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Considering arthroscopic surgery for that persistent arthritic knee pain, that just won't leave you alone? Maybe you should think again. And I'm a former knee surgeon, telling you this. The truth is, you may do just as well with conventional, alternative, or complementary conservative treatments and save yourself pain, risk and money.

In a study published in the September 11th, 2008 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine, a group of Canadian researchers, from the Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Center of the University of Western Ontario, compared two groups of patients with known moderate to severe osteoarthritis. 178 patients were randomly assigned to receive either surgery ( arthroscopic lavage - a washout of the joint, by saline- and debridement-essentially a "clean out" of the joint), followed by optimized physical and medical therapy, or non-surgical treatment, ie., physical and medical therapy alone. After comparing the results of each group at two years, it was objectively documented that patients treated by arthroscopy, medication and P.T. did no better than those that had no surgery and were treated only with conservative measures.

Their conclusion was that arthroscopic surgery of the knee for osteoarthritis (degenerative or "wear and tear" arthritis) "provides no additional benefit to optimized physical and medical therapy." In other words, there was NO DIFFERENCE between those that were treated surgically and those who were NOT. This, of course, suggests that surgery done strictly for arthritis pain is not warranted.

Their study confirms the findings of an earlier study done in 2002 that compared arthroscopic surgery with sham surgery (ie., skin incisions were made that mimicked true arthroscopic portals, but instruments were not introduced into the joint). Short term pain relief of pain in BOTH groups (ie., real surgery and sham or fake surgery) was the SAME! This result was attributed to a placebo effect in the sham surgery group.

This result was so impressive that Medicare used it as a basis for their determination to refuse to pay for arthroscopy for the treatment of arthritis pain. And this study was a reinforcement of an even earlier study that compared arthroscopic surgery with merely lavage (injecting and extracting saline, or salt water, into and out of the knee joint, to wash it out). Here, too, there was NO DIFFERENCE between the surgery and the wash-out groups.

So, this most recent study is just more evidence of what you know instinctively- letting the body heal itself is the best course, except in advanced, or end-stage osteoarthritis.

In my years of orthopaedic practice, it was my experience that if a patient had full-blown arthritis, there was little reason to arthroscope them, UNLESS they had a sudden increase in very specific joint line pain, giving way, or locking (so-called mechanical symptoms) that suggested a displaced, or entrapped tear of the meniscus, or a fulminant synovitis (inflamed lining membrane of the knee, as in Rheumatoid Arthritis) that would not respond to medical treatment, or needed relief, but were a poor risk for major joint surgery, like a total knee replacement.

I used arthroscopic surgery for very specific mechanical or synovial overgrowth or inflammatory problems, NOT just as a "catch-all" treatment for arthritis pain. I always believed in a conservative approach first, letting the knee itself declare if and when it was ready for a major surgery, by failing to improve. I STILL DO.

There are times when surgery is needed. To deny this, or make frankly stupid statements that "surgery is NEVER warranted," is to deny the facts. But surgery should be the last, or the best option - not the first line of defense. In short, when it comes to arthritis, as with any other medical problem, you want to AVOID the UNNECESSARY SURGERY.

So, what to do? There are a number of things that you can control that will give you relief. First, lose weight. Every pound you lose reduces stress across the knee by 3-4 pounds, even higher if you climb stairs or attempt to run. Don't run, jump or do anything that involves impact to your knee.

Avoid red meat-it's a source of arachidonic acid, a chemical precursor of inflammatory chemicals, like prostaglandins, that stimulate pain receptors.

OTC pain relievers may be helpful, but MUST be taken with FOOD, to protect your stomach from the side effects of NSAID's (like Advil or Aleve), and should be avoided if you have ulcers or acid reflux.

Natural remedies, like fish oil, Lyprinol, willow bark, ginger, and devil's claw are effective and may also be helpful.

But the best long term method to relieve pain and restore function is consistent low impact exercise. Exercises that stretch and strengthen the muscles around the knee not only provide support and maintain motion of the joint, but stimulate endorphins and intrinsic growth hormone release, both of which help to relieve the pain of arthritis. You can't cure arthritis, but with these and other non-operative measures you can relieve your pain and delay surgery, perhaps indefinitely.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you are depressed and suffer from achy joints and are in constant pain you need help now. The good news is there is an all-natural cure for your arthritis. Listen; there are millions of people just like you who suffer in silence. Arthritis can be a daily nightmare...fingers gnarled, joints sore all the time. You are stressed out and literally in tears from the pain.

Why You Suffer From Arthritis?

Most Americans consume a diet that is acid-forming--too much meat, too many processed foods, not enough raw fruits, vegetables and fresh fish. Here is a list of 12 of the best foods that fight arthritis. If you are looking for an all-natural cure for arthritis start with these. The first 6 foods listed contain high levels of Omega 3 fatty acids which soothe joint pain and inflammation. Tart cherries are a natural anti-pain medicine. The remainder of the foods on this list are good sources of Vitamin C (which is a powerful antioxidant). They also contain calcium and magnesium which are good for bone maintenance.

Wild and fresh salmon
Rainbow trout
Mackerel, except for king mackerel
Tart Cherries
Brussels sprouts

Note that I did not mention milk or dairy products in this list. That's because milk is basically "liquid meat". Dairy products are acid-forming foods. I know the conventional recommendation is to drink more milk, but nothing is further from the truth. Milk and dairy products can exacerbate the problem.

In addition to the foods above you should be drinking powerful herbal teas. Teas like dandelion, green tea, burdock and red clover. These teas are known for their blood cleansing properties. They can destroy the bacteria that is the root cause of rheumatoid arthritis.

What's that? You didn't know that a bacterium has been implicated as the primary culprit for causing rheumatoid arthritis? Well, a doctor over 40 years ago proved this and cured almost all of him patients using this knowledge. Why hasn't the medical establishment made this research public knowledge? Well as Dr. Eli Wallach once said about arthritis, "If the truth were released [to the public], the orthodox doctors would lose an entire specialty [rheumalogy] in short order, so they keep it a secret."

