目前分類:arthritis in knee (150)

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When you suffer from arthritis, you experience severe inflammation in your one or more joints. Injuries, fractures, dislocations and the resurfacing of old injuries are the factors that can lead to joint inflammation.

While injuries and infection may trigger inflammation, the most common cause is arthritis. There are hundred kinds of arthritis but not all types cause inflammation. The most common arthritis types associated with inflammation include:

Rheumatoid Arthritis
It is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks the joints causing painful inflammation in joints. The most common symptoms are joint pain, swelling, stiffness, tiredness, depression, and anaemia. Some patients also develop flu-like symptoms, such as feeling ill, feeling hot and sweating.

Some less common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include inflammation in the eyes, rheumatoid nodules and weight loss. In rare cases inflammation may occur in other body parts, namely lungs and blood vessels and the membrane around your heart.

The initial treatment options available for rheumatoid arthritis are physical therapies and anti-rheumatic drugs- painkillers (analgesics), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and steroids.

In cases where body joints give severe pain, stiffness and immobility replacement surgeries like knee replacement hip replacement may be needed.

Psoriatic Arthritis
This arthritic condition causes painful inflammation in and around body joints and tendons. Symptoms of this condition include inflammation in your spine (spondylitis) causing stiffness in back or neck, swelling in and around your fingers or toes (dactylitis), buttock pain, inflammation where tendons attach to bone (enthesitis) causing pain and swelling in your heels, knee, hip bones and chest.

NSAIDs and DMARDs are most often used to treat psoriatic arthritis. In very rare occasions, surgery is used to repair damaged tendon. The joint that has been long damaged by inflammation is best treated with joint replacement surgery.

Gouty Arthritis
Gout is considered as the most painful form of inflammatory arthritis. The symptoms of gout are caused by abnormally high level of uric acid that builds up and forms crystals in the joints, which can lead to recurring attacks of joint inflammation. Gout most commonly affects the small joint at the base of the big toe but it affects other joints as well, including the ankles, knees, fingers, wrists, and elbows.

Symptoms of gout usually include intensely painful and swollen joints, redness and warmth on the affected joint and red or purple skin around the joint.

Treating the gout usually involves either anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids that can help reduce the pain and inflammation of gout attacks. Some certain medications decrease the level of uric acid in the bloodstream. Many gout patients turn to natural methods to reduce the risk of future gout attacks. In order to prevent gout flares you should modify your diets- avoid overindulgence in meat, seafood and alcohol; and drink more water- consume beverages that contain more water. Losing weight, following a moderate exercise regimen and taking supplements can be of great help.

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Also referred to as Lupus, it is an autoimmune disease in which the body's natural defense system attacks healthy body cells and tissues. This inappropriate response of body's immune system causes inflammation which in turn leads to pain, swelling and tissue damage throughout the body.

Some lupus sufferers develop only mild symptoms, including tiredness, joint pain, swelling (arthritis) and fever. In some cases skin rash, hair loss and mouth sores can also occur. The times when symptoms get worse the patients may experience problems with the heart, kidneys, blood cells, lungs, or nervous system.

Lupus can be best treated by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and applying medicated cream for rashes. Taking proper rest, avoiding the sun and regular exercise can help you cope with the condition.

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Excessive use or abuse of the joint, incorrect positioning during movement, inadequate warm up or cool down activity prior to and after exercise, and insufficient stretching are some of the physical causes of knee pain. Knee pain resulting from these simple causes may resolve on its own through rest and careful self-nurturing. However, excess weight or obesity can increase the risk of developing painful disorders of the knee.

Some of the diseases that cause knee pain include:

  • Arthritis - rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and other connective tissue disorders like lupus.

  • Baker's cyst - when the posterior region of the knee is inundated with fluid, swelling and arthritic inflammation occurs. This engorged cyst can burst, causing pain to travel down the back of the calf.

  • Bursitis - symptoms include inflammation from constant knee stress (e.g., prolonged kneeling, excessive joint use, or injury).

  • Disorders of the hip - pain causing ailments which affect the knee. The Iliotibial Band Syndrome is one such example. This injury occurs in the thick band of tissue that extends from the hip to the knee exterior.

  • Joint infection.

  • Kneecap dislocation.

  • Knee injuries - these injuries can result in internal knee bleeding, thereby aggravating the pain.

  • Strains and sprains - these are minor ligament injuries that are caused by abrupt or irregular joint wrenching motions that may cause ligament trauma.

  • Tendinitis (tendonitis) - characterized by anterior knee pain that is exacerbated by activities like going up or down stairs and other inclines. Athletes like runners, skiers and cyclists are more prone to this disease than most.

  • Meniscus tears (cartilage tears) - these type of injuries result in pain in the interior or exterior knee joint.

  • ACL tear (ligament tear) - the resulting pain and damage also causes the knee joint to become unstable.

Knee pain can also result from other less common illnesses which include:

  • Bone tumours

  • Osgood-Schlatter disease

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Inflammation of knees is painful and can often interfere with our ability to play sports or to exercise. Inflammation of knees is often chronic, which means we may get it many times over our lifetime, unless we take the proper measures to fix it. If you have a swollen knee, you have to remember that that is natures way of immobilizing the knee to prevent further injury.

What you should do is have plenty of rest. Rest takes the pressure off the joint and relieves the pain. If you elevate your leg, this will help reduce the swelling. You can of course see your doctor and get medication for the pain. But remember this. The COX 2 inhibitors, that doctors prescribed for arthritic type pain, have resulted in thousands of law suites being lodged against the major pharmaceutical companies.

Because of this, many people are now choosing to go the natural way to treat their inflammation of knees. The natural way is generally taking Omega 3 supplements, and if the pain is real bad, taking Omega 3 supplements in conjunction with the green lipped mussel powder put out by a New Zealand company. They have discovered a new way of processing this powder, which gives it greater anti-inflammatory properties

The Maoris of New Zealand were well known for the fact that they never suffered from joint pains. The scientists put this down to their diet which consisted of mainly seafood and shellfish, including the green lipped mussel. This diet of Omega 3 fatty acids has been proven over and over again to alleviate the swellings and the pain often associated with arthritic type diseases.

Another thing you can do is use a knee pad, this will protect your knee and keep it warm. One thing I would advise is that you seek the advice of a doctor before you start any type of home remedy. Only a qualified professional can diagnose the cause of your inflammation of knees, and recommend the best course of action.

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Ankle pain, while not as frequent as pain in the knee, is a common problem. The difficulty lies in making a diagnosis because chronic "ankle pain" covers a wide variety of disorders, each of which requires a customized approach.

