目前分類:arthritis in knee (150)

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Myositis is the medical term for inflammation of muscle tissue and one type of muscle arthritis is dermatomyositis. (Without the rash, the condition is called polymyositis.) In this form, there is soreness and inflammation and pain in the muscles but there is also an accompanying dry rash affecting the skin. This rash is commonly seen on the face and neck, chest and back and the shoulders. Heart muscle may also be affected as well as the lung tissues. It is usually dusky and a purplish red color. This is an autoimmune condition and is treated with anti-inflammatory medications including steroids.

Another disease that can be considered muscle arthritis is called fibromyalgia. Along with muscle pain and aches, fibromyalgia can produce pain in the joints and other connective tissue like tendon and ligaments, as well as fatigue, depression, headache, anxiety, sleep problems and numbness in the extremities. To have this diagnosis, symptoms must last at least three months and at least 11 of the 18 trigger points associated with FM must be tender to the touch.

Treatment for FM has until very recently been simply medications directed at relieving pain and specifics for other symptoms, but now medications specifically for fibromyalgia have reached the market and can be prescribed. About 2% of the population has symptoms of FM.

Another muscle arthritis is the systematic illness called lupus. Usually joints are affected but some lupus patients also have muscle aches and pain associated with the condition. Lupus is treated with corticosteroids and other immune system modifiers. Symptoms of lupus can include a butterfly shaped rash across the face, fevers, fatigue, multiple joint arthritis and many other symptoms. Blood work can help to make the diagnosis. Lupus is also an autoimmune disease and the cause is not known. It is about ten times as common in men as it is in women.

Finally, there is polymyalgia rheumatica. The symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica are moderate to severe muscle pain and the location is almost always in or near the neck, shoulders and hips and can come on very suddenly. In virtually every case, a person with polymyalgia rheumatica will have an abnormally high red blood cell sedimentation rate. This disease is often associated with a serious vascular affliction called polyarteritis or sometimes giant cell arteritis in which blood vessels become inflamed. However, prompt treatment usually controls both conditions or polymyalgia rheumatica alone.

A corticosteroid like prednisone is usually given and will produce a remission which can last some time. If the condition recurs, the drug is restarted and can control symptoms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications are also used. The disease may also go away on its own but this can take a year or more.

One last form of muscle arthritis is a side effect of drugs given to lower cholesterol called lipid reducing drugs or statins. While not common, this condition called rhabdomyolysis can have serious implications including kidney and heart damage. Persons taking statins need to report any unusual muscle aches and pains to their physicians at once.

While muscle arthritis can be painful and frightening, most forms of it do respond well to treatment. The most important thing is to report muscle pains to a physician, learn the cause, and to then use appropriate treatments for whichever condition is to blame.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's amazing the amount of specifically women in the West who are going through the rigors of arthritis in the back at such a young age. where the rate at which the disease is spreading, one would expect to happen at least beyond age 70.

Men of course also experience the same symptoms, but young women in the West especially are having the quality of life stripped from them as early as their late 30's, early 40's.

Just when you're starting a family and that new chapter in your life, variant forms of arthritis such as spondylosis (spinal osteoarthritis) or bursitis of the lower spine, are inflicting women quite rapidly, while prior to this they may have also been living with fibromyalgia, costochronditis or degenerative disc disease.

Obviously, spinal arthritis is somewhat different to knee or hand arthritis albeit they all have their degrees of pain, but when the disease starts in the back, then down to the lower back - the pathway that this disease often takes is one that leads to the genitalia rendering your control almost useless.

This is more likely to happen unfortunately if you have pudendal nerve damage, this nerve runs down through the tail bone, through the backside and ends in the genitalia, where it the arthritis will potentially interfere with everything here.

Obviously this is a worst case scenario, but it is all very probable especially if you are only in your 40's, so what treatment can be taken to slow this disease down and in some way help it to go into remission if at all possible.

Treating Arthritis in Lower Back

NSAID's and Injections

You can take these but beware long-term use is not advised due to the violent nature they can inflict on your internal organs such as the liver, kidney and heart.

Three quite commonly used NSAID's for back pain are Rituxan, Bextra and Methotrexate.

Injections also provide a quick fix to the pain, where the steroid cortisone is often used to reduce the swelling in an instant.


Now if you're from the U.S you will know that if you don't have some kind of insurance, either you will or you won't be able to afford this.

Surgery is extremely expensive but it does obviously differ from state to state.

The first step of the procedure is to see a neurosurgeon which will cost $200 - $400, surgery will then cost $10'000 - $25'000 and the hospital fee may range from $30'00- $50'000.

That's how damaging the costs are in the U.S. Canadians and Europeans and other countries may or may not be able to undergo surgery free, depending on their health care system.

Surgery will fix what damage needs removing or fusing in the spine but it won't obviously stop the disease, just perhaps slow it down and make the pain bearable again.

Natural Homeopathic Supplements and Treatments

FDA registered supplements in the U.S and over the counter pills in Europe and beyond work slightly differently than NSAIDs.

They help reduce the inflammation and relieve the pain, but they also try and restore some density to the bone while slowing the disease down by restricting this auto-immune disease from attacking the bone.

This is something NSAID's can't do.

Homeopathic ingredients include magnesium and calcium for re-building bone structure, Reishi and Glucosamine Complex, for slowing the rate at which the disease spreads and Chondroitin Sulfate, MSM and Capsaicin for reducing swelling and flare-ups.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The knees are extremely prone to getting injured. This is mainly because they have extremely complex structures, and are made up of tendons, bone, cartilage and ligaments. They often experience quite a lot of rough treatment, just by our daily actions. They bear weight and often get injured when we fall over.

The following are the main symptoms and causes of knee pain:

Symptom: The knee is extremely sore, also swollen and painful when you move it.

Cause: This can often be due to the soft tissue below the knee cap having softened. Also, you could have a tear in your cartilage or ligaments.

Symptom: Pain when stretching your legs, or at the back of the knee.

Cause: You may have torn your hamstring.

Symptom: The knee always seems to be sore; it is hard to move and cannot carry much weight without becoming unstable.

Cause: You may have torn the cushioning cartilage at the end of the bones in the knee. It is called the meniscus.

Symptom: A constant but not extremely painful ache in the knees. Swelling also occurs.

Cause: You may have damaged your articular cartilage. This can be caused by an injury, or just everyday wear and tear.

Symptom: The knee being unstable, and giving way with any amount of weight being placed on it. If the knee makes a popping sound, swells or is sore when standing which may make it give way and prevent you from standing or very much movement.

Cause: It is possible that you have had an injury in your anterior cruciate ligament, otherwise known as ACL, or your posterior cruciate ligament, otherwise known as PCL. This is quite a common injury in dogs, and it is more common to injure your ACL.

Symptom: The knee shape has changed

Cause: You may have fractured the knee, or torn a ligament.