But this is just the tip of the iceberg. If you really want a step-by-step guide to cure rheumatoid arthritis then download a special report that I have written just for you. Learn why I kick milk to the curb and what the medical establishment doesn't want you to know about curing your arthritis with simple ingredients found in your kitchen cupboard. You need to know about a kind of bacteria that is the root cause of almost all cases of rheumatoid arthritis and why most antibiotics usually do not work in eradicating this bacterium.

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It is not unusual to hear somebodies knee joint crack, or someone crack their knuckle joints, or hear their neck joints pop. Maybe when they walk, their ankle joint cracks, their knee joint grinds or their ankle clicks. There are different reasons why a persons joints will crack, pop and grind like this. This is a general overview of three common reasons why joints snap, crack and pop.

Gas Release

All the joints in our bodies have a water balloon like structure that surrounds them called the joint capsule. The capsule is filled with synovial fluid, which along with containing nutrients for the joints, lubricates the joint and helps reduce friction. Inside of the synovial fluid is a variety of gases including nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. When the joint is stretched beyond its normal range of movement, the pressure inside the joint capsule changes, this pressure change creates a vacuum effect and forms a bubble from gases dissolved in the fluid. This change in pressure causes the bubble to collapse, and gas is quickly released producing the cracking or popping sound within the joint. The gases must build up inside the fluid again, in order for the joint to make the cracking or popping noise again. This is why your knuckles might crack, but it takes a little while before they will pop again.

Moving Joints

Movement between two bones forming a joint, and the attached ligaments and tendons of that joint can be another source of the joint cracking, popping or snapping. As the tendons and ligaments are in motion and their positions continuously changing, in some people the tendon may click over a bony prominence or outer knee or ankle bone and move a little bit in and out of place. As the tendon moves from one position to another it may 'snap" back to its alternate position. Sometimes after exercise your ligaments or tendons may tighten, and as you begin to move the knee, ankle or other joint, it may crack or make a popping sound due to this reason.

Arthritic Joints

Smooth cartilage surrounds the ends of bones in a normal healthy joint. If the joint surfaces become rough or damaged, some of the cracking or grinding noise may result from the friction between the two bone surfaces rubbing on each other. This can also be painful for some people as the damage becomes worse over time.

Are Cracking Or Popping Joints Bad?

Are cracking joints bad for you? Generally speaking there have not been any conclusive studies saying there are any negative long term effects of cracking your knuckles or other joints. Over manipulating your joints or the feeling that you constantly need to crack your joints may be evidence of an underlying mechanical problem or joint stress.

That said if you are starting to experience pain when you move your joints, and there is snapping, crackling or popping, than you should see a health care professional for a more in depth examination of your specific problem.

One of the positive benefits of increased joint movement may occur after a chiropractic adjustment. The response of certain sensory receptors around the joint, called the Golgi Tendon Organs, sends information back to the brain about joint function and how much tension is on the joint or muscle. Often times an adjustment helps to "reset" this tension and creates the feeling of looseness or relaxation. Some other receptors called mechanoreceptors are in discs, tendons, ligaments and muscles of the spinal joints. The cerebellum primarily functions as a result of input from these mechanoreceptors in the joints and muscle spindles. When this input is decreased, the cerebellum may function at a lower level resulting in the inability to perform precise movements, or maybe lose muscle tone, or maintain normal posture. Chiropractic adjustments may help to restore normal movement and firing of these joint nerve receptors. Proper joint movement and sensory feedback is very important to the healthy function of the cerebellum and nervous system.

This article is meant as a general overview and for informational purposes only and should not be used to replace the advice of a qualified professional. It is my goal goal for the public to better understand their health and general wellbeing. I urge you to consult with a qualified health care provider for diagnosis and for answers to your individual health questions.

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Massages are known worldwide known for their multiple benefits. Depending on the receiver's need, massages can enhance muscle performance or relieve the deep tension that occurs mainly because of the stress. Recommended by doctors, massages have a strong therapeutic power and are integrated in the recovering process of many patients whether they suffer from osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis or need relief from an accident's post trauma.

The Swedish massage is being used worldwide where the patient receives because of the strokes used in it joint and tension relief. Having involved a rather gentle style with rubbing, tapping and kneading of the muscles, the Swedish massage is ideal for minimizing rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and because of that it is often prescribed in the rheumatoid arthritis treatments.

The deep tissue massage is a variation of the Swedish massage in which is more pressure applied to the tissues so that the massage effect will be felt on the deeper layer of muscles as well. Involving the use of fingertips and sometimes the elbows, the result of the deep tissue massage is stress relief and deep relaxation. However, more gentle massages like craniosacral therapy will also have as result the desired profound relief.

Hydrotherapy is an alternative for exercise therapy that can be painful for people that suffer from arthritis or osteoporosis and can not benefit from relieving pain and improving mobility because mobility causes pain to people having this autoimmune disease. Hydrotherapy offers the benefits of improving the body functions without putting stress on the joints or other body parts that are in pain because of the disease. Being especially useful for treating joint pain and stiffness, the common rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, hydrotherapy is a great way for patients to learn what exercises are helpful for their disease. The major benefit of the hydrotherapy is that patients do the exercises in warm water where the gravitational forces on the body are reduced and the joint mobility is considerably increased; also because of the water jets, the blood flow is increased as well improving the effective mobility in the entire body.

For people with osteoarthritis, hydrotherapy has been proved to be effective as well by improving the physical function and general health in the knees of the patients. Also, the benefit of having physical exercises impact free and with easier joint movement is a huge plus for people with osteoarthritis.

Combined with a healthy rheumatoid arthritis diet or a nourishing osteoarthritis diet, massages and therapies, especially hydrotherapy will help the suffering people of this disease make progress in recovering and get rid of the arthritis joint pain or knee pain and lack of strength. And for less pain in the joints, don't forget adding Omega 3 in your daily meals that will surely minimize your pain and joints inflammation!