A chronic ankle problem should be differentiated from an acute injury. An acute ankle injury is not hard to diagnose. For example, ankle sprains are usually an inversion injury (the foot turns in) and there is damage to the outside (lateral ligaments) of the ankle. While usually mild, some injuries can be more severe with significant injury occurring in the anterior talofibular ligament. A significant percentage of those patients who have this injury go on to develop osteoarthritis of the ankle. It is important that if there is evidence of significant damage to the anterior talofibular ligament, that an MRI scan be obtained.

Patients with chronic ankle pain where there is crunching when the ankle is moved almost always have osteoarthritis of the ankle and this is usually a result of recurrent injury of the inversion type. While the standard programs of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, physical therapy, and glucocorticoid injections can provide temporary relief, patients may need more aggressive treatment using platelet-rich plasma and/or mesenchymal stem cells.

Pain developing on the outside of the ankle beneath the lateral malleolus (the bump on the outside of the ankle) usually is due to tendonitis involving the peroneal tendon. An MRI will confirm the diagnosis. Treatment consists of ultrasound guided needle tenotomy with platelet-rich plasma. Another condition that causes pain on the outside of the ankle joint is sinus tarsi syndrome. This is an inflammatory condition affecting the joint between the talus (upper ankle bone) and the calcaneus (heel bone). Treatment here involves ultrasound guided glucocorticoid injection and splinting.

Pain in the back of the ankle, particularly if it can be localized to the Achilles tendon is due to Achilles tendinopathy. This is a degenerative condition involving the Achilles tendon and is frequently seen in aging athletes. The danger here is this condition can lead to Achilles rupture. MRI can confirm the diagnostic impression. If there is no tear, ultrasound guided needle tenotomy with platelet-rich plasma can be curative.

Pain the back of the ankle joint usually signifies an arthritic component involving a bone called the os trigonum.

Pain along the inside of the ankle joint can be due to a few things. The first is a problem with the deltoid ligament. Another potential situation is caused by an extra bone- called an accessory navicular. Pain with toeing off at the front/middle part of the ankle joint is caused by pinching between the talus and the tibia (lower leg bone). All of these situations are complicated in regards to treatment.

Pain occurring below and in back of the medial malleolus (bump along the inside of the ankle) is usually due to tendonitis involving the posterior tibial tendon. This can be treated with ultrasound guided needle tenotomy with platelet-rich plasma along with short term splinting.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a long-term inflammatory disease that affects both tissues and organs, but mainly attacks joints. The disease produces inflammation in the lining of the joint (synovitis), and often leads to the destruction of cartilage and deformity in the joints. Rheumatoid arthritis can also produce inflammation in the lungs, heart, kidneys, and eyes, and can produce nodules, most commonly in the tissues just under the skin. Although the cause of rheumatoid arthritis is unknown, an auto-immune system explanation has the most credibility. A genetic component may also exist. RA is a painful and disabling condition, which causes considerable loss of function and mobility. It is diagnosed by its signs and symptoms, and also with blood tests (rheumatoid factor) and X-rays.

Rheumatoid arthritis pain always shows signs of inflammation, with affected joints being swollen, warm, painful and stiff, particularly on awakening in the morning or following inactivity. With time RA almost always affects multiple joints, most commonly the small joints of the hands, feet, and spine, but larger joints like the hip and knee can also be affected.

Once inflammation occurs, the pain can become chronic, and treatment will likely be necessary. Various treatments are available. Early and effective rheumatoid arthritis treatment can improve the prognosis and may help prevent the joint and bone destruction associated with RA. If physical therapy, orthotics, and diet changes have failed you and you have maxed out your meds, the Feldenkrais Method can be used to treat all problems for which surgery isn't necessary. Feldenkrais uses simple, gentle movements to reorganize posture, flexibility, strength and coordination. Based on the neurological processes by which we learn movement skills, it is a novel approach to rheumatoid pain relief, using the power of the brain to help the body function more efficiently. More efficient use of self creates environments within which chronic pain can heal. Many sufferers are better in a matter of weeks. Let Feldenkrais help you to have fun with life again.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis in knee is common, although much more common forms of arthritis are found to be in the hands and fingers.

Arthritis in the knee is most commonly known as osteoarthritis. People who suffer with osteoarthritis in their knees may start to notice some stiffness and swelling around the knee cap. These symptoms may get better throughout the day if you encourage regular movement to stop your knees from seizing up.

Osteoarthritis occurs because the body breaks down the cartilage around the joints, this break down can end with the total loss of joint cartilage. When the cartilage breaks down, the bones become inflamed, this inflammation can causes bone protrusions.

The symptoms of osteoarthritis in knees are:

  • Sharp pains in the knee area,

  • Periods of stiffness which may or may not ease throughout the day.

  • Movement difficulties.

Some individuals with osteoarthritis in the knees may not have any noticeable symptoms. This can be because the osteoarthritis develops slowly.

If you have arthritis in knee, natural treatments are available and they may help you cope with the symptoms. These can include;

Red pepper, aids the circulatory system. This can be made into a paste and then rubbed onto the skin of the affected area. Red pepper can also be incorporated into your daily diet.

Cayenne pepper, you can apply this as a paste to the skin or as I stated above or you can incorporate this in foods. This food aids the heart by acting as a stimulant. This can increase the flow of blood throughout the body and will result in a natural pain reliever being produced by the body.

Ginger, is an anti inflammatory this can reduce the aches and pains that are caused by inflammation.

Garlic, aids blood flow in the body, this boost of blood flow can reduce inflammation and may reduce any pain.

A gentle massage of the knees could reduce the aches and pains, this can also increase blood flow. By incorporating an oil into the massage you will be promoting healthy, supple skin.

If you are able to make the required changes to your diet you may start to notice improvements after 2 - 3 weeks. In conjunction will a healthy diet you should try to do at least 30 - 60 minutes of light exercise per day.

If osteoarthritis symptoms are no longer manageable and the pain you are experiencing gets unbearable contact your doctor or other health professional, they will be able to give you adequate advice and they may prescribe pain relief.

Arthritis in knee is a common form of arthritis, symptoms can be dealt with although this condition can not be cured. You will find that you can be prescribed pain relief and ointments or lotions to help cope with the symptoms. In early arthritis in the knee you can reduce the speed that the cartilage breaks down. Anti inflammatory medication will help reduce swelling and soreness.

Arthritis in knee is very common, all symptoms can be dealt with effectively. If you require more information consult a doctor or other health professional.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the most common form of inflammatory arthritis and affects more than 2 million Americans. The diagnosis is not easy to make in many instances. There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis. Most of them involve inflammation. When a patient goes to a rheumatologist to get a diagnosis, there is a process of elimination in order to arrive at the proper diagnosis. This process of elimination is called "differential diagnosis."

Differential diagnosis can be a difficult undertaking because so many forms of arthritis, particularly inflammatory forms of arthritis look alike. Generally it is helpful to divide the differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis into two groups. The first group are the non-infectious diseases to consider and the second group are the infection-related conditions.