Symptom: The knee has swelled, is painful or is unstable when you put weight on it. Your mobility is reduced.

Cause: Over extension of the knee joint. It is a common injury if you do sports that involve jumping or turning, and the knee joint extends beyond being straightened like it usually is. It usually happens because of weakening bodily contact, or just awkward landings.

Symptom: Pain, stiffness or swelling throughout the knee joint in the long term. The pain increases throughout winter.

Cause: These are the symptoms of osteoarthritis.

Symptom: Swelling towards the back of the knees.

Cause: You may have Bakers Cyst.

Symptom: You are aged between twelve and eighteen, and the kneecap is sore to the touch.

Cause: It is possible that you have Osgood-Schlatter Disease. A lot of teenage males experience this, often when they have growth spurts.

Symptom: Sharp pain between the kneecap and the shinbone, especially during and after harder activities, such as jumping or running.

Cause: This is often a symptom of Tendinitis, which is an injury in the tendon that joins the kneecap and shinbone. It is caused by overdoing strenuous activities.

Symptom: The knee sometimes locks up, and is unable to move. Excessive pain felt throughout the knees, and a grinding feeling when you do move it.

Cause: You have probably torn a cartilage.

These are the most common knee injuries, and although none of them may seem life threatening, they are not to be ignored. If you find yourself suffering any of these symptoms, I would strongly recommend seeing your Doctor.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Among the many exciting therapeutic advances is the use of stem cell (SC) therapies. This involves the use of SC that are implanted into a patient with a disease to help repair or restore the dysfunctional organ.

SCl science is not restricted to treatment of disease. In fact, SC are being used to study disease models, develop new medicines, and study drug side effects.

This revolution is coming at a good time since the Baby Boomer population is aging, the costs of delivery of health care is rising, and the availability of drugs to handle the diseases associated with aging are inadequate.

The cost of bringing new drugs to market as well as the time frame involved has become almost prohibitive. Factor in the firewall that has been set up between pharmaceutical companies and practitioners, the outlook for biotech and pharmaceutical companies is bleak.

The expense associated with biologic therapies far exceeds the costs of developing "chemical" drugs. And the fact is, there is de facto care rationing already occurring in the developed countries.

SC therapies, on the other hand, do not require reinvention of the wheel. Autologous SC therapies are already available. Quality control is mandated by FDA scrutiny.

The questions are: should other SC options such as embryonic SC be used? The answer here is that while attractive, ethical debates and religious objections remain a huge barrier to their eventual use.

Induced pluripotential SC, SC derived from adult cells, are intriguing but are still in the developmental stage. These cells behave just like embryonic SC but unfortunately still have some "bugs" that need to be ironed out.

How are SC going to be produced? While the autologous model is a satisfactory one for the time being, it would be beneficial to have options that would provide off the shelf access without subjecting the patient to invasive procedures that entail harvesting. Quality control and consistency as well as safety remain concerns. This brings up the difficulty in providing access to clinical trials involving SC. The process of securing grants from federal agencies such as the National Institutes of Health are arduous and cumbersome. While academic centers may have the time and manpower to pursue this avenue, those physicians on the front lines do not.

Another issue has to do with off shore access to SC. Quite frankly, off-shore facilities lack quality control. The appeal of medical tourism has to do with ready access to questionable products and services as well as lower costs.

It is crucial that centers that offer stem cell therapies be involved in scientific investigation with close measurement of standards, adherence to good clinical practices, as well as measurement of improvement.

Our center is actively involved in the evaluation of autologous SC therapy for osteoarthritis. Careful measurement of both subjective as well as objective data is key. Early reports by our center have been published.

For more information please read this:

(Wei N, Beard S, Delauter S, Bitner C, Gillis R, Rau L, Miller C, Clark T. Guided Mesenchymal Stem Cell Layering Technique for Treatment of Osteoarthritis of the Knee. J Applied Res. 2011; 11: 44-48)

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The Amega Wand is the being attributed with some quite remarkable results in people's health, and this article will discuss what the wand is, how it works, and whether these testimonials are for real.

The Amega wand is manufactured by Amega Global using their proprietary Amized Fusion technology. This technology infuses Amega's zero point energy products such as the wand, pendant and skincare.

Zero Point Energy:

So let's take a brief look at what zero point energy is supposed to be. Zero Point Energy is said to be the sea of energy that pervades all space. Apparently Einstein discovered it in 1917 but thought it was a vacuum of empty space, ie nothing. Now, scientists are saying this zero point filed is not empty but contains vibrant energy, and Amega claim to have harnessed this power into their products.

When this energy condenses it forms matter, eg the human body, but over time, age and the environment take their toll and the bio energetic filed around the body weakens. This is where Amega say their products can help.

The Amega Wand:

The Amega wand is a metal device that looks like a fountain pen, but there is no opening. It is used by moving it in circles around the area of pain on the body, or generally around the body to energise it. This is done for up to 5-10 minutes per 'treatment'.

You may well think this sounds too simple to take away chronic pain and illness, but the testimonials you can find of Amega enthusiasts state that the wand and pendant have helped with conditions including: a cut finger, gout, headaches, migraines, RSI, tennis elbow, shoulder, knee and neck pains, hand pains, chronic cramps in feet, growths on the body, teeth and gum inflammation, arthritis in knee, hip problem, pet dog with epilepsy (seizure less and shorter), swollen and infected foot, better sleep, face looks younger, type 2 diabetes and associated foot numbness gone, and more. Such testimonials seem also to be growing in numbers by the day.

But Amega are very cautious and do not claim that the wand cures or treats any condition, but that rather it is simply a catalyst that enables the body to heal itself by the body cells remembering their homeostatis condition where there is no pain.

Benefits of the Amwand:

The Amwand is said to have other benefits too, as follows:

• Easy to use
• It's durable - no batteries needed
• It's water-proof
• It energizes food and drinks as well as the body, and brings out the nutrients
• Makes plants healthier
• Engenders greater vitality
• Neutralizes harmful waves and radiation in the environment
• Energizes body creams and skin care
• Stimulates bodily functions and strengthens immunity...

The list goes on.

In the end however all of this is theory, and Amega themselves say their products cannot be explained, only experienced. So as with everything, the proof is the eating, or in this case, wanding.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Running is one of the most popular athletic pursuits in the United States with aficionados of all ages participating in this form of exercise that can be both rewarding and painful. Yes, it can be unfortunately painful sometimes. The most common of complaints is from those participants who have bad knees from running. Regardless of age, it is something that most runners will experience at some point.

What Contributes to Bad Knees from Running?

A variety of factors can contribute to bad knees from running, not the least of which may include:

1.) Not enough time spent on warm ups and cool downs
2.) Debris in the running path
3.) Basic mistakes brought on by inexperience
4.) Inadequate knee support
5.) Pre existing genetic issues

These five factors are just the tip of the proverbial iceberg but each are just as likely to be a cause or be a contributing factor of knee pain while running. The first four of these factors are preventable, while the fifth may require medical intervention.