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Acupuncture for diagnosis and treatment of arthritis is now becoming more prevalent but having your skin savagely poked with a series of long needles doesn't exactly sound like ideal comfort, especially when you are already living with arthritis, a rheumatoid disease characterized by it's trademark stiffness and pain. The ancient Chinese would beg to differ, along with the estimated fifteen million Americans who have tried the ancient Chinese needle therapy known as acupuncture. Around the Asian continent, acupuncture has been used for generations to alleviate the symptoms of chronic pain sufferers, like arthritis patients, for instance. Prospective "acupokees" should be aware that acupuncture therapy is used for treating arthritis, not diagnosing it. Although patients should garner a arthritis diagnosis before signing up for acupuncture therapy.

Studies in Arthritis and Acupuncture

More than twenty million Americans live with osteoarthritis (there are various forms of the condition, however). In fact, osteoarthritis is amongst the most frequent causes for physical disability in adults. Despite a history spanning more than two thousand years, it was 2001 before acupuncture was found to aid arthritis in the knee via a study by the University of Maryland School of Medicine. The study included 570 osteoarthritis patients over the age of fifty who had never before received acupuncture, surgery, or steroid injections. A control group was selected and these individuals received regular sessions of acupuncture. By the end of the first week, the acupuncture group experienced a surge in mobility and by the end of the study the group reported a forty percent decrease in pain and a forty percent increase in knee function.

Using Acupuncture For Treating Arthritis

Bigwigs of Western medicine aren't exactly sure just how acupuncture works to fight arthritis and similar diseases, but the skilled acupuncture who administer the therapy have an idea or two. According to therapeutic philosophy, pain is the result of a blockage of one of life's essential energies, qui. Stimulating certain points will put the flow of qui back in balance again, thus alleviating chronic pain in the process - Volia! A 1999 study even found evidence that acupuncture improves sleep.

During acupuncture therapy, very thin needles are inserted into precise point in the skin, these points are known as acupoints. It is these acupoints that may have the biggest influence on the connection between treating arthritis with the use of the acupuncture therapy. In addition to being poked and prodded, acupoints also react to magnets, currents of electricity, acupressure (hand pressure), lasers and even bee stings. Acupuncture practitioners have also been known to administer herbs along with wielding out some advice on making lifestyle changes at the conclusion of a session.

Studies demonstrate that some of designated acupoints are actually connected to sensitive bio-trigger points rich in nerve endings. And further studies show that tinkering around with those triggers can cause a mirage of biological responses, one of the many responses being the chemical release of endorphins. The release of endorphins is pivotal to acupuncture's influence on arthritis because the chemical serves as the body's own answer to Advil, Tylenol and Motrin, as a natural painkiller.

Acupuncture Checks and Balances

Acupuncture costs vary across the United States. But as a rule of thumb, first visits usually fall between $75 and $150, with cheaper follow-up treatments costing between $35 and $75. Health insurance accommodations of acupuncture vary, but advocates of using the therapy for the treatment of diagnosed arthritis cite the long-term benefits of it's hefty price tag, which include fewer doctor visits over time and saving a few bucks on prescriptions.

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EMS stands for Electro Muscle Stimulation. In simple terms an electronic machine is used to stimulate the muscles. In more complicated terms it is a low voltage waveform, applied through conductive pads, placed at strategic points on the body, to stimulate muscle motor nerves.

Normally when we exercise the brain sends signals via the spinal cord to nerve sensors which cause our muscles to expand and contract. As we continue to exercise lactic acid builds up in and around the muscle and we start to tire.

An EMS machine works by applying a controlled signal to stimulate the same nerve sensors, causing the muscle to expand and contract. The increased blood flow to the muscles helps deliver the essential nutrients for recovery, speeding up the rehabilitation process. The work relaxation cycle of an EMS machine also facilitates the removal of lactic acid from the muscles, allowing them to relax quicker.

The medical profession use EMS machines to treat a variety of conditions in rehabilitation units with encouraging results. Most treatments are specifically for conditions which require muscle stimulation. They are most commonly used on people whose muscles have weakened after long periods of bed rest.

Osteoarthritis of the knee, a condition more often found in older people, is usually caused by general wear and tear on the knee joint from normal day to day activities. Sometimes it can be the result of some old injury sporting or otherwise. Knee problems are often exacerbated by lack of proper support to the knee joint by the surrounding muscles. The end result is deterioration of the knee cartilage resulting in more pain.

Strengthening the muscles surrounding the knee is key to easing the pain of Osteoarthritis sufferers. Health care providers usually start off by having patients work on strengthen their quadriceps (the large group of muscles which run along the front of the leg from the knee to the hip). EMS is introduced as an additional therapy, along with a number of other non load bearing exercises, particularly for osteoarthritis patients, to improve muscle strength. EMS offers great benefits for the elderly, who tend to be the most common sufferers osteoarthritis, as well as other patients with limited mobility.

Another benefit of using an EMS machine is the TENs effect some programs have. (TENs stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation where transcutaneous means through the skin.) Low rate programs usually between 2Hz to 5Hz with a pulse width close to 200uS encourages the release of endorphins which in turn gives pain relief that can last several hours.

EMS machines come in a variety of shapes, sizes and prices, depending on whether they are used for medical or body toning. Most machines used for medical purposes are small compact and portable and will have 4 electrodes, while body toning machines use multiple electrodes and may not be portable.

EMS is a treatment option for a wide range of injuries or conditions caused by or related to muscle weakness, as well as joint, tendon, and nerve injuries. It has also found a place in many other walks of life from beauty treatment to bodybuilding, often with some too good to be true claims. While no EMS machine will give you an instant six pack by sitting around supping beer, it does have a many uses in athletics, rehab and bodybuilding.

EMS machines should only be used on the advice of a doctor or other health professionals. They may not be suitable for certain conditions. Always follow the manufactures instructions supplied with the machine. EMS machines should never be used by people who have a pacemaker or have heart problems. Pregnant women should avoid using EMS machines as the affects on the unborn baby are not known. Never place EMS electrodes on your head or neck

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Lightweight luggage is very easy to carry and is quite comfortable during long distance travel. Here are some great benefits that light weight luggage can offer you:

Having a light luggage gives you more freedom to move around even when carrying it. You can easily engage in a conversation and even carry additional weight whenever required. A lightweight trolley can be easily carried on an airplane as a cabin baggage. This is especially helpful for business passengers who can avoid long queues for check-in baggage.