Since the discussion is rather long I have chosen to divide the article into two parts.

The following is a partial list of forms of inflammatory arthritis that can be seen and must be considered when evaluating a patient with inflammatory symptoms of arthritis and are not infection related.

RA is an autoimmune chronic inflammatory disease, primarily involving the peripheral joints (hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees, ankles, and feet). It can also affect non joint structures such as the lung, eye, skin, and cardiovascular system.

RA may start slowly with nonspecific symptoms, including fatigue, malaise (feeling "blah"), appetite loss, low-grade fever, weight loss, and vague joint pains, or it may have an explosive onset with inflammation involving multiple joints. The joint symptoms usually occur bilaterally- both sides of the body equally involved- and symmetric. Erosions- damage to the joint- can be seen with x-ray. In about 80% of cases, elevated levels of rheumatoid factor (RF) or anti-cyclic citrullinated antibodies (anti-CCP) are present in the blood. There appears to be a correlation between the presence of anti-CCP antibodies and erosions.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) occurs in children under the age of 16. Three forms of JRA exist, including oligoarticular (1-4 joints), polyarticular (more than 4 joints), and systemic-onset or Still's disease. The latter condition is associated with systemic symptoms -- including fever and rash in addition to joint disease.

Polyarticular JRA has similar characteristics to adult RA. It causes about 30% of cases of JRA. Most children with polyarticular JRA are negative for RF and their prognosis is usually good.

Approximately 20% of polyarticular JRA patients have elevated RF, and these patients are at risk for chronic, progressive joint damage.

Eye involvement in the form of inflammation- called uveitis- is a common finding in oligoarticular JRA, especially in patients who are positive for anti-nuclear antibody (ANA), a blood test that is often used to screen for autoimmune disease. Uveitis may not cause symptoms so careful screening should be performed in these patients.

SLE is an inflammatory, chronic, autoimmune disorder that can involve the skin, joints, kidneys, central nervous system, and blood vessel walls. Patients may present with 1 or more of the following: butterfly-shaped rash on the face, affecting the cheeks; rash on other parts of the body; sensitivity to sunlight; mouth sores; joint inflammation; fluid around the lungs, heart, or other organs; kidney abnormalities; low white blood cell count, low red blood cell count, or low platelet count; nerve or brain inflammation; positive results of a blood test for ANA; positive results of a blood test for antibodies to double-stranded DNA or other antibodies.

Patients with lupus can have significant inflammatory arthritis. As a result, lupus can be difficult to distinguish from RA, especially if other features of lupus are not present. Clues that favor a diagnosis of RA over lupus in a patient presenting with arthritis affecting multiple joints include lack of lupus features, erosions (joint damage) seen on x-rays, and elevations of RF and anti-CCP antibodies.

Polymyositis (PM) and dermatomyositis (DM) are types of inflammatory muscle disease. These conditions typically present with bilateral (both sides involved) large muscle weakness. In the case of DM, rash is present. Diagnosis consists of finding the following: elevation of muscle enzyme levels in the blood [the two enzymes that are measured are creatine kinase (CPK) and aldolase], signs and symptoms, electromyograph (EMG)- an electrical test- alteration, and a positive muscle biopsy.

In addition, in many cases abnormal antibodies specific for inflammatory muscle disease can be elevated.

In both PM and DM, inflammatory arthritis can be present and can look like RA. Both inflammatory muscle disease and RA can affect the lungs. In RA, muscle function will usually be normal. Also, in PM and DM, erosive joint disease is unlikely. RF and anti-CCP antibodies are typically elevated in RA but not PM or DM.

SAs -- psoriatic arthritis, reactive arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and enteropathic arthritis -- are a category of diseases that cause systemic inflammation, and preferentially attack parts of the spine and other joints where tendons attach to bones. They also can cause pain and stiffness in the neck, upper and lower back, tendonitis, bursitis, heel pain, and fatigue. They are termed "seronegative" types of arthritis. The term 'seronegative' means that testing for rheumatoid factor is negative. Symptoms of adult SAs include:

o Back and/or joint pain;

o Morning stiffness;

o Tenderness near bones;

o Sores on the skin;

o Inflammation of the joints on both sides of the body;

o Skin or mouth ulcers;

o Rash on the bottom of the feet; and

o Eye inflammation.

Occasionally, arthritis similar to that seen in RA can be present. Careful history and physical examination can often distinguish between these conditions, especially if an obvious disease that is promoting inflammation is present (psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.). In addition, RA rarely affects the DIP joints- the last row of finger joints. If these joints are involved with inflammatory arthritis, the diagnosis of an SA is possible. (Note of caution: a condition known as inflammatory erosive nodal osteoarthritis can also affect the DIP joints). RF and anti-CCP antibodies are negative in SAs, although, rarely, in cases of psoriatic arthritis there may be elevations of RF and anti-CCP antibodies.

Gout is caused by deposits of monosodium urate (uric acid) crystals into a joint. Gouty arthritis is acute in onset, very painful, with signs of significant inflammation on exam (red, warm, swollen joints). Gout can affect almost any joint in the body, but typically affects cooler areas including the toes, feet, ankles, knees, and hands. Diagnosis is made by drawing fluid from an inflamed joint and analyzing the fluid. Demonstrating monosodium urate crystals in the joint fluid is diagnostic, although finding elevated serum levels of uric acid can also be helpful.

In most cases, gout is an acute single joint disease that is easy to distinguish from RA. However, in some cases, chronic erosive joint inflammation where multiple joints are involved can develop. And, in cases where tophi (deposits of uric acid) are present, it can be difficult to distinguish from erosive RA. However, crystal analysis of joints or tophi and blood tests should be helpful in distinguishing gout from RA.

Calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease (CPPD), also known as pseudogout, is a disease is caused by deposits of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals in a joint. The presence of these crystals in the joints leads to significant inflammation. Establishing the diagnosis includes using:

o Detailed medical history;

o Withdrawing fluid from a joint to check for crystals;

o Joint x-rays to show crystals deposition in the cartilage (chondrocalcinosis); and

o Blood tests to rule out other diseases (e.g., RA or osteoarthritis).

In most cases, CPPD arthritis presents with single joint inflammation. In some cases, CPPD disease can present with chronic symmetric multiple joint erosive arthritis similar to RA. RA and CPPD disease can usually be told apart by joint aspiration demonstrating calcium pyrophosphate crystals, and by blood tests, including RF and anti-CCP antibodies, which are usually negative in CCPD arthritis. A complicating feature is that RA and CPPD can coexist!

Sarcoidosis is an inflammatory joint disorder. The majority of patients with this disease have lung disease, with eye and skin disease being the next most frequent signs of disease. Although the diagnosis of sarcoidosis can be made on clinical and x-ray presentation alone, sometimes the use of tissue biopsy with the demonstration of "noncaseating granulomas" is necessary for diagnosis.

