons take much longer to heal than injured muscles generally do. After the initial period of the injury, it is important to carefully stretch the tendons as they heal to improve their elasticity (see your physician on details about stretching). Failure to do so will render the tendons much less elastic than before and more prone to further injury.

Prevention of Severe Knee Tendonitis

One of the most important things you can do to prevent severe knee tendonitis is to stretch the whole body including the knees before any form of physical activity. Stretching gives the muscles greater flexibility during exercise, allowing them to absorb more impact and twisting motions. This greatly reduces the chances of sustaining tendonitis.

Another effective preventive strategy is to wear knee braces while exercising. A knee brace is a "tool" that goes around each knee, helping to provide it with the necessary support and protection. Knee braces help prevent the knees from slipping into awkward positions that are likely to sprain or strain the knees. They also help to support you from the impact of running and jumping, easing the strain on the joint. A knee support can also help keep your knee warm and will remind you, if not stop you, from making excessive and painful movements.

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The following information has been collected from various sources (see references on the Advanced Nutrition UK website) and has been backed up by the rapid recovery of my son-in-law following a serious operation to his jaw. My wife and I have also experienced the benefits of pure collagen capsules (most notably for arthritic pain and when kneeling down to play with our grandson!). I feel that many people could benefit from this awareness and hope the following is helpful.

In recent years Collagen Hydrolysate (CH) is increasingly being used as a nutritional supplement, especially for the treatment of degenerative joint diseases and for the management of skin care.

Numerous international clinical studies have been able to confirm the positive effect of Collagen Hydrolysate in the treatment of degenerative joint disease. It is important to note that ordinary collagen cannot be absorbed readily into the body and the hydrolysate process is what makes this possible.

Clinical Studies

In clinical studies involving over 2000 patients with diagnosed Osteoarthritis of the hip or knee joint, there was a statistically significant reduction in pain, a decrease in the consumption of analgesics and improved mobility in patients who had received a daily dose of CH over a period of at least 3 months. Overall, treatment of the patients involved with CH over a longer period of time was regarded as being remarkably successful, with more than 75% of the patients reported improvement of symptoms.

Comparable results were obtained with a number of observational studies on persons suffering from painful joints or athletes whose joints were subject to increased mechanical stress. In these cases too the administration of Collagen Hydrolysate resulted in substantial pain reduction and improved mobility. Recently, these results could be confirmed in a prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study conducted at Penn State University in University Park, Pennsylvania on 147 athletes.

In addition to the reported efficacy of CH on joint health, clinical studies also indicated a positive effect of CH on tendons demonstrating a significant improvement of tissue strength.

Studies relating to skin care revealed a pronounced improvement of skin function and increased skin hydration after CH ingestion on a regular basis.

Ingestion and Distribution of Collagen Hydrolysate

Intestinal absorption of Collagen Hydrolysate could be demonstrated by means of a commonly accepted experimental model. It could be shown that more than 90% of the orally administered CH is rapidly absorbed by the intestines and appeared in blood plasma, accounting for a high bioavailability. These results were confirmed by a study performed on healthy human volunteers in which major constituents of CH derived peptides were identified in human serum and plasma after oral ingestion.

Investigations on the qualitative absorption revealed that CH is not completely broken down by the digestive system, but that a variety of collagen fragments, including up to 10% high molecular form peptides are absorbed following oral administration of CH, with some individual variability.

In additional studies with labelled CH, it was shown that a significant amount of collagen peptides could be detected in skin and cartilage tissue after one single administration, indicating an accumulation of these peptides within the connective tissue.

Mode of Action

In addition to obtaining proof of clinical efficacy of Collagen Hydrolysate, a significant number of research projects have been started worldwide with participation by a number of international institutes of repute with the goal of investigating the mechanism of action of the substance.

Cell culture experiments investigating the efficacy of HC revealed that the treatment of the cartilage cells with CH induced a statistically significant, dose-dependent increase in type II collagen synthesis of chondrocytes compared to the untreated controls.

These results clearly indicate that CH has a stimulatory effect on both important structural macromolecules of the ECM - collagen and proteoglycans, and thus might be of therapeutic relevance to slow or even halt the progressive degradation of articular cartilage tissue in osteoarthritis.

Beside the impact of CH on cartilage tissue, preclinical studies suggested positive effects of a CH treatment on tendons and skin.