Airlines Weight Control
Most domestic Airlines have a strict weight limitation of 50 pounds. Carrying more than this weight can get you in trouble with monetary penalties. One way to avoid this penalty is through lightweight luggage. These luggage models can save you some precious weight, which can be further used for other important things that you intend to carry.

Health Problems
Carrying heavy stuff is generally considered to be good exercise and a test of strength and endurance of an individual. However, this is true if you are around your twenties and are physically very fit and athletic. For most people though, carrying heavy load is not a healthy advisable. Especially, for old people and for those who have heart problems, having lightweight models can be helpful in moving around without risking the body to its physical limitations. Arthritis and knee pains can also be sometimes attributed to carrying heavy luggage during travel, providing more incentives to keep the luggage light.

More Things to Carry
The lighter is the luggage, the more room is available so that additional items can be brought. The extra pounds that you save because of lightweight luggage can easily help you to bring more stuff. This is very helpful to people who like to bring travel gifts all the time. A lightweight and durable luggage will surely come in handy to pack presents and gifts for your loved ones back home.

Those are some of the many great benefits that lightweight models can offer. Having one around you, especially when traveling, will surely provide you with the comfort and easiness that you need during traveling. Moreover importantly, choose a luggage wisely. Some people choose luggage which are light however not durable enough to withstand the rough traveling conditions. Others do not choose the correct size for a lightweight cabin baggage. A typical lightweight luggage has soft cover and made up of good synthetic material like nylon.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What should this disease be called? Should a physician convicted of war crimes against people under his care be honored by calling a disease after him?

Reactive arthritis is also known as Reiter's Syndrome, arthritis urethritica, venereal arthritis and polyarteritis enterica.

It is an autoimmune condition that develops in response to an infection in another part of the body (cross-reactivity). Bacterial infections often trigger the disease.

Reactive arthritis has symptoms similar to various other conditions collectively known as "arthritis". By the time the patient experiences symptoms, oftentimes the "trigger" infection has been cured or is in remission in chronic cases.

The manifestations of reactive arthritis include the following triad of symptoms: an inflammatory arthritis of large joints, commonly including the knee and the back (due to involvement of the sacroiliac joint), inflammation of the eyes in the form of conjunctivitis, which is inflammation of the outer layer of the eye, or uveitis, which is inflammation of the middle layers of the eye, and urethritis in men or cervicitis in women. Patients may also have lesions on the mucus membranes of the skin, as well as psoriasis-like skin lesions. There may also be inflammation where the Achilles tendon attaches to the heal bone, resulting in heel pain. Not all affected persons have all the manifestations (Source: Mayo Clinic ).

The question of what to call this syndrome stems from the fact Hans Conrad Julius Reiter (February 26, 1881 - November 25, 1969), who was a German physician, described the syndrome in 1916. Reiter was not the first person to describe this condition but he was an energetic and long lived self-promoter, and the name Reiter's Syndrome eventually caught on.

Reiter was also an enthusiastic supporter of the Nazi regime. He wrote a well known book on racial hygiene. He designed typhus inoculation experiments that killed more than 250 prisoners at concentration camps, like Buchenwald. He was later convicted of war crimes for his medical experiments at the concentration camp at Buchenwald.

In 1977, appalled by his war crimes, a group of doctors began a campaign for the term "Reiter's Syndrome" to be abandoned and renamed "reactive arthritis." In the last few years, the campaign to change the name to reactive arthritis has met with considerable success.

Personally, I already favored the term reactive arthritis, because I found that it enabled me to get better medical care. Now, having recently learned more about the name change campaign, I have one more reason to favor the name reactive arthritis. Thank you to Don Taylor who recently wrote me about Dr. Reiter's history, of which I was previously unaware.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

You can ski with arthritis, and many people do. If you have rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, or other autoimmune disorders, getting ready for ski season requires more than your typical fitness conditioning.

Focus first on overall fitness. Condition yourself for the sport of skiing with a variety of leg exercises and upper-body toning. As you train, remember to progress slowly through a program. You might need more than the usual 6-8 weeks of physical preparation time.

Consider the weather elements and ski slope conditions. Your environment will affect *how you ski,* how your body feels about its new challenges, and* how quickly you will recover from your skiing activities. Do you have enough clothing that you can layer for cold, windy conditions or for bouts of sweat as your muscles warm up?

There are many types of arthritis and chronic conditions that zap your energy and make your muscles ache. Two important characteristics of these disorders will influence your skiing experience. For better skiing adventures, align your fitness conditioning with these in mind.

Your immune system activity is one of these influences that can adversely affect your skiing. Autoimmune responses are a factor in these types of conditions. Your immune system may be working overtime, inadvertently attacking healthy tissue. When you focus on the immune system in your preparation, you want to avoid taxing the immune system or increasing its stimulation.

If you get sick, like with a cold or flu, recover completely before skiing. If you get sick while participating in a ski conditioning fitness program, discontinue the program and allow your body to rest and heal. As you recover from illness and resume your program, avoid jumping back into it with the same intensity as before you got sick. Progress cautiously.

Avoid toxins and chemicals as you prepare to ski. Surround yourself with natural products in your house and work.

Eat natural foods that are free from chemicals like artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and hormones. Minimize your dairy and meat intake in your diet and increase your consumption of organic vegetables. As tempting as those ski resorts and towns can be, avoid heavy alcohol or super-rich decadent foods and opt for fresh salads and seafood. Stay hydrated!

The other factor that will influence your body's reaction to skiing is inflammation. Arthritis represents an inflamed physical state (hence the suffix, -it is). In healthy individuals, some inflammatory response to muscle conditioning is good for you. Your muscles will grow and get stronger with new physical challenges.