Arthritis is present in 15% of patients with sarcoidosis, and in rare cases can be the only sign of disease. In acute sarcoid arthritis, joint disease is usually of rapid onset. It is symmetric involving the ankles, although knees, wrists, and hands can be involved. In most cases of acute disease, lung and skin disease are also present. Chronic sarcoid arthritis can be difficult to distinguish from RA. Although RA-specific blood tests, such as RF and anti-CCP antibodies, can be helpful in distinguishing RA from sarcoidosis, in some cases a biopsy of joint tissue may be required for diagnosis.

Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) is a disease that leads to inflammation of tendons, muscles, ligaments, and tissues around the joints. It presents with large muscle pain, aching, morning stiffness, fatigue, and in some cases, fever. It can be associated with temporal arteritis (TA), also known as giant-cell arteritis, which is a related but more serious condition in which inflammation of large blood vessels can lead to blindness and aneurysms. Also, a peculiar syndrome where use of the arms and legs leads to cramping because of insufficient blood flow (limb claudication) can occur. PMR is diagnosed when the clinical picture is present along with elevated markers of inflammation (ESR and/or CRP). If temporal arteritis is suspected (headache, vision changes, limb claudication), biopsy of a temporal artery may be necessary to demonstrate inflammation of blood vessels.

PMR and TA can present with symmetric inflammatory arthritis similar to RA. These diseases can usually be distinguished by blood testing. In addition, headaches, vision changes, and large muscle pain are uncommon in RA, and if these are present, PMR and/or TA should be considered.

In part 2 of this article, I will discuss infectious diseases that need to be considered in the differential diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis. When RA is suspected, it is critical to consult with an expert rheumatologist.

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Joint pain is a common side effect of old age. Ligaments and tendons begin to be less forgiving and cartilage begins to erode. Our knees, elbows, ankles and wrists can all be tender and sore as we go through our daily lives. However, if you continue to suffer from stiffness and joint pain, there may be more to it than just normal wear and tear.

Gout is a form of arthritis and can strike in the middle of the night with joint pain and soreness. Without notice, you can awake with twinges of pain in your big toe, finger or other areas like ankles and knees. Although the pain may last for several days and go away, the condition can re-surface at any time in the future.Over 2 million people in the U.S. alone deal with gout and most often it afflicts men more than women. Gout usually develops in men over 30 and post menopausal women. Males are more likely to suffer if overweight and diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Pseudogout is similar in nature and is also a form of arthritis but usually targets the knees or wrists even though other areas can be affected. Pseudogout can be caused by irregular development of calcium deposits within the cartilage area between the knee or wrist joints. Once the calcium deposits enter the fluid resulting pain can occur.

Pseudogout targets an older age group, usually people age 60 or older are affected, where gout can occur much earlier in life. During an episode of Pseudogout, your wrist or knee joint may be swollen, red or purple in color and warm to the touch.

In summary, joint pain and stiffness can be attributed to just overdoing a particular activity, but chronic pain can become more serious as you age. A healthy lifestyle and diet could be a major factor in reducing the risk of chronic joint pain. Exercise is also a factor in strengthening your joints and muscles and reducing high blood pressure to combat age related diseases. Low impact exercise can be used in the beginning and as your joints become more flexible, stronger as more physical activities can be pursued.

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What to look for in a knee brace really depends on the type of injury a person has sustained. For mild injuries such as a first-degree sprain a more inexpensive, lightweight brace made from nylon, Lycra, or neoprene can be used. This type of brace will provide some support and compression and is usually used in conjunction with or alternating with ice pack treatments. Knee braces of this type are relatively inexpensive and should really be kept on-hand in every home as a possible first-aid treatment for minor sprains and pulls that can occur during recreational sports or even doing household tasks.

A second-degree sprain may involve some ligament tearing and will require slightly more support. While compression is still provided, these knee braces will usually also include some type of hinge mechanism to allow some controlled movement of the knee to prevent stiffness. This type of knee brace may also be made of nylon, Lycra or neoprene, but usually with the addition of straps, thicker padded support and sometimes even plastic "armor". These knee braces are a little more expensive than their more flexible counterparts and usually would be purchased on an as-needed basis, although serious athletes or weekend warriors may want to keep one at the ready.

A third-degree sprain is more serious, involving a rupture of the tendon and usually requires surgery. Braces for this type of injury need to provide a lot more support, while still allowing some movement. This type of brace may even require a prescription and will be covered under some medical insurance policies. Some of these knee braces include a system that allows ice water to circulate through tubes around the knees to keep the pain and swelling down which is a big necessity in many cases.

Other injuries and disorders may call for any one of the types of knee braces that have been discussed here depending on the severity of the injury. There are even some braces specially made for certain ailments, such as arthritis, which can reduce pain, stabilize the knee joint and even help to build muscle. It is a good idea to ask your doctor or physical therapist to make a recommendation as to the type of knee brace that is best for you. Using the right type of knee braces can have a big impact on the quality and speed of your recovery.

Once you understand the type of brace you need you will want to find the best quality brace at the best possible price. An excellent place to find high quality knee braces from manufacturers like DonJoy, Aircast and Procare is at http://www.betterbraces.com. They offer a 90-day guarantee and free shipping on orders over $100.

It is important to remember to wear your knee braces whenever you do any type of physical activity. Even activities such as walking or light house cleaning can reinjure your knee if you do not take proper precautions and allow enough time for healing to take place. Healthy knees are so important not only to sports performance, but to your everyday quality of life so it is vital to choose your knee braces with care and use them properly as needed.

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After conducting the necessary physical examination, especially on joints like your knees, hips and legs, your doctor will require a detailed enumeration of your medical history for a more accurate diagnosis. You will be asked questions about:

  • the first time you felt pain in your knee

  • whether you've had previous knee pain, and why

  • the length of time you've been experiencing pain

  • whether the pain is constant or intermittent

  • whether the pain affects one or both knees

  • the precise area where pain is felt - above, below, at the sides, or on the knee itself

  • the severity of the pain

  • whether the knee feels tender and battered

  • your ability to put weight on your knee or walk

  • any history of injury or accident involving the affected joint

  • whether the whole limb or just the knee has been used excessively

  • your normal day-to-day activities and exercise regimen

  • the home remedies you've used to treat the knee and whether they alleviated any of the symptoms

  • other signs like hip, leg or calf pain, and swelling of the knee and its surrounding areas

  • any incidence of fever

Your doctor may also order the following tests:

  • extraction of a fluid sample from your knee for analysis

  • knee x-rays

  • MRI scan of the knee to determine any tears in the ligaments or meniscus

To counter pain symptoms, your doctor may prescribe NSAIDs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that are more potent than over-the-counter painkillers. For more severe symptoms, injectible steroids can be administered to cut down pain and inflammation.