Investigations on skin seem to indicate that the administration of Collagen Hydrolysate enhances the hydroxyproline content in the soluble fraction of skin, which may be related to skin collagen synthesis. Moreover, it was stated that CH treatment might increase the water binding capacity of the epidermis. More recently, it was reported that the ingestion of CH induces increased fibroblast density and enhances the formation of collagen fibrils in the dermis.

Safety of Collagen Hydrolysate Ingestion

In numerous investigations it could be shown that collagen hydrolysate has an excellent safety profile.

Collagen hydrolysate is a food product, and the FDA lists it as GRAS (generally recognized as safe), the highest possible safety category. Moreover, the Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices and the Ministry for Consumer Affairs in Germany as well as the World Health Organization, have also confirmed that CH is safe and that there is no risk involved in consuming larger quantities on a regular basis.


Numerous preclinical investigations have demonstrated the positive effect of Collagen Hydrolysate on the metabolism of connective tissue. The results seem to indicate that CH treatment stimulates the synthesis of cartilage tissue, affects the size of collagen fibrils and the composition of glycosaminoglycans in the Achilles tendon, enhances the collagen synthesis and the formation of collagen fibrils in the skin and increases the water binding capacity of the epidermis.

Clinical studies have demonstrated the efficacy of CH in the treatment of degenerative joint diseases. Moreover, CH ingestion seems to have positive effects on tendons as well as on skin function and hydration.

Based on these results and due to its excellent safety profile a treatment with Collagen Hydrolysate on a daily basis might well be of particular importance for the synthesis and maintenance of connective tissue.

There seems to be excellent scientific and corroborative evidence that Pure Collagen Hydrolysate can be beneficial to joint pain, recovery from injury involving connective tissue (Achilles tendons, ligaments) as well as improving the elasticity and health of the skin, hair and nails.

It does seem as though pure collagen hydolysate (types 1 & 2) capsules can in many cases have a noticeable beneficial effect on joint health & strength, as well as reducing the pain associated with forms of arthritis. In addition, many celebrities endorse the anti-ageing properties of proto-col pure collagen capsules.

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I'm a big believer in bodyweight exercises, particularly Hindu Pushups and Hindu Squats. However, many people do not even want to try Hindu squats as they believe that as the knee extends beyond the knee, this is dangerous. It will somehow "shear the knees."

There is no doubt in my mind that you want to treat your knees with care. The knee is a delicate joint and may be one of the biggest trouble spots for people (next to back pain). When you lose the cartilage in your knee, it's gone for good. I speak from experience on this. On the right side of my right knee there is cartilage that is severely damaged. What happened to me?

Well, it certainly wasn't Hindu squats. I used to be a big time runner and I suspect all of the "pounding the pavement" I did really pounded the heck out of my knees. I also really twisted my knee over 20 years ago playing football in a park. I didn't think of it at the time, but my doctor suspects this is where the initial damage occurred. So, when it comes to knee pain and damaging your knee, I think I know something about it.

From my experience with Hindu squats, they strengthen the knee. When I first started with this exercise there were some aches and pains, not to mention snapping and popping sounds. However, I took it easy and kept at it. After about a month of consistent training (meaning, training everyday) the pain seemed to go away. It took some time, but this kind of bodyweight exercise, like all of them , not only strengthen the muscles and help you build endurance, they also strengthen the ligaments and tendons. This is something that weight lifting doesn't do.

Some people have told me that baseball catchers have terrible knees. Supposedly, they got this way from all of the squatting they do. This sounds like an old wives tale to me. The people who tell me this can't offer up the actual names of any baseball catchers who believe this. Until they do, I will remain highly suspicious of this claim.

But there is another factor in my thinking here. The fact of the matter is that a good portion of the world sit in a catcher's position on a regular basis for their entire lives. If you've ever been to Asia, you'll see people squatting like this all the time. I'm willing to bet that these people have far healthier knees and backs than North Americans. If there was any truth to the "knee sheering" theory, you'd think there would be an epidemic of shot knees through Asia. It just hasn't happened.

In conclusion, from my experience, Hindu squats do not damage your knees. In fact, just the opposite. They can actually help you strengthen your knees and get rid of chronic knee pain. You just have to work at it.

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Do you have horrible knee pain?

If so, then it is a good idea to face the pain before it gets worse.

Read on for some helpful information and at the end we discuss some ways to help support your knee...