However, if your body is already in a chronic state of inflammation, your muscles recover differently. Throughout your ski conditioning, and then as you begin to ski, practice active rest to reduce inflammation and speed recovery. Active rest enables your body to recover faster than sleep or inactivity without exerting effort. Types of active rest include sports massage therapy, mild body treatments like salt scrubs and seaweed wraps, meditation, sauna, and ice applications.

In conclusion, if your body feels challenged to ski with arthritis, use extra time and focus in your skiing preparations. Your body will enjoy skiing more than most winters. Your stamina and recovery will improve. And you will want to return to the ski slopes sooner than ever before!

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The biggest reason why you should be concerned about your knees is that it happens to be the largest joint in the human body. However, as we age, our muscles will begin to deteriorate and the joint muscles in our knees are no exception. As a results, joint pains happen to everybody.

A sprain happens when the muscles which connect your bones together are strained. Obviously, this results in a lot of pain, however if the strain were very serious, a temporary inability to walk may also be probable.

Second and third degree sprains are the worst of them all. These kinds of sprains don't just have strained ligaments, they are actually torn. Healing the damage will take weeks and quite a bit of physical therapy, but sometimes, surgery may be considered an option especially if the damage is deteriorating.

In addition knee pain there are other signs which can tell you that your knees are having trouble.

  • Swelling

  • Inability to Walk

  • The Sound of Grating

  • Numbing

  • Discoloration

Although there different kinds of treatment for knee pain, perhaps the most practical of them all would be a knee brace. And even though not a perfect solution, one of these can prevent further damage to your joints while helping it heal faster.

In addition to an ordinary medical knee brace, there are other types of braces for knee pain relief. A good example would be a sports knee brace. These kinds of knee braces usually come in many forms, including "basketball knee braces" or "football knee braces." You may use these braces in conjunction with other braces as well as other knee pain remedies.

In terms of costs, knee braces are not that expensive. Most knee brace sites can give you a good price, provided you know how to find them. The best way to start your search is by looking up online medical supplies sites with brace credentials on Google.

Perhaps the best thing about knee braces as knee pain treatments is that they are very simple. Unlike medication or even surgery, a medical brace only requires you to wear it for a given amount of time. Most people who suffer from joint pains already use them, so there's no point in getting worked up about using them. Knee pains and arthritis are problems which happen to almost every person. But with the help of a medical knee brace, treating it will be a lot easier.

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Pain is pain and we want to be free from it, no matter the source of it. So often we are quick to treat the pain without taking the time to distinguish the cause. Knowing the cause of some pains can prevent unnecessary medication, mistreatment and prolonged aches and discomfort.

When dealing with joint and connective tissue disorders, the most common causes of pain are due to inflammation, swelling and inflexibility of the joints. When the inflammation is chronic, it inhibits the body's natural ability to heal and maintain joint and connective tissue health. When the joints are swollen and sore, the necessary nutrients needed by the joints to maintain synovial fluid have a hard time penetrating through the inflammation and entering into the cells of the joint tissue.

Examples of joint and connective tissue disorders that cause inflammation of joints include the following:

* Osteoarthritis
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Lupus
* Gout
* Fibromyalgia

Commonly, suffers of joint arthritis pain, lupus and gout pain try to find relief with over the counter medicines, typically containing acetaminophen. While these products can provide temporary relief, they are usually associated with a variety of side effects such as gastrointestinal issues, dependency and cardiac risks. While these medicines can offer temporary relief, they are only helping to reduce a symptom of the inflammation and momentarily reduce the pain. Many suffers of joint arthritis pain, lupus and gout pain are seeking pain management that comes without so many possible negative effects and works to resolve the cause of the aches, stiffness and inflexibility.

Joint arthritis pain and other connective tissue disorder sufferers are seeking alternative products and dietary supplements to provide relief and hopefully offer pain management that can resolve the cause. While dietary supplements aren't medicines, the natural minerals, nutrients and ingredients replicate the natural healing process of the body. For instance, a combination of chrondroitin, glucosamine and hyaluronic acid has been used in clinical studies for the treatment of pain associated with osteoarthritis of the knee.

These ingredients naturally occur in the body and are needed for healthy joint and connective tissue maintenance. However, there is a catch 22: when joints undergo persistent damage and they need chrondroitin and glucosamine the most, the damage inhibits the production and absorption of these healing ingredients. Researchers have high hopes for supplementation with these ingredients, not only for joint pain relief but also for the possible repair of joint and connective tissue. Studies have not only shown a reduction in pain and an increase in flexibility, they also show improved activity of the cellular membrane in the joints, which hints at the possibility of repair and rebuilding of damaged connective tissue.

While pain management is possible, there are now more natural options to find relief from joint arthritis pain and pain caused by connective tissue disorders. However, with continued study and more research, we might find that there are possibilities beyond just pain management; such studies may prove to find solutions for the actual repair of worn and damaged joints and connective tissue.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Over the years, there has been a noticeable rise in the number of people afflicted with arthritis. It is a fairly common disease among the aged. According to a survey, as many as 1 in 5 adults in the United States presently suffer from chronic joint pains or arthritis.

This widespread prevalence has led to the search for effective pain relief measures to alleviate the debilitating symptoms of the ailment. There are eight tips for arthritis pain relief. Arthritis isn't just a single ailment; it is a compound disorder that consists of more than 100 different conditions and can affect people of any age group.

The two most widespread forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

The eight tips for arthritis pain are applicable to these two forms of arthritis also.

Both these forms have completely separate root causes, risk factors and results on the body, but they both share a common symptom, namely, unrelenting joint pain.

In addition to joint pain felt in other parts of the body, pain in the hips, knees, wrists and hands are the most common symptoms of arthritis.

If you spend many sleepless nights suffering from joint pain, stiffness or swelling of the joints, chances are you're suffering from arthritis. Arthritis pain can be subdivided into two general categories - acute pain and chronic pain. Acute pain lasts for a short-term.

It can last for a few fleeting seconds or longer, but it eventually fades away as the healing process takes place.