Other methods of treatment may involve sessions with a physical therapist for stretching and strengthening joint exercises, or visits to a podiatrist for orthotics fittings. These remedies can avert the recurrence of arthritis symptoms.

When the disease has progressed to a stage where there is extensive bone and cartilage damage and severe pain and inflammation, surgery may be necessary to replace the affected joint. While minor injuries involving ligaments strains and tears will heal naturally with self-nurturing home care or the use of supportive apparatus, substantial tears and fissures, like a torn meniscus will require arthroscopic knee surgery.

Ligament and meniscus-related conditions result in slow and painstaking recovery, often involving the use of crutches and prolonged physical therapy.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Want to know how to get rid of pain in the knee? This might be one of the most widespread causes of grievances of the general population. Physicians report that as the society advances, the physical stability of people comes to a greater risk. Today's society also has an increasing number of knee problems. Different kinds of stipulations, symptoms, and ailments can be the grounds for knee ache. Involvement of habitual runners or those who are involved in the high impact sports like tennis, basketball and football, have a greater likeliness of acquiring knee pain.

This ailment can be addressed through a variety of resources available in today's market. But it is essential to address the root of the pain, to prevent it from returning. This is where natural or homeopathic remedies come in.

5 Simple Remedies On How To Get Rid Of Pain In The Knee Naturally


Celery is the stalk of the plant Apium Graveolens. Its use in pills in relieving pain is widespread. It was first used as early as 30 A.D. Celery is very known to treat gout as well as swollen joints. The method of using Celery can different according to different sources. But the best is known to be as a tincture. This means Celery should be used as a mixture of infused alcohol. For this many sources suggest Vodka to be the best. This tincture works as a decoction.


Basil is a culinary herb called Ocimum Basilicum. This herb is originally from India. Its properties as an antioxidant, antiviral, and an antimicrobial are well known. Lesser known is its use to cure knee ache. Essential oils from this herb have high medicinal value. This oil can be effectively used to treat joint aches. Care should be taken so as to not intake a large amount as this can be harmful.


A very common household commodity, Ginger is a rhizome of the plant Gingiber Officiniale. In spite of the fact that studies of its medicinal properties in knee pain have been inconsistent, Ginger has been claimed to decrease joint pains and arthritis. It provides effective relief to general joint stiffness and the pain arising from any degenerative diseases of joints. Method of application includes using it in a bath and also as a hot compress. Both applications provide liberation from pain.


Mustard is a popular condiment which is prepared from the seeds of a plant which goes by the same name. The medicinal assets of this essential commodity are massive. But for the general knee ache it is majorly used as a topical paste rubbed in the area. This is also used in the bath.


Very few are aware of the property of lemon juice to cure knee pain. Studies show ingestion of lemon juice effectively reduces swelling and thus helps to reduce joint aches.

The Search For Natural Ingredients

Knee joint pains are very common in today's advancing community and natural herbs or homeopathic medicines might not be easily available in this modern society. Today's families are so busy in the office and household work, that searching for natural herbs and remedies for knee pain is a herculean task in itself. This creates an additional problem.


Studies conducted by a Health Institute discovered that a spot-application cream made from natural ingredients like Belladonna, Ignatia, Lachesis Mutus, Naja, etc, is proven to provide instant relief from knee pains and is a totally hassle-free application. After numerous tests, the results obtained were amazing. This product provides a 100% cure from knee injuries with immediate results and this is all done with zero side-effects.

The Final Relief

Knee pain can be very easily cured at home without going through painful experiences and side effects using other man-made medicines. Awareness about the above natural remedies on how to get rid of pain in the knee will drastically help reduce or eliminate this common syndrome.

The ointment developed by the Institute, has such fast and visible results that it has gained a lot of popularity in a short span of time. Finally, we have a remedy that provides us with all the advantages of many natural remedies. This all-in-one ointment is a breakthrough in the field of joint pains and finally answers the age old question of how to get rid of pain in the knee, that has so helplessly been echoed by victims since time immemorial!

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How much do you know about rheumatism?

You probably know it's related to pain in the joints. Yes, joints are only one affected area. Therefore, rheumatism is a broad term that also includes inflammation of bones, muscles, tendons and even internal organs. But let's focus only on joint pain with you here.

What Causes Joint Pain?

The two most common causes of joint pain are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Other factors can be sprain, fracture, gout in the big toes, septic arthritis or polyarthritis.

Let's take a closer look at osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA)

It's a condition where spurs grow and cartilage degenerates in the joints, leading to joint pain. It's also known as "wear-and-tear" arthritis. Some symptoms are:

-- The stiffness in the joints disappears within 30 minutes from the time the patient wakes up but aggravates later in the day after repetitive use or after a prolonged inactivity.

-- Starts with one joint.

-- Often happens in large joints or joints related to knee and hip.

-- An affected joint tends to look a little larger than normal. This is due to abnormal growth of the bone next to damaged cartilage.

-- More common than rheumatoid arthritis.

-- Slow and gradual pain.

-- Usually affects older people.

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

This is an autoimmune disorder due to the malfunction of certain immune cells in the patient's body which attacks the joints. Hence, he'll encounter the following symptoms:

-- Morning stiffness lasts more than 30 minutes.

-- Warmth, swelling and pain often begins with the small joints of hands and wrists near the palm or the small joints of toes.

-- Affected joints are usually symmetrical such as the same joints on both hands.

-- Can also trigger fever, fatigue, depression, loss of appetite, dry eyes and chest pain.

-- Can lead to joint deformities.

How does Obesity Worsen the Condition?

Although doctors have yet to prove if obesity causes rheumatism, they believe excess weight certainly doesn't help the patients. In fact, they believe obesity will increase the risk of both OA and RA.

That's because the excess weight will add more pressure on the inflamed joints, aggravating the pain, especially in the affected joint areas around knees, spinal cord and hip.

Currently, there are no cures for OA and RA but the treatments can help to relieve pain and improve joint movement so that patients can still go about their daily tasks.

The treatment often comes as a program - medications, physical and occupational therapy, reduction of joint stress and sometimes surgery. But if a patient is also obese, weight loss will inevitably become part of the program.

Right Exercise can Help Obese OA / RA Patient

1. Flexibility exercises help to maintain or improve the flexibility in affected joints and surrounding muscles. This contributes to better posture, reduced risk of injuries and improved function.

2. Strengthening exercises are more vigorous to work muscles a bit harder. Stronger muscles can better support the joints and cushion the shock impact to the painful joint. They also assist in better function and reduce bone loss due to inactivity, inflammatory arthritis and use of certain medications such as corticosteroids.