The Importance of a Good Running Mentor

Inexperienced runners should enlist the assistance of someone who has 'been there' so as to avoid making the common mistakes that so many have already made before them. This will no doubt include the incorporation of a proper and complete warm up and cool down routine before and after each run as well as wearing a proper knee brace for adequate knee support. Just as important is learning to be keenly aware of the path ahead so as to avoid potential hazards such as pot holes and debris in the road way.

An experienced running mentor has probably already dealt with bad knees from running - maybe they still do - and may be able to suggest exercises or even an appropriate knee brace that will help to alleviate the stress and strains that occur while you are training. If you do opt to wear a knee brace it is important to make sure that it is fitted properly and that you are wearing it correctly. To do otherwise is to risk further, more severe damage to your knees.

It is important to note that severe knee pain especially that which persists for longer than a day or so, should be evaluated by a medical professional to ensure no long term damage or injury has occurred. Torn ligaments, fractures and even torn cartilage or meniscus can lead to a lifetime of knee problems and seeing your doctor is the only way to know for certain if your bad knees from running may have been caused by these or by a pre existing genetic issue.

Bad knees from running are so common that a lot of people just ignore the issue thinking it will simply go away with time. Unfortunately this can often lead to increased pain and the potential for permanent damage to the knee. If you've tried a day of rest, over the counter pain relievers and ice packs and the pain does not lessen, you really should seek professional advice and consider the use of a low profile knee support for extra support.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

When your body is pain-free, you probably don't think much about your joints. It's only when you wake up with stiff knees, sore knuckles or swollen ankles that you're suddenly aware you even have joints.
But even then, some of us don't heed the wake-up call, thinking the pain will go away soon. Sometimes it does. Unfortunately, once your joints become inflamed and troublesome, the spiral of worsening arthritis is often already in motion. Suddenly you  don't have any choice other than to take your joints seriously.
It's amazing how a little bout of pain can suddenly compel you to seek whatever it takes to manage the deteriorating joint and its soreness. Your goal now is to reverse the arthritis spiral so you can return to a mobile and pain-free life.
That's why it's important to pay attention to the first signs of inflammation.
Watch for Early Signs of Inflammation

Many common problems we experience including arthritis, the gum disease known as gingivitis, heart disease and the skin complaint called psoriasis have something in common, even though they effect very different parts of us. The common denominator is inflammation. And it doesn't end there for researchers now believe that inflammation, especially when it goes into a chronic and  long term phase, is also associated with many other conditions ranging from asthma and eczema through to diseases of the bowel.

Inflammation is your immune system's first reaction against infection, and it's a very effective one. When a pin pricks your skin, it damages cells and allows invader-like bacteria into your body.
Specialized Cell Help Kicks In Immediately

When strange bacteria enter the body, your immune system goes to work immediately, calling in assistance from different types of specialized cells, each with their own task. Mast cells -  special immune cells - release histamine, along with other immune messengers known as cytokines, to alert your body to the problem. Histamine encourages more blood flow to the injured area, hence the redness and swelling.
Even before the histamine reinforcements arrive, macrophages, which are the "large gobbling cells" found mostly in connective tissue and the skin, enter into the action; these also attack the bacteria and clean up damaged cells. It's a bit like sending in the cleaning crew after a wild street fracas. Other immune cells speed to the area, intensifying the fray, and as the area is cleared, and pathogens eliminated, a new group of cells called platelets arrive to begin the healing process.

Truly, the body is a remarkable machine.
Your Body's Response: Hot, Red, Swollen and Painful

With so much happening in the injured area, it's natural for it to become hot, red, swollen and painful. The heat is produced by the extra blood flow to the injured area. Redness occurs because the battle and repair processes are underway. And the area usually becomes swollen because of all the fluid and immune cells at the site. This all happens quite quickly, and pain is often the first indicator of inflammation.
Pain makes you take notice and stop moving the affected area to prevent further injury. Think about the last time you got bitten by a mosquito or flossed too vigorously and ruptured your gum: your tissues becomes inflamed, swollen and sensitive to touch.  
How Chronic Inflammation Can Lead to Arthritis

Inflammation is your body's way to ensure that invaders don't get in and create more damage. However, when inflammation becomes low-grade and chronic, your immune system stays revved up and this "fighting mode" damages healthy tissues in the crossfire. Scientists now realize that this life-saving process, designed to ward off bacteria and viruses, can go on to actually create  disease when left unchecked. It leads to the painful and damaging inflammation that attacks our arteries and organs as well as our joints. 
If the inflammation refuses to die down, and continues for prolonged periods, permanent damage may result. Which is often happens with Rheumatoid arthritis, a common type of chronic arthritis where you notice swelling and pain in both small and large joints.
The fact that we are living a lot longer than our ancestors did may also be contributing to inflammation for as we age, our ability to shut off the inflammatory process often weakens. And many lifestyle and environmental factors can make the process even worse as they promote inflammation. So for example getting overstressed, smoking, having high insulin levels or even contracting a virus or a parasite can all promote the inflammatory process within our body.
So if you want to take a pre-emptive approach and stave off chronic inflammation and possible arthritis, watch your lifestyle habits. Simple things like weight control, exercise and modifications to your diet can help in the treatment of many types of arthritis.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you have arthritis of the knees have you ever considered that maybe you should buy a bath transfer bench? Many people have thought about it. Some went ahead and did it. Some got afraid of the great unknowns and never got started. Let's see now, are any of those reasons really valid? Did they really examine the positive side?

The negatives were covered okay, but how about the positives? Maybe we should take a more balanced approach. Here are four reasons why you ought to consider buying a bath transfer bench if you suffer from arthritis of the knees.

First, Increased Independence.

O.K., I can go along with your objection that you have good days when you knees don't hurt and you can manage getting into the bathtub without much trouble. Yes, it really is a valid observation, but look at it in this way, What happens as you get older and your arthritis starts to get worse. And moreover, you ought to consider that the more stress you place on your knees now, the more damage is done and the faster they will wear down.

Second, Less Costly Alternative Than a Walk-in Bathtub.

The primary reason behind that would be to choose the most cost effective solution. Walk-in Bathtubs can be expensive and installing one can mean having your bathroom out of commission for a period of time while construction is completed.. And also if you sell your home later you will probably not recoup your investment. Additionally, it may limit who would be interested in purchasing your home.

Third, Easy Installation.

And in addition to being easy to install, a bath tub transfer bench can also be easily removed so that others in the family can use the bathtub. There are even some models that are foldable and able to be taken on vacation!

And Fourth, Increased Personal Safety In the Bathroom.