Chronic pain ranges from mild to intense, and can last for weeks, months, years, or even a lifetime. The eight tips for arthritis pain help reduce the pain and allow for a more comfortable way of living.

Eight Different Ways To Help Ease Your Arthritis Pain

With the increase in the number of patients suffering from arthritis, the options for arthritis pain relief have also expanded.

There are various alternatives to help bring relief from intense arthritis pains.

These eight tips for arthritis pain are:


Warm water therapy

Heat or steam therapy


Massage therapy

Meditation, hypnosis, hypnotherapy

Magnet therapy

Prescription drugs

Natural treatment therapies can go a long way

* Water Therapy

Water therapy has become a very popular option for pain relief. It is also known as water aerobics, and it involves performing various types of aerobic exercises in a pool.

The main advantage of this kind of treatment is that there is virtually no pressure on your joints while doing the exercises, which is a boon for arthritics beset with excruciating pain.

For most cases of arthritis, moving the joint constantly is recommended. Water therapy is the best for this because you feel buoyant and weightless in water.

Hence, water therapy is not only an easier option, but an effective one as well. Another alternative for relieving arthritis pain is using heat.

Arthritis is especially painful in the cold weather, when stiffness and soreness increase considerably. When this happens, heat is a good choice for pain relief. However, heat only relieves temporarily.

Nevertheless, if you are experiencing mild pain, using heat could prove sufficient in relieving your pain. This is a better alternative if you prefer natural treatments instead of using drugs.

* Massage

Massage is a fairly common method of treatment for joint pains.

However, the extent of relief depends on several factors like the type of massage, the kind of arthritis, and the skill or expertise of the masseuse or therapist.

The type of massage that is reported to be of considerable help to people suffering from arthritis is Swedish or "Classic" massage.

The techniques involve stroking, kneading, rubbing and vibrating, which help by increasing the blood circulation and relieving the joints and muscles from aches and pains.

* Other Sources of Relief

Nowadays, over the counter medication is widely available to help bring relief to arthritis patients.

These drugs can be very helpful provided the pain is moderately mild. In case you suffer from severe pain, you will have to discuss pain relief alternatives with your doctor.

Initially, the only requirement could be a painkiller. Visiting your doctor frequently is highly recommended so that he/she can keep you informed about your arthritis pain relief plan.

If you follow these instructions, you will be able to live an active and pain free life.

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The knee is a pretty important body part, a point I am sure most of us can agree on, however If you are unfortunate enough to suffer from chronic knee pain you can take solace in the fact that you are not alone as this is a problem that affects thousands of people worldwide. Chronic knee pain refers to pain in the knee that develops and worsens over time. There are various causes of chronic knee pain and the older one gets the greater the chances of developing any of these problems. The causes of chronic knee pain can usually be attributed to two things excessive tension/strain on the knees and diseases.

To understand the causes of chronic knee pain one must first have a basic knowledge of the structure of the knee. This may not be the way your doctor may describe it, but to be honest I don't understand half the terms my doctor uses anyway, so here it is in layman terms; the knee is a body joint made up of bones, tendons, ligaments, thickened cartilage referred to as meniscus and fluid filled sacs known as bursae. Serious damage to any of the aforementioned structures can result in chronic knee pain.

The most common Injuries that results from applying too much tension/straining on the knees include ligament injury, Meniscus tear and tendinitis. Ligament injury and tendinitis can more often than not be treated by resting the leg, soaking the affected area in with warm water, and by applying ice packs and anti inflammatory medicine. A meniscus tear is a more serious issue and will require an x-ray to detect and minor surgery to correct.

The most common disease that results in chronic knee pain is arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout and osteoarthritis to be specific. Rheumatoid arthritis and gout results in inflammation, and when these occur it usually results in an accumulation of fluids causing a cyst at the back of the knee, which causes chronic pain in that area. Osteoarthritis is non inflammatory but causes the cartilage of the knee to degenerate.

Other disease that affect the knee are lupus which is a connective tissue disorder and Bursitis which interestingly can be linked back to increased tension on the knees cause by excessive kneeling or overuse. Inflammation causes from these diseases can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication, and the pain if not too severe can usually be controlled by an aspirin. If symptoms persist then it is highly recommended that one visit a physician.

Growing up I was always told that prevention is better than cure thus I would like to share some simple steps that can help in avoiding some injuries that result in chronic knee pain. These are as follows:

• Try and control body weight as the more weight the knee as to support the greater the tension it is burdened with
• When taking on new activity do so in small gradually progressive step, for example if one is thinking of taking up jogging, try power walking then slowly ease into jogging
• Wearing footwear that is comfortable and offer some leg support especially when doing physical activities that requires extensive periods standing.
Having chronic knee problems can greatly affect one's quality of life as it can often deprive us of the simple every day things we find joy in like playing with one's children and grandchildren; however with the power of knowledge we can learn to control this problem and slowly take back our lives one step at a time.

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A very common ailment for people as they get older is knee pain. As you get older your body begins to wear down and your muscles usually begin to deteriorate. As a result, many people suffer from different pains and ailments throughout their body. Bad pain in the knee is usually a result of arthritis in the knee. People who have arthritis are probably aware that it will cause knee inflammation and severe pain.

People who suffer from arthritis are probably aware that one of the best ways to treat this pain is to focus on strengthening the muscles that surround the knee. Being proactive and building up your muscles can help stabilize the weakened knee. It can also help to relieve some of the pressure that is being put on your knee. It is important to realize that finding a good exercise routine for your knee is not only a good way to treat current problems, but it is a good way to treat future problems.

If your body is healthy and strong, you will be less likely to develop any ailments or pains. Focusing on trying to treat the causes of knee inflammation means that you can work to prevent it from occurring. If you are looking into pain killers to help your pain, you should be aware that painkillers are not a long term solution. Most pain killers will only act to mask the pain that you are experiencing. You need to find a good knee pain treatment program that will comprehensively help you eliminate the swelling and pain.