3. Aerobic exercises such as walking and swimming are good for weight control as they work off the excess fats and replace with useful muscles. For even better fat-burning results, you can engage in anaerobic exercises like strength training. But you must consult your doctor and make sure to have a certified trainer to guide you along such high-intensity exercises that can cause injuries pretty easily.

4. Body awareness exercises improve posture, balance, joint position awareness, coordination and relaxation. This is especially important as the patient's sense of balance and coordination may be impaired due to the illness.

Natural Arthritis Diet for Pain Relief

Stay away from acidic stuff like coffee, tea, sugar and alcohol. You should also cut down on intake of meat and seafood since these are high in cholesterol, saturated fats, salt and toxins. For best results, I suggest you include these natural vegetarian foods as a significant part of your diet:

a) Fruits - avocado

b) Vegetables - spirulina, wheat grass products, carrots, seaweeds, sprouts

c) Whole grains - millet, wheat, brown rice, barley and oats

d) Nuts - pecans

e) Soy and seeds - flaxseed, pumpkin and sesame

This natural diet serves to help you maintain a healthy weight. According to the Arthritis Foundation, for every pound of weight lost, there is a four-pound reduction in the load exerted on the knee for each step taken. Simply put, the less heavy you are, the less pain you suffer.

Last but not least, whether you're suffering from rheumatism or not, sticking to a healthy diet and regular exercise regime are always essential.

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NSAIDs are commonly prescribed anti-inflammatory medications. They are very powerful, may provide temporary relief, but also come with many potential adverse side effects. They only treat symptoms,(pain) but do nothing to help your condition and can actually make it worse.

Most common side effects of NSAIDs are vomiting, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, drowsiness and headache.

The most serious are kidney and liver failure, ulcers, internal bleeding, shortness of breath, perforation of the intestines or stomach, raising of blood pressure and increased risk of a fatal heart attack or stroke. Drug interactions with medications you may be taking are possible and seniors are more likely to suffer the worst effects of NSAID drugs.

If you are considering using one of the NSAID drugs, take another look at the serious downside and start to look for better options. Ask your doctor about the effect of exercise, possible diet changes, losing a few pounds if you are carrying some extra ones, and trying a good, natural joint relief supplement.

More than likely, your doctor may not be able to give you a complete, knowledgeable answer on this. Why? Because modern medical training offers very little in the way of natural treatments or nutrition. So your doctor treats, the way he or she is trained.

However, your doctor should be able to tell you if moderate exercise is appropriate for you condition. In some cases of arthritis, it isn't. If your doctor gives the okay, start out slowly. There is no need to overdo it. A great advantage of exercise, is that it helps to strengthen the muscles surrounding the joint, which gives it more support. Start slowly and increase as you can.

Your doctor should also know what foods may have a negative impact on your condition. For instance, tomatoes and potatoes can be foods you might want to avoid.

Your weight is very important too. If you're like many of us, you might be carrying some extra pounds. For a weight-bearing joint, like the knee, an additional pound of weight equals three or more pounds of additional stress. Even a few pounds lost, can make a big difference for you.

Exercise, proper diet and weight control naturally translate into positive benefits for your overall health as well. Small changes can equal a big difference.

Why not also try a good, 100% natural joint relief supplement too? Taking the right one can stop the pain, and actually start to rebuild your thinning cartilage. So, you can forget the pain while you're correcting the problem and there's no need to worry about those weird side effects of NSAID drugs.

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Today, very few people walk well, which is particularly true of the elderly and obese. Sit on a park bench and watch the world and his wife walk by and you'll see how very badly they do it. You'll see hobblers, waddlers, mincers and strutters, but very few people who walk with elegance and grace. This is not surprising, for human gait is basically an unstable affair. Every time we take a take a step forward we have to perform the difficult task of balancing a ganging body of five feet or more on a shifting base which at times is no larger that a milk bottle top. Ideally the legs should swing easily from the hips, in a direct line with the direction of travel. But this elegant, narrow gauge way of walking can never be achieved by anyone who carries excess weight. They can't balance on one leg while they swing the other forward, so they're forced to rock and roll from side to make sure they've always got a solid base. For safety's sake, they mimic the ungainly nautical roll of a sailor on a tossing ship, just as women do in the later stages of their pregnancies. People who put on weight don't walk, they waddle.

Ergonomic studies show that a force of nearly three to six times body weight is imposed on each knee during walking. This means that a person who is just a stone overweight subjects their knees to an extra loading of sixty or more pounds with every step they take, which in time renders them prone to arthritic change because of the imperfect way their knees are used. Surveys show that if people are divided by weight into five categories, those in the heaviest group have ten times the risk of developing arthritis of their knees as those in the lightest group. This makes them prime candidates for knee replacement operations, which now take place in Britain at the rate of 77,500 a year. The same applies in America, where researchers at Harvard University have found that the percentages of cases of arthritis attributable to obesity has increased six-fold during the thirty year period from 1971-2002. That's the bad news. The good news, revealed in a recent American survey, is that if the prevalence of obesity among 50-84 year-olds could be returned to the level it was ten years ago, a total of well over 100,000 knee replacement operations would be saved. As a study carried out at the Boston University Arthritic Centre showed, women who shed just 11 lb of excess weight halve their risk of developing knee arthritis over the next ten years. Arthritic pain and stiffness in the knees is common, afflicting six out of every ten women in Britain over the age of fifty, but it's not obligatory.

Obesity increases the risk of premature death, from diseases like heart attacks, strokes and cancer. But an even greater tragedy, numerically, is that it also impairs the quality of life of countless senior citizens, whose declining years are wracked with needless invalidism and pain. For them the great misfortune is not an early demise, but what dies within them while they still live. This fate is often self-inflicted, as was shown in the case of William Banting, the English undertaker who in 1863 wrote the world's first slimming booklet Letter on Corpulence. He weighed 202lbs by the time he was 65 and was compelled to go backwards down stairs to avoid the jarring of his knees and ankles. Once he'd shed 46 lbs he was able to come down the stairs naturally with perfect ease. That remedy is available to all, so there's no reason to shelter behind the old excuse that osteoarthritis is due to 'fair wear and tear'. That fallacy is dismissed in the blog I posted on this site a few months ago which you read by asking any search engine to find 'Obesity: It's a Dog's Life and a Major Cause of Nobbly Knees.'

穢 http://www.donaldnorfolk.co.uk

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Joint pain or arthritis - regardless of what you decide to call it - is one of those health issues all of us anticipate we'll never ever have problems with. Regrettably, the simple fact is that 29% of people in the 45 to 65 year age bracket will display the condition. Once you hit 65 or beyond that number grows to over 50%. Studies tell us that the chances are piled against us for certain!