The Construction of the Knee

The knee is essentially a ball and socket joint at which the two leg bones of each leg are joined. These two bones are connected by a series of ligaments and tendons. The outside of the knee is covered by a plate of bone known as the kneecap or patella. Together, these components make up the knee.

The Role of the Patella

The patella serves the functions of protecting the knee. The knee joint is rather fragile as the tendons and ligaments holding the two bones together can be severed easily. The patella protects the knee joint from the impacts and blows that would otherwise affect the tendons and ligaments. While the patella is extremely hard and durable, it is not invulnerable. If the patella sustains a severe blow, it can get injured.

Horrible knee pain can be caused by a direct blow to the leg, or result from a degenerative condition that has culminated into a serious issue for you currently. If you have a ligament injury, arthritis, a meniscus tear, or some unknown cause of the pain, it is wise to consider supporting your knee.

How a Fractured Patella can cause Horrible Knee Pain

Even if the fractured patella is still intact and in a single piece, the cracks that it has received will weaken it significantly. Excessive movements will only cause further deterioration, accompanied by horrible knee pain as the slightest movement of the knee will cause the joint to rub against the patella. With a fractured patella, even the smallest movements are excruciating.

The Recovery Process

If you have a fractured patella, the road to recovery can be a long and hard one. Even with the proper medical care, you will find it almost impossible to walk for many months. When you do attempt to start walking again, you will more than likely experience horrible knee pain brought on by using muscles that have been weakened by several months of disuse. Supporting your patella with a knee brace can do a lot to help lessen the excruciating pain.

However, even when the patella has healed enough for you to walk, putting too much strain on the knee may cause it to fracture again. A knee brace will prevent this by taking much of the stress of walking away from the knee by helping to eliminate excessive movements.

Whether you have a fractured patella or another knee issue, a knee support can really prove to provide you with the support you need to get moving again with confidence. These supports do not have to be costly or big and bulky to provide you with additional and meaningful support.

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The sport of running is supposed to be a relatively safe form of exercise, right? Then why is it that you have pain problems after you run!?

When you think about it, running is still a high impact activity where extreme pressure and strain are placed on the knee joints and the ligaments that help support the knee. The continuous and excessive pounding and stress on the knees can lead to common injuries such as ACL tears, MCL tears and meniscus tears.

While all runners will not necessarily develop these specific knee injuries, almost all runners will suffer from painful knees after running at some time in their career.

Are Painful Knees After Running A Sign Of Damaged Tissue?

If you have discomfort in your knees after running, this does not always mean that you will have a serious knee injury. Painful knees after a running can be a normal response known as "protective pain" coming from myofascial trigger points. This type of pain may feel as if it is radiating from the knee joint, but is actually the result of the contraction knots in the quadriceps muscles.

Common Injuries That Cause Painful Knees after Running

Running can put a lot of strain and pressure on the knee joint and the ligaments supporting the knee. You already know this to be true. As time goes on, this could develop into a number of more severe types of knee issues, including:

- Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS): Also known as "Runner's Knee", this collectively refers to common problems afflicting runners, which includes common injuries like chondromalacia patella, patellar tendonitis, or generalized knee pain.

- Dislocated Kneecap: This condition causes acute symptoms during dislocation but can also cause chronic knee pain.

- Plica Syndrome: This knee issue results in discomfort along the lining of your knee joint. Some individuals have more prominent lining of the knee joint, and can form the so-called "plica shelf". The tissue can be come irritated and inflamed after running, and can cause pain for runners.

How Knee Braces Prevent Painful Knees After Running

Despite the often repeated advice to ease up on the "road running", most runners refuse to give up. For those who insist on running the extra mile without letting painful knees get in the way, there is a simple way of preventing painful knees after running.

Knee braces for running are specially designed to help the knee joints so that the stress and strain from constant pounding while running are reduced to a minimum. The functionality of a knee brace helps to ensure that potential damage to the knee joint and ligaments is avoided. Moreover, individuals who run should choose the right knee support that pertains to their particular needs. There are many low profile knee supports that allow for plenty of mobility, while also remaining light weight.

When choosing the appropriate knee brace, runners should first determine the conditions for which the knee brace will be used. Prophylactic knee supports are considered if you want to help "prevent" future knee problems. Functional knee braces, on the other hand, are used to compensate for a torn ligament and prevent further aggravation of knee injuries. - Nevertheless, you should not be in the position where you are looking back, wishing that you would have done something to help protect your knee. Supporting your knees with a brace is never a bad idea if you have pain in your knee joint.

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