Falling in the bathroom is a common concern of most people with some sort of physical disability. A transfer bench increases balance and provides added stability in a slippery place. When you look at the reasons and evaluate them, I expect that you will have to admit that a persuasive case can be made for purchasing a bath transfer bench if you are an arthritis knee sufferer.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The joints of the knees are commonly overused, which is why they are highly prone to damage. Pain in the knees has several causes. In fact, there are certain ailments that can cause pain on the knees. Also, physical activities can also cause pain on the knees. Meanwhile, ailments that are linked to knee pain include the following:

Arthritis - This is the usual reason why pain on the knees is experienced. The ailment usually affects the joints, most especially those that bear weight. The cartilage are damaged which results to pain and swelling.

Injury in the ligaments - This can also cause pain on the knees. Athletes are the ones who often experience this condition. Pain is usually felt when affected ligaments are moving.

Injuries in the cartilage - This happens when the cartilage is damaged due to trauma and it can occur in children and in adults.

Patellar tendonitis - This is pain that is experienced over the front of the knee. Patellar tendon is a huge tendon that is situated in front of the knees and it helps us to bend our knees. When the tendon is inflamed, movement of the knees will be painful.

Chodromalacia patella - In this condition, the cartilage located at the back of the knee cap has softened and it often occurs in children.

Burisitis - When the bursa on the knees gets damaged, it will inflame and will cause pain on the knees.

There are also some ailments that usually occur in teenagers. Back of knee pain causes include Osgood-Schlatter disease, a condition wherein the growth plate is irritated, and OCD or Osteochondritis dissecans which can also occur in teenagers.

Because of the many causes of pain on the knees, it is very difficult to self diagnose and look for the right treatment. Knowing the primary reason of the pain felt on the knees is important. Seeking for a medical advice will be beneficial to have the correct diagnosis and thus to have the proper treatment.

Common symptoms of pain on the knees that are commonly observed are swelling of the joints, pain experienced while resting, pain that lasts for several days, difficulty in bending the knees, and there are symptoms of infections such as fever and cough.

There are also several home remedies to relieve the pain on the knees. When pain is being experienced, resting the knees can be of big help. Applying hot and cold compress is also beneficial. Proper stretching and physical therapy will also help relieve the pain.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

How are your knees doing? Are they "killing" you?

If you are coping with severe knee pain, a quick glance at the waiting room of nearly any hospital emergency room across the country would show you that you're not alone. In fact, it is estimated that as many as one in three Americans over the age of 45 have reported experiencing some type of knee pain. Many people are surprised to learn that knee problems are not always caused by some sort of traumatic injury.

So What Causes Knee Pain?

While an injury is the most common cause of severe knee pain, there are several other potential causes of which you should be aware. Arthritis is to blame for a large number of incidents of severe knee pain problems and though most tend to think of arthritis as being reserved for 'old people', there is no minimum age limit. Young people are known to suffer from arthritis just as the elderly do.


The knee is surrounded by three major fluid filled sacs called bursae (the plural form of the term 'bursa'). In the condition known as septic bursitis, those sacs have become infected with bacteria. The bacteria can in turn cause the bursae to inflame and thus cause the severe knee pain known as bursitis. Incidentally, this is the very same bacteria that cases staph infections on the skin (known as staphylococcus) and it can cause severe knee pain that is as bad as the pain associated with a staph infection.

Knee Braces - The Runner's Badge of Honor

Of course there are plenty of physical traumas that can lead to severe knee pain as well. Many runners are more than happy to proudly display their scars from visits to the surgeon when they've had one of any number of dislocations, ligament tears and / or fractures. Even the ones who haven't had surgery can be seeing carefully putting on their knee brace before starting out on their daily run. The knee brace is seen as a badge of honor among many diehard marathon runners.

The same can be said for nearly any other sport including the seemingly sedentary golf. That's right; golfers are prone to severe knee pain as well! Everything from simple strains and sprains up to and including a torn meniscus is far more common among avid golfers than you might think.

Before you think that you are safe from having knee problems of your own because you aren't involved in sports, you should know that a tremendous number of knee injuries don't occur during sporting events at all. In fact, the condition referred to earlier in this article - knee bursitis - is also commonly referred to as housewife's knee, roofer's knee or carpet layer's knee and none of those qualify as sports.

Severe knee pain can be caused by traumatic injury related to sports play or it might simply be a genetic issue that the slightest trauma may bring to your awareness. Regardless of the cause, severe knee pain should be diagnosed and treated by your physician as soon as possible to lessen the likelihood of permanent knee damage.

In the end, your knee pain is your business. You can address it as you see fit. If you have never considered using a brace, now should be the time that you take a moment to do so, for your own good. Many people refer to their braces as "pain pills", due to the pain reduction that they can provide when you use them. - You deserve to be pain free, don't you?

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Arthritis in fingers begins from pain and swelling that leads to deformity. It can seriously affect the way a person lives due to the fact that it easily get in the way to some of the simplest day-to-day activities. The pain it causes can be unbearable and the stiffness can lead to loss of movement.

People suffering from arthritis in the fingers often find difficulty in gripping because of reduced strength in their fingers. They are unable to grip objects tightly even the simplest of opening a jar or turning a key is no longer a simple task. With this, the wrist joint is can also be affected and obstruct with the movement of the arms.


Symptoms of this condition can develop noticeably. These can include stiffness, swelling, bending of the fingers, inflammation, persistent pain, and joint ache.

Stiffness of the fingers is usually the first symptom associated with this condition. It goes along with pain and swelling. In bending of the fingers, it turns out to be a complex task while inflammation causes joints to not work properly. This leads to the restriction of the movement of the fingers. With all of these, a person with arthritis in fingers may experience unrelenting pain.


Anti-inflammatory medications are the most generally used treatment for arthritis in fingers. It aims to offer temporary relief from swelling and inflammation that causes unbearable pain. However, overuse or prolonged usage can cause gastrointestinal problems such as ulcers.

Non-medicinal options can be done to treat the condition. One of these methods is the use of heat and cold. This method aims to relieve tension and stiffness, and a fast way to bring down swelling.

Hand therapy can also be an option for treating this condition. However, this should be done under the supervision of a professional. They use different movements to improve movements and strengthen the muscles.

There are also herbal remedies available to deal with arthritis in fingers such as turmeric and ginger extract. These two are anti-inflammatory agents that reduce swelling and pain while permitting patients to move their fingers freely.

Arthritis in fingers seldom develops rapidly. It usually takes time to build up and make drastic changes in one's life. However, this condition shouldn't hinder your day-to-day activities, or take away your ability to function properly. Consult a doctor the first time you notice some symptoms affecting the movement of your hands and fingers so that immediate medical care can be provided. With the number of treatment and remedies available nowadays, it is easier to combat this condition accompanied by proper care of your hands and fingers.

kneen 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

If you suffer with aches and pains that seem to persist and intensify, stiffness in your joints such as when you sit, stand, or use your hands, joints that are swollen and painful or inflamed, and other symptoms like these, then it could be that you are suffering with rheumatoid arthritis.