Arthritis (or joint pain) is the phrase applied to cover a range of associated diseases. One of those conditions is osteoarthritis - the form of joint pain many people recognize. This type of arthritis is normally common when you reach 45. What many people don't understand regarding arthritis is the fact that very early diagnosis of the condition can insure much lower severity in later years.

Before we look at what is the best supplement to take for joint pain, here are two invaluable suggestions to deal with inflamed or overtly swollen joints:

Treatment Using Ice: An ice pack should be your first course of action when attempting to manage swelling in your joints as a consequence of injury, surgery or an acute attack of arthritic joint pain. It's preferable to use ice in the afternoon and evening. Under no circumstances leave ice near to the skin for longer than 15-20 minutes at a time for the risk of frostbite of the skin. It can be remarkably effective in lowering pain, muscle spasm and inflammation.

Treatment Using Heat: Use heat in the morning while the joints are immobile after sleeping or just cold in the winter time. Warmth is perfect for maximizing the flow of blood to parts of our body that happen to be under tension. It's better utilized when swelling has reduced - never use heat on swollen joints (apply ice). Be mindful not to scold yourself when utilizing heat packs such as wheat bags or hot water bottles.

There are far too many health supplements intended for joint pain and arthritis available in the market to mention them all here in this article currently. This is not a comparison - it is merely a summary of the most likely joint pain nutritional supplement choices. Remember, what works for one person might not work for another person. Keep a positive open mind and keep trying till you locate something that starts to make a difference. Have patience, improvements frequently occur little by little at first.

There are some excellent natural alternative treatments for arthritis in shops to test. Combining supplements may perhaps work better for you than just one. An example of this could well be to put together fish oil with green lipped mussel extract. I typically get consumers informing me they consider green lipped mussel vastly better to glucosamine and chondroitin.

So - what is the best supplement to take for joint pain? Listed here are the most likely natural treatments for arthritis, as well as back pain and knee pain:

1. Check your Vitamin D levels as a protective measure against deteriorating bones as a consequence of deficient calcium uptake. You can get Vitamin D by soaking up the suns rays onto the skin each day, by way of eating habits and nutrition, and by way of supplementing. Individuals with substantial levels of Vitamin D experience less by physical diseases such as joint pain and arthritis.

2. Supplement with Glucosamine Sulphate and Chondroitin Sulphate products. Glucosamine is very nicely suited to the treatment of joint pain and inflammation since it is able to regulate cartilage metabolic process which, subsequently, helps to prevent cartilage from degenerating. Glucosamine encourages your system's natural restore mechanisms. Chondroitin works with glucosamine and should be taken simultaneously. It provides a lubricating affect on joints.

3. Fish Oil (omega 3 DHA) nutritional supplements come highly recommended in the battle against joint pain. Fish oil has both natural anti-inflammatory benefits and coronary heart health benefits. If you take hardly any other dietary supplements - you must take fish oil each day. Combine that together with green lipped mussel extract for unbelievable results in joint pain relief within just 1-3 months.

4. New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel Extract is quickly overtaking glucosamine in level of popularity and for very good reason. This natural and organic anti-inflammatory made out of ground up green mussels found solely contained in the seas encircling New Zealand can have surprising benefits with people affected by joint pain and arthritis. Loaded with omega 3 essential fatty acids, this joint dietary supplement can also be ideal for treating quite a few other inflammatory disorders for example asthma, crohns disorder, etc. Being a natural whole food, there are almost no side effects.

5. Gin-Soaked Golden Raisins. Quite a few people recommend this popular folk remedy for arthritis and joint pain. Soak the raisins in straight gin for about 7-10 days. Then eat 9 raisins on a daily basis so long as you obtain any benefit.

6. Cherry Juice contains powerful anti-oxidants known as anthocyanins that really help minimize and get rid of unfavorable free-radicals from the body. It has been found to be effective in the treatment of arthritis and gout by reducing uric acid in the bloodstream.

7. Turmeric happens to be an Asian spice that has an active ingredient named curcumin. It is this compound that is believed to be beneficial as a health supplement for joints. Include it with food or take it as a joint wellness supplement.

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Many injuries that cause pain to the knees are not actually injuries at all, but are actually just repetitive movements that over time will cause irritation, leading to pain and inflammation. Jumper's knee, or patellar tendonitis, is a painful condition that is often caused by repetitive movements and is common in many athletes. Jumper's knee is one of the most common types of knee pain, and it can easily be treated.

What is Jumper's Knee?

Before we explain the condition, we first need to talk about the construction of the knee. There are two main tendons that allow the knee to have the range of movement that it does - the quadriceps tendon and the patellar tendon, which connect the muscles to the bones, and allow people to straighten and bend their legs. Most times, this condition is caused by overuse, which is why it is often seen in athletes, who tend to use a lot of repetitive movements that involve running and jumping. Jumper's knee can be painful, and there is often inflammation to go along with the pain. Jumper's knee can also be caused by not properly taking care of a serious injury to the tendon, but overuse is a much more common reason for the condition.

Symptoms of Jumper's Knee

There is usually quite a bit of pain associated with jumper's knee, and this pain is usually centralized directly around the patellar tendon. It is fairly easy to diagnose jumper's knee. All a physician needs to do is to press on the affected area, and if the patient displays the right symptoms, he or she more than likely has jumper's knee. Many people with jumper's knee complain of pain when they are doing certain activities, such as running, jumping, kneeling and going up and down stairs. Sometimes, there is inflammation around the patellar tendon. To make sure that the tendon is not degenerating, an MRI may be performed, as well as x-rays, to make sure there are no bone spurs, which are associated with jumper's knee.

How Can Jumper's Knee Be Treated?

One of the first recommendations a physician will make to someone with jumper's knee is to rest the affected knee as much as possible, and if the person is an athlete, it is recommended that they stop playing sports until the tendon is properly healed. Most times, the patient is the best judge of how much rest his or her knee requires, and the majority of people are going to take it easy as long as needed to make sure that they have no problems with their knees in the future.

Anti-inflammatory medications are often prescribed to patients with jumper's knee to relieve pain, or they may prefer to take weaker medication that they can find in pharmacies without a prescription. Ice treatments are important, as well as stretching exercises that will help to strengthen the tendon. Many patients need to wear a brace of some sort, usually an infrapatellar or Chopat strap or a knee brace.

As long as patients follow their physician's advice properly, there is no reason why the knee should not heal completely. Then, they will be able to take part in all of their normal activities, including the sports they love so much.

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The links between diet and arthritis have been the subject of a lot of talk, but very little conclusive advice can be found on what food is bad for arthritis. The recommendations may differ among different types of arthritis, and for the most part, foods that aggravate arthritis may vary on a case by case basis. In the end, each sufferer from arthritis must be responsible for cutting out foods which make the condition worse.