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With the changing times, it's getting harder and harder to guess people's ages by looking at their faces. Sixty really is the new forty. But the tell tale sign to a person's age is often watching the way they move. Often the older a person gets, the more carefully they walk. Maybe one can detect pain upon opening jars or walking up stairs. And looking at family history provides a window into the possibility that a person might be suffering from the stiffness and pain that accompanies arthritis.

Not everyone who suffers from joint pain and stiffness wants to medicate their problem away. In an age where finding healthy alternatives to every day ailments is more and more desirable, seeking out natural ways to beat arthritis really is the fountain of youth for people who are experiencing discomfort performing even simple activities.

It may surprise arthritis sufferers to learn that there are foods that prevent arthritis from taking the fun out of life. There are also methods that teach a person how to beat arthritis naturally and return the spring to their step - varieties of fruits, herbal treatments, exercises, vitamins and foods that really do exist and really do make a huge difference to people who suffer from the debilitating effects of arthritis.

Maybe a person is doing laundry and feels a sudden knee pain when they are carrying the basket upstairs. Or perhaps they are finding themselves turning over the finer work to younger people. Even hobbies and activities that people enjoy doing for themselves are pushed to the side when the pain and stiffness of arthritis start appearing more and more often. All of these things can restrict activities and take all of the joy out of life for millions of people all over the world.

But it doesn't have to be that way. By eating foods that prevent arthritis from getting a foothold on a person's lifestyle and learning how to beat arthritis naturally, a person can take control of their body, their health and their future without expensive treatments that often have dangerous or unknown side effects. There really are natural ways to treat arthritis and carve out a more enjoyable and healthy daily regimen.

It can be confusing to understand how to beat arthritis naturally. And finding all of the foods that prevent arthritis can mean hours and weeks of research. Wouldn't it be great if all of that information was available in one simple report that would show all of the most effective and proven natural ways to treat arthritis? No more ineffective pills, creams and rubs. No more smelly liniments and ointments.

The end of doctor's visits that cost money and frankly just make a person feel old? There really is such a report. A person should look as young as they feel. And feel as young as they are.

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If you suffer from joint pain and stiffness, you may be inclined to wear a brace to help stabilize the joint. Joints damaged by age or overuse may become weakened and stiff during everyday activities. A supportive brace may help alleviate this pain and stiffness throughout your busy day. Whether it's inflammation from an injury or arthritis, braces can offer patients a reprieve from the pain and stiffness.

What Are They?

A supportive brace is just as it sounds. It is a contraption that you wrap around the weakened joint which lends support and aid to the joint. There are many types of braces for such pain, such as a knee brace, ankle brace and the like. Generally the brace will have a type of restriction which keeps the joint in perfect alignment and can ease the pain associated with overused joints. For example, a knee brace can lend support to a weakened knee joint, realign the joint so that it is in proper alignment with the hip and back, and help ease the pain of misalignment.

If you have an injury to a joint, bracing it can help speed up the process of healing, by keep the joint in proper alignment. Braces with strong support are frequently utilized by individuals who have experienced some trauma to a joint, like overuse or sprains. For this, supportive braces can strengthen the muscles and ligaments associated with the injured joint by essentially acting as a second muscle group, keeping the injured muscles from experiencing additional trauma.

For those who suffer from arthritis, supportive braces can increase motility of the damaged joint and in some case, relieve the pain associated with the condition. Often arthritic braces act as an insulator, applying heat to the afflicted joint to reduce pain by keeping it warm. Neoprene sleeve are a common type of arthritic supportive braces. The neoprene sleeve can insulate and thereby help alleviate joint pain from arthritis.

Should I Just Go Get One?

As with any medical condition, it is always advisable to seek medical treatment for any injury or disorder. If you have joint pain, you may have a more serious arthritic condition which may require surgery. Minor injuries do not always require a supportive brace and in fact supportive braces can do more harm than good if worn inappropriately. This is why it is important to consult a physician before wearing a supportive brace. Only a physician can affirm whether a supportive brace is the right choice for you.

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When it comes to pain in your knee, there can be many different causes that are associated with it. You can have pain that is the result of an acute injury that you may have suffered previously or you can have chronic pain caused from arthritis. Osteoarthritis knee pain is a very common form of arthritis that affects many people as they begin to age.

Osteoarthritis knee pain is commonly caused by the degeneration of the cartilage that surrounds your bones. This cartilage helps protect your bones from rubbing against each other. Once it wears down the bones will begin to rub causing lots of swelling a pain in the joint area. As the arthritis gets worse, this rubbing will often cause a limited motion mobility and range of motion.

People who suffer from arthritis pain in their knee usually have flare ups when there is a severe change, falling barometric pressure, or when the wake up in the morning. When it comes to the causes of osteoarthritis, there has been no true consensus that has been formed. Some people believe that it can be caused by a poor diet, food allergies, or even mineral deposits that have occurred.

There are many different treatments for osteoarthritis knee pain available. For people who suffer from severe pain, they should consider trying to find a comprehensive treatment program that can proactively treat the causes of the knee pain. A basic exercise that you can do is massaging your knee. By massaging your knee, you can help loosen up unstable tissue within the knee. This can often help get rid of some of the pain you may experience.

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Do you have knee pain? Millions of people suffer from painful knees and if you do you certainly are not alone. The medical field can suggest from keeping active, dropping some weight, injections or surgery.

Did you know that some foods may help?

1. Fruit containing vitamin C can protect the knee joint and supporting structures. The fruit reduces the risk developing bone marrow lesions. The vitamin C packed fruits are kiwi, papaya, oranges, mango, and grapefruit.

2. Fish and fish oil can ease joint pain. Omega - 3 fatty acids may block chemicals that cause inflammation in osteoarthritis but also blocks protein that wears down knee cartilage. The recommendation suggests two servings of oily fish weekly or a daily supplement of fish oil. The best fish for the Omega - fatty acids are mackerel and salmon.