Of course, determining whether this is the case or not will require a medical professional. However, if you find that your aches and pains tend to worsen depending on the weather, you can count yourself along with more than 80 million people in the US, Australia, and England who go through the same thing.

Unfortunately for most of these people, they will come to the decision that this is simply the way things are. They will resign themselves to a life of pain and discomfort. What they do not know is that, over time, the pain will get worse, as will the other associated symptoms, making this a very difficult and debilitating condition to live with.

What rheumatoid arthritis treatment is known to be effective?

If you have decided that you refuse to simply accept the pain, and you want to do something about it, look no further than the green-lipped mussel found in the waters off the coast of New Zealand. Most of us know that nature has the answer for many of life's ailments and other health issues. Many of us have benefitted from the medicines that are derived from nature. Homeopathic medicine has long been the choice of many over conventional drugs, because they are natural and safe. Natural remedies also do not produce any unwanted or unpleasant side effects.

Why the green-lipped mussel?

This New Zealand mussel will not only help your discomfort that results from the arthritis. Your skin, immune system, and your nervous system will also benefit.

But the question is why?

The green-lipped mussel happens to be a complete food. Even more astounding is the fact that the minerals that the mussel contains are very similar to the minerals one would find in a healthy human being. Of course there is more to it but space does not permit too much detail here.

Should you use a product that contains the green-lipped mussel?

The answer is a resounding 'Yes!' if the research is anything to go by. However, whether you choose a product that contains this intriguing ingredient, or some other type of treatment, be sure to give the homeopathic avenue serious consideration. While we have a lot to thank the world of science for, the fact remains is that medications produce side effects. Also, while a medication might benefit you in one way, it might be doing damage to another part of your body.

"The green-lipped mussel is a complete food that aids in the relief of arthritic pain and discomfort."

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This week I had an interesting discovery regarding Knee Pain & Arthritis.

I asked a friend of mine who is a medical doctor about Knee Pain from Arthritis and what it looks like when an MRI is taken at a hospital.

Now this is my interpretation and the picture that I was looking at resembled almost "corrosion" of the joint and the way the disease was "eating away" at the joint of the knee.

So then I started thinking about this book I read by an Iranian doctor named F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. who did extensive research on the subject of pain and chronic dehydration. His studies show when we the body maintains a state of chronic dehydration it does not have the proper PH Balance (7.4) to continue normal body functions. As a result of this acidic state in the body it would go to show that this acidic state would then begin to "eat" or "rot" away the joints depending on the tension pattern that the body is holding onto. You could think of an analogy of a slow moving meandering stream as opposed to a fast moving river.

Anyhow, based on this type of understanding in the body and a tension pattern holding in the body causing the acidic state to be lodged in the knees. This acidic state could begin to develop into a condition like arthritis. Dr. B in his book, "You Are Not Sick You are Thirsty," indicated that the initial stages of dehydration that causes this acidic state in the body begins to irritate the nerve ending in the joints causing the experience of pain.

With this information and getting the body to the place free of excess tension in addition to drinking more water, I believe could begin to un-due the effects cause by Arthritis...

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Drug treatment is usually the preferred "traditional" method of managing arthritis. Considerations need to be made regarding each person's individual reactions to side effects and contraindications of various arthritis drugs. With this in mind, acquiring knowledge of the many arthritis drugs available, and working with your doctor to find the most complimentary combination of medications possible can help you make an informed decision.

NSAIDs / COX-2 Inhibitors

Of all arthritis medications, NSAIDs (non-steriodal anti-inflammatory drugs) are one of the most popular and widely prescribed. Three types of NSAIDS include:

  • salicylates - acetylated drugs (aspirin), non-acetylated ones like salsalate (Disalcid), choline magnesium trisalicylate (Trilisate), and magnesium salicylate (Doan's Pills, Novasal).

  • traditional NSAIDs

  • Cox-2 selective inhibitors

NSAIDs function by impeding cyclooxygenase (a COX enzyme) activity. COX enzymes like COX-1, which keep tissues healthy and COX-2, which have to do with inflammation pathways, are both affected by NSAIDs. Research undertaken in the development of NSAIDs has also led to the discovery of COX-2 selective inhibitors.

The Most Commonly Used NSAIDs Include:

  • Ansaid (Flurbiprofen)

  • Arthrotec (Diclofenac/Misoprostol)

  • Cataflam (Diclofenac potassium)

  • Clinoril (Sulindac)

  • Daypro (Oxaprozin)

  • Dolobid (Diflunisal)

  • Feldene (Piroxicam)

  • Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)

  • Indocin (Indomethacin)

  • Ketoprofen (Orudis, Oruvail)

  • Lodine (Etodolac)

  • Meclomen (Meclofenamate)

  • Mobic (Meloxicam)

  • Nalfon (Fenoprofen)

  • Naproxen (Naprosyn, Aleve)

  • Ponstel (Mefanamic Acid)

  • Relafen (Nabumetone)

  • Tolectin (Tolmetin)

  • Voltaren (Dicolfenac Sodium)

COX-2 Selective Inhibitors include:

  • Celebrex (Celecoxib)

  • Vioxx (Rofecoxib) - pulled out of the market

  • Bextra (Valdecoxib) - pulled out of the market


A class of "slow-acting anti-rheumatic drugs" are referred to as DMARDS (Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs). These type of medications, also known as 'second-line agents", take several weeks and sometimes even months, for their healing effects to take hold. Despite the length of treatment, research has evidence that DMARDs are effective in treating rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis, particularly when the diseases are diagnosed in its early stages. DMARDS has been known to halt the development of arthritis and arrest joint impairment.

There are several kinds of DMARDs:

  • Arava (Leflunomide)

  • Auranofin (Ridaura, Oral Gold)

  • Azulfidine (Sulfasalazine)

  • Mycophenolate (CellCept).0

  • Myochrysine (Injectable Gold)

  • Cyclosporine (Neoral,Sandimmune)

  • Cytoxan (Cyclophosphamide)

  • Imuran (Azathioprine)

  • Leukeran (Chlorambucil)

  • Methotrexate (Rheumatrex, Trexall)

  • Minocin (Minocycline)

  • Penicillamine (Cuprimine, Depen)

  • Plaquenil (Hydroxychloroquine)

Corticosteroids (Steroids)

For fast acting swelling and inflammation relief, powerful steroids like corticosteroids or glucocorticoids are often used. Closely mimicking the behaviour of cortisol, a hormone secreted at the cortex of adrenal glands, steroid dosage is prescribed based on the type of rheumatoid condition and treatment objective.

Steroids keep joint and organ inflammation in check, particularly with rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, polymyalgia rheumatica and vasculitis. Unfortunately, because of its potency, long term steroid use can cause grave side effects, especially in high dosages. Administering corticosteroids like Triamcinolone (Kenalog) for a limited period of time, intravenously or via injections, can precipitate relief from chronic joint symptoms.

Some Corticosteroids Medications:

  • Betamethasone (Celestone)

  • Cortisone (Cortone)

  • Dexamethasone (Decadron)

  • Hydrocortisone (Cortef)

  • Methylprednisolone (Medrol)

  • Prednisolone (Prelone)

  • Prednisone (Deltasone)

Analgesics - The Painkillers

Pain is a controlling factor in arthritis. Alleviating pain symptoms play a vital role in the management of the disease. To achieve this, analgesics like Acetaminophen (Tylenol) are prescribed as painkillers. For the relief of severe pain, doctors prescribe stronger narcotic analgesic drugs. Analgesics can help control pain, however they cannot rid joints of arthritic inflammation.

Different Narcotic Drugs For Severe Pain:

  • Codeine (Tylenol#3)

  • Darvocet (Propoxyphene/Acetaminophen)

  • Darvon (Propoxyphene)

  • Duragesic (Fentanyl Skin Patch)

  • Hydromorphone (Palladone)(no longer on market)

  • Morphine Sulphate (MS Contin)

  • Oxycodone (OxyContin)

  • Percocet (Oxycodone/Acetaminophen)

  • Percodan ( Oxycodone/ Aspirin)

  • Talwin NX (Pentazocine/Naloxone)

  • Ultracet (Tramadol/Acetaminophen)

  • Ultram (Tramadol)

  • Vicodin (Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen)

Biologics: Biologic Response Modifiers (BRMs)

When the body's immune system is impaired in some way, the ability to combat disease or infection is aversely affected. Biologic Response Modifiers, or BRMs can invigorate and re-establish the body's immunity response. BMRs are naturally derived from living organisms, not manufactured in laboratories. Some of the most common and widely used BMR drugs and their functions include:

  • Enbrel (etanercept), Remicade (infliximab) and Humira (adalimumab) - intercept TNF-alpha, one of the most prevalent cytokines in rheumatoid arthritis. These BMRs act to constrain TNF-alpa, reduce inflammation and minimize joint impairment.

  • Kineret (anakinra) - an IL-1 antagonist and selective blocker, which can be used singly or combined with other DMARDs. This BMR works against an excess of interleukin-1 (IL-1), a protein prevalent in rheumatoid arthritis. This action slows inflammation and pain symptoms.

  • Orencia (abatacept) - the first T-cell co-stimulation modulator recommended for the management of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

  • Rituxan - considered the world's most popular drug in the treatment of cancer, Rituxan selectively works against CD20-positive B-cells. This medication was approved by the FDA in early 2006, and administered with methotrexate to inhibit symptoms of moderate-to-severe rheumatoid arthritis in adults. Rituxan is normally prescribed for arthritis sufferers exhibiting negative symptom response from anti-TNF drug treatments.

Fibromyalgia Solutions

There are many medications used for the management of Fibromyalgia, although no drug specific to the condition has been approved by the FDA. At present, doctors prescribe related drug treatments to treat symptoms of the disease. It may be heartening to note, however, that drugs are currently being developed for the exclusive treatment of Fibromyalgia.

Gout Treatment

Considered to be among the most severely painful forms of arthritis, Gout treatment involves proper medication and a regulated diet. People suffering from this disease require pain killers, anti-inflammatory agents,and drugs to correct the accompanying metabolic dysfunction that results in serious attacks of Gout due to excessive amounts of uric acid in the blood.

Drugs used for Gout:

  • Analgesics or painkillers - like Acetaminophen (Tylenol).

  • NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like indomethacin (Indocin) - reduces inflammation.

  • Colchicine - averts and lessens incidences of Gout attacks.

  • Corticosteroids - fights against inflammation.

  • Probenecid (Benemid, Probalan) - lowers uric acid levels in the blood.

  • ColBenemid (Col-Probenecid and Proben-C) - relieves gout symptoms.

  • Allopurinol (Zyloprim) - reduces uric acid levels and inhibits its production.

  • Losartan (Cozaar, Hyzaar) - although not a gout drug, it is antihypertensive in nature and works to contain uric acid levels

  • Fenofibrate (Tricor) - also not a gout drug but acts to reduce lipids to aid in lowering uric acid levels.

Osteoporosis Medication

Osteroporosis is characterized by frail and brittle bones, especially in older people. However, it may also strike long-term users of corticosteroids. To treat this disease, various drug regimens may be prescribed, including estrogens, parathyroid hormones, bone formation agents, bisphosphonates, and selective receptor molecules. These medications can allay bone degeneration, assist in bone growth, and lower the risks of fractures.

Osteoporosis drugs include:

  • Actonel (Risedronate)

  • Boniva (Ibandronate)

  • Didronel (Etidronate)

  • Estrogens (Hormone Therapy)

  • Evista (Raloxifene)

  • Forteo (Teriparatide)

  • Fosamax (Alendronate)

  • Miacalcin (Calcitonin)

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Arthritis and Rheumatism - How to differentiate them?

Inflammatory pain resulting from the joints is arthritis and pains arising from tissues surrounding the bodily joints such as muscle, bone, ligament or tendon is rheumatism. These conditions are common and have long been considered to be chronic, degenerative and untreatable. Standard medication can make up of aspirin, corticosteroids and other non-steroidal anti inflammatory medicines which go to alleviate pain. The negative side of a long term usage on these drugs can possibly develop the dire side effects of a kidney and or liver damage. These as well intensify cartilage breakdown and hamper the body's natural repair system.

The good news is that there are now many natural herbal substances that have provided an alternative treatment to these joint pain conditions. While these natural substances normally takes a longer time to show results, however in the long run, they could be just as effective as conventional approach. This comes without the side effects too!

On the contrary, one should be wary of any substances on the market that promise quick results. Many of such substances in fact work against the body's natural healing mechanisms and in worst cases may cause more harm than just joint pains. These drugs may contain harmful substances in order to provide an instant result may cause harm to the kidney and liver.

Glucosamine is an amino sugar that is naturally produced by the human body. It is present in the cartilage, kidneys and liver. Glucosamine is understood to aid in healing damaged cartilage, constructing new cartilage, protecting and cushioning joints, alleviating pain and anti inflammatory. In the course of ageing, the body's natural production of Glucosamine drops as well. This is a sign that more senior people take joint pain supplements in one way or another to address this joint pain problem.

A common and widely available joint pain supplement in the market is glucosamine. What is Glucosamine? Glucosamine supplement originates from shrimp or crab shells and comes in 2 forms: pill and liquid. Some scientific/ medical studies suggested most pills and capsules contain certain binders or fillers that in fact making it difficult for the wanted active ingredients to be absorbed by the body to the maximal. Glucosamine in liquid form is thus regarded as a better source in that the body can absorb much more effectively compared to pills. Moreover, nutritional supplements in liquid forms are absorbed much more quickly by the body.

Together with Chondroitin and MSM, Glucosamine pills are popularly used for the treatment of Osteoarthritis, one of the most common types of arthritis.

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Arthritis leg pain is a result of metabolic or degenerative arthropathy that occurs in or in the vicinity of ankles, knees, feet and hips joints. Those who suffer from degenerative joint pains experience pain in their joints when actively using them. On the other hand those suffering from psoriatic joint pain, gout and rheumatoid joint pain undergo bout of pain even when the joints are at rest.

Arthritis in general affects the body joints and musculoskeletal system. Arthritis leg pain can be because of leg problem arising due to rheumatoid joint pain condition. Another form of joint pain condition that is concentrated in leg to produce same type of joint pain is osteoarthritis. The general symptoms of arthritis leg pain are

Swelling - The possible joints pain condition produce a swelling around the joint. With a simple glance inflammation may either be seen or not seen but can be felt. Anti-inflammatory medications are used to ease the swelling from joint pain conditions.

Pain - Pain is a most common symptom of deteriorated joint condition in leg. The pain may be dull or severe depending on the type of joint pain condition. The pain arises from bone or muscles within the leg. In that case stretching gives relief from pain.

Walking difficulty - With time cartilages and joints in the leg deteriorate that makes walking difficult. Pain in the knee joints is the cause of person not able to walk.

Stiffness - Joint deterioration with swelling and pain add up to cause stiffness in the leg. Stiffness in the leg may be felt in the morning after sleep or when sitting or standing for too long.

When you have painful joint condition two major things happen. First the joint tissue or cartilage is deteriorating that produces change in the complete structure of the joint. This further affects rest of the skeletal system as everything is connected. Second in order to accommodate the pain in the body you may start sleeping or walking in different way.

Another painful joint condition in your body can be arthritis finger. Since each hand has 27 bones, there are number of joints in fingers. Also the normal daily work is dependent on fingers. There are two types of painful joint conditions found in fingers same as found in leg. Also the symptoms of arthritis finger are more or less the same as stated above.

Since cause and the symptoms of the painful joint conditions in leg and arthritis finger are almost the same, their treatment is in general the same. The treatment includes anti-inflammatory medications, ice and heat treatment, diet adjustments that are joint supporting foods, supplements, weight control and exercise.

To deal with arthritis leg pain and painful finger joint condition you have to work with combination of therapies and diet with an aim to reduce inflammation. Reduction in inflammation will reduce the pain.

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Doctors have found that RA of the hands is not the only cause of worry for patients. Walking can be really painful to many of them if they are affected by RA of the knees. Researches have not been able to detect the exact causes of the disease. Nonetheless, there are certain factors which are responsible for RA in the knee.

One of the main causes for RA in the knees is if you have any precious injury. If you have hurt yourself badly in the knees previously, chances are that you will develop RA in no mean time. These wounds are obviously the ones which are grave and deep. The joints can be badly infected and you can develop this disease.

Heredity can also be responsible for this disease. If you have a defective gene, there are chances that you can have this disease since these genes can be responsible for cartilage production in your body. In these instances, you can be highly susceptible to RA.

Weight loss is a must for you if you want to get rid of this disease. If you develop too much weight in your hips, then there are chances of extra pressure on the knees, which can in turn lead to rheumatoid arthritis.

Too much crystal deposits like uric acids in the gout can lead to this disease. Excess of crystal degenerates joints and they can cause RA. Also if you overstress yourself and put constant pressure on knees, even then you might develop rheumatoid arthritis in your knee joint.

Rheumatoid arthritis of the knee is mostly seen in people who are over 50 years of age, especially, women. It can affect either one or both sides of the knee joint. Nevertheless, it mostly occurs on the inner (medial) aspect of the knee.

People who are into rigorous sports training and activities, especially those playing football, tend to develop rheumatoid arthritis in the knee. You will not be able to detect the disease since the symptoms start developing over a number of years.

Knee Anatomy

The knee joint itself is made up of the shin bone (tibia) and the thigh bone (femur). The articular cartilage is located on the surface of each of these bones. This cartilage allows flexibility to the joint. Additionally, the knee has two separate layers of cartilage which is known as menisci. This adds to the stability of our knee. Rheumatoid arthritis leads to deterioration of the knee cartilage. This causes swelling, pain and it stiffens the functionality of the knee. If the cartilage breaks, it leads to meniscal or ligament trauma.

For all you rheumatoid arthritis patients out there, it is to inform you that there is a want of a complete cure for rheumatoid arthritis. However, there are various treatments for this disease which can prevent the progress of rheumatoid arthritis. Valgus unloader braces have been found to reduce pain in few cases of medial compartment rheumatoid arthritis. It diminishes the load on that compartment. NSAID's- Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs such as ibuprofen is also found to provide some temporary pain relief to your pains.

Muscle relaxants are normally detected in low doses. This can relieve you of pains which arise in your muscles. However, the most advanced process of curing the knee pain of rheumatoid arthritis is knee replacement.

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Psoriasis can lead to other health issues. If you have Psoriasis, you may develop arthritis. This happens to about 5% to 10% of people who have been diagnosed with Psoriasis. Symptoms vary from swollen and deformed feet and joints on the hand to pain on the knee joints etc, nail changes may occur. This condition is common in men when their Psoriasis is pustular. If you already have Psoriasis and developed joint paint or swelling in any part of your body, please ensure your physician is made aware.

Arthritis is a joint disease that can cause problems in any area of the body where two or more bones intersect.? The arthritis itself can affect the join in a number of different ways, targeting different areas such as the synovial, the muscles or tendons or the cartilage.? Cartilage is the soft protective material that protects the ends of the joints from rubbing against each other and the entire join is encased in a type of capsule that is lined with the tissue synovial. Some people take medication, but others have found relief from the pain in exercises performed at a gentle pace and intensity.? Yoga is the perfect example of this type of exercise.

? Yoga is a very old art originating in India about 4000 years ago.? It uses poses or postures along with deeply controlled breathing exercises that lead to benefits to the body mind and spirit.? Yoga is a very versatile form of exercise and meditation and it is used, in different forms, to treat a very wide range of medical conditions and injuries including such diverse areas as fibromyalgia, arthritic, migraine headaches, chronic pain, and sports injuries.

? The Yoga poses can be tailored specially for specific joints or combination of joints.? For instance a common area for arthritis to strike is the hands and knuckles and in this instance there would be a series of poses that straighten and lengthen the fingers, although the level of comfort in the arthritis sufferer always dictates the extent of this.? Stretching the hands also feed energy to that area of the body and over time will assist the arthritis in the fingers.? The heat generated by these movements is proven to be very beneficial for sufferers of arthritis.

Yoga is another natural way to take care of your Psoriasis. It has been proven to work wonders, just find what you are comfortable with and stick with the plan.

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Whether or not you lead a physically energetic lifestyle, a sedentary one, or somewhere in between, you might probably realize how vital it is that your knees be functioning effectively and be pain free. The knees certainly serve plenty of functions. Not solely do these bear the weight of the body; the knees are additionally important for almost any movement. As such, it comes as no surprise that knee joint ache is a typical drawback, experienced by individuals of all ages, sizes, and origins.

What Causes Knee Joint Pain?

What individuals may not be conscious of is that there's not just one factor that causes joint knee pain. As such, there isn't a single prognosis for the condition. If you're feeling pain in the knee, it can be caused by a minimum of one of many of circumstances, which include:

Arthritis. Arthritis is joint irritation, inflicting knee joint pain. There are totally different kinds of arthritis, common of which is osteoarthritis which causes the gradual degeneration of the cartilage of the knee. The chance of contracting arthritis will increase with age, and treatment will rely upon the sort of arthritis contracted by the patient.

Gout. Gout occurs when there's an excessive buildup of uric acid deposits in joints. Some people have attacks that last for a number of days after which disappear, whereas there are those who have a more sever the condition. You may be surprised to know that the exact explanation for gout has yet to be discovered.

Baker cyst. Baker cyst is a type of cyst occurring in the back of the knee because of the accumulation of fluid within the space, causing pain in the knee.

Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome. The inside of the knee joint can calcify, causing a condition known as the Pellegrini-Stieda syndrome. A combination of rest, application of ice packs, and corticosteroids can treat this condition to relieve knee joint pain.

Chondromalacia. Chondromalacia occurs when the cartilage below the kneecap softens, causing pain and stiffness. Young women are significantly vulnerable to contracting chondromalacia. Anti-inflammatory medications are normally prescribed to alleviate the symptoms. Physical therapy may also be beneficial to strengthen the quadriceps muscles.

Bursitis of the knee. Bursitis happens when the bursae, or the small sacs within the joints that contain synovial fluid, become inflamed. Bursitis of the knee normally occurs in the kneecaps and the inside of the knee. A prescription of anti-inflammatory medications and ice packs are normally given for the remedy of this type of knee joint pain. Sometimes, corticosteroid injections and painkillers may additionally be given, and the affected person might also be helped by doing physical therapy to develop the thigh muscles.

Infections. Infections of the bone or joint are rare and serious conditions that cause knee joint. Symptoms of infection include fever, extreme heat on the contaminated joint, and chills. Like other kinds of infections, these are normally handled utilizing antibiotics.

Tumors. Like infections, having a tumor in the knee is an uncommon condition that causes joint knee pain and ambulatory problems. These are normally treated with surgical procedures to excise the tumor. In worst-case eventualities, the leg may be amputated.

So, diagnosis and remedy of a condition that causes knee joint pain will depend on what the actual condition is. Read more to find out about the different kinds of acute knee joint pain, signs, prognosis, and treatment.

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Ayurveda suggest that the pain is caused by Vata, one among the three somatic humors. The function of vata in the body is mobility, circulation, respiration etc. So if this is vitiated, it will damage our locomotion. The important disease causing mobile problems is Arthritis, which is caused due to the aggravation of Vata.Ama - a toxic by-product of improper digestion, also play a co actor for arthritis. This ama circulates in the whole body and deposits or gets collected at the sites which are weaker. When it deposits in the joints and at the same time there is aggravation of vata, it results in arthritis. So the treatment of the arthritis should be aimed in pacifying vata and removing ama.

Remedies: As described above ama and vata are the main causes, so efforts should be made to digest ama and to reduce the vata. This can be achieved by diet, exercises and medicine. The digestion should be improved so that no further ama is produced. For this utmost care should be given to light the fire inside the body. Efforts should be made to relieve the pain and inflammation. This is the line of treatment according to Ayurveda. Fasting is very beneficial for digesting the ama. The fasting should be complete or partial depending on the strength of the person, season and place. After the fasting, the person should return to his normal diet slowly through different steps. First he has to use full liquid foods to semi solid to solid food. Two tea spoons of lemon juice mixed in 250 ml. of warm water and a tea spoon of honey is good to take twice a day -morning and evening.

Body massage with sesame or mustard oil or any Ayurveda herbal oils like Dhanwantharam oil, Murivenna etc helps to reduce the vata and thus reduce the pain. Other useful oils are Myaxyl, Rymanyl, Rhue and Arthrum.The joints affected by pain can be massaged for longer time till the pain reduces.

Light exercise is useful but you must know your limits. Exercises without giving weight are good. For example bending the knees in lying position or at a height is good for Osteo Arthritis of Knee. As a general rule if any exercise, including walking, causes pain after one hour, you have crossed your limit.

Liberal intake of orange juice or sweet limejuice or gooseberry enhances the efficacy of any anti rheumatic drug, since Vitamin C can reduce skeletal pain. Guggul is a very helpful herb for curing arthritis. It can be taken in one to 3 gm dose twice a day after meals with warm water. The capsule form of Guggul is now available in our store. Rumalaya Forte tablet, Cervilon, Osteolief and Arjith forte capsules contain Guggul.

Contra-indications: Not recommended for people with kidney disease or acute rashes. Strict vegetarian diet should be followed.

Ayurveda panchkarma therapies are very good for managing chronic and acute arthritis. Vasti, Kizhi, Dhara etc are very good for different types of arthritis. The physician will select the choice after a thorough consultation. Kerala in India is the best place for this treatment.

Diet and Regimen: Foods which are easily digestible and do not make gas are good. Most of the non vegetarian meat stuffs are not good. Mutton is prescribed in certain conditions. Vegetable juices and soups are good. Juices of carrot, beat root and cucumber mixed together are also beneficial. Green salad with a dressing of lemon juice and a little salt is also good. Fruits like apples, oranges, grapes and papaya can be taken. Cooked vegetables like squash, zucchini and pumpkin are good.

Cooking with spices like cumin, coriander, ginger, asafetida, garlic, fennel and turmeric is also helps a lot. Avoid eating hot, spicy and fried foods, sweets, gas forming foods like cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, okra and potatoes.

Avoid taking too much tea, coffee, alcohol, white sugar, yogurt, chocolate, cocoa and excessive smoking Sleeping during day time, staying up late in the night and mental tensions like worry, anxiety, fear, stress and grief etc., should be given up.

Regular physical exercise and every day massage with oil should form an important part of life style. Yoga and meditation will help to overcome the stress and strain.

Dr Rajesh Nair is a Web writer and ayurvedic researcher. Check out his favorite sources for ayurvedic medicines

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