For most types of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, there is no real set of dietary instructions. In the case of gout, a low purine diet is advised, and sufferers should avoid meat, beans and alcohol. There is, however, plenty of unproven advice on the relationship between food and arthritis. Many recommend avoiding foods belonging to the nightshade family, such as tomatoes and peppers. Others recommend cutting down on packaged snack foods and reducing consumption of saturated fats, which often requires cutting down on meat consumption. Some feel better when they remove glutens from their diet, and others when they eliminate dairy products.

While none of these recommendations has been supported by scientific evidence, doctors recognize that an individual may find that certain foods can aggravate arthritis. On an individual basis, these common culprits can be foods to test with to see if elimination improves the condition. For those who suffer from arthritis, figuring out which foods aggravate the problem can take some real work. There are no universals, but certain foods are common aggravators.

The relationship between diet and arthritis can be very individual, but some general recommendations can be made. Maintaining a healthy diet is important, and weight loss can help ease some pain of arthritis. Losing weight can be especially effective in osteoarthritis of the knee. Omega-3 fatty acids can help limit arthritis inflammation. Limiting consumption of fat, cholesterol, sugar, and alcohol is a good idea overall.

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Arthritis is the #1 cause of disability in America today. It is now one of the most prevalent chronic health problems. Shockingly, nearly 1 in 3 Americans (nearly 70 million) live with some form of arthritis, costing the United States $86 billion a year in healthcare costs related to treating the illness. New science confirms nutritional supplements glucosamine and chondroitin are the right combination for effective knee pain relief. The Glucosamine/Chondroitin Arthritis Intervention Trial (GAIT), funded by NIH, rigorously evaluated the efficacy and safety of glucosamine and chondroitin in 1,258 people, concluding in its abstract that the "combination of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate is effective in treating moderate to severe knee pain due to osteoarthritis."

GAIT lead researcher Daniel O. Clegg, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Chief of Rheumatology at the University of Utah, presented his landmark findings at the American College of Rheumatology's Scientific Meeting in San Diego, California.

Funded by NIH, the $14 million GAIT study is the largest placebo controlled, double blind, clinical trial ever conducted to test the effectiveness of glucosamine and chondroitin. All 1,258 patients who completed the study were over the age of 40 with knee pain and randomly assigned placebo; glucosamine 1500 mg; chondroitin 1200mg; glucosamine/chondroitin at above mentioned doses; or celecoxib (Celebrex) 200 mg daily for 6 months. The abstract published each treatment group's response rate to pain. Of particular note, the group taking the glucosamine/chondroitin combination experienced greater relief for the treatment of moderate to severe knee pain than the Celebrex group.
GAIT was designed to test the safety and efficacy of glucosamine and chondroitin alone and in combination in reducing knee pain associated with osteoarthritis. The study's abstract concluded that when taken together, "glucosamine and chondroitin is effective in treating moderate to severe knee pain due to OA [osteoarthritis]."

Naturally occurring in the body, glucosamine stimulates the production of cartilage, the connective tissue which cushions joints. Chondroitin is also naturally occurring in the body and like glucosamine stimulates the production of cartilage. Previous research has indicated that glucosamine is just as effective as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in reducing osteoarthritis pain and has fewer gastrointestinal side effects than NSAIDs.

After extensively researching treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, a natural non-prescription treatment that seems to be gaining a lot of attention recently is a nutraceutical product called Flexcerin. This arthritis supplement contains all of the natural arthritis relieving nutrients, including glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM and other special ingredients to help reduce inflammation, swelling and stiffness as well as protect the joints and provide long lasting pain relief. World renowned arthritis specialist, Dr. Andrew Weil MD., states "Supplements such as glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate may actually help restore damaged tissue structure in joints, perhaps because these two substances are natural constituents of healthy cartilage." Flexcerin could definitely provide relief from your painful arthritis. Widely used in Europe for years to treat osteoarthritis, glucosamine and chondroitin are safe and effective nutritional supplements, as proven by the GAIT abstract.

Whether you are interested in all things "natural," want to avoid side effects from prescription drugs, or want to leave no stone unturned in your quest for relief from arthritis pain you should realize that leaving yourself open to waiting for a viable option could prove to be a very unwise choice. Arthritis causes the most damage in the first six months if left untreated.

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More and more people are taking omega-3 supplements for their arthritis. Studies are now showing that omega-3 and arthritis alleviation go hand in hand.

But why? How exactly does omega-3 improve the symptoms of arthritis? Well, it depends what kind of arthritis you have. Omega-3's are not going to help with all types.

However, it will help with some of the common types of arthritis. This is because in many cases of arthritis, inflammation is the culprit. Inflammed joints create pain and stiffness, which is the end result of arthritis.

This pain and stiffness and lack of range of motion robs people of their enjoyment in life. Who can live joyfully when they are in constant pain?

Omega-3's, especially high quality fish oil supplements loaded in omega-3's, are natural anti-inflammatories. Simply put, they help counter the inflammation of joints that creates much of the pain associated with arthritis.

Now, omega-3's can't work miracles. If you have a very severe case of arthritis, you will probably experience some relief using a high quality omega-3 fish oil supplement, but it's not going to get rid of all your pain.

However, if you suffer from a modest case of arthritis, you will probably experience a much greater sense of relief since your inflammation isn't that acute yet.

In addition to omega-3 supplements, you should try to eliminate foods from your diet that help create inflammation. Some of the most common culprits include: processed foods, fried foods, fast foods, grains, such as white rice, white bread, and pasta. This of course includes foods like donuts, bagels, and many other things many Westerners consider staples.

It's not going to be easy changing your diet, but if your arthritis pains are bothering you enough, you will make the change.

With a change in diet to more healthy choices: a lot more leafy greens, eggs, grass fed meats, nuts and seeds, etc., and a quality fish oil supplement, you will most likely experience the omega-3 and arthritis pain alleviation that improves your quality of life markedly.

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For those who have knee problems and arthritis of the knee there maybe a need in the future to replace the human knee entirely? That is right an artificial knee. Why do so many people have knee problems these days?

Well, consider if you will that your average American is carrying around about an extra twenty pounds of weight these days and what that means over the years to our knees? Additionally the lack of exercise, which along with the food we eat is complimenting this problem; our knees do not have the proper muscles in them to handle our demands.

It is for these reasons that knee replacements are increasing at an astronomical rate. Arthritis of the knee is such a common complaint in fact some say one in five people have it over the age of 55. Luckily science is moving ahead with better and better knee replacements these days. Some is due to soldier injuries and repairs, but most is due to sheer need of our society for replacement knees.

Of course if you end up getting a replacement knee it can cost anywhere from 25,000 to 60,000 depending on what you get and where you go. This means if you have high insurance deductibles you need to be thinking ahead and saving your money and make plans for going easy on your knees for weeks after the operations. Think on this in 2006.

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