3. Apple cider vinegar is a respected home remedy used by many to treat a number of common ailments and nagging aches and pains. This is my savior. I use one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar daily. You can add a little water if the vinegar is too strong tasting. I personally receive arthritis pain relief in my hands from apple cider vinegar. Apple Cider Vinegar tablets are also available at your local health food store.

4. Soy products contain isoflavones, plant hormones anti-inflammatory properties. Consuming soy protein every day for 3 months people reported less pain. Soy products can be soy milk or edamames.

Of course, for serious pain, the doctors advice is always best prescription.

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Arthritis affects 46 millions of Americans and, with baby boomers aging, the number of sufferers is expected to rise 67 million by the year 2030. Obviously, arthritis remains the nation's leading cause of disability in those over age 15. And until recently, researchers viewed arthritis mainly because of wear and tear on the joints that caused little by a gradual loss of cartilage, the smooth layer of connective tissue that enables our bones to absorb the shock of joint motion and to move easily and without pain.

However what is it that makes us lose cartilage? Accidents and injuries are one factor, but they are the cause of a relatively small proportion of all cases of osteoarthritis. One of the main reasons, in fact, is inflammation - its link with osteoarthritis- and to pain in general- was found only recently in scientific studies. Ironically, inflammation is a self-protective process that happens when you are getting hurt. Inflammation has many positive effects such as increasing blood supply to an injured area. But what we really don't know is that this protective reaction can backfire on us. Sometimes inflammation continues long after it is needed, leading to greater pain and further loss of cartilage in joints.

Injuries aren't the sole triggers of inflammation. In fact, poor diet and lack of exercise also play a part. But one of the keys to reducing the pain of the arthritis of the knee is stopping unwanted inflammation. While there is no treatment for arthritis at present, you can do a few things to slow its progression and alleviate the pain. The following noninvasive cures can provide relief to most arthritis sufferers.

1. Watch Your Diet. Eat foods that reduce inflammation, and get away from those that cause it. Red meat and high-fructose corn syrup both are packed with omega-6 fatty acids, which are likely to promote inflammation. Processed sugars and fatty foods also are prime culprits in America's epidemic of overweight and obesity, which are factors in arthritis. Extra weight places further stress on the spine, hip, and knee joints and exacerbates any inflammation there. To reduce inflammation, consume more foods that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids like deep-sea fish, flaxseed, brightly colored fruits, dark-green leafy vegetables, and olive oil. Remember that nutritionists now advise eating these same foods to improve overall health.

2. Take safe supplements. Recent study indicates that the use of ginger, glucosamine and chondroiton sulfate may be helpful for moderate to severe arthritis. In fact, ginger has been used in India for centuries as treatment for knee pain. Talk to your physician for specific suggestions.

3. Use Your Body. Some sufferers of arthritis are afraid that exercise can hurt them. However what they don't know is that simple exercises are needed for proper functioning of joint. To start with, stretch the affected joint and if you arthritis joint can manage it, walking just 20 to 30 minutes a day can avoid further deterioration.

4. Breathe Slowly and Properly. Proper breathing in a slow, controlled rhythm is the quickest joint pain relief. Any mild form of stretching with controlled breathing like yoga or tai chi also can alleviate arthritis pain.

5. Try Massage and Acupuncture. Because mainstream medicine has not provided enough treatment for arthritis short of drugs and surgery, a lot of arthritis sufferers have turned to natural remedies for arthritis such as massage and acupuncture. Generally, massage therapy has been shown to be beneficial for arthritis of the spine and hip, and acupuncture has yielded promising results for arthritis of the knee in clinical trials.

6. Other Arthritis Treatments. For those whose knee pain continues even after adopting these lifestyle changes, a spray such as Brazilian Heat may provide instant relief. This spray helped relieve knee pain by turning off the knee pain nerves.

Meanwhile, eating a sound anti-inflammatory diet, taking safe supplements for arthritis, and following a sensible exercise routine while keeping your body weight in check will help you avoid many of the side effects of arthritis.

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Arthritis affects everyone, with no respect for gender, age, background or culture. It is truly a universal disease. The far reaching disease is dealt with in many different ways, both traditional methods as well as holistic methods. For individuals who believe they or someone they love may be afflicted with arthritis, we will discuss the symptoms and some of the more proven treatments for controlling the disease.

Arthritis definition

Joint inflammation is the definition, and covers over a hundred diseases that attack the joints, muscles, ligaments, bones and tendons. The pain, swelling and stiffness are able to be treated with many different traditional and holistic remedies.

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis afflicts over two million people of all ages. Early onset rheumatoid arthritis can strike as early as the toddler stage of life. This type of arthritis is characterized by the symmetry of the disease. If one knee is affected, then the other knee will be as well. This is true of all the joints that will be affected, but more than just joints are affected by this particular form of arthritis. Arthritis affects skin, eyes, heart, blood and more. Rheumatoid arthritis is the most recognizable form of arthritis and there are many treatments that can be applied to remedy the symptoms.

Traditional Treatments

Controlling pain, stiffness and fatigue that are symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis is best when there is early, aggressive treatment. Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the immune cells attack the body. Joints are the primary target by rheumatoid arthritis, but other areas of the body, such as the organs are affected by this disease. Traditional medicine addresses the symptoms with medications such as Methotrexate and Plaquenil, diet and exercise. Moving stiff joints is painful, but one of the most effective ways to help relieve the lack of mobility associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Diet is another method that traditional as well as holistic practitioners recommend for treating the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

Holistic Treatments

The ancient Eastern exercises such as Tai Chi is a slow moving, stretching form of exercise and can be practiced by individuals of any age. Tai Chi uses all the muscle groups and joints in the body and will loosen stiff joints when practiced daily.

Acupuncture is a method to treat arthritis. This age old technique identifies the parts of the body thought to connect through pathways and it has been found that this treatment will reduce swelling, stiffness and joint pain.

Holistic treatments for arthritis include using all natural herbs, vitamins, diet, and supplemental minerals instead of using prescription medications. As with all medical issues, make sure to talk with your health care provider before stopping or starting a different treatment, whether it is traditional medical treatment or holistic